Sunday, December 6, 2015

"First Things First"


                     Abigail paces toward the window and looks out for what seemed the hundredth time then checks her phone for what had to be the thousandth time and still no answer! Where the hell was he? She should have heard something back from him by now she'd been calling him since the meeting had broken up and that had been a full day. She should have just followed her instincts and just gone to the house. After that performance Alex had put on she was positive she wouldn't be there to greet him with a highball. No, that bitch was long gone and where ever it was good riddance! At least she was out of the picture leaving room now for her she hoped. Ha! She knew! Eventually Jay would come running to her for help. He didn't know it yet but he was going to need her if he was going to get out of this divorce mess with at least half of what he had. He'd already been replaced at the company and right now she wasn't even sure if he had a job she could live on half for now. He was Jay Stockton after all it wouldn't be long before he had it all back and she planned on being right by his side as Mrs. Jay Stockton when he did. His wife, his children gone no one he could really call a friend just her. Pay day was finally here and she was going to be first in line.
                "Oh yeah Baby you're going to need Momma." She says aloud then looks down at her phone again.
                "You just don't know it yet sugar." She mutters to herself then thumbs through her phone and presses Jay number again.
                Jay pulls into the drive then reaches down and checks his ringing phone, sighs then tosses it back down on the seat. He was in no mood for this right now but it needed to be done. Especially after what happened yesterday and what he had learned today. He'd gone to his lawyers as soon as he awoke this morning. All the while ignoring the cold empty space beside him. Instead he'd focused on the task at hand. He wanted his company back and with the help of Barry, his team and some luck from God he was at least still on the board that was a good thing. He could start working his magic from there. It shouldn't take long to have everyone fall back inline. Everyone of those fucks either owed him or he had something on them. Either way it wouldn't be long until he was back where he belonged, he'd thought.
                      Yes, he still remained on the board but his vote had no more weight than anyone else. Jake now had controlling interest! The bitch had thought of everything! The ultimate punishment make him watch mute with his hands tied as his son ran His company! His company, let there be no mistake! He'd built it from a small logging company into a multinational corporation! If it wasn't for him they'd still only be selling wood to the local paper and lumber mills! All those bastards that voted him out yesterday wouldn't be living high on the hog today if it wasn't for him. They all owed him one  by one he was going to squeeze each one till he rung out what he needed from him. They may think they're safe but as soon as he got back on his feet he was going to make each and every one of them pay for what they'd done to him. Especially Alex who without her help none of this would have been possible. Bitch! Whoever said "nothing is as bad as a woman scorned" must have crossed Alex!
                    That was the second thing he'd done. He'd found an investigator to find Alex he wanted to know exactly where she'd gone and what she'd been up to. It had only taken him a day and few thousand of his dollars and he'd found her not too far from where his daughter had also purchased a home for herself. Where she now lived with Wellington and their son! Imagine that! He was a grandfather and his daughter had managed to hide it from him! The kid was even in and out of the hospital and not a single person had bothered to tell him! Alex had lain next to him every night sat across from him at the table every evening and never uttered a word. Instead she had used the revelation to her best advantage! He should have have known there was more to her crawling out from the bottom of a wine bottles than her love for him. It was way too easy and quick a turnaround from lush to doting wife. Whatever had been her reason her revenge on him was clear and precise leaving little to no wriggle room. If he was going to keep his empire in tack he was going to have to pull out all the stops and that meant using that shared tidbit from their past. That was something she would never want shared and although it hurt him as much as it hurt her in the literal sense since they were equally guilty. Alex had her family to worry about. What would they do to her if they knew? He wasn't positive but he was sure none of them would want anything to do with her ever again and that was something Alex could never bare. Therein lay his power. Once she realised that she'd be more than willing to see things his way.  He'd found out more about his family in the past twenty four hours than he'd known in years and he planned to use every piece against each and everyone of them.
                First things first as per his lawyer he needed to sever all ties with Abigail. That suited him fine. She'd become tiresome and wanted way more than he was willing to give. Mainly she wanted marriage and there was no way in hell that was ever going to happen. Shooting himself would be less painful than marrying Abigail. He should have ended it long ago when he saw the first signs that it was no longer just fun and games. It had been really stupid on his part but he had two reasons he'd kept her around Abigail knew how to keep her mouth shut and second he had to admit she was a lot of fun in the sack. But she was also clingy and demanding and went through money like it was water. If her husband hadn't taken pains to dole it out to her in monthly allotments she'd have burned through it long ago. It was even smarter of him to make sure there was no means possible for her to get at her daughter's money to whom he'd left the bulk of his estate or it would have been gone before she'd reached her teens. He was no one's cuckold especially not hers and neither was he. Were his last thought before ringing her doorbell.
              "Jay honey, why are you ringing the bell why didn't you just use your key?" Abigail says as she open the door and watches Jay sail into the livingroom. She swings the door closed talking as she follows behind him.
                "I've been calling you all day. Where ya been?" She ask walking to the bar scooping ice cubes from the bucket and dropping them into the tumbler then reaches for the decanter of scotch. Jay watches her through hooded lids as he winds the key from the ring.
                 "Yeah, I know. I finally had to turn the ringer off." He grumbles placing the key a top the mantel.
                 "What are you doing sugar?" She ask as she slides down on the couch her legs curled underneath her. Jay looks at her his lips twisting into a half smile as he talks.
                  "Something I should have done years ago." The grin still playing on his lips as he comes to stand in front of her. Abigail takes another sip from her glass then laughs.
                   "Don't be ridiculous! You're not going anywhere!" She looks up at him and laughs again.
                    "Where ya goin Jay? Home to Alex? Back to your families loving embrace? From what I've heard the only people in that house these days are you and the servants.I'm the only thing you have." She grins smugly
                     "If you're it than I'd rather be alone!" He laughs heartily then turns and walks to the hall. Abigail stares after him her eyes wide with shock for a moment then springs off the sofa and chases after him. She grabs him by his arm her nails digging into the flesh of his forearm as she pulls him to face her.
                     "You're serious!" Jay laughs again enjoying the shocked expression of recognition flow across her face.
                      "Never been more serious about anything in my life! You honestly thought that once Alex was out of the picture I'd marry you?" He stares in disbelief laughing as her head involuntarily nods in the affirmative making him laugh harder.
                      "My God you're way past delusional you've lost your damn mind! I don't want to marry you! I never have. You and me we were always just fucking nothing more! None of this ever meant anything to me Abigail. You mean nothing to me! You never have! This babydoll you and me we're a good time for a long time. I say "were" because as I said before "This" is over!" He says pulling his arm from her grasp and turning back towards the door as Abigail comes around him stands in front of it effectively blocking his exit.
                      "You just wait one dam minute Jay Stockton! I do care about you and in your own way you care about me. You've known all along it was always more than just sex for me you've always known that!" Jay laughs again.
                       "Oh yeah darlin I took care of the more part for you this morning. You don't have to worry as long as you keep your mouth shut." Abigail stares at him mouth agape not sure she'd heard what he'd said or what he was referring too.
                      "You took care of what?" She asked tentatively her anger barley suppressed.
                      "I took care of you honey. You didn't think I'd just leave you out in the cold. Not after being a dear and trusted friend for so long." Jay says smoothly enjoying the cat and mouse game they were playing he might just miss that.
                      "Dear and trusted friend? Is that what I am?" She grinds out between clenched teeth.
                       " There should be more than enough money in your account to pay those bills you got stacked up over there. Maybe you can take a long vacation to one of those tropical Island's you're always showing me pictures of and go on a shopping spree."
                       "So you think you can just pay me off like some common whore?"
                       "Don't put yourself down there's nothing common about you. Kept me entertained for a long time."
                       "You BASTARD!"
Abigail lets out a shrill yelp as her hand come up of it's own volition slapping his face hard before her wrist his caught in his iron grasp.
                       "You only get one sweetheart. He says pulling her to him and kissing her deeply forcing her mouth open with his tongue. His other hand reaching beneath her blouse and freeing her breast teasing her nipple till it became taut beneath his thumb. He smothers the laugh in his throat when he feels her yield against him kissing him hungrily. He spins her away from the door releasing her as abruptly as he'd grasped her a small whimper escaping her lips as he reaches for the lock.
                        " I already locked it honey." She pants finishing undoing the buttons on her blouse then drops to her knees reaching for his belt buckle. Jay laughs allowed at her heaving breast and wanton expression as he pushes away from her and reaches for the doorknob
                       "Just like a whore cursing me one minute desperate to suck my cock the next." He laughs again as the tears of shame and loathing fill her eyes. She reaches for her discarded blouse holding it in front of her protecting her exposed breasts against the blast of cold air from the open door. She climbs to her feet slamming the door in his wake then runs to the living room and searches for her phone dialing it quickly.      
                       "Lola honey?.....It's Momma baby........ Please could you come home to see your Momma?............ Please Baby Momma really needs her little girl right now."

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016

Saturday, July 25, 2015

"Tomorrow Will Be Perfect"

Jay rolls over and stretches then flinches as the pain in his shoulder shoots through his arm. "Dam!" He mutters rubbing it with his other hand as he eases his stiff knee back down on the mattress. He really needed to spend more time at the gym or he was getting too old for this shit. Maybe he was just getting too old for Abbey's bedroom gymnastics. Geez! She was practically insatiable, especially since she'd seen he and Alex at the club earlier. Which is why she came looking for him as soon as it was over. Not that he hadn't enjoyed their little tryst he thought grinning into the darkness at the memory. Here again, he thought rubbing at the swollen flesh above his knee cap.
 She was trying to compete with Alex and her efforts were obvious and always had been. From makeup to hair, clothes to mannerism hell, even the decor of her home they were all imitation Alex. Unfortunately for Abbey without the breeding, culture or plain good taste that went into the selections it all seemed slightly gaudy giving it all a cheap feel. Sadder still no matter how expensive, usually more than what Alex would have paid it still had that feel. She was the perfect example of taking the girl out of the trash but never being able to take the trash out of the girl.
 Thinking back ,she'd had that strange competition with Alex as long as he'd known her the later seemed oblivious to it leaving only Abbey competing. Ever since high school she'd been that way. When Alex went out for cheerleader so did Abbey when they both made the squad and Alex was made squad captain Abbey was livid. He could tell from the bleachers Abbey was fit to be tied. All anyone had to do was study her tight smile that didn't reach her eyes, the white knuckled grip on her shakers and the way she stomped out the congratulatory cheer. From that point on it was subtle but there slow at first but little by little she became imitation Alex and part of the high school elite. In part because she had a driving need to be apart of the inner circle of upper society and be apart of it's social life. The other was to be in on the gossip and keep tabs on he and Alex. She'd watched them as closely and he watched her just as closely. Being on the team and accepted in the circle then later joining the club and becoming part of the larger circle was how she knew whenever he and Alex had a fight back then and to this day. He knew afterward he could always count on Abbey to be waiting by his car or slip out after curfew ready and willing to let him do to her all the things Alex wouldn't.
She'd managed to keep up the facade with most everyone the only one he was sure she wasn't fooling was butter wouldn't melt in her mouth Marjorie whose distaste for the woman was obvious and him. Abbey was positive about Marjorie's because she made no bones about it. With him she thought she had him duped as she had the rest and he liked it like that. He smiles again tossing his arm behind his head. He knew exactly what she was about and what to avoid. She really wasn't as good an actress as she thought she was or maybe time had just worn her act thin. Perhaps it was what he never like to admit to himself, they were a lot alike he was never really sure. What ever it was she was as transparent as a new pane of glass as far as he was concerned.  He knew what she wanted was to be Mrs. Jacob Stockton and always had. It was the jewel in her crown a reward for her patience, hard work and diligence. She tried to pretend that their relationship was casual just a mutual thing between the two of them that filled a need they couldn't get from anyone else she said. She just didn't think he knew what her ultimate goal was and why the hell he wouldn't know was beyond him. The silly bitch wanted money power and position money being at the top of her list.She was just biding her time waiting for her moment that would never happen.
 He looked over at her gently snoring next to him her naked buttocks glimmering in the moonlight coming through the drapes and fought down the whim to slap it then ram himself deep inside and listen to her squeal like a stuffed pig then ride her till she grunted with pleasure. Alex was game for a lot of things but that was never one of them. Abbey on the other hand she'd be more than willing and ready for him as she always was. Alex, would make him work for it he'd have to coerce her into action and that was the best part the seduction it was like an intricate dance or complex negotiations. Once he got her warmed up he became lost within her. With Alex what seemed like only minutes would be hours later and it was always sheer ecstasy every time. Nothing distracted him when they came together it was just them no one and nothing else. Abbey on the other hand was for kicks how far he could go and how far she would let him. A warm convenient place to vent his anger and slake his lust. Like jumping in the car and tearing towards the ravine or dragging racing on main street. Something he'd always found fun on occasion but  he'd always been partial to cruising on a Saturday night than drag racing. Make no mistake every guy likes to drag race but there was nothing like shinning up the car and taking a slow roll down main street with everyone gaping from the sidewalk as he passed. Abbey was like a drag race if you weren't careful you'd lose control and end up in a skid heading for death. He liked living a lot and he liked the way he lived he definitely wasn't willing to give any of  it up. After the contract was signed and the vote done it signaled playtime was over. It was time to start tying up loose ends time to concentrate on business.
 He needed a better plan to get that VanDorn brat and his equally sickening cousin out of his town and out of his life. Then there was Abbey he thought glancing over at her and sighs. He'd have ended it the other day even before he and Alex reconciled but the last thing he needed was Abbey becoming more of a drama queen and making threats and creating scenes not with the contract signing and announcement in the next few days he couldn't afford the negative publicity it might create. No, he needed to extract himself from the situation but he had to do it carefully and quietly. He looks over at Abbey again then shakes his head the mind was willing but the body protested fiercely. Actually the mind wasn't that willing either he was tired. Tired of the games both in bed and out of the hour of her boring inane chatter of keeping up the pretense , of juggling his women and his schedule more to the point he was just tired. He couldn't do this any longer and he didn't want to he just had to placate her a little longer. Once he was done he could pay more attention to his family something he'd neglected too long.
 Neither one of his sons were speaking to him Jake had thrown himself into the negotiation and only came to him with updates and necessary signatures since their last blow out. He'd basically did exactly what he said he would and did an excellent job he was proud of him. Maybe he was ready take on more of the responsibility. This little test had proved it. He'd have to discuss that with him when he went in tomorrow. Maybe if Jake took hold of the reigns occasionally not fully mind you. He had no intention of retiring yet but, it would give he and Alex much needed time together. Heck, with all the money they'd make they could go to Europe for a month or so. Just the two of them. Alex would love that or would she? Lately she'd seemed to be distracted and if he didn't know better avoiding him? No, she'd just been as busy as he. When he looked at her schedule she'd had club meetings and luncheons and all her usual inane pastimes. Lately there were a lot less wine bottles missing and her demeanor towards him hadn't changed it was the same as it had been since they'd reconciled.
 Although, she and Lesley seemed to have gotten closer. What had caused the sudden change between them he had no idea. He'd been too busy juggling and trying to maintain the fragile truce between them he hadn't had time to delve into that little miracle. Hopefully there was one of those out there for he and his daughter and Jake. Maybe a small one for he and Clay. Who the hell was he kidding for Clay the biggest dam miracle the Lord had.    
He rolls out of bed gently trying not to shake it and wake her. He glances around the floor in the darkness for his clothes gathering them up quickly as he tips into the bathroom. He wanted to get dressed and get the hell out and avoid the conversation he knew was coming if he woke her.
 Abbey opens one eye and watches him slink into the bathroom then rolls over plumping the pillow up behind her before turning on the lamp. She knew exactly what he was up too and what all that sighing meant. He wanted to break it off for the umpteenth time she'd seen that coming a mile away. That's why she went to him after luncheon when he and Alex were practically all over each other well, not exactly but she could tell that's where it was headed and she was proud of herself for getting him first. That would really burn that prissy bitch if she ever found out! Good! Maybe that would be the knockout blow she'd been waiting God only knew how long for! This time he had better not disappoint her or there would be sheer hell to pay and she was more than positive he knew it! She had half a mind to call Lola and let her know Wellington was back in town but she didn't need her drama right now. Right now was crucial she needed to pay attention to her own pokers the last the thing she needed right now was distractions. She needed to focus so she could figure out just how to play this. She was torn between what she wanted to do and what she should do. So far she'd resisted the urge to just put it all out on the table and let the chip fall. She was tired of the game they were playing it was time for the bastard to either shit or get off the pot as far as Alex was concerned. Really, if he had this "Great soulmate love" what the hell was he doing here? While the other chastised and told her to just wait and stay the course. Something was brewing. There was a strange undercurrent gently swirling just under the surface that was finally going to bring her ship in. Besides Jay could never resist the urge to come back here for long. She take a deep breath and stifles her trouble making imp deciding to stay the course plastering a seductive smile on her face as he comes back in the room.
 "Hey," He says looking up startle by her beckoning stare.
 "I didn't mean to wake you." He says giving up all pretense and sitting down on the edge of the bed to slip on his shoes. Abigail smiles as she crawls across the bed and wraps her arms around his waist laying her cheek against his back.
 "I'd hoped you'd stay longer." She purrs annoying him more than anything else as he pulls away from her and stands keeping the facade of contentment on his face.
 "I'd love too darling," He says reaching for his jacket and shouldering into it. "but, I have a busy day tomorrow!" He smiles then leans over the bed quickly kissing her on the forehead then walking to the door.
Abigail lets her out stretched arms flop to her sides barley containing her anger as she turns towards his retreating back.
"Will I see you tomorrow honey?" She coo's sprawling back against the cushions exposing her naked breasts then arching her back pushing the upwards. He stops a moment and looks back then pulls the knob.
 "I'll meet you as soon as it's all over." He says with a wink then blows her a kiss.
 "You sure baby?" She whispers wantonly cupping her breast and flicking her nipple with her finger sliding her other hand down between her parted legs her tongue darting in and out between her slick lips. Jay stares down at her a moment the the light from the nightstand casting her face in sharp angles giving it a haggard appearance. With her hair sprawled across the pillow she reminded him of the gorgon Medusa. The sight of her undulating on the bed having the same stone setting affect on his desire. Yeah, tomorrow would be perfect he thought.
 "You can bank on that darling." He grins turning and closing the door behind him his grin disappearing as he walks down the steps shaking his head. Always one step too far making it cheap and gaudy he thought.  


"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2015


Saturday, May 16, 2015

"All Wrapped With Pretty Ribbon"

 Alex paces the empty mill crushing the remains of her cigarette on the floor and then lighting another. She didn't like being here this time of the evening it was far too isolated and the ghosts of of the past lingered in the shadows. She was too tired to give a dam about anything Sharron or for that matter Marjorie could possibly have to say. She had given those bitches all she was going to give them whether they realized it or not. No one involved in their little cat and mouse was willing to let their truth out which is why the text had surprised her. Their business was pretty much settled and they were at an impasse, unless Sharron or Marjorie had come up with something that was going to tip the scale, which she seriously doubted this meeting was a waste of time. She takes a long draw on her cigarette then blows the smoke out and watches it furl and twist around her like the thoughts in her head.
 She looks at her watch and then yawns she was physically exhausted and mentally drained from the events of the last three days and in no mood for whatever it was she had in store. She wished she would hurry up it was getting late and what she really wanted was a hot bath, a glass of wine and maybe a moment to plan her next move on Jay and his slut. The problem was, she'd have to make whatever move she came up with quietly. All the while keeping up the farce of reconciliation with renewed devotion with Jay. She'd promised Lesley she wouldn't say anything to her father until her grandson was well enough to leave the hospital. Besides being a screaming bitch and making waves with Jay or otherwise raising his suspicions would be counterproductive toward that end. It definitely wouldn't help with what she was planning all she needed was proof and she'd gone to Pine Valley to see about a detective this morning. There was no going back this time she couldn't ride this this crazy train with Jay anymore. She was tired of his lying and his cheating. Her own crying and pleading his unfulfilled promises she wasn't going to ever be humiliated again she was going through with it. She was going to get her divorce and she was taking him for everything he had and that included his business. She was going to take care of her children in the process especially her son's and that included her grandson. Grandson! That was going to take sometime to get used too! She had to admit he was a beautiful little boy that had won her heart the minute she'd laid eyes on him reviving that protective stirring inside her and giving her a renewed sense of purpose and hope for her future. It was the least she could do for her daughter and her grandson after the years of neglect and indifference she'd heaped on all her children.
 She closes her eyes a moment and takes a few cleansing breaths shedding the the cold grasp of shame that had enveloped her. She didn't mind keeping her daughter's secret she resolved. She hadn't been there for Lesley before but she was determined to support her in any decision she made now even if it included Wellington. Lord help them when Jay finally did get wind of it! Truth be told her decision was a double edged sword it was another way to burn Jay. Which frankly suited her fine and dandy. It would keep her busy and out of Jay's crosshairs and the less time she had to spend with Jay the better.
 Thankfully it hadn't been hard to avoid Jay, not hard at all and surprisingly easy to play the loving wife on the few occasions they had encountered each other. He was like a contented fat cat preening himself after a good meal. He thought he had her stated and ignorant while he slithered about. In fact the hardest time had been the first night. She had driven home hoping she'd beat Jay there and was half relieved and half angry when she had. She'd been too exhausted by the time she gotten home that night and unsure of how much time she'd had before he'd be back. She'd changed and climbed into bed just fifteen minutes before Jay. He undressed silently and slipped into the bed beside her making sure not to shake it with practiced ease. She'd pretended to be asleep she'd hadn't bothered to question him or even care and he was gone before she'd gotten up the next morning. That was fine with her the longer she could put off speaking with the man the better. It prevented any slip ups until she had something solid that could grind him like the cockroach he was.
 Her head snaps up at the sound of tires grinding against the gravel. "Finally!" She thought. She takes the last drag of her cigarette then drops it on the planking and crushes it out then takes a deep breath of the cooling evening air to calm herself at the sound of approaching foot steps on the stairs sounding heavy like Sharron's clod hoppers. Good, she thought she was sure Marjorie had confided in her those two were as thick as thieves. Besides who better than she knew Sharron could keep a secret she grins amused at her own joke. Maybe she was as tired as she was and this would be faster than she thought.
"What the hell took you so long? I don't have all flipping..." Her voice trailing off as the shape of an unfamiliar man fills the doorway. His face partially hidden by the long shadows made by the setting sun coming through the window set his dark eyes aglow rendering the angle of his face and smile  a demonic edge. "Who the hell are you?" She demands the sight of him sending a shiver up her spine making the hair on the back of her neck prickle. He was some how familiar yet she didn't believe she'd ever laid eyes on him before still, the tremble of his voice that smooth scottish brogue chilled her and filled her with a sudden sense of panic yet nothing about his stance or smile was threatening still.
" I'm sorry I'm late and I startled you Mrs. Stockton." He says smoothly stepping further into the room and extending his hand. "My name is Gavin Blackwood thank you so much for meeting me."
Alex stares back at him completely at a loss she'd just assumed it had been Sharron. Dear God what new hell had she stepped into? "Who?" She says sounding more relaxed then she felt.
Gavin smiles pleasantly inside enjoying the little flicker of fear he'd seen in her eyes. But, now wasn't the time for such luxuries he needed to stay on track. "You don't remember me?"
"Should I?" She says reaching in her purse and pulling out  a fresh cigarette and lighting it.
Alex stares at him a moment racking her memory she had no recollection of this man whatsoever.
"Perhaps I should clarify." He smiles again this time his voice taking on a pleasant business like quality. "I'm Gavin Blackwood I own the company that is buying the timber from your son. Very, fine young man it's been a pleasure working with him." Alex thinks again recalling the name from some of the papers on Jay's desk when she'd been searching for something to use against him. Why did he want to meet with her? Why here? She lets loose a ribbon of smoke then gives voice to her question.
"Why do you want to meet with me Mr. Blackwood? Why here of all places and most importantly why now?" She asks coolly her eyes locking on his. Gavin smiles stepping closer being careful not to block her exit she was starting to come around the last thing he wanted to do was cause her to panic.
"I asked Mrs. Swifts if she knew of a private place that we could meet and she suggested here. She said would know exactly where it was."
"She did? What does she have to do with it?" Her guard instantly up. Gavin remains cool and businesslike keeping his emotions in check as he watched hers play across her face.
" Everything Mrs. Stockton she has a vested interest in what happens with "Stockton Lumber" as do you. Getting to the reason I asked you to met me here. I came into possession of something the other day that could prove very embarrassing for my company and yours and do irreparable damage to everything your son and I have been working towards the last six months." Alex stares back at him weighing his words then draws on her cigarette.
"Why come to me? Why not give whatever you have to Jay or Jake? Why give it to me?" She questions searching his eyes for answer. Something so familiar about the eyes she ponders.
Gavin looks back at her his eyes unwavering. He had her on the hook all he had to do was reel her in slowly.
"The person or persons asked for a large amount of money or they would release the information to the public. Naturally after having this investigated further to assure there were no other copies we took possession of the information. After further investigation we found Mr. Stockton seems to have a very long history of this kind of behavior and you of explosive responses to them. He's been able to keep most of his scandal contained to this town. However going forward Jay and all of you are going to be seen on a global level his actions can and will reflect poorly on us as well and could potentially affect our stocks. We can't have that. Myself and my associates have concluded after this incident that Mr.Stockton Senior is a potential liability for this project." He pauses letting it sink in and enjoying the flash of fear of eminent poverty bought go across her face before continuing.
"For that reason we asked Mrs. Swift to contact her tree leases to your son Jacob Stockton the forth and we are asking if you would sign the lease of your trees over to your Son Clayton Stockton. This way what ever scandal that may fall because of this will in no way interrupt our business. The only other thing that we ask is that you not use the information I give you till after this deal has been voted on and solidified."
"That' explains my son, what about Jay" She says in the same cool measured voice. "Why not just give it to him? Or just destroy it?" Gavin smiles knowing by the look in her eye she knew exactly why he hadn't gone to Jay and he was going to play it to the hilt.
" I have to be honest Mrs. Stockton I'm less than impressed with your husband and my board has even lower opinion. He seems shall we say very distracted and has shown little or no interest in this project. On the other hand I've grown quiet fond of your son over the past few months. He's intelligent, imaginative, hard working and ambitious. He could have a very, very bright future in front of him and I would hate to see anything jeopardize that. His talents are being wasted being nothing more than his father's flunky." He pauses again giving her a moment to weigh his words.
Alex couldn't argue with anything he's said.
"As I said Mrs. Stockton," He continues "the information I have is of, shall we say a sensitive nature. It wasn't something I desired to share with your son or have him bare the consequences of it's existence. Considering the contents I don't think you would want me to. Also knowing that you have been assisting your daughter in hiding your grandson from your husband. Coupled with our knowledge of your history together you're ready to move on." Alex looks up at him shocked by his knowledge of her and by his reasoning. This was becoming more interesting by the moment.
"Funny Mr. Blackwood you still haven't told me why are you and your associates being so generous to me what's in for you?"  Gavin smiles slyly.
" Your son and I have worked hard for months and with this deal we all stand to make millions with the potential of billions but that's not going to happen unless I can guarantee to my backers that your husband's image is no longer going to be associated with "Stockon Lumber". I'm willing to give you exactly what you need to to divorce your husband and enough evidence to get you everything you want out of it in the process. All I want is your guaranteed proxy vote at the next board meeting. I want you to use it to vote Jay out as CEO of "Stockton Lumber". Gavin waits for some sign of shock from her and receives only a raised eyebrow of curiosity.
"I suppose so you can take over?" Gavin smiles.
"No, we have no interest in taking over your company or in hurting you or your family in anyway our interest is strictly business. All we want is for this all to stay quiet until it's all a completly done deal. The contracts will be signed before the board vote. Then the vote and press release after.  I want you to help me vote in your son Jacob Stockton the forth as the new CEO. After that there's no way your husband is going to make a public stink and loose the millions he still stands to make as owner. What you do after that is your personal business. And if by any infinitesimal chance it ever comes back that we were the ones to give you that video," His voice taking on a more deep and threatening quality leaving no doubt to Alex that information would be a secret she would take to her grave.
 "We just felt it was our duty to support that poor innocent mother and now Grandmother is a defensible stance in the public court." Alex looks up at him unable to disguise the shock that she knew had gripped her expression. This was exactly what she wanted all tied up in one neat little package but what if what he had was absolutely nothing? What if she agreed and this was all just smoke and mirrors? Some kind of trick leading to something more sinister?
"Before I agree to anything Mr. Blackwood what guarantee do I have that what you have, will be of any use to me or that you'll do any of the things you just told me."
"I understand you have no reason to trust me Mrs. Stockton but you still have to ask yourself why would I risk millions, the answer is I won't. That's exactly why I'm doing this however, I can prove to you that what I have will get you what you want." He says pulling his phone from his pocket. He cue's the video then presses play and hands it to her secretly delighting as shock then revulsion grip her as she watches Jay and Abigail Colgate slither and writhe their way to ecstasy before her eyes .
Alex stares at the screen shoving down the bile that rose in her throat with the red hot fury she felt. She watches to the end knowing by the time stamp exactly what day it was taken completely shattering whatever was left of her heart and illusions she may have still had tucked in the recess of her mind. She hands the phone back to him her face white with rage her voice tight.
"How soon can you have the contracts ready?"
Gavin slides his phone into his pocket pulling out an envelope and handing it to her.
"Give me your pen" He reaches in his pocket and hands her his pen she snatches it from his fingers scrawling quickly at all the indicated spots not even bothering to read it and hands it back to him.
"Please send a copy of that video and the hard copies as well as the contract to the number on this card and forward a copy to my phone now please."
"Already done." He says pressing the send button on his phone. He scans the contract before sliding it into his pocket satisfied.
Alex looks down at the small envelope on the phone hesitates for a moment then press the button. She waits a until the image plays then shuts it off quickly and shoves her phone back in her purse.
"I'll see you at the shareholders meeting Mr. Blackwood" She says her voice devoid of emotion her face like stone as she walks quickly past him down the steps. Gavin walks to the window and watches her walk quickly to her car then speed from the parking lot and smiles to himself.
"Still and always the vindictive bitch." He chuckles as he strolls leisurely down the steps and out into the cool evening air to his waiting car.
"Oh Alex darlin I'm not quite done with you just yet." He chuckles as he slides into the seat  and starts the engine .
"One down and one to go." He laughs again shifting the car into gear and drives slowly down the tree lined road enjoying the twilight twinkling between the branches, the sounds of the night birds preparing for the evenings concert and the joyous feeling of being home.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015

"Many Cold Dank Nights"

 Marjorie walks back from the cafeteria carrying three cups of coffee still trying to think of a way to broach the subject of Jay's infidelity with Alex. The little tid bit she'd gotten while Alex was ranting could be useful, very useful but how to use it. Alex knew Jay was having an affair from the looks of things she'd done exactly what she'd thought she'd do when she saw them earlier. They were just too lovey dovey not to be building to that particular crescendo. Right now Alex was feeling humiliated she was hurt, angry and knowing Alex looking for anything she could get her hands on to strike back at Jay. Right now if she knew Alex she was a powder keg just waiting for the match and she had a warehouse full she chuckles to herself. Problem was how to use it to get the best result? The ringing of her phone shakes her from her ponderings she places the tray down on the sill and fishes out her phone from her purse. She checks the screen first her eyes lighting up when she sees who's the caller perhaps this was her answer.
"Well hello, it's as if you could read my mind how are you?" She purrs.
"Better everyday beautiful. Chase sent over the contracts I've had the lawyers review them and everything is just the way we wanted it." He grins devilishly unable to keep the delight he felt from his voice.
"You should get your copies by messenger tomorrow." Marjorie smiles to herself enjoying how all the pieces were falling into place.
"I have something else that may come in very useful I just happened upon it this afternoon. I was trying to think of the best way to use it.
"Come, come old girl don't hold back on me now?"
I"ve got a little recording that just might give us the leverage we need. Give me second I'll send it to you."
"I can't wait" He grins mischievously listening patiently as Marjorie fiddles with her phone.
"I just sent it to your email give it a second." She says coming back on the line.
"Wait a second" He says reaching for his keyboard and typing as he talks.
"I just got it hold on." He says clicking on the video attachment then sitting back in his chair.
""I'm going to warn you, you'll probably need to wash your eyes out with soap."  She chuckles.
"What do you have here?" He says leaning forward and staring intently at the scene being played out on the screen.
"That's just the latest in the series but I know it will push Alex right over the edge and exactly where we want her"
"This is absolutely fantastic! There he is in all his glory the man never changes. And you love, you've never been more right in your life she's going to want to bury him."
"That's what I thought! What do you want me to do now?" She purrs enjoying the image playing in her mind of Alex's face when she showed her.
"I know exactly what I need to do. Besides I would rather neither one of them know exactly how involved you are in this until the the very end. I also want you to be able to concentrate on your family nothing is more important than that I'll handle it from here."
"Are you sure?" She said feeling a little disappointed she'd really wanted to be the one. No matter however the news was delivered, it was what it would wrought that was most important she counseled herself.
" Wait, I just thought of one thing you can do for me?" He says leaning back in his chair as a plan begins to formulate in his head.
"What's that?" She says intrigued.
"I need you to make the arrangements for me to meet with Alex." The more he thought about it the more he liked it. This way he could take care of both pieces of business at the same time.
"Do you want me to talk to her tonight?
"No, I want you to make sure the little ones alright make it in a few days and make sure it's just before sundown." Marjorie smiles to herself this was getting more interesting by the moment.
"Do you want me to be there with you?"
"No, I just want you to make the arrangements I'll take care of the rest." He says smothering a chuckle. As much as Marjorie protested she loved the excitement of their plot and he couldn't blame her she'd longed for the moment of Jay's defeat as much as he did, almost as much.
"Just let her know you have something really important to talk to her about. I don't care how you do it. Just make sure it's someplace private and she's alone." Marjorie knew the spot and she also knew Alex would have no problem meeting there since it was her favorite destination for assignations of this kind.
"I know just the place and just the person to set it up for us. I'll take care of everything and give you call in a couple of days." She says looking around the empty hall.
"That's perfect darlin that's all I need, you just take it easy." She sighs feeling the weight of the day starting to press down on her.
"That would be wonderful to be honest all this cloak and dagger has gotten me a little jumpy especially with everything going on." She sighs again rubbing her neck.
"Ey, that's why I want you to step back right now." He says leaning back in his chair.
"I'll let you know when I need you again. Right now you stay close to to the hospital so you can protect the wee one from the likes of himself just be my eyes and ears."
"Aren't I always?" She smiles making him feel a flush of gratitude.
"Yes my sweet darlin you have and I can never thank you for everything you've done for me and mine over the years."
"I told you before, it was my pleasure and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I just wish I could have done more." A tinge of sorrow staining her voice deepening the yearning in his heart.
"You made sure my family didn't want for anything without anyone knowing all the letters and pictures you sent me were the only things that got me through these years you were like my angel Marggie I don't know how I'll ever repay you."
"You just let me know when we've finally broken that son of a bitch!" She growls into the phone the venom in her voice making him laugh.
"Believe me darlin you will be my very first phone call."
"Listen," She says looking down at her watch.
"I better get this coffee back and check on things, I'll call you in couple of days with the time and place. Have a good night"
"I'll be waiting to hear from you kiss that new Grandson of yours for me. Goodnight.
"I will talk to you soon"
"G'night Margie." He says ending the call and laying the phone down on the desktop.
 He walks to the window and sits on the long stone sill and opens the lead glass pane, breathing in the damp air and staring out across the moors unseeing. The setting of the sun and dampness on the breeze took him back to the many cold dank nights he'd spent in that cell. Nights spent, filled with fear and self loathing longing futilely for warmth from a tattered moth eaten blanket, the love of his family and the comforts of home leaving him distraught and begging for deaths compassionate hand. As always on those nights his memories would go back to the evening in Jay and Alex's bedroom that started his demise making the anger rise with the bile in his throat till it had literally choked him. That was the night he'd found his soul focus. Revenge and getting home. From that night forward he lived for one purpose the nagging voice cheering him on every step of the way guiding his every movement towards escape and once he'd found his freedom Jay and Alex Stockton's annihilation. From that night forward he'd listened to it examined every situation critically and did nothing without it's stamped approval. He'd learned the hard way and paid with what seemed a lifetime the one time he hadn't and that would never happen again.
The voice in the back of his head had warned him not to follow her. Long before that moment the same voice  had told him to let what he'd heard go there could only be woe in knowing her truth. Her wrath would be his to bare in letting her know he knew don't chance it. Instead he'd listened to his arrogance it knew better.
 It preached the best way was to play mediator to confront it head on, bring it all out in the open. Deal with what was, in essence be the hero his ego had always told him he was. He'd ignored the voice that said what happened in another man's family was his own business. If he hadn't listened to it on the drive over why would he have listened to it when she'd pulled away from him and her sleeve had torn? He'd been beyond deafened to it when it screamed "Leave NOW!" as he followed behind her. He'd pleaded with her till she'd fallen into tears in his arms just moment after swearing to tell the truth when Jay had walked in on them.
 His being in their bedroom with Alex, her tear stained face, torn clothes and lies were all the proof Jay had needed to seal his fate. A worse fate he wouldn't wish on any man alive or dead he thought with a shiver as he closed the window then walked to the fireplace to warm himself. He stared into the flames unable to stave off the memories that wouldn't stop coming. He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breathes stilling the tortured and mournful wails of his fellow prisoners as they suffered through their own personal agonies and then the droning sound of his own nightly montra that death would be his savior and wrap him in its cold embrace. Another few breaths and then silence. He opens his eyes again seeing the room before him and his endgame as clearly as the furnishings within it.
"You're going to wish you'd killed me Stockton you and that lying bitch!"

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2015

Saturday, March 14, 2015

In The Quiet Moments

 Lesley sits in the chair her head swiveling to the rhythm of Wellington pacing the small space the wires allowed with their whimpering son in his arms. He'd been pacing and holding him since they'd gotten here only putting him down long enough so that the doctors could check him then picking him back up again as soon as they were done.
 She couldn't blame him she'd been like that the first day she'd bought him home and Jamie seemed to be comforted by it but it also felt like a shield. His way to keep them from having to talk and he wouldn't look at her either. The one time she'd caught his eye they'd burned with resentment making her soul feel scorched and bare and forcing her to look away. He was furious, more angry than she'd ever seen him in their entire lives and she couldn't blame him. No, she couldn't blame him for any of his anger or resentment. She hadn't deluded herself that when the truth came he wouldn't be but, she wasn't going to apologize for her choices. She was sorry they'd hurt him and she was sorry in doing so she'd kept him from his son but she would never apologize for protecting Jamie.
Erin peeps around the edge of the door not sure what she would be walking into and was pleasantly surprised by what she found. It wasn't domestic bliss a cold silence hung over the room but since she'd been expecting worse she'd take it.
"Heeey, " She whispers coming closer to Wellington and Jamie. "How's everything in here?"
"We're doing okay. What's going on with Jamie?" Lesley asks her voice filled with worry not realizing she'd been holding her breath till it slipped from her lips when Erin smiled.
"Jamie is responding well to the medication we're just going to take him for one more test." Wellington looks at her and frowns his defense immediately alert. He'd heard that line many times in the past and believed in them. As much as he cared about Erin trusted her up until today whispered a little voice, and knew her to be a good doctor even a great doctor. He didn't trust them coming from her or anyone the sound of them reeked of deceit to his ears.
"Why? I thought you said he was getting better, why do you need to run more test?" Wellington demands. Erin smiles patiently empathising with his trepidations for him it was all a  macabre dejavu she reminds herself.
"Jamie is responding really well. They were just backed up before and since it wasn't urgent  I thought he'd be more comfortable with his Mom and Dad. I told them I'd bring him back when they were free. They just called." She lays her hand on his shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze
 "You have to trust me when it comes to your sons health Well. I wouldn't lie about something like this and I'm not going to give you grand expectations. I promise to be one hundred percent honest with the both of you okay?" She says looking from one to the other making his eyes automatically follow her line of site and instantly snapping away when they meet Lesley's cool level stare. Right now he couldn't look or speak to her right now he just needed her to keep up what she'd been doing and stay silent. Erin watches the moment between them and continues before her cousins could say what ever had been teasing her tongue.
"I love all of you but I'm not going to let that cloud my judgement when it comes to your son and it's not just me Jamie has an entire team of doctors." She adds knowing that Wellington was remembering Lola with Juliette and the horrible consequences of her arrogance.
"We'll let you know what's going on with him every step of the way. As soon as these last test come back we're all going to sit down with the both of you." Wellington's shoulders relax feeling comforted, humbled and mildly ashamed as he fumbles for words.
"I'm sorry Erin I'm just...I'm sorry" He sighs then looks down at his sleeping son ignoring Lesley's constant gaze.
"It's okay Well, don't worry about it."  She smiles reassuringly. He smiles back weakly then looks down at his son and kisses his forehead before placing the sleeping child in the crib.
Lesley heart flutters and is filled with joy as she watches the moment between the two. It was one she had imagined for so long. She was happy the truth was finally out and they didn't have to hide any longer. She felt free for the first time in a long time she thought. She'd almost blurted it out when he'd inadvertently caught her glance a moment ago. She'd told him so early and she'd tell him again even if he didn't believe her and still wouldn't look at her or speak he couldn't help but hear it. She breathes a sigh of relief then reaches down pulling the blanket up around Jamie and kisses the top of his head moments before the attendants come in the room.
"We'll be back in about five, ten minutes. You two sit tight." She says following the technicians leaving the two of them completely alone for the first time since she'd told him about their son.
"Are you hungry? I could run to the cafeteria?" She asks hoping to force him to speak to her. Wellington looks up at her from his pacing as if noticing her for the first time. Why was she even speaking they had nothing to say.
"No, thank you." He grunts then continues his pacing Lesley watching him. No, he wasn't going to just shut her out.
"How about some coffee?" She tries again halting his pacing. He glares at her the muscle in his jaw flexing and unflexing as he tries to maintain the slackening hold he had on his anger.
"Nothing!" He grinds out. Lesley ignores him talking as she rises from the chair and walks towards him.
"Then just talk to me Wellington!" She shouts back at him in frustration. Wellington glares back at her his expression one of confusion and anger all blended into one. What the hell did she want from him? What was it she wanted him to do or say when all he felt right now was anger. He takes a deep breath trying to level both his emotions and his anger before speaking.
"What do you want me to say Lesley? What do you want me to tell you? I'm not furious that one of the happiest days of my life is also one of the most frightening? Do you want me to thank you for protecting him so well I end up missing two and a half years of my sons life!" Lesley stands in his path unmoving and glares back at him. One way or another this was going to end today he was going to hear all of it no more lies.
"Some one had to protect us you sure as hell couldn't!" She spits back folding her arms across her chest her stare unyielding.
"How could I? You never gave me a chance!" His emotions finally erupting from the leaking dam he'd built around them.
"Why would I when you couldn't even protect yourself!" Lesley states her voice cold and as devoid of emotion as her stare.
"That is low even for you Lesley!" He growls.
"It's not low Wellington it's the truth!" She states flatly nonplussed by his show of anger she pushes on using truth as her sword and shield.
"You did everything for that woman you sacrificed us, our happiness for her. And when it was all said and done after everything you did for her she tried to kill you! I wasn't going to stand back and let you sacrifice our son too!" She finishes her words slicing through him leaving him flustered and weary he spits out the first thing that came to his mind in defense.
"She was out of her mind with grief she didn't know what she was doing!" Lesley shakes her head in disbelief her smile incredulous her tone mocking.
"She knew exactly what she was doing Wellington! When are you going to wake up from this delusion? The only thing she didn't mean to do was fail!"
"How the hell do you know? By the time that happened you were long gone!" He snarls
"Because I saw her Wellington!" She shouts back satisfied by the slack mouth look of surprise on his face. "That's right I saw her!"
"You saw her? You weren't even there!" He says snorting back a derisive laugh. Lesley eyes widen then narrow to slits her voice sounding tight and controlled to her own ears.
"Oh, I was there Wellington I saw her before you did!" Wellington twist his mouth into a mocking smile.
" Sure you did! You would say anything right now to justify what you did to me! You wouldn't talk to me or take my calls! What was so different about that day huh? What caused this grand epiphany you just had to see me?" He finishes his eyes boring into hers.
"I'd had my sonogram!" Lesley looks back at him her eyes glittering with defiance.
"What?" He moans his voice sounding weary and looking confused by yet another revelation of the truth. He listen intently as she unfurls each tendril, his mind slipping back to that morning.
"I had my sonogram that morning. After seeing our son for the first time I felt guilty and decided to go to your place and tell you." She stops and swallows the fear gripping  same as it had that morning and every time she'd thought of it since.
"You were coming out of that little deli on the corner when I saw. You were flipping through newspaper as you walked. I started to run towards you when I heard that sound that tires make when guys are drag racing and I saw the car coming across the intersection. I watched it swerve from the other lane. ..." Her voice quivering then fading off for a moment before she clears her throat and starts again.
"You must have stopped walking or something because next thing I saw was the car on top those steel pillions they have on the corner!" She looks to him waiting for agreement. He nods his head not daring to speak afraid he'd break the spell and she'd stop.
"If those hadn't been there she would have killed you Wellington! I saw her aim her car right for you!" She looks up at him her eyes glistening with unshed tears pleading for understanding.
"When I saw that guy help you to your feet and you were okay, I was never so happy in my life. Then..." He voice fading off again  her face turning white as she chokes back her emotions.
"I heard that blood curdling death howl come from that car... And she kept repeating it. Over and over. "It should have been you and that Bitch!"" She says finishing the last with a growl as the memory looms before her momentarily blinding Wellington from her view. She takes a swift calming breath forcing her thoughts back to the moment and pushing down her fear.
"It was no accident it was intentional! She wanted us both dead! I've never run faster in my life." She stops looking at Wellington's stricken face. He staggers back as if he'd been physically assaulted by her words as he grasps the windowsill for support. She mentally nods satisfied that it was all finally sinking in before continuing.
"Do you really think after that I was going to wait around and be next? What if I had been just a few minutes sooner? We might not be standing here having this conversation." She finishes her eyes challenging his. Wellington waits a moment choking back the angry response that had been on the tip of his lips.
"Yeah that explains then what about now Lesley? Tell the truth if Jamie hadn't gotten sick you would have never told me?" He grinds out between clenched teeth.
"I don't know." She whisper making Wellington laugh bitterly.
"After all this time why would you start to telling the truth now? The longer you go on  with the lie the easier it gets right?"
"That's not true!" She snaps. "Nothing about this was ever easy Wellington. I didn't like doing it. I did it.."
"For our son. Yeah so you've said!" He mocks cutting her off tweaking her anger.
"That's right! You may be tired of hearing it but I'll never get tired of saying it or apologize to you or anyone else for doing it! Everything thing I've said and done from the moment I found out I was pregnant was to protect him! If that meant you couldn't be a part of our lives then that's just how it had to be. Nothing else mattered not me, not you! And how the hell was I supposed to even trust you? She tried to kill you and you still helped her!" She seeth looking as incredulous as she sounded.
"I didn't help her all I did was give her mother the name of a lawyer! I did what any decent person would do and it's what Juliet would have have wanted me to do." He bites back his words only deepening her bewilderment.
"Are you sure that's really what it was Wellington? Just your promise to Juliet?" She says searching his face for any remnants of what she didn't know but only finding insult and anger atop of more hurt then, sudden illumination.
"So now we finally get to what this was all really about!" Lesley pulls back as if slapped as a cold wave of shocked disbelief grips her throat forcing her to take a moment to find her voice.
"What the hell are you talking about? Didn't you hear a what I just said?"
"I heard every precious gem!" He growls waving his hand dismissively. "This isn't about Lola this is about you and your need to punish me! Do you see her around here because I sure as hell don't and I haven't seen hide nor hair of her here or anyplace else in over three years and neither has anyone else!" He shouts back
"And I thank GOD for that fact everyday! I took me a year to walk down the street without checking every driver sitting behind a steering wheel! After what I saw she was capable of I wasn't taking any chances Wellington. If you can't understand that then I don't know what else to tell you."
"I'll admit, Lola was not just a danger to herself she was a danger to everyone especially to our son. As a mother you had to protect him from whatever danger was out there really or perceived and for that I will be forever grateful." He concedes giving her a momentary ray of hope until his next words erased their brilliance like storm clouds.
"But you hurt me deeper than I thought it was possible. Deeper than I ever thought you ever could. In my head I know what you did was the right thing for our son but in my heart...." Shaking his head and swallowing back his emotions.
"I know in time I can get past that. What's going to be harder to get over, is knowing what we both know to be a fact it wasn't just because of Lola. You keeping our son a secret was also to punish me for trying to help her. But, by punishing me,  by keeping me out of his life you were also punishing our son. So if you're looking for me to forgive you and we can just move past this? That we're going to be this big happy family, that's definitely not going to be today if ever."
"Wellington..." She groans and reaches for his arm then stops herself. What was there to say? She wanted honesty and she had to be honest with that part of herself. He knew it as well from the disappointment etched in his expression and the truth of his words carved into her own.
"I'll be be I ahh...I'm going to take a walk I need some fresh air I'll be back." He says walking to the door and closing it quietly behind him.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Like Sunday Morning

 Clay stretches his legs propping them up on the porch rail then leans back in his chair enjoying the winter sun on his face and watching the ducks swimming among the reeds and cattails. He loved being here and he couldn't remember when he was happier or more at peace. A far cry from what he was used to. He loved sitting on the porch at the end of the day watching absolutely nothing . Waking up in the morning and finding Felicia next to him, laying down at night with her wrapped in his arms. He loved the quiet and the non existent tension. He loved for the first time in a long time, a place he could actually call home and the feeling of being happy.
 Yet every day it felt more and more fleeting as what he liked to call the "darkness" came creeping. It had been a long time since he'd felt it but just like then he could feel it coming. Every morning it got a little closer. He could feel it coming on the wind through the trees and in the deafening quiet of the night. He knew with every fiber of his being it was going to be cold, hard and merciless. He prayed it wouldn't touch them and he planned to protect his life. He was going to keep them safe from whatever it was. He was holding on to every moment of happiness with everything he had no matter what was coming.
 He turns his head at the sound of tires crunching gravel breaking through his troubling thoughts. He stands and walks around the porch to the front of the house and stares at the unfamiliar car as it rolls to a stop. He steps off the porch out into the driveway as the door opens pulling himself to his full size.
"Can I help you...." He stops in his tracks his voice fading off as Preston steps from the car he glares at him his stance still challenging.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Preston grins unperturbed.
"I thought I'd come by pay my respects."
"Yeah," He scoffs walking slowly towards him "after two weeks you finally show your ass up here?"
"I've been really busy man I got here as soon as I could. It's partly your fault" Preston smiles ignoring his cousins tough guy persona. "I went to the "Batcave" and Jake said you'd moved out."
"And you'd known that if you'd stayed in touch." Clay growls stopping in front of Preston giving him a quick look over. He looked good he notes grinning with happiness and pride for him.
"Yeah, well the phone works two ways man." He smiles back enjoying the banter between them he'd missed this. Calls and media just weren't the same. It could never translate the feeling of happiness emanating from Clay. There was a brightness to his smile that hadn't been there in a long time.
"Come here!" Clay says enveloping him in a tight hug. "How you been man?" He says letting him go.
"How do I look?" Preston laugh posing next to his car grinning like a cheshire cat. Yeah, he did look happy a satisfied grin playing on his lips making him shed his foreboding of moments ago.
"You look great man! Better question are you happy?" Preston sighs sounding satisfied.
"Never been happier! I have everything you and I used to talk about up in that big pine behind the old barn remember?"
"Yeah, I remember. We spent hours in that tree." He smiles wistfully at the memory of the two of them climbing to the top straddle on the branches looking out on the town laughing and talking about their dreams for the future.
"I'm really happy for you." Clay says walking towards the porch waving for Preston to follow.  "Come in, Felicia will be home soon she'll be happy to see you."
"Oh cool! Great timing as usual! You look good man. Happier than I've see you in a long time." He says stepping in closing the door behind him. He'd been here dozens of times when Felicia's grandfather had been alive but not since she'd moved in. It was beautiful she'd turned his old hunting cabin. Not exactly old or a cabin it slept three one bedroom on the main floor two in the loft but, she'd turned it into a home. He understood why Clay was happy here other than the fact that he'd be happy anywhere she was there was a feeling of real love in this house like being in Aunt Mary's or Mrs. Van Dorn's kitchen.
"Best day of my life was the day I finally left that house and told Jay to kiss my ass. You want a beer?" Clay calls from the kitchen.
"Sure, did you really tell Ol Jay to kiss your ass?" Preston calls following behind him, grabs the bottle from his hand and sips it.
"Yeah, and I told him to stay out of my life." Preston salutes him with the bottle nodding his head in agreement.
"Good for you man I'm proud of you! I can't imagine your old man's real happy with me or what we're doing. I'm sure that didn't make things any easier for you. I'm sorry for that." He asks trying to sound more casual than he felt hoping that what he was doing hadn't been the catullus for what happened between he and Jay.
"I couldn't tell you Press and I don't care what that bastard thinks. I haven't lived there or talked to the man in weeks. And, I know what you're thinking and what you, Chase and Well are doing had nothing to do with what happened between me and Jay. Jay's a control freak and I was done letting him try to control me. I can tell you he still hates Chase and the fact that it's Chase and Wellington makes that pill real bitter. As for me. I'm really proud of you guys. Despite everything my old mans thrown at you, you still managed to knock him on his proverbial ass. Makes me laugh every time I think about it." He laughs making them both laugh. Preston stopping first when he spots a picture of all of them from the week before graduation sitting on the bookshelf. Clay's eyes follow his making him smile inwardly as he waited for Preston to get the courage to ask the question that he knew was burning the back of his tongue.
"You still in touch with anyone like Frannie, Dave, Talia or Nick?" Clay grins knowing exactly what he was really after but deciding to play his game.
"Nothing you can't catch on "My Face" I talked to Frannie yesterday."
"How's she like married life?" Preston asks remembering her last post.
"She sounded happy. She sent me pictures of her little rug rat. He's really cute. Look." He says holding up his phone and scrolling through the photos both smiling making Preston feel nostalgic.
"It's weird sometimes, thinking about everyone getting married having kids. Hey! What's Dave up to?" Clay smiles scrolling to another set of pictures.
"Dave is still doing volunteer work up in Alaska. Nick's doing his Nick thing." He shrugs smothering a smirk at the look of anticipation on Preston's face.
"Talia became a Cop." Preston's eyes open wide with surprise.
"Get out of here! You're lying! Naw" He laughs.
"Naw, son I swear Fran told me." Clay takes a sip from his bottle then sets it down on the counter smiling to himself as Preston shakes his head in disbelief.
"She became a cop?" He says then howls with laughter. "All the trouble we got into in school and she becomes a cop? I guess what they say is true ." They both chuckle.
Preston hoped she was happy in her new life and he was sure with her new somebody. Only an idiot like himself would throw away a woman like her. He reminded himself that was exactly what he was because the memory wouldn't allow him to forget that was what he'd done that early Sunday morning.
"I'm sorry I have to do this." He remembered saying as the tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Let me make sure I understand this. Last night you had a stroke of genius and that's it? We're just done?" She looks up at him his heart giving a lurch at the amount of pain in her expression despite the coldness in her voice.
"Please, Talia this is my dream! You know it it is! I've been working on this almost every waking minute for years! It all just came together for me last night. Look!" He tosses down his backpack pulling his notebook from it and flipping it open.
"This, is going to revolutionize the industry! I talked to Chase and we three -wayed with his cousin Well last night. They both known people who are big in the computer industry. I'm talking really big! He's showing it to them as soon as I can finish the model." She looked from the notebook to him the pain on her face replaced by one of pure disgust and loathing.
" I get it I'm not a part of the "Revolution"." Her voice cold with resolve.
"No, it's not like that this is going to take up every minute of my time and it's not fair to..."
" Ask me to wait?"  She says cutting him off before he can finish the sentence. " See that's the problem right there. You never bothered to ask me. Go, change the world." She said then turned and left never looking back. After a couple of days neither had he not until today. But, he wouldn't change that decision he decided long ago that he wasn't going to let anyone or anything get in the way of his goal and he hadn't. It was just that sometimes...No. As his Grandfather said you can't change what is and for him it was better to stay with "what is" than delve into the realm of what could have been.
"Wow, let me just let that marinate a minute." He leans back against the counter trying to look as casual as he was trying to sound. Clay watches a moment  then realization hit him like a lightening bolt making him almost giddy with one upmanship.
"Oh my God you're still hung up on her!" He accuses making Preston blush then choke on his beer wiping the excess from his lips trying to hide his embarrassment behind his sleeve.
"No I'm not I was just curious besides I'm the one that broke up with her remember?" He pleads.
Clay smirks and smothers a laugh.
"Tell that to the dishpan hands I had cleaning up after you!" He says laughing wholeheartedly making Preston laugh as well shaking him out of the melancholy that had come over him.
"Naw man that ship sailed and sank. Right now I'm living and loving the single life bro! Check this out!" He says pulling his phone from his pocket showing him the photo's from the article premier party. Clay looks on nodding in approval as Preston flips through.
"Hey honey!" Felicia calls tossing her work bag and purse down on the sofa as she walks.
"Who's car is that outside..." She stops mid sentence seeing Preston's smiling face. "Preston!" She yelps and leaps into his arms.
"Big Red!" He teases wrapping her in his arms and twirling her in a circle. "I missed you!" He says setting her down on the floor.
"I missed you too!" She laughs then grasps his arm a moment to steady herself feeling slightly nausea and dizzy.
"Baby you okay" Clay says coming to her side his voice filled with concern and edged with fear. Felicia smiles squeezing his hand not ready to let him in on what she suspected.
"Honey I'm fine really. I just forgot to eat lunch today." She smiles feeling more steady smiling into his concerned face and pushing gently away. "I'm fine I just need to eat." She says moving with him to the kitchen chair Preston taking the seat  next to her. Clay shakes his head chastising her as he walks to the cabinet,
"I told you to stop doing that!" He finishes handing her the box of crackers from the shelf.
"Thanks honey." She says reaching into the box and stuffing one in her mouth.
"Dinner will be ready in five minutes" Preston grins he always enjoyed watching the two of them together. There was such genuine caring between the two.
"Here." Clay says placing a glass of green tea in front of Felicia and handing him a bottle of beer as he takes the seat next to him.
"Why don't you stay for dinner you can fill me in on what you guys have been up to! I've barely seen Chase since you all got back." She sighs.
"I'd love too! What are we having?" Preston asks then takes a sip from his bottle.
"Grandma's beef stew." Clay says with pride enjoying the salivating expression on Preston's face.
"Oh man! I haven't had that in I don't know how long!" He says rolling his eyes in anticipation.
"And Clay makes it just like her!" Felicia smiles with pride.
"I talked with Mike yesterday he is loving his job. My Mom was saying she's never seen him actually up before her. What the hell did you do to my party boy brother?" They all laugh Preston nods his head in agreement.
"Nothing!" Preston laughs again then his tone becomes serious. "When it comes to computers and electronics he's right on the money." Felicia stares back at him in awe.
"I'll be I mean he bragged about what he could do but then he brags about everything." Clay chuckle and nod in agreement. Preston smiles and shakes his head.
"Naw, he wasn't just bragging the boy can back it up. He's a really good worker smart, very imaginative he could go far. Once we get settled I want to introduce him to some people I know. Like this person right now." He says looking down at his phone and then standing. "That's work. I have to get back to the office."  
"Aww!" Felicia pouts. "Can't Chase or Wellington handle it?" Preston smiles.
"I wish! They left me large and in charge." Felicia ear's suddenly perk up. It' wasn't like her brother to just disappear for a day not where his business was involved.
"What's going on?" Preston smirks.
"Don't even start" He laughs. "Nothings wrong, Chase took the day off to spend with Erin and Well had some stuff to take care of and so do I. Gorgeous," He says leaning in and kissing her cheek. "It was really good to see you!" He says pulling his jacket from the chair and hugging Clay then moving towards the door Clay and Felicia following behind. "Why don't we all meet at "Rowdy's" tomorrow night we can hang out catch up and I promise no phones just a lot of beer and a lot of talk what do say?" Clay smiles reaching for the door and pulling it open.
"I have no plans, what do you think hon?" He says turning towards Felicia who nods her head in agreement.
"Me either .We'll meet you around seven-thirty, eight o'clock?" She says coming behind Clay and wrapping her arm around his waist.
"I'll be there! I may even drag along my young assistant." Preston winks then jogs down the steps to his car. "I'll see you both tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow" Clay hollers after him then closes the door. "Dinners ready if you want to eat." He says kissing the end of her nose then walking back towards the kitchen. Felicia reaches down for her bags and slings them over her shoulder and walks to the bedroom.
"Give me like five minutes and I'll be right in" She calls to him slipping into the bathroom and hiding her pregnancy test in the cabinet under the sink. Whatever way it went she'd have her answer in the morning.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2015



Saturday, January 17, 2015

"A Legacy Of Lies"

 Alex awakes slowly stretching her arms above her head and yawning. She looks over at the empty spot next to her and smiles broader then looks around for signs of Jay just as the shower comes on. She lays back against the  pillows feeling blissfully happy. It had been a long time since they had connected like this she hadn't realised how much she missed it.
 Maybe this could be a turning point for the two of them maybe they could finally be like they once were or maybe she was just deluding herself. This entire afternoon was nothing but a lie. She was trying to cover her own tracks as well as keeping him out of someone elses bed.
Who that was still eluded her if there was anyone at all. Maybe she was wrong and had misunderstood the conversation she'd heard? No, it was more than just his words. It was the entire tone of the conversation. She looks towards the bathroom then leans across the bed and grabs his phone. She presses the button quickly searching his call history scrolling back to last night when she'd heard him on the phone and not seeing it. He'd erased it! She scrolls through his text and contacts nothing! Even his outgoing calls was clean but she'd heard what she heard. She checks his call timer then shivers as a small shock goes through her. There it was! He forgot to delete his call timer and there it was. There was someone out there but, it was going to take more than amatture scrolling through his phone to find out who.
 She looks up startled by the sound of his clearing his throat knowing in another second he'd be turning off the water. She puts the phone back on the nightstand. Throws the covers back, reaching for her robe in the same movement then scurries to her dressing table busying herself.
Jay steps back into the room rubbing the towel through his hair grinning from ear to ear.
" Hey! You're awake." Coming behind her and kissing the back of her neck sending a small thrill through her.
"Don't start!" She chides playfully then rises.
"I'm so behind on my errands because of you! I need to hop in the shower and get over to my parents!" Jay grins seductively reaching for her arms as she passes.
"Get one of the kids to take her shopping I have better idea." Alex smiles as she slips from his grasp.
"We can pick this up again when you get back from the mill." She calls over her shoulder and walks to the bathroom just as Jay's phone rings. He looks down at his phone listens for the water to come on before answering.
"Hey darlin! I was just getting ready and I'll be on my way in a bit." He laughs moving quickly around the room as he dresses. "Yeah that was fun wasn't it?..........I have no shame? You loved every minute of it or you wouldn't be calling me right now" He laughs seductively.
"Maybe an hour or so at the most...... Yeah me neither talk to you soon...." He ends the call then deletes it from his history. Before shouldering into his jacket as he walks to the bathroom door.
"I've got to run!" He calls over the sound of spraying water. "I'm going to leave your phone on the counter for you." He grins stepping in front of the mirror and checking his reflection.
"Thanks, I'll see you for dinner?" She shouts back.
He smooths down a stray hair winks at his reflection then swagers towards the door never more pleased with his self.
"See you at seven darlin!" He shouts closing the door.
 Alex shuts off the water and steps out of the shower reaches for towel and holds it to her mouth listening for the front door to close then screams into it at the top of her lungs letting loose her fury. All the while the words pounding in her head. The arrogant son of a bitch was literally rolling from their bed into his whores! She couldn't have felt more humiliated than if she had been standing stripped naked in the town square! She staggers to the counter gripping the edge for support her knuckles white. Trying to control the rage seething inside and the need for revenge growing deeper. Her mind focusing on the memory of his preening in the mirror before he'd left! She'd wanted to fly from the shower and scratch the smile from his face! God! The man should thank his maker he was still alive! Oh he was going to pay and pay dearly she wasn't sure how but she was going to make it happen she resolves. She glances down at her ringing phone taking a cleansing breath and exhaling before answering.
"Hey Mom! I swear I'm on my way!" She says toweling off quickly as she runs to her dresser pulling out clothing and dressing in a hurry.
"Don't worry about it. I have a change of plans. Nothing's wrong with me but, I need you to meet me at the hospital." Says Mary stopping Alex in her tracks.
"What's going on?" She says a slight tremor in her voice.
"Honey, I'm fine nothing to worry about I'll see you soon?" She says hoping she sounded more jovial then she felt.
"Okay I'll be right there Mom. Bye." Alex says from the other end of the phone sounding distracted to Mary who shrugs and walks back to Marjorie.
"She's on her way" She sighs taking the seat beside her.
"How'd she sound?" Marjorie ask folding her arms across her chest not looking forward to the confrontation and hoping she could turn the situation to her advantage some how. Mary sighs and shrugs again.
"Like usual distracted probably something to do with Jay. Hopefully we can keep that idiot out of it as long as possible. He's the last thing those kids need right now." Marjorie nodding in agreement.
"She's a mother first and always and now were talking about her Grandchild her first one." Marjorie's voice taking on a hint of sadness as she remembered her Juliet and all the insanity that followed her death . Mary reaches over taking her hand for a moment giving it a little squeeze.
"Now you have this beautiful new Grandson and me a Great Grandson! I can't wait to spoil him rotten!" Mary giggles mischievously.
"Me too" Marjorie grins happily then her brow furrows again.
"' I just hope we get the chance to do it."
"Don't you worry, my Erin's not going to let anything happen to him." Mary says resolutely leaving no room for argument.
"Hey, here you go ladies" Chase say coming into the waiting room carrying cups of coffee handing one to each women. Mary smiles up at him as she reaches for her cup patting the seat next to her.
"Thanks dear." Chase smiles taking the seat next to her. He loved Erin's Grandmother despite everyone elses seeming fear of her. She was a no nonsense lady that didn't take crap from anyone. She'd fight with the biggest trucker about a delivery and come out a winner everytime. She worked hard, worked her family hard and loved them all harder.
She was that old lady every one had in their neighborhood that saw everything heard everything a kid would want to do and caught them every time.
 It didn't matter whose kids they were she treated and punished everyone of them as if they were one of her own. He and Well had scrubbed a floor or two even scraped gum from under the tables! The first time it happened they'd run home and complained to their parents.  Their parents just laughed and asked what they did then laughed again. They knew! She'd done it to them when they were kids so there was no point in complaining.
"How have you been hon?" She asked sipping the cup enjoying the warmth of it against her cold hands.
"I'm okay. How are you two holding up?" He asks leaning forward and looking towards his aunt who sat her brow creased with worry then back to Mary.
"We're doing okay," she says answering for the both of them. "Just waiting for Alex." Her head swiveling instinctively towards the entrance. Chase sighs then stands pulling his jacket from the back of the chair.
"I think that's my que to take a walk." Marjorie looks up at him pulling herself from her thoughts.
"No, stay honey, Wellington may need you when he comes back." She says looking up at him her eyes pleading. Chase smiles down at her patting her shoulder reassuringly.
"Don't worry I'm not going far just taking a walk. I think it would be better if I'm not here, " He says shouldering into his jacket. "You ladies can handle this besides, Mrs. Stockton isn't my biggest fan." He leans in kissing his aunt then Mary. "I have my cell call me if anything happens." He says walking out the door leaving them to it while Marjorie and Mary stare after him.
"Chicken!" Mary screams after him with a laugh then sits back down next to Marjorie.
"Smart kid something tells me this won't be easy." Her words instantly getting Marjorie's attention.
"What did she say?" She blurts out then quickly sipps her cup hoping she didn't sound too curious.
"Nothing she said more like how she sounded. Somethings up, more than likely Jay but then when isn't it?" She laughs and shakes her head. Marjorie laughs with her.
"Ain't that the truth!" They both laugh then stop as Alex walks into the waiting room pulling off her gloves looking more irritated than usual.
"Okay I'm here you ready to get going? Oh, " She says surprised just noticing Marjorie sitting in the chair.
"Marggie? Twice in one day!" She says looking from Marjorie whose face wasn't as smug as usual and back to her mother who looks quick to Marjorie then back to her. The action sending a shiver up her spine.
"What happened what's going on between you too?" Mary takes a deep breath then sits down patting the seat next to her. There was no other way to tell her so she just told her Marjorie filling in in here and there until the entire story was out. When she finish she stayed silent for a moment letting it sink in as she watches the emotions shock, anger, regret march across Alex's face waiting for which one it would settle on.
Alex slides back in her chair her mind reeling in wonderment. It was if action resulted in the same reactions over and over again it was all so incredibly circular. Life in this family always seemed to start with a well constructed lie. Another generation another lie this time her daughter and Wellington Swift this time a grandson. Now she was tied to Margie and the Swifts for ever! Every Birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving now compounded. At least Jake and Toni had yet to solidify their relationship with a child.
She'd hoped her daughter would have been smart enough to take precautions but No! She was just as irresponsible as he was! She could understand her hiding the child from him but her own family? Jay she could understand but her? I'm her mother! Now she can't talk to me either? Was she that distant from her children?
"God! My children don't even come to me anymore! Instead they run away, keep secrets and hide children! While I chase behind Jay wondering who's bed he's in this time!" She blurts out forgetting Marjorie's presences as she rants the later sitting silently and unmoving soaking it all in.
"I don't know what the hell happened to my family! We used to be so..." Her voice trails off for a moment. "Now I have a grandson I don't even know possibly di..." Her voice trails off again she sniffs rummaging through her purse then taking the tissue Mary handed her.
"And Jay running all over and our children and that poor little boy..." She stops again crying in earnest. Marjorie looks on the scene for a moment then rises coming to Alex's' side.
"Well we can't change the past all we can do is deal the the present. It's not any of our faults especially not that little boys it's just the way it is. I don't fault Lesley for doing what she did. She did what any of us would have done, protect our child. That's what mothers do. Especially considering she was dealing with Colgate crazy. In my opinion she did a dam good job. I'm going to get us all some fresh coffee and see if there's any news." She says with a nod her words oddly comforting to Alex.
 Marjorie had what she needed. She'd be able to kill three birds with one stone and secure her family's legacy. Well James Stockton Swift you're your grandmother's little good luck charm. She smiles then says a little prayer for her new little one life and his parents be given the strength to weather the gale winds about to rip through this town.          

 "Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2015