Sunday, June 1, 2014

"To Sleep Perchance"

Toni stops at the door of the bedroom she shared with Jake. She listened for a moment to see if he was on the phone as a way of trying to determine his mood but, all she could hear was the click clack of his fingers hitting the keys on the computers keyboard. She takes a deep breath plastering a smile on her face then opens the door.
"Hey how are you" She comes in the room walking to the bed leaning down to kiss him. Jake pulls his face away and continues type on the laptop.
"Fine where the hell you been?" Stopping his typing for a moment and looking up at her his brow drawn together in a "V". Toni ignores the attitude and walks to the closet hangs up her outfit and changes in to her night clothes.
"I told you I was going to dinner at my parents tonight, you were supposed to come. Remember?" She says walking from the closet to the bathroom.
" Oh yeah I forgot. How was it?" He asks as she passes by only half listening he should have gone with her at least he would have eaten he laughs to his self.
"What did your Mother have?" Toni's Mom made a mean pot roast if she'd made Pot roast he'd really be pissed.
"Pot roast." She calls from the bathroom snickering when she hears him mutter an explicative.
"Oh and Wellington is home." She calls pulling her toothbrush from the stand and reaching for the toothpaste.
"Must be freaking old home week cause Chase Van Dorns home too!" He snarls pushing the laptop off his lap and rubs his eyes. He'd wasted half the evening on the phone the other half on the computer looking for a way to stop Chase. He had a couple of things maybe but none of them would be good enough for Jay. Nothing other than total annihilation would satisfy his father.
"Did you know he bought the old mill and turned into some kind of silicone valley?" He calls into the bathroom shouting over the water.
"Yeah, Wellington was telling us all about it at dinner." She comes out of the bathroom shutting off the light and walking to her side of the bed. Watching the expression on Jakes face go from shocked to confused to angry.
"So Wellington is in on this too and I suppose Preston?" He growls when she nods her head in agreement jumps up and paces the floor.
"What the hell is going on? Exactly what are they up to?" He stops his pacing rubbing the back of his neck."Did your brother say anything during dinner?" He says turning towards her. Toni shrugs and reaches for her hand lotion.
"Not really." She looks up at him massaging her hands. Jake stops his pacing and stares at her in disbelief.
"He comes back here all of a sudden opens up a business and spends an entire evening in the bosom of his family and he doesn't talk about it?" His voice dripping with sarcasm. Toni rolls her eyes desperately trying to comprehend what it was he wanted her to say.
"He talked about opening a business how it was an opportunity of a lifetime how it would be good for the town and would create jobs. Blah! Blah! Blah!." She says sounding bored she picks up he sketchpad and begins working on the sketch she started last night.
"I don't understand what the big deal is really. It's not like he's opening a logging company!"
"If it were just your brother I don't think it would be but he had to add Chase Van Dorn to the mix!" He throws his hands up in frustration and plops down on the bed. Toni sighs kneels behind him and massage his shoulders.
"Come on it can't be that bad." She leans in kissing his neck.
"Baby, you didn't hear him tonight." Toni wraps her arm around his shoulders and hugs him.
"Jay was just being Jay he's not going to fire you no matter what he says. You're his pride and joy. He's spent your whole life grooming you to take over he's not going to just give up now." She kisses his temple and smiles. Jake sighs looking up at her.
"I don't know why I even bother!" He groans and pulls away. "Everything I do is wrong! I bring in a multimillion dollar account! I do all the research I make the contact! I wine and dine this guy for months! I'm working my ass off. He treats it like nothing the entire time. Then comes to the closing meeting and he struts around like he did it! It took everything in me to keep from..." He growls. Toni moves to sit next to him on the bed letting her feet dangle off the side.
"Baby don't let him get to you. I know he doesn't say it but I can see he is proud of you in his own bizarre Jay way." She rolls her eyes making him laugh. "And, I know you'll figure out a way go to do whatever it is he wants, you always do. Besides there isn't much you or anyone else can do they already filed with the state house this afternoon and you have me! Whatever happens we'll get through it together" She says putting her arms around him and kissing his temple trailing them behind his ear making him tuck his neck and shiver. Jake looks at her and smiles as an idea forms in his head. He reaches for her pushing her back on the bed. Toni kisses him glad he was off the "Jay wheel" and found whatever answer he needed to quickly sex always had that effect on him. Maybe a little too quickly this time a little voice whispered to her.
" Yeah, I have you." He kisses her feeling better than he had all evening his incredible sexy wife had given him the solution and she didn't even know it. He leans down kisses her sliding his hand under the lace top of her panties swallowing her moans.
"Jake," She purrs beneath him gently pulling his hand away before she lost herself. "Just one more thing lover," She says unbuttoning his shirt and running her hands across the corded muscles beneath then kisses him.
"I'm telling you the same thing I told my family."
"What's that?" He moans as her hand slides slowly down his thigh and across his manhood as she fumbles for the drawstring on his sweatpants.
"Don't make me have to chose" She rolls on top of him tugging at his sweatpants freeing him.
"Promise me you won't do anything to make me have to choose between you and them"
"I promise." He groans as she straddles him taking him beyond the gnawing voice, past sudden pang of foreboding.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

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