Saturday, January 17, 2015

"A Legacy Of Lies"

 Alex awakes slowly stretching her arms above her head and yawning. She looks over at the empty spot next to her and smiles broader then looks around for signs of Jay just as the shower comes on. She lays back against the  pillows feeling blissfully happy. It had been a long time since they had connected like this she hadn't realised how much she missed it.
 Maybe this could be a turning point for the two of them maybe they could finally be like they once were or maybe she was just deluding herself. This entire afternoon was nothing but a lie. She was trying to cover her own tracks as well as keeping him out of someone elses bed.
Who that was still eluded her if there was anyone at all. Maybe she was wrong and had misunderstood the conversation she'd heard? No, it was more than just his words. It was the entire tone of the conversation. She looks towards the bathroom then leans across the bed and grabs his phone. She presses the button quickly searching his call history scrolling back to last night when she'd heard him on the phone and not seeing it. He'd erased it! She scrolls through his text and contacts nothing! Even his outgoing calls was clean but she'd heard what she heard. She checks his call timer then shivers as a small shock goes through her. There it was! He forgot to delete his call timer and there it was. There was someone out there but, it was going to take more than amatture scrolling through his phone to find out who.
 She looks up startled by the sound of his clearing his throat knowing in another second he'd be turning off the water. She puts the phone back on the nightstand. Throws the covers back, reaching for her robe in the same movement then scurries to her dressing table busying herself.
Jay steps back into the room rubbing the towel through his hair grinning from ear to ear.
" Hey! You're awake." Coming behind her and kissing the back of her neck sending a small thrill through her.
"Don't start!" She chides playfully then rises.
"I'm so behind on my errands because of you! I need to hop in the shower and get over to my parents!" Jay grins seductively reaching for her arms as she passes.
"Get one of the kids to take her shopping I have better idea." Alex smiles as she slips from his grasp.
"We can pick this up again when you get back from the mill." She calls over her shoulder and walks to the bathroom just as Jay's phone rings. He looks down at his phone listens for the water to come on before answering.
"Hey darlin! I was just getting ready and I'll be on my way in a bit." He laughs moving quickly around the room as he dresses. "Yeah that was fun wasn't it?..........I have no shame? You loved every minute of it or you wouldn't be calling me right now" He laughs seductively.
"Maybe an hour or so at the most...... Yeah me neither talk to you soon...." He ends the call then deletes it from his history. Before shouldering into his jacket as he walks to the bathroom door.
"I've got to run!" He calls over the sound of spraying water. "I'm going to leave your phone on the counter for you." He grins stepping in front of the mirror and checking his reflection.
"Thanks, I'll see you for dinner?" She shouts back.
He smooths down a stray hair winks at his reflection then swagers towards the door never more pleased with his self.
"See you at seven darlin!" He shouts closing the door.
 Alex shuts off the water and steps out of the shower reaches for towel and holds it to her mouth listening for the front door to close then screams into it at the top of her lungs letting loose her fury. All the while the words pounding in her head. The arrogant son of a bitch was literally rolling from their bed into his whores! She couldn't have felt more humiliated than if she had been standing stripped naked in the town square! She staggers to the counter gripping the edge for support her knuckles white. Trying to control the rage seething inside and the need for revenge growing deeper. Her mind focusing on the memory of his preening in the mirror before he'd left! She'd wanted to fly from the shower and scratch the smile from his face! God! The man should thank his maker he was still alive! Oh he was going to pay and pay dearly she wasn't sure how but she was going to make it happen she resolves. She glances down at her ringing phone taking a cleansing breath and exhaling before answering.
"Hey Mom! I swear I'm on my way!" She says toweling off quickly as she runs to her dresser pulling out clothing and dressing in a hurry.
"Don't worry about it. I have a change of plans. Nothing's wrong with me but, I need you to meet me at the hospital." Says Mary stopping Alex in her tracks.
"What's going on?" She says a slight tremor in her voice.
"Honey, I'm fine nothing to worry about I'll see you soon?" She says hoping she sounded more jovial then she felt.
"Okay I'll be right there Mom. Bye." Alex says from the other end of the phone sounding distracted to Mary who shrugs and walks back to Marjorie.
"She's on her way" She sighs taking the seat beside her.
"How'd she sound?" Marjorie ask folding her arms across her chest not looking forward to the confrontation and hoping she could turn the situation to her advantage some how. Mary sighs and shrugs again.
"Like usual distracted probably something to do with Jay. Hopefully we can keep that idiot out of it as long as possible. He's the last thing those kids need right now." Marjorie nodding in agreement.
"She's a mother first and always and now were talking about her Grandchild her first one." Marjorie's voice taking on a hint of sadness as she remembered her Juliet and all the insanity that followed her death . Mary reaches over taking her hand for a moment giving it a little squeeze.
"Now you have this beautiful new Grandson and me a Great Grandson! I can't wait to spoil him rotten!" Mary giggles mischievously.
"Me too" Marjorie grins happily then her brow furrows again.
"' I just hope we get the chance to do it."
"Don't you worry, my Erin's not going to let anything happen to him." Mary says resolutely leaving no room for argument.
"Hey, here you go ladies" Chase say coming into the waiting room carrying cups of coffee handing one to each women. Mary smiles up at him as she reaches for her cup patting the seat next to her.
"Thanks dear." Chase smiles taking the seat next to her. He loved Erin's Grandmother despite everyone elses seeming fear of her. She was a no nonsense lady that didn't take crap from anyone. She'd fight with the biggest trucker about a delivery and come out a winner everytime. She worked hard, worked her family hard and loved them all harder.
She was that old lady every one had in their neighborhood that saw everything heard everything a kid would want to do and caught them every time.
 It didn't matter whose kids they were she treated and punished everyone of them as if they were one of her own. He and Well had scrubbed a floor or two even scraped gum from under the tables! The first time it happened they'd run home and complained to their parents.  Their parents just laughed and asked what they did then laughed again. They knew! She'd done it to them when they were kids so there was no point in complaining.
"How have you been hon?" She asked sipping the cup enjoying the warmth of it against her cold hands.
"I'm okay. How are you two holding up?" He asks leaning forward and looking towards his aunt who sat her brow creased with worry then back to Mary.
"We're doing okay," she says answering for the both of them. "Just waiting for Alex." Her head swiveling instinctively towards the entrance. Chase sighs then stands pulling his jacket from the back of the chair.
"I think that's my que to take a walk." Marjorie looks up at him pulling herself from her thoughts.
"No, stay honey, Wellington may need you when he comes back." She says looking up at him her eyes pleading. Chase smiles down at her patting her shoulder reassuringly.
"Don't worry I'm not going far just taking a walk. I think it would be better if I'm not here, " He says shouldering into his jacket. "You ladies can handle this besides, Mrs. Stockton isn't my biggest fan." He leans in kissing his aunt then Mary. "I have my cell call me if anything happens." He says walking out the door leaving them to it while Marjorie and Mary stare after him.
"Chicken!" Mary screams after him with a laugh then sits back down next to Marjorie.
"Smart kid something tells me this won't be easy." Her words instantly getting Marjorie's attention.
"What did she say?" She blurts out then quickly sipps her cup hoping she didn't sound too curious.
"Nothing she said more like how she sounded. Somethings up, more than likely Jay but then when isn't it?" She laughs and shakes her head. Marjorie laughs with her.
"Ain't that the truth!" They both laugh then stop as Alex walks into the waiting room pulling off her gloves looking more irritated than usual.
"Okay I'm here you ready to get going? Oh, " She says surprised just noticing Marjorie sitting in the chair.
"Marggie? Twice in one day!" She says looking from Marjorie whose face wasn't as smug as usual and back to her mother who looks quick to Marjorie then back to her. The action sending a shiver up her spine.
"What happened what's going on between you too?" Mary takes a deep breath then sits down patting the seat next to her. There was no other way to tell her so she just told her Marjorie filling in in here and there until the entire story was out. When she finish she stayed silent for a moment letting it sink in as she watches the emotions shock, anger, regret march across Alex's face waiting for which one it would settle on.
Alex slides back in her chair her mind reeling in wonderment. It was if action resulted in the same reactions over and over again it was all so incredibly circular. Life in this family always seemed to start with a well constructed lie. Another generation another lie this time her daughter and Wellington Swift this time a grandson. Now she was tied to Margie and the Swifts for ever! Every Birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving now compounded. At least Jake and Toni had yet to solidify their relationship with a child.
She'd hoped her daughter would have been smart enough to take precautions but No! She was just as irresponsible as he was! She could understand her hiding the child from him but her own family? Jay she could understand but her? I'm her mother! Now she can't talk to me either? Was she that distant from her children?
"God! My children don't even come to me anymore! Instead they run away, keep secrets and hide children! While I chase behind Jay wondering who's bed he's in this time!" She blurts out forgetting Marjorie's presences as she rants the later sitting silently and unmoving soaking it all in.
"I don't know what the hell happened to my family! We used to be so..." Her voice trails off for a moment. "Now I have a grandson I don't even know possibly di..." Her voice trails off again she sniffs rummaging through her purse then taking the tissue Mary handed her.
"And Jay running all over and our children and that poor little boy..." She stops again crying in earnest. Marjorie looks on the scene for a moment then rises coming to Alex's' side.
"Well we can't change the past all we can do is deal the the present. It's not any of our faults especially not that little boys it's just the way it is. I don't fault Lesley for doing what she did. She did what any of us would have done, protect our child. That's what mothers do. Especially considering she was dealing with Colgate crazy. In my opinion she did a dam good job. I'm going to get us all some fresh coffee and see if there's any news." She says with a nod her words oddly comforting to Alex.
 Marjorie had what she needed. She'd be able to kill three birds with one stone and secure her family's legacy. Well James Stockton Swift you're your grandmother's little good luck charm. She smiles then says a little prayer for her new little one life and his parents be given the strength to weather the gale winds about to rip through this town.          

 "Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2015


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