Sunday, June 22, 2014

"The Past Is The Past"

Lesley hangs up the phone with one of the companies distributors. Asshole Adamson! The man was a total idiot! Every month it was something with that guy! She hesitated saying anything to her father about it since he'd just freak out on the man and he was already nervous hence the monthly drama. Lord knew there was already enough drama going on already.
 Clay finally grew a pair and moved out. Good for him! She was really proud of him. He'd called on his way to work to tell her. He'd asked her to throw a couple of thing in a box for him and if she could drop them off at Felicia's. Funny thing was he didn't sound angry he sounded relieved and happy. Happier than she'd heard him in a long time and she was happy for him. At least someone in their family was she knew she wasn't and seeing Wellington last night reminded her just how unhappy she was. She sits back in her chair turning it so it faced the window going over in her mind what happened between them last night and how much seeing him had shaken her. She was still so angry with him. It had been three years and seeing him last night it was as fresh as if it all happened yesterday. She'd wanted to pummel him till he was black and blue all over and the other part of her wanted to take him in her arms and kiss them all away. That was the part of her that frightened her the most. The part of her that still ached for him and as hard as she tried she couldn't shut it off. She'd spent most of the night fighting the urge to call him the other half crying. The memories just wouldn't stop. They haunted her dreams all night, when she'd finally been able to find sleep and had distracted her all morning. What she needed was to get out of there! She reaches into the bottom drawer of her desk and retrieves her purse then walks out the door and straight to the elevator without a word to anyone. She hurries through the lobby ignoring the annoying receptionist calling her name and out the doors before Jay or Jake see's her or can ask questions. She jumps into the drivers seat guns the engine and speeds from the parking not sure where she was headed. She just knew anyplace was better than here winding up at the falls as always. They were always her favorite place. She'd always come here whenever she'd needed to think or clear her head as long as she could remember. She shuts off the engine and climbs out walks around the back and pulls a blanket from her trunk. She spreads it out a few feet from the waters edge and sits down watching the water pound the rocks below wondering what she should do. What was there to do? No matter what she did she would have to tell him the truth and that meant telling everyone and she wasn't sure she was ready to do that. She knew she didn't want Jay or her mother involved that was for sure. That's why she had taken all the precautions she had. The only one who knew was Erin and she knew she could always trust her. She'd always been more like a sister than a cousin and had been her best friend for as long as she could remember. She'd stuck by her every step of the way if it hadn't been for her she didn't know how she would have gotten through any of it. Especially the day after when Wellington hadn't gotten off of that plane.
 She'd just gotten in from work when her phone had rung she'd been so excited when she'd seen it was him.
"Hey Baby!" She says curling up on the sofa feeling happier than she'd felt all day at the sound of his voice.
"Hey honey how are you?"
"I'm doing better now that you called"
"Me too!" He sighs trying to keep his tone upbeat.
"How's everything at home?" Lesley grins happy this would be the last phone call and she could talk to him and tell him everything in person finally.
"Same as always you haven't missed anything trust me." She laughs.
"I really miss you" He says sounding earnest but something else in his voice immediately made her suspicious.
"Aha me too! But, I'll see you tomorrow when I pick you up at the airport. I can't wait! There's so much I need to tell you!" She says giving him no wriggle room and waits for the other shoe to drop.
"About that....I've umm run into a problem here and I'm going to have to stay for a while longer."
"What do you mean "Stay for a while"? You've already been gone for months! And in that time I have barely seen you!" Her anger starting to mount.
"I know, I know and I'm sorry, really sorry honey." Lesley sighs and clears her throat fighting back her tears.
"What the hell is going on this time?" She shrieks into the phone unable to contain her anger and frustration.
'Well Lola..." He stutters over her name further fueling her anger.
"Oh my God! Not this Bitch again!" She laughs bitterly  "How is she your responsibility? That's why they call them ex's!"
"She's in..." He starts and is cut off by Lesley's screaming.
"Whatever it is Wellington she can take care of herself!
"That's the problem she..." He starts again.
"That's always the problem Wellington! She ALWAYS needs you! What about me Wellington? What about us? What about everything we wanted for us, before this all happened?"    
"That's not fair Lesley! After everything  I've been through! My God! My daughter just died!" His voice filled with pain and frustration cutting away at her heart softening it a little.
" I know, I loved her too and my heart goes out to all of you, you know that! But, your daughter died four weeks ago! It's past time for you to come home!" She chokes out wiping the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.
"Lesley, you don't understand! Lola needs..." The sound of her name unleashing her anger full force as she rages into the phone.
"Lola! Lola! I'm sick to death of hearing about your ex-wife! Or is she more than that now? Is that what you're really trying to tell me?" Her voice dripping with anger and sarcasm.
"No!" He screams back "Of course not! She's really bad off and needs..." He starts again and is cut of by the bitter coldness of Lesley's voice.
"I don't care! I don't care what's wrong with her Wellington! I don't care what she needs! I'm telling you if you're not on that plane tomorrow, that will tell me all I need to know! If you're not on that flight don't bother coming back!"
 She could still hear Wellington screaming her name as she hung up the phone and the pain in her heart fresh as if it were happening right now. She'd sat in that airport for four hours before going back home and calling Erin. She hadn't spoken to Wellington since that night and would have been happy to never speak to him again if a bad wind hadn't blown through town bringing him back to her door step.
 Maybe a part of her wanted him to come back and had stayed here waiting for him. She could have started a new life anywhere she thought then thought again that leaving here would have only complicated things more and she'd have always had to be leary of  unexpected drop in visits. She reaches for her purse rummaging through till she found a tissue then dabs her eyes and wipes her nose. She shoves it back into the corner of her purse then pulls out her wallet flips through the pictures smiling to herself feeling instantly cheered at the sight of them. She should drive out and see them rather than sitting around here moping about the past maybe take a few days from work. Her parents would get it especially with Wellington back. Part of her promise not to speak to him she laughs. It also wasn't like she didn't disappear most every weekend saying she was going to New York to hang with Erin it had just gotten harder to come up with excuses since Erin moved back to town. Still all she'd have to say is she needed some time alone or play time. That always seemed to work and being thought of as a wilful spoiled brat had it's advantages. That, and as long as she acted normal and fell in line at work Jay stayed out of her face. Now, with Clay out of the house his focus would be even less on her and more on winning his darling son back.
 Yeah, that's exactly what she was going to do and she didn't have to stop at home to do it either. Everything she needed was already there anyway. She throws her wallet back in her purse then stands and folds the blanket. She grabs both tossing them into the back of the car then climbs in starting the engine and driving back to the highway feeling better than she had all day. She'd go spend a few days with her little man. Maybe figure out a way to tell Wellington but it wouldn't be this weekend. This weekend it would be just the two of them maybe one of the last times before she'd have to ultimately share him.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

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