Sunday, June 29, 2014

"Shake It Up"

 Michael speeds into the "Rowdy's" parking lot leaving a trail of dust behind him. He turns to his brother and laughs as he pulls into a parking space throwing the gears in park.
"Wooo! This car is awesome!" He squeals bounding from the car and walking around it. Chase laughs slapping his brother on the back as they walk towards the entrance.
"Glad you like it because you owe me a new set of tires!" He laughs pulling open the door and letting his brother pass through.
"So what do you have?" he looks up and down the bar looking for a bartender. Michael grins.
"What are you grinning about?" Michael laughs.
"First beer with my big brother." They both laugh as Michael signals the bartender.
"I thought I recognized that laugh! How are you Chase?" She smiles reaching out and kissing his cheek.
" Hey Ms. Stuart I'm doing better than okay, you're looking good!" Teresa blushes a slightly.
"Thank you, glad to hear it. What can I get you?"
"Two beers" He looks to his brother who nods his head in agreement.
"You got it" She says turning and walking to the tap. Michael turns around and surveys the bar spotting Desiree and Stephanie sitting in a booth in the corner. Teresa sets down the beer in front of him and follows his glance.
"Michael you're not going to be any trouble tonight promise?" Her eyes narrowed lips tight.
"No, ma'am I promise not to start with anyone that doesn't start with me first." Michael winks a sly smile playing on his lips. Teresa mouth twists in distaste.
"You cause one more fight in here and I'm going to take you out back and beat you like a redheaded stepchild! You try and keep him out of trouble." She turns towards Chase and winks then walks to another customer.
"What kind of trouble do you get in?" Chase scrutinizing his brother as he sips his beer. Michael gives him a sly smile and turns back to the bar.
" Nothing really a couple of fights nothing big."
"Yeah," Chase gives his brother a sideways glance then turns leans against the bar and sips his beer. "What do you mean by nothing big?" Michael laughs turns his head and looks up at Stephanie.
"Mostly pool games and girls." Making Chase laughs and shakes his head.
"Any girl in particular?" Michael laughs and looks around the room.
"Hell brother take your pick! I've been in a fight over one or the other of them." He says making them both laugh.
"Maybe, you have a little too much time on your hands?" Michael guzzles the last of his beer then takes a deep breath.
"So you're getting on the Mom and Dad train? "You need a job Michael! Get a job Michael!" He mocks. Chase looks at him and shakes his head.
"My asking you to come work with me has nothing to do with mom and dad. I was going to ask you anyway."
"Yeah, yeah yeah." Michael rolls his eyes and mutters the stares at the girl bending over the pool table. Chase slaps him on the arm making him jump and his head snapping back to him.
Hey wouldn't you rather work for me do what you went to school for than do temp work? And, I'm bound to be a better boss than some stranger I actually like you." They laugh. "Besides wouldn't you rather have some real money in your pocket?" Michael eyes follow the girl from the pool table turning as she walks so he was facing his brother as he talks.
"Yeah that would be nice."
"And you can stop hustling pool!" Michael stares at him wide eyed. "Oh yeah I know about that too." Chase grins and winks finishing his beer. Michael looks at him eyeing suspiciously.
"I'm not going to have some slacker-asshole pity job right?" Chase smirks and shakes his head "no".
"I need an IT guy to take care of the day to day stuff. Preston going to be designing he's not going to have time for that and what ever else Preston needs." Michael's eyes open wide.
"You're serious aren't you?" Chase laughs.
"What do you thinks man? Of course!" Michael grins looking happier than Chase had seen him since he arrived.
"Thanks man, " He says reaching over and hugging him. "I won't let you down!" Chase pats him on the back then lets go.
"I'm going to hold you to that!" He looks around the bar for Erin wishing she was off work by now.
"I'd ask you if you wanted to put a quarter on the pooltable but I think you're going to be busy." He grins looking behind him. Chase turns and see's Toni coming through the door walking towards him. He opens his arms hugging her tight.
"God I missed you!" he smiles down at her.
"I really missed you too." She beams up at him.
"Hey Toni!" Michael smirks looking from on to the other. Toni walks the distance between them arms outstretched then gives Michael a hug.
"Hey Mike good to see you?"
"Good to see you too." Michael smiles hugging her back then looks from one to the other.
"Success agrees with you!" She smiles at Chase giving him the once over.
"You look great Erin is one lucky girl!" She nods in approval making him laugh.
" So do you as always!"
"Thank you!" She laughs. Chase looks behind her casually scouring the room for Jake.
"Speaking of lucky where's your other half?"  Toni's smile cracks for a moment.
"He's around here somewhere and I promise he's on his best behavior. Especially after what happened this morning." Chase looks at her confused. Toni sucks in her bottom lip sorry she'd said anything since they obviously had no clue. Chase turns Toni eyes shift to something behind him
"Oh so I guess you haven't heard?" Chase looks at Jake who pulls himself to his full height his jaw set his eyes filled with challenge as always. Chase looks at Toni who's pasted on smile hid fear and decides to take the high road for her sake.
"Hey Jake." Jake looks from Michael back to Chase and nods his head then smiles slyly.
"I guess you Van Dorns aren't as tight as you all pretend" Mike glares at him moving closer to his brother as Chase jaw tightens his fist clenched. Toni looks from Her husband to her cousin the slides over to Jake wrapping her arm around him and placing her hand on his chest.
"Clay moved out this morning and moved in with Felicia." Toni blurts out surprising both Michael and Chase whose eyes open wide then they both smile giving each other the thumbs up.
"Good for them! I always liked Clay. I hope they'll be very happy. And to answer your question we're very close, the difference is we're not a bunch of control freaks." His tone dismissive he looks at Michael who erupts in laughter then back to Jake who's face is white with suppressed rage.
"Come on lets play" He says picking up a cue-stick from the table. Jakes nostrils flare his lips drawn tight making Michael laugh harder. Jake pulls at the confining arm of Toni around his waist itching to punch the grin off Michael's face. Michael smirks then turns towards the pool table calling over his shoulder.
" Hey Jake, nice to see at least one Stockton man can grow a pair."  Then howls with laughter seconds before hearing Teresa screams Bill's name and pain erupts through his jaw. Chase comes between his brother and Jake and kicks Jake in the chest knocking him to the floor.
Bill runs from the back followed by Don who stands between a prone Michael and Chase standing over him ready to strike Jake clumsily extracting himself from the maze of toppled chairs.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Don roars above the noise of the crowd and blaring jukebox bringing the room to silence.
"Who started this?" He shouts looking from Chase to to Jake.
"I said who started it?" He shouts again turning his head towards Bill and Chase helping Michael to his feet. The later leans back against the pool table and rubs his jaw. The rest remain silent Teresa shakes her head then points to her nephew.
"Get out Jake!" Jake stand rubbing his chest staring at his aunt his face contorted with anger.
"What? Come on Aunt Teresa!" Teresa folds her arms across her chest and glares at him her mouth twisted in disapproval.
"I saw you from the bar Jake you sucker punched Michael. Now, that will be forty bucks for the drinks and you have a good night." Jake groans in frustration reaches in his pocket handing Teresa a hundred dollar bill.
"I'm keeping the rest for damages since you started it. And you," She says turning towards Michael.
"Can go in the back get a bucket a mop and a broom and clean up this mess. Desi do me a favor show him where everything is."  Then turns back toward Jake.
"I told you to get!" She waves her hand toward the door.
"You heard her get!" Don shouts pointing toward the door. Jake glares at Chase his anger still in full force.
"This isn't over Van Dorn!" He grumbles as he lopes to the door Toni in tow.
"Yeah I kind of figured that." He mumbles as walks to the table set it up right. Bill and Don watch for a moment then walk back to the bar.
"This is going to be a long hot summer." Don grumbles shaking his head Bill nods his head in agreement.
"Yeah I just hope we don't get burned in the fallout" He sighs. Don nods.
"From your lips!" He says slapping Bill on the back and laughing.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

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