Saturday, July 25, 2015

"Tomorrow Will Be Perfect"

Jay rolls over and stretches then flinches as the pain in his shoulder shoots through his arm. "Dam!" He mutters rubbing it with his other hand as he eases his stiff knee back down on the mattress. He really needed to spend more time at the gym or he was getting too old for this shit. Maybe he was just getting too old for Abbey's bedroom gymnastics. Geez! She was practically insatiable, especially since she'd seen he and Alex at the club earlier. Which is why she came looking for him as soon as it was over. Not that he hadn't enjoyed their little tryst he thought grinning into the darkness at the memory. Here again, he thought rubbing at the swollen flesh above his knee cap.
 She was trying to compete with Alex and her efforts were obvious and always had been. From makeup to hair, clothes to mannerism hell, even the decor of her home they were all imitation Alex. Unfortunately for Abbey without the breeding, culture or plain good taste that went into the selections it all seemed slightly gaudy giving it all a cheap feel. Sadder still no matter how expensive, usually more than what Alex would have paid it still had that feel. She was the perfect example of taking the girl out of the trash but never being able to take the trash out of the girl.
 Thinking back ,she'd had that strange competition with Alex as long as he'd known her the later seemed oblivious to it leaving only Abbey competing. Ever since high school she'd been that way. When Alex went out for cheerleader so did Abbey when they both made the squad and Alex was made squad captain Abbey was livid. He could tell from the bleachers Abbey was fit to be tied. All anyone had to do was study her tight smile that didn't reach her eyes, the white knuckled grip on her shakers and the way she stomped out the congratulatory cheer. From that point on it was subtle but there slow at first but little by little she became imitation Alex and part of the high school elite. In part because she had a driving need to be apart of the inner circle of upper society and be apart of it's social life. The other was to be in on the gossip and keep tabs on he and Alex. She'd watched them as closely and he watched her just as closely. Being on the team and accepted in the circle then later joining the club and becoming part of the larger circle was how she knew whenever he and Alex had a fight back then and to this day. He knew afterward he could always count on Abbey to be waiting by his car or slip out after curfew ready and willing to let him do to her all the things Alex wouldn't.
She'd managed to keep up the facade with most everyone the only one he was sure she wasn't fooling was butter wouldn't melt in her mouth Marjorie whose distaste for the woman was obvious and him. Abbey was positive about Marjorie's because she made no bones about it. With him she thought she had him duped as she had the rest and he liked it like that. He smiles again tossing his arm behind his head. He knew exactly what she was about and what to avoid. She really wasn't as good an actress as she thought she was or maybe time had just worn her act thin. Perhaps it was what he never like to admit to himself, they were a lot alike he was never really sure. What ever it was she was as transparent as a new pane of glass as far as he was concerned.  He knew what she wanted was to be Mrs. Jacob Stockton and always had. It was the jewel in her crown a reward for her patience, hard work and diligence. She tried to pretend that their relationship was casual just a mutual thing between the two of them that filled a need they couldn't get from anyone else she said. She just didn't think he knew what her ultimate goal was and why the hell he wouldn't know was beyond him. The silly bitch wanted money power and position money being at the top of her list.She was just biding her time waiting for her moment that would never happen.
 He looked over at her gently snoring next to him her naked buttocks glimmering in the moonlight coming through the drapes and fought down the whim to slap it then ram himself deep inside and listen to her squeal like a stuffed pig then ride her till she grunted with pleasure. Alex was game for a lot of things but that was never one of them. Abbey on the other hand she'd be more than willing and ready for him as she always was. Alex, would make him work for it he'd have to coerce her into action and that was the best part the seduction it was like an intricate dance or complex negotiations. Once he got her warmed up he became lost within her. With Alex what seemed like only minutes would be hours later and it was always sheer ecstasy every time. Nothing distracted him when they came together it was just them no one and nothing else. Abbey on the other hand was for kicks how far he could go and how far she would let him. A warm convenient place to vent his anger and slake his lust. Like jumping in the car and tearing towards the ravine or dragging racing on main street. Something he'd always found fun on occasion but  he'd always been partial to cruising on a Saturday night than drag racing. Make no mistake every guy likes to drag race but there was nothing like shinning up the car and taking a slow roll down main street with everyone gaping from the sidewalk as he passed. Abbey was like a drag race if you weren't careful you'd lose control and end up in a skid heading for death. He liked living a lot and he liked the way he lived he definitely wasn't willing to give any of  it up. After the contract was signed and the vote done it signaled playtime was over. It was time to start tying up loose ends time to concentrate on business.
 He needed a better plan to get that VanDorn brat and his equally sickening cousin out of his town and out of his life. Then there was Abbey he thought glancing over at her and sighs. He'd have ended it the other day even before he and Alex reconciled but the last thing he needed was Abbey becoming more of a drama queen and making threats and creating scenes not with the contract signing and announcement in the next few days he couldn't afford the negative publicity it might create. No, he needed to extract himself from the situation but he had to do it carefully and quietly. He looks over at Abbey again then shakes his head the mind was willing but the body protested fiercely. Actually the mind wasn't that willing either he was tired. Tired of the games both in bed and out of the hour of her boring inane chatter of keeping up the pretense , of juggling his women and his schedule more to the point he was just tired. He couldn't do this any longer and he didn't want to he just had to placate her a little longer. Once he was done he could pay more attention to his family something he'd neglected too long.
 Neither one of his sons were speaking to him Jake had thrown himself into the negotiation and only came to him with updates and necessary signatures since their last blow out. He'd basically did exactly what he said he would and did an excellent job he was proud of him. Maybe he was ready take on more of the responsibility. This little test had proved it. He'd have to discuss that with him when he went in tomorrow. Maybe if Jake took hold of the reigns occasionally not fully mind you. He had no intention of retiring yet but, it would give he and Alex much needed time together. Heck, with all the money they'd make they could go to Europe for a month or so. Just the two of them. Alex would love that or would she? Lately she'd seemed to be distracted and if he didn't know better avoiding him? No, she'd just been as busy as he. When he looked at her schedule she'd had club meetings and luncheons and all her usual inane pastimes. Lately there were a lot less wine bottles missing and her demeanor towards him hadn't changed it was the same as it had been since they'd reconciled.
 Although, she and Lesley seemed to have gotten closer. What had caused the sudden change between them he had no idea. He'd been too busy juggling and trying to maintain the fragile truce between them he hadn't had time to delve into that little miracle. Hopefully there was one of those out there for he and his daughter and Jake. Maybe a small one for he and Clay. Who the hell was he kidding for Clay the biggest dam miracle the Lord had.    
He rolls out of bed gently trying not to shake it and wake her. He glances around the floor in the darkness for his clothes gathering them up quickly as he tips into the bathroom. He wanted to get dressed and get the hell out and avoid the conversation he knew was coming if he woke her.
 Abbey opens one eye and watches him slink into the bathroom then rolls over plumping the pillow up behind her before turning on the lamp. She knew exactly what he was up too and what all that sighing meant. He wanted to break it off for the umpteenth time she'd seen that coming a mile away. That's why she went to him after luncheon when he and Alex were practically all over each other well, not exactly but she could tell that's where it was headed and she was proud of herself for getting him first. That would really burn that prissy bitch if she ever found out! Good! Maybe that would be the knockout blow she'd been waiting God only knew how long for! This time he had better not disappoint her or there would be sheer hell to pay and she was more than positive he knew it! She had half a mind to call Lola and let her know Wellington was back in town but she didn't need her drama right now. Right now was crucial she needed to pay attention to her own pokers the last the thing she needed right now was distractions. She needed to focus so she could figure out just how to play this. She was torn between what she wanted to do and what she should do. So far she'd resisted the urge to just put it all out on the table and let the chip fall. She was tired of the game they were playing it was time for the bastard to either shit or get off the pot as far as Alex was concerned. Really, if he had this "Great soulmate love" what the hell was he doing here? While the other chastised and told her to just wait and stay the course. Something was brewing. There was a strange undercurrent gently swirling just under the surface that was finally going to bring her ship in. Besides Jay could never resist the urge to come back here for long. She take a deep breath and stifles her trouble making imp deciding to stay the course plastering a seductive smile on her face as he comes back in the room.
 "Hey," He says looking up startle by her beckoning stare.
 "I didn't mean to wake you." He says giving up all pretense and sitting down on the edge of the bed to slip on his shoes. Abigail smiles as she crawls across the bed and wraps her arms around his waist laying her cheek against his back.
 "I'd hoped you'd stay longer." She purrs annoying him more than anything else as he pulls away from her and stands keeping the facade of contentment on his face.
 "I'd love too darling," He says reaching for his jacket and shouldering into it. "but, I have a busy day tomorrow!" He smiles then leans over the bed quickly kissing her on the forehead then walking to the door.
Abigail lets her out stretched arms flop to her sides barley containing her anger as she turns towards his retreating back.
"Will I see you tomorrow honey?" She coo's sprawling back against the cushions exposing her naked breasts then arching her back pushing the upwards. He stops a moment and looks back then pulls the knob.
 "I'll meet you as soon as it's all over." He says with a wink then blows her a kiss.
 "You sure baby?" She whispers wantonly cupping her breast and flicking her nipple with her finger sliding her other hand down between her parted legs her tongue darting in and out between her slick lips. Jay stares down at her a moment the the light from the nightstand casting her face in sharp angles giving it a haggard appearance. With her hair sprawled across the pillow she reminded him of the gorgon Medusa. The sight of her undulating on the bed having the same stone setting affect on his desire. Yeah, tomorrow would be perfect he thought.
 "You can bank on that darling." He grins turning and closing the door behind him his grin disappearing as he walks down the steps shaking his head. Always one step too far making it cheap and gaudy he thought.  


"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2015


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