Saturday, June 21, 2014

"Somethings Brewing"

Teresa kneels behind the bar holding a clipboard taking inventory when she hears the bell above the door ring. She rolls her eyes and sighs muttering under her breath.
"Geeze o flip! It's ten o'clock in the freaking morning!" As she scurries to stand.
"We're closed!"
"Good then you have a moment to talk to me." Alex says sauntering to the bar and sitting on the stool in front of her. Teresa opens her eyes wide with mock surprise.
"Huh! What brings you out this time of the morning? I thought your days don't normally start till after ten?" Alex smiles at her teasing but it doesn't reach her eyes Teresa notes.
"Normally they don't that's why I'm here." Teresa looks at her a moment noting the pain in her eyes and hurt in her voice and softens.
"Why don't you pick a table and I'll bring us some coffee." Alex smiles weakly as she slides off the stool and walks towards a table. Teresa following with cups in hand place one in front of Alex then slides in the booth across from her.
"Black right?" Alex smiles at her.
"Right." She says taking a sip.
"Hmm just what I needed thanks." Teresa looks at her then reaches for the sugar shaker.
"So whats going on?" Alex puts her cup down and laughs.
"Why does something have to be wrong? Can't I just come by to say "Hi"?" Teresa grins.
"Please, I'm your sister when you feel lonely and want to chat you call me. When somethings really wrong you come by. So what's up?" Searching her face,
"Clay left this morning." Teresa looks at her confused.
"Left for where?" Alex cocks her head to the side her mouth twisted in a frown sounding more annoyed than she'd meant.
"Left as in moved out!"  She moans tears running down her cheeks.
"He and Jay had a huge fight I mean huge! Clay screamed he was never coming back." She sobs. Teresa reaches out takes her hand in hers squeezes it.
"He and Jay just had another one of their fights he'll be back once he's cooled down he always does." Alex fights back a tear her voice becoming a hoarse whisper.
"No this was bad Tree, real bad he's not coming back this time." She says choking back a sob.
"You should have heard him and the look on his face. The things he said to Jay! He's never coming back" Her voice drops as she weeps in earnest. Teresa pats her hand  then gives it a squeeze.
" Come on honey you had to see that coming a mile away. Clay's been trying to pull away for years. Jay just wouldn't let him go. And, if you're honest with yourself neither did you."
"I know, but it still hurts." She snuffs reaching for a napkin from the dispenser and wiping her eyes. Teresa pulls a few more from the dispenser and hands them to her as she continues to chide her.
"He's a grown man he had to leave the nest sometime long before now if you ask me." Alex gives her a half smile of agreement then adds still feeling sadden by the circumstances behind it.
"But not like this! Not when he's so angry." She sniffs. Teresa chortles.
"Please you wouldn't be happy about his leaving under good circumstances." Making them both chuckle.
"I know you're right. It all just scares the hell out of me!" She whispers eyes wide with fear.
"Why the hell would you be afraid? Clay is a grown man he moved out, not the best circumstances," She shrugs.
"but so what? He moved out and moved in with Felicia Van Dorn!" Teresa rolls her eyes throwing her hands in the air her fingers splayed.
"Surprise! What the hell Alex?" Her voice dripping wit sarcasm.
"You knew that was going to happen!" Alex looks around then leans in closer.
"It's not just that he moved in with her! It's the timing! With Jay, and everything going on..." Teresa nods in agreement filling in the rest of her sentence.
"You're afraid that little secret you've been holding on to is going to rear it's ugly head." She leans back against the seat absently stirring her cup
"Exactly! Then all hell is going to break loose! Then what am I going to do?" She pouts staring down into her cup. Teresa leans forward her patients with her sisters pity party at an end.
"Deal with it!" Shouts slapping her hand on the table startling her sister out of her reserve.
"Like you should have from the beginning!" Alex's eyes narrow.
"I did deal with it!" She shouts back annoyed by Teresa's lack of empathy. Teresa shakes her head smiling at her historical revision.
"No, you hid the truth and tried to make it go away and now you're afraid it's come back to bite you in the ass." Her voice half mocking. Alex sighs closes her eyes and leans her head against the back of the booth.
"This can't be happening!" Teresa leans in closer her voice chastising.
"I'm going to tell you the same thing I told you then, tell him the truth. Before this all blows up!" She says firmly.
Before what all blows up?" Alex feels a sudden burst of panic as Teresa rises from her chair and hugs her father.
"Hey Dad!
"Hi ya honey!" He says kissing her cheek then turns to Alex.
"Alex come here give your Dad a hug!
"Hey Dad! How are you?" She says rising from her seat hugging and kissing him.
Good, good What's going on with you?!" Alex looks at her sister who jumps in before Alex can answer.
"How was Fishing?
"Fishing was great! I got about six trout in the cooler cleaned and ready to freeze. Where's your mother? He looks around. Teresa steps hoping to keep him talking and off track.
"She and Emma went to the Farm Market. Where's Uncle Ben?"
"I dropped him off on the way back and I got a chance to see Preston! He looks great! He was telling me all about what he, Chase and Wellington are up to with the old mill! Sounds really promising I'm really proud of him!
"So am I. I'm hoping the're very successful so are a lot of people. Times have hit this town hard we're way past due for something good" Teresa raises one eyebrow and looks at her sister. Her father cheers along with her.
"Amen to that! Now, what's blowing up?" He grins slapping his hands together and looking directly at Alex. Alex composes her emotions putting the past back on it's shelf and dealing with the present.
"Clay moved out this morning." She sighs her face wane. Donovan smiles broadly looking as if someone handed him a winning lottery ticket.
"Good for him tell my grandson I'm proud of him! Now if the rest of your children would stand on their own two feet the world would be a beautiful place. Did he finally get the good sense and go be with that pretty little Van Dorn girl?" His face filled with anticipation as Alex frowns and becomes more annoyed.
"Yes!" She snaps watching as her father beam with pride.
"Good for him! I'll have to give him a call let him know how happy I am for him!" Alex stares at him a moment appalled by his response to her news.
"Tell me you don't see a problem with this?" She folds her arms over her chest her voice terse. Donovan looks at her a moment puzzled then laughs at his realization.
"Oh! You mean Jay and his nonsense?" He laughs again the frustration and annoyance on Alex's face making him laugh harder while Teresa stifles a laugh of her own.
"Of course Jay!" She throws her hands up in exasperation. Donovan shrugs.
"You tell Jay I said piss on him and you should tell him the same thing!" He says wagging a finger at her the turns toward the kitchen.
"I'm going in the kitchen see if one of the kids will help me with my cooler. Always good to see you Alex." He walks into the kitchen calling the name of one of the kitchen staff. Teresa smothers a laugh waits a moment for the door to close.
" I think Dad's got the perfect solution! I think you should tell him and if he doesn't like it, tell him piss off!
"Great! Just Great! I don't even know why I come here!" Alex huffs reaching for her purse.
"So you'll know exactly what common sense is and maybe choose it for a change and tell him. After the years of crap you've put up with from him he should be kissing your ass!" She finishes picking up the cups and placing them on the bar then turns back to Alex her voice and body language tender and supportive.   "Seriously if you need me give me call and I really am sorry Clay left the way he did." She reaches out and hugs her tight.
"Thanks I love you." Alex smiles hugging her back.
"I love you too." She gives her an extra squeeze then turns and walks towards the door calling over her shoulder.
"Tell Dad I said bye!" She says pushing through the door.
" Will do bye. Call me!" Teresa yells after her watching her leave and shakes her head knowing she would do the exact opposite of what she told her. Also knowing there wasn't a damn thing she could do but wait for the fireworks and fallout.
" I will! Bye"
Alex walks out the door into the bright spring sunlight putting on her sunglasses as she walks to her car. She loved Tree she really did. She was her best friend and confident, always there when she needed her. On most things she was right but on this one, she thought climbing into her car and starting the engine. She was wrong! She'd gone this far with it. There was no turning back now. She'd have to put her fear on the self with the rest of the baggage. If and when Jay learned the truth it wouldn't be from her lips.  

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


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