Saturday, May 16, 2015

"All Wrapped With Pretty Ribbon"

 Alex paces the empty mill crushing the remains of her cigarette on the floor and then lighting another. She didn't like being here this time of the evening it was far too isolated and the ghosts of of the past lingered in the shadows. She was too tired to give a dam about anything Sharron or for that matter Marjorie could possibly have to say. She had given those bitches all she was going to give them whether they realized it or not. No one involved in their little cat and mouse was willing to let their truth out which is why the text had surprised her. Their business was pretty much settled and they were at an impasse, unless Sharron or Marjorie had come up with something that was going to tip the scale, which she seriously doubted this meeting was a waste of time. She takes a long draw on her cigarette then blows the smoke out and watches it furl and twist around her like the thoughts in her head.
 She looks at her watch and then yawns she was physically exhausted and mentally drained from the events of the last three days and in no mood for whatever it was she had in store. She wished she would hurry up it was getting late and what she really wanted was a hot bath, a glass of wine and maybe a moment to plan her next move on Jay and his slut. The problem was, she'd have to make whatever move she came up with quietly. All the while keeping up the farce of reconciliation with renewed devotion with Jay. She'd promised Lesley she wouldn't say anything to her father until her grandson was well enough to leave the hospital. Besides being a screaming bitch and making waves with Jay or otherwise raising his suspicions would be counterproductive toward that end. It definitely wouldn't help with what she was planning all she needed was proof and she'd gone to Pine Valley to see about a detective this morning. There was no going back this time she couldn't ride this this crazy train with Jay anymore. She was tired of his lying and his cheating. Her own crying and pleading his unfulfilled promises she wasn't going to ever be humiliated again she was going through with it. She was going to get her divorce and she was taking him for everything he had and that included his business. She was going to take care of her children in the process especially her son's and that included her grandson. Grandson! That was going to take sometime to get used too! She had to admit he was a beautiful little boy that had won her heart the minute she'd laid eyes on him reviving that protective stirring inside her and giving her a renewed sense of purpose and hope for her future. It was the least she could do for her daughter and her grandson after the years of neglect and indifference she'd heaped on all her children.
 She closes her eyes a moment and takes a few cleansing breaths shedding the the cold grasp of shame that had enveloped her. She didn't mind keeping her daughter's secret she resolved. She hadn't been there for Lesley before but she was determined to support her in any decision she made now even if it included Wellington. Lord help them when Jay finally did get wind of it! Truth be told her decision was a double edged sword it was another way to burn Jay. Which frankly suited her fine and dandy. It would keep her busy and out of Jay's crosshairs and the less time she had to spend with Jay the better.
 Thankfully it hadn't been hard to avoid Jay, not hard at all and surprisingly easy to play the loving wife on the few occasions they had encountered each other. He was like a contented fat cat preening himself after a good meal. He thought he had her stated and ignorant while he slithered about. In fact the hardest time had been the first night. She had driven home hoping she'd beat Jay there and was half relieved and half angry when she had. She'd been too exhausted by the time she gotten home that night and unsure of how much time she'd had before he'd be back. She'd changed and climbed into bed just fifteen minutes before Jay. He undressed silently and slipped into the bed beside her making sure not to shake it with practiced ease. She'd pretended to be asleep she'd hadn't bothered to question him or even care and he was gone before she'd gotten up the next morning. That was fine with her the longer she could put off speaking with the man the better. It prevented any slip ups until she had something solid that could grind him like the cockroach he was.
 Her head snaps up at the sound of tires grinding against the gravel. "Finally!" She thought. She takes the last drag of her cigarette then drops it on the planking and crushes it out then takes a deep breath of the cooling evening air to calm herself at the sound of approaching foot steps on the stairs sounding heavy like Sharron's clod hoppers. Good, she thought she was sure Marjorie had confided in her those two were as thick as thieves. Besides who better than she knew Sharron could keep a secret she grins amused at her own joke. Maybe she was as tired as she was and this would be faster than she thought.
"What the hell took you so long? I don't have all flipping..." Her voice trailing off as the shape of an unfamiliar man fills the doorway. His face partially hidden by the long shadows made by the setting sun coming through the window set his dark eyes aglow rendering the angle of his face and smile  a demonic edge. "Who the hell are you?" She demands the sight of him sending a shiver up her spine making the hair on the back of her neck prickle. He was some how familiar yet she didn't believe she'd ever laid eyes on him before still, the tremble of his voice that smooth scottish brogue chilled her and filled her with a sudden sense of panic yet nothing about his stance or smile was threatening still.
" I'm sorry I'm late and I startled you Mrs. Stockton." He says smoothly stepping further into the room and extending his hand. "My name is Gavin Blackwood thank you so much for meeting me."
Alex stares back at him completely at a loss she'd just assumed it had been Sharron. Dear God what new hell had she stepped into? "Who?" She says sounding more relaxed then she felt.
Gavin smiles pleasantly inside enjoying the little flicker of fear he'd seen in her eyes. But, now wasn't the time for such luxuries he needed to stay on track. "You don't remember me?"
"Should I?" She says reaching in her purse and pulling out  a fresh cigarette and lighting it.
Alex stares at him a moment racking her memory she had no recollection of this man whatsoever.
"Perhaps I should clarify." He smiles again this time his voice taking on a pleasant business like quality. "I'm Gavin Blackwood I own the company that is buying the timber from your son. Very, fine young man it's been a pleasure working with him." Alex thinks again recalling the name from some of the papers on Jay's desk when she'd been searching for something to use against him. Why did he want to meet with her? Why here? She lets loose a ribbon of smoke then gives voice to her question.
"Why do you want to meet with me Mr. Blackwood? Why here of all places and most importantly why now?" She asks coolly her eyes locking on his. Gavin smiles stepping closer being careful not to block her exit she was starting to come around the last thing he wanted to do was cause her to panic.
"I asked Mrs. Swifts if she knew of a private place that we could meet and she suggested here. She said would know exactly where it was."
"She did? What does she have to do with it?" Her guard instantly up. Gavin remains cool and businesslike keeping his emotions in check as he watched hers play across her face.
" Everything Mrs. Stockton she has a vested interest in what happens with "Stockton Lumber" as do you. Getting to the reason I asked you to met me here. I came into possession of something the other day that could prove very embarrassing for my company and yours and do irreparable damage to everything your son and I have been working towards the last six months." Alex stares back at him weighing his words then draws on her cigarette.
"Why come to me? Why not give whatever you have to Jay or Jake? Why give it to me?" She questions searching his eyes for answer. Something so familiar about the eyes she ponders.
Gavin looks back at her his eyes unwavering. He had her on the hook all he had to do was reel her in slowly.
"The person or persons asked for a large amount of money or they would release the information to the public. Naturally after having this investigated further to assure there were no other copies we took possession of the information. After further investigation we found Mr. Stockton seems to have a very long history of this kind of behavior and you of explosive responses to them. He's been able to keep most of his scandal contained to this town. However going forward Jay and all of you are going to be seen on a global level his actions can and will reflect poorly on us as well and could potentially affect our stocks. We can't have that. Myself and my associates have concluded after this incident that Mr.Stockton Senior is a potential liability for this project." He pauses letting it sink in and enjoying the flash of fear of eminent poverty bought go across her face before continuing.
"For that reason we asked Mrs. Swift to contact her tree leases to your son Jacob Stockton the forth and we are asking if you would sign the lease of your trees over to your Son Clayton Stockton. This way what ever scandal that may fall because of this will in no way interrupt our business. The only other thing that we ask is that you not use the information I give you till after this deal has been voted on and solidified."
"That' explains my son, what about Jay" She says in the same cool measured voice. "Why not just give it to him? Or just destroy it?" Gavin smiles knowing by the look in her eye she knew exactly why he hadn't gone to Jay and he was going to play it to the hilt.
" I have to be honest Mrs. Stockton I'm less than impressed with your husband and my board has even lower opinion. He seems shall we say very distracted and has shown little or no interest in this project. On the other hand I've grown quiet fond of your son over the past few months. He's intelligent, imaginative, hard working and ambitious. He could have a very, very bright future in front of him and I would hate to see anything jeopardize that. His talents are being wasted being nothing more than his father's flunky." He pauses again giving her a moment to weigh his words.
Alex couldn't argue with anything he's said.
"As I said Mrs. Stockton," He continues "the information I have is of, shall we say a sensitive nature. It wasn't something I desired to share with your son or have him bare the consequences of it's existence. Considering the contents I don't think you would want me to. Also knowing that you have been assisting your daughter in hiding your grandson from your husband. Coupled with our knowledge of your history together you're ready to move on." Alex looks up at him shocked by his knowledge of her and by his reasoning. This was becoming more interesting by the moment.
"Funny Mr. Blackwood you still haven't told me why are you and your associates being so generous to me what's in for you?"  Gavin smiles slyly.
" Your son and I have worked hard for months and with this deal we all stand to make millions with the potential of billions but that's not going to happen unless I can guarantee to my backers that your husband's image is no longer going to be associated with "Stockon Lumber". I'm willing to give you exactly what you need to to divorce your husband and enough evidence to get you everything you want out of it in the process. All I want is your guaranteed proxy vote at the next board meeting. I want you to use it to vote Jay out as CEO of "Stockton Lumber". Gavin waits for some sign of shock from her and receives only a raised eyebrow of curiosity.
"I suppose so you can take over?" Gavin smiles.
"No, we have no interest in taking over your company or in hurting you or your family in anyway our interest is strictly business. All we want is for this all to stay quiet until it's all a completly done deal. The contracts will be signed before the board vote. Then the vote and press release after.  I want you to help me vote in your son Jacob Stockton the forth as the new CEO. After that there's no way your husband is going to make a public stink and loose the millions he still stands to make as owner. What you do after that is your personal business. And if by any infinitesimal chance it ever comes back that we were the ones to give you that video," His voice taking on a more deep and threatening quality leaving no doubt to Alex that information would be a secret she would take to her grave.
 "We just felt it was our duty to support that poor innocent mother and now Grandmother is a defensible stance in the public court." Alex looks up at him unable to disguise the shock that she knew had gripped her expression. This was exactly what she wanted all tied up in one neat little package but what if what he had was absolutely nothing? What if she agreed and this was all just smoke and mirrors? Some kind of trick leading to something more sinister?
"Before I agree to anything Mr. Blackwood what guarantee do I have that what you have, will be of any use to me or that you'll do any of the things you just told me."
"I understand you have no reason to trust me Mrs. Stockton but you still have to ask yourself why would I risk millions, the answer is I won't. That's exactly why I'm doing this however, I can prove to you that what I have will get you what you want." He says pulling his phone from his pocket. He cue's the video then presses play and hands it to her secretly delighting as shock then revulsion grip her as she watches Jay and Abigail Colgate slither and writhe their way to ecstasy before her eyes .
Alex stares at the screen shoving down the bile that rose in her throat with the red hot fury she felt. She watches to the end knowing by the time stamp exactly what day it was taken completely shattering whatever was left of her heart and illusions she may have still had tucked in the recess of her mind. She hands the phone back to him her face white with rage her voice tight.
"How soon can you have the contracts ready?"
Gavin slides his phone into his pocket pulling out an envelope and handing it to her.
"Give me your pen" He reaches in his pocket and hands her his pen she snatches it from his fingers scrawling quickly at all the indicated spots not even bothering to read it and hands it back to him.
"Please send a copy of that video and the hard copies as well as the contract to the number on this card and forward a copy to my phone now please."
"Already done." He says pressing the send button on his phone. He scans the contract before sliding it into his pocket satisfied.
Alex looks down at the small envelope on the phone hesitates for a moment then press the button. She waits a until the image plays then shuts it off quickly and shoves her phone back in her purse.
"I'll see you at the shareholders meeting Mr. Blackwood" She says her voice devoid of emotion her face like stone as she walks quickly past him down the steps. Gavin walks to the window and watches her walk quickly to her car then speed from the parking lot and smiles to himself.
"Still and always the vindictive bitch." He chuckles as he strolls leisurely down the steps and out into the cool evening air to his waiting car.
"Oh Alex darlin I'm not quite done with you just yet." He chuckles as he slides into the seat  and starts the engine .
"One down and one to go." He laughs again shifting the car into gear and drives slowly down the tree lined road enjoying the twilight twinkling between the branches, the sounds of the night birds preparing for the evenings concert and the joyous feeling of being home.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2015

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