Sunday, December 6, 2015

"First Things First"


                     Abigail paces toward the window and looks out for what seemed the hundredth time then checks her phone for what had to be the thousandth time and still no answer! Where the hell was he? She should have heard something back from him by now she'd been calling him since the meeting had broken up and that had been a full day. She should have just followed her instincts and just gone to the house. After that performance Alex had put on she was positive she wouldn't be there to greet him with a highball. No, that bitch was long gone and where ever it was good riddance! At least she was out of the picture leaving room now for her she hoped. Ha! She knew! Eventually Jay would come running to her for help. He didn't know it yet but he was going to need her if he was going to get out of this divorce mess with at least half of what he had. He'd already been replaced at the company and right now she wasn't even sure if he had a job she could live on half for now. He was Jay Stockton after all it wouldn't be long before he had it all back and she planned on being right by his side as Mrs. Jay Stockton when he did. His wife, his children gone no one he could really call a friend just her. Pay day was finally here and she was going to be first in line.
                "Oh yeah Baby you're going to need Momma." She says aloud then looks down at her phone again.
                "You just don't know it yet sugar." She mutters to herself then thumbs through her phone and presses Jay number again.
                Jay pulls into the drive then reaches down and checks his ringing phone, sighs then tosses it back down on the seat. He was in no mood for this right now but it needed to be done. Especially after what happened yesterday and what he had learned today. He'd gone to his lawyers as soon as he awoke this morning. All the while ignoring the cold empty space beside him. Instead he'd focused on the task at hand. He wanted his company back and with the help of Barry, his team and some luck from God he was at least still on the board that was a good thing. He could start working his magic from there. It shouldn't take long to have everyone fall back inline. Everyone of those fucks either owed him or he had something on them. Either way it wouldn't be long until he was back where he belonged, he'd thought.
                      Yes, he still remained on the board but his vote had no more weight than anyone else. Jake now had controlling interest! The bitch had thought of everything! The ultimate punishment make him watch mute with his hands tied as his son ran His company! His company, let there be no mistake! He'd built it from a small logging company into a multinational corporation! If it wasn't for him they'd still only be selling wood to the local paper and lumber mills! All those bastards that voted him out yesterday wouldn't be living high on the hog today if it wasn't for him. They all owed him one  by one he was going to squeeze each one till he rung out what he needed from him. They may think they're safe but as soon as he got back on his feet he was going to make each and every one of them pay for what they'd done to him. Especially Alex who without her help none of this would have been possible. Bitch! Whoever said "nothing is as bad as a woman scorned" must have crossed Alex!
                    That was the second thing he'd done. He'd found an investigator to find Alex he wanted to know exactly where she'd gone and what she'd been up to. It had only taken him a day and few thousand of his dollars and he'd found her not too far from where his daughter had also purchased a home for herself. Where she now lived with Wellington and their son! Imagine that! He was a grandfather and his daughter had managed to hide it from him! The kid was even in and out of the hospital and not a single person had bothered to tell him! Alex had lain next to him every night sat across from him at the table every evening and never uttered a word. Instead she had used the revelation to her best advantage! He should have have known there was more to her crawling out from the bottom of a wine bottles than her love for him. It was way too easy and quick a turnaround from lush to doting wife. Whatever had been her reason her revenge on him was clear and precise leaving little to no wriggle room. If he was going to keep his empire in tack he was going to have to pull out all the stops and that meant using that shared tidbit from their past. That was something she would never want shared and although it hurt him as much as it hurt her in the literal sense since they were equally guilty. Alex had her family to worry about. What would they do to her if they knew? He wasn't positive but he was sure none of them would want anything to do with her ever again and that was something Alex could never bare. Therein lay his power. Once she realised that she'd be more than willing to see things his way.  He'd found out more about his family in the past twenty four hours than he'd known in years and he planned to use every piece against each and everyone of them.
                First things first as per his lawyer he needed to sever all ties with Abigail. That suited him fine. She'd become tiresome and wanted way more than he was willing to give. Mainly she wanted marriage and there was no way in hell that was ever going to happen. Shooting himself would be less painful than marrying Abigail. He should have ended it long ago when he saw the first signs that it was no longer just fun and games. It had been really stupid on his part but he had two reasons he'd kept her around Abigail knew how to keep her mouth shut and second he had to admit she was a lot of fun in the sack. But she was also clingy and demanding and went through money like it was water. If her husband hadn't taken pains to dole it out to her in monthly allotments she'd have burned through it long ago. It was even smarter of him to make sure there was no means possible for her to get at her daughter's money to whom he'd left the bulk of his estate or it would have been gone before she'd reached her teens. He was no one's cuckold especially not hers and neither was he. Were his last thought before ringing her doorbell.
              "Jay honey, why are you ringing the bell why didn't you just use your key?" Abigail says as she open the door and watches Jay sail into the livingroom. She swings the door closed talking as she follows behind him.
                "I've been calling you all day. Where ya been?" She ask walking to the bar scooping ice cubes from the bucket and dropping them into the tumbler then reaches for the decanter of scotch. Jay watches her through hooded lids as he winds the key from the ring.
                 "Yeah, I know. I finally had to turn the ringer off." He grumbles placing the key a top the mantel.
                 "What are you doing sugar?" She ask as she slides down on the couch her legs curled underneath her. Jay looks at her his lips twisting into a half smile as he talks.
                  "Something I should have done years ago." The grin still playing on his lips as he comes to stand in front of her. Abigail takes another sip from her glass then laughs.
                   "Don't be ridiculous! You're not going anywhere!" She looks up at him and laughs again.
                    "Where ya goin Jay? Home to Alex? Back to your families loving embrace? From what I've heard the only people in that house these days are you and the servants.I'm the only thing you have." She grins smugly
                     "If you're it than I'd rather be alone!" He laughs heartily then turns and walks to the hall. Abigail stares after him her eyes wide with shock for a moment then springs off the sofa and chases after him. She grabs him by his arm her nails digging into the flesh of his forearm as she pulls him to face her.
                     "You're serious!" Jay laughs again enjoying the shocked expression of recognition flow across her face.
                      "Never been more serious about anything in my life! You honestly thought that once Alex was out of the picture I'd marry you?" He stares in disbelief laughing as her head involuntarily nods in the affirmative making him laugh harder.
                      "My God you're way past delusional you've lost your damn mind! I don't want to marry you! I never have. You and me we were always just fucking nothing more! None of this ever meant anything to me Abigail. You mean nothing to me! You never have! This babydoll you and me we're a good time for a long time. I say "were" because as I said before "This" is over!" He says pulling his arm from her grasp and turning back towards the door as Abigail comes around him stands in front of it effectively blocking his exit.
                      "You just wait one dam minute Jay Stockton! I do care about you and in your own way you care about me. You've known all along it was always more than just sex for me you've always known that!" Jay laughs again.
                       "Oh yeah darlin I took care of the more part for you this morning. You don't have to worry as long as you keep your mouth shut." Abigail stares at him mouth agape not sure she'd heard what he'd said or what he was referring too.
                      "You took care of what?" She asked tentatively her anger barley suppressed.
                      "I took care of you honey. You didn't think I'd just leave you out in the cold. Not after being a dear and trusted friend for so long." Jay says smoothly enjoying the cat and mouse game they were playing he might just miss that.
                      "Dear and trusted friend? Is that what I am?" She grinds out between clenched teeth.
                       " There should be more than enough money in your account to pay those bills you got stacked up over there. Maybe you can take a long vacation to one of those tropical Island's you're always showing me pictures of and go on a shopping spree."
                       "So you think you can just pay me off like some common whore?"
                       "Don't put yourself down there's nothing common about you. Kept me entertained for a long time."
                       "You BASTARD!"
Abigail lets out a shrill yelp as her hand come up of it's own volition slapping his face hard before her wrist his caught in his iron grasp.
                       "You only get one sweetheart. He says pulling her to him and kissing her deeply forcing her mouth open with his tongue. His other hand reaching beneath her blouse and freeing her breast teasing her nipple till it became taut beneath his thumb. He smothers the laugh in his throat when he feels her yield against him kissing him hungrily. He spins her away from the door releasing her as abruptly as he'd grasped her a small whimper escaping her lips as he reaches for the lock.
                        " I already locked it honey." She pants finishing undoing the buttons on her blouse then drops to her knees reaching for his belt buckle. Jay laughs allowed at her heaving breast and wanton expression as he pushes away from her and reaches for the doorknob
                       "Just like a whore cursing me one minute desperate to suck my cock the next." He laughs again as the tears of shame and loathing fill her eyes. She reaches for her discarded blouse holding it in front of her protecting her exposed breasts against the blast of cold air from the open door. She climbs to her feet slamming the door in his wake then runs to the living room and searches for her phone dialing it quickly.      
                       "Lola honey?.....It's Momma baby........ Please could you come home to see your Momma?............ Please Baby Momma really needs her little girl right now."

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016

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