Sunday, June 29, 2014

"Shake It Up"

 Michael speeds into the "Rowdy's" parking lot leaving a trail of dust behind him. He turns to his brother and laughs as he pulls into a parking space throwing the gears in park.
"Wooo! This car is awesome!" He squeals bounding from the car and walking around it. Chase laughs slapping his brother on the back as they walk towards the entrance.
"Glad you like it because you owe me a new set of tires!" He laughs pulling open the door and letting his brother pass through.
"So what do you have?" he looks up and down the bar looking for a bartender. Michael grins.
"What are you grinning about?" Michael laughs.
"First beer with my big brother." They both laugh as Michael signals the bartender.
"I thought I recognized that laugh! How are you Chase?" She smiles reaching out and kissing his cheek.
" Hey Ms. Stuart I'm doing better than okay, you're looking good!" Teresa blushes a slightly.
"Thank you, glad to hear it. What can I get you?"
"Two beers" He looks to his brother who nods his head in agreement.
"You got it" She says turning and walking to the tap. Michael turns around and surveys the bar spotting Desiree and Stephanie sitting in a booth in the corner. Teresa sets down the beer in front of him and follows his glance.
"Michael you're not going to be any trouble tonight promise?" Her eyes narrowed lips tight.
"No, ma'am I promise not to start with anyone that doesn't start with me first." Michael winks a sly smile playing on his lips. Teresa mouth twists in distaste.
"You cause one more fight in here and I'm going to take you out back and beat you like a redheaded stepchild! You try and keep him out of trouble." She turns towards Chase and winks then walks to another customer.
"What kind of trouble do you get in?" Chase scrutinizing his brother as he sips his beer. Michael gives him a sly smile and turns back to the bar.
" Nothing really a couple of fights nothing big."
"Yeah," Chase gives his brother a sideways glance then turns leans against the bar and sips his beer. "What do you mean by nothing big?" Michael laughs turns his head and looks up at Stephanie.
"Mostly pool games and girls." Making Chase laughs and shakes his head.
"Any girl in particular?" Michael laughs and looks around the room.
"Hell brother take your pick! I've been in a fight over one or the other of them." He says making them both laugh.
"Maybe, you have a little too much time on your hands?" Michael guzzles the last of his beer then takes a deep breath.
"So you're getting on the Mom and Dad train? "You need a job Michael! Get a job Michael!" He mocks. Chase looks at him and shakes his head.
"My asking you to come work with me has nothing to do with mom and dad. I was going to ask you anyway."
"Yeah, yeah yeah." Michael rolls his eyes and mutters the stares at the girl bending over the pool table. Chase slaps him on the arm making him jump and his head snapping back to him.
Hey wouldn't you rather work for me do what you went to school for than do temp work? And, I'm bound to be a better boss than some stranger I actually like you." They laugh. "Besides wouldn't you rather have some real money in your pocket?" Michael eyes follow the girl from the pool table turning as she walks so he was facing his brother as he talks.
"Yeah that would be nice."
"And you can stop hustling pool!" Michael stares at him wide eyed. "Oh yeah I know about that too." Chase grins and winks finishing his beer. Michael looks at him eyeing suspiciously.
"I'm not going to have some slacker-asshole pity job right?" Chase smirks and shakes his head "no".
"I need an IT guy to take care of the day to day stuff. Preston going to be designing he's not going to have time for that and what ever else Preston needs." Michael's eyes open wide.
"You're serious aren't you?" Chase laughs.
"What do you thinks man? Of course!" Michael grins looking happier than Chase had seen him since he arrived.
"Thanks man, " He says reaching over and hugging him. "I won't let you down!" Chase pats him on the back then lets go.
"I'm going to hold you to that!" He looks around the bar for Erin wishing she was off work by now.
"I'd ask you if you wanted to put a quarter on the pooltable but I think you're going to be busy." He grins looking behind him. Chase turns and see's Toni coming through the door walking towards him. He opens his arms hugging her tight.
"God I missed you!" he smiles down at her.
"I really missed you too." She beams up at him.
"Hey Toni!" Michael smirks looking from on to the other. Toni walks the distance between them arms outstretched then gives Michael a hug.
"Hey Mike good to see you?"
"Good to see you too." Michael smiles hugging her back then looks from one to the other.
"Success agrees with you!" She smiles at Chase giving him the once over.
"You look great Erin is one lucky girl!" She nods in approval making him laugh.
" So do you as always!"
"Thank you!" She laughs. Chase looks behind her casually scouring the room for Jake.
"Speaking of lucky where's your other half?"  Toni's smile cracks for a moment.
"He's around here somewhere and I promise he's on his best behavior. Especially after what happened this morning." Chase looks at her confused. Toni sucks in her bottom lip sorry she'd said anything since they obviously had no clue. Chase turns Toni eyes shift to something behind him
"Oh so I guess you haven't heard?" Chase looks at Jake who pulls himself to his full height his jaw set his eyes filled with challenge as always. Chase looks at Toni who's pasted on smile hid fear and decides to take the high road for her sake.
"Hey Jake." Jake looks from Michael back to Chase and nods his head then smiles slyly.
"I guess you Van Dorns aren't as tight as you all pretend" Mike glares at him moving closer to his brother as Chase jaw tightens his fist clenched. Toni looks from Her husband to her cousin the slides over to Jake wrapping her arm around him and placing her hand on his chest.
"Clay moved out this morning and moved in with Felicia." Toni blurts out surprising both Michael and Chase whose eyes open wide then they both smile giving each other the thumbs up.
"Good for them! I always liked Clay. I hope they'll be very happy. And to answer your question we're very close, the difference is we're not a bunch of control freaks." His tone dismissive he looks at Michael who erupts in laughter then back to Jake who's face is white with suppressed rage.
"Come on lets play" He says picking up a cue-stick from the table. Jakes nostrils flare his lips drawn tight making Michael laugh harder. Jake pulls at the confining arm of Toni around his waist itching to punch the grin off Michael's face. Michael smirks then turns towards the pool table calling over his shoulder.
" Hey Jake, nice to see at least one Stockton man can grow a pair."  Then howls with laughter seconds before hearing Teresa screams Bill's name and pain erupts through his jaw. Chase comes between his brother and Jake and kicks Jake in the chest knocking him to the floor.
Bill runs from the back followed by Don who stands between a prone Michael and Chase standing over him ready to strike Jake clumsily extracting himself from the maze of toppled chairs.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Don roars above the noise of the crowd and blaring jukebox bringing the room to silence.
"Who started this?" He shouts looking from Chase to to Jake.
"I said who started it?" He shouts again turning his head towards Bill and Chase helping Michael to his feet. The later leans back against the pool table and rubs his jaw. The rest remain silent Teresa shakes her head then points to her nephew.
"Get out Jake!" Jake stand rubbing his chest staring at his aunt his face contorted with anger.
"What? Come on Aunt Teresa!" Teresa folds her arms across her chest and glares at him her mouth twisted in disapproval.
"I saw you from the bar Jake you sucker punched Michael. Now, that will be forty bucks for the drinks and you have a good night." Jake groans in frustration reaches in his pocket handing Teresa a hundred dollar bill.
"I'm keeping the rest for damages since you started it. And you," She says turning towards Michael.
"Can go in the back get a bucket a mop and a broom and clean up this mess. Desi do me a favor show him where everything is."  Then turns back toward Jake.
"I told you to get!" She waves her hand toward the door.
"You heard her get!" Don shouts pointing toward the door. Jake glares at Chase his anger still in full force.
"This isn't over Van Dorn!" He grumbles as he lopes to the door Toni in tow.
"Yeah I kind of figured that." He mumbles as walks to the table set it up right. Bill and Don watch for a moment then walk back to the bar.
"This is going to be a long hot summer." Don grumbles shaking his head Bill nods his head in agreement.
"Yeah I just hope we don't get burned in the fallout" He sighs. Don nods.
"From your lips!" He says slapping Bill on the back and laughing.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Saturday, June 28, 2014

"Long Lonely Time"

 Jay pulls into the parking lot of the Mayor's office and into his reserved spot shutting off the engine. He'd been trying to get Ed on the phone all day. Either he was as busy as his secretary said doing what was the question or he was hiding from him either way he'd see for himself. He turns his head reaching for his briefcase on the back seat and catches a glimpse of Sharron and Hank coming across the square, hand in hand laughing and talking as they walk. His head swivels with them as he watches them stop on the edge of the sidewalk laugh at some private joke then kiss and continue their walk arm in arm. His heart lurched at the sight of her just as it always did even after all these years. Followed by the anger he always felt when he saw Hank with her.
Hard to believe that long ago that he and Hank had been best friends. He pulls his brief case from the back seat then climbs out the car and walks toward the front of the building. He turns the corner catching a sight of Sharron and Hank sitting on a bench in front of the fountain laughing and talking oblivious to anyone else around them happy with each other and in love. Maybe that was the part that bothered him. He remembered a time when she'd looked at him that way. Now when she looked at him it was with disdain.
 He remembered the first time he'd seen her since she was a kid. She was a pretty little girl but gone was the awkward gangliness of youth replaced with a graceful and beautiful woman.
She was standing next to the fence at the high school watching the cheerleaders practice and she'd taken his breath away. Her blonde hair blowing in the breeze a smile as bright as sunshine. He couldn't take his eyes off of her or help himself when he'd stopped and offered her a ride.
"Hey!" He'd called out to her as the car rolled to a stop. She turns towards him and smiles.
"Hey Jay how are you?" She smiles pleasantly coming towards the car.
"Where you off to?" He smiles feeling as awkward and shy as some teenager who just got a smile from the prom queen.
"I was on my way home. I just stopped to watch what the new cheer captain was doing with my old squad. What are you up to?" She says kneeling down resting her arm on the car door.
"On my way home from work. I have to pass by your place you want a ride?" He says smoothly struggling to keep his voice steady but inside his heart raced with longing and excitement.
"Sure it's way better than walking!" She laughs standing up and stepping away from the door. Jay silently expels the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding as he reaches over and opens the door.
"Get in!" He waits for her to get in feeling practically giddy as he stumbled around his brain for something to say.
"So what have you been up to since graduation?"
"Nothing much just got back from school day before yesterday. I was just walking around taking a look at the place." She sighs leaning her head against her palm as they drive.
"What about you what have you been up to?" She ask.
"Nothing really work, the usual." He shrugs.
"Ed says you and Alex got engaged?" She says casually turning towards him putting a mild damper on his mood with thoughts of Alex engagements and weddings.
"How's that going?" She asks
"Fine I guess she told me all I had to do was show up she'd take care of the rest so I'm holding her to it" He shrugs and laughs making her laugh.
"Good for you" She chuckles then turns her head and looks out the car window.Jay falls silent a moment fumble through his thoughts and blurts out the question that was on the tip of his tongue and immediately wishes he could take it back.
"What about you anyone special?" She looks at him and laughs.
"Why are you volunteering?" She chastises then laughs making him blush.
"No, no" He sutters. "I was just making conversation." He laughs nervously.
"Are you going to working over the summer break?" He asks thinking maybe he could fit her in over at the mill. That would really spice up his summer.
"Yeah, I got an office job over at Van Dorn Steel for the summer. and I have my volunteer hours to do for my Physical Therapy course" Jay stares out at the road feeling a little disappointed but there were other ways to skin a cat and with Alex occupied with wedding he'd have plenty of opportunity to make this work.
"That's me coming up." She says gathering her purse and sweat jacket as the car rolls to a stop.
"Thanks for the ride!" She says opening the door and climbing out. Jay leans forward grinning like a twelve year old.
"Anytime my pleasure."
"I guess I'll see you around." She smiles slamming the car door."
"I guess I will." He grins barely able to contain his excitement.
"Bye!" She waves then turns and walks towards the front door.
"Not if I see you first Stockton." Ed laughs leaning in to the car his smile not quite reaching his eyes startling Jay.
"Hey Ed what's up? How's the campaign going?" He turns towards him his expression composed. Ed glares inside the car his expression less than friendly.
"Stay away from my sister Jay." His voice level his eyes cold. Jay laughs looking at him in disbelief.
"What the hell are you talking about Ed? I was passing by the high school, I saw her walking and offered her a ride!" He laughs then realizes he's the only one.
"I've known you for years Jay and I've seen that look on your face more times than I can count. I'm telling you stay away from my sister." His eyes colder than his voice he stands and walks into the house. Jay watches him a second then pulls away laughing to his self.
 Maybe he should have listened to him and stayed  away from her but he couldn't. He'd wanted her the first time he saw her he found himself constantly thinking back to that first moment. Sometimes he'd find himself fantasizing about her. Once at a meeting he'd gotten so carried away he'd had to excuse himself. No matter how he tried through all Alex's wedding prattle all he could think about was her and the ache he felt for her and his desire to slake it. He'd found himself making sure he just happened upon her on her way home or showed places knowing she'd be there. He'd pursued her relentlessly until he'd worn her down with lies of love and forever happiness. He'd never worked so hard to seduce a woman in his life and all his efforts had been more than worth it. There had been no woman before or after that had raised a fever in his blood the way she did. But he'd wanted bigger for Stockton Lumber and for his self.
 The Graves owned seven-teen hundred acres of virgin wood and marrying Alex gave the Stockton's control of the entire mountain. Marrying Sharron may have been for love and she was everything he wanted in a woman but no matter what they said you can't live on love and if his father had done what he'd threatened he'd have been penniless. Well not penniless he could have worked as a logger or in the Steel mill but as his father and grandfather knew he wanted more a lot more. So he'd told her goodbye breaking her heart, the shattered look on her face to his surprise breaking his own.
It had taken him three days to show one once of the courage his son had shown this morning. He'd gone to her only to find her married to Hank Van Dorn! The same night he'd told her goodbye! His best friend and the woman he loved. She hadn't waited a days before the whore spread her legs for him and he'd both loved and hated her ever since. He'd gone home and married Alex as planned and when he had his moment he'd gotten even with Hank for betraying him.
 He glances at them again then walks into City Hall his mood none the better for having seen them. He walks through the door of Ed's office pushing his way through the people sitting in the waiting room and straight to the office clerk.
"Is Ed in his office?" He girl looks nervously up at him and stutters.
"Yes sir, but he's in there with someone!" She shouts out as he pushes past her and opens the office door slamming it behind him.
"I've been calling you all morning Ed!" He growls coming towards him
"And as you can see from I'm very busy today Jay!" He says smoothly pointing to the woman seated in front of him. Jay looks at the woman sitting in the chair in front of Ed and puts on his most charming smile.
"Mrs. Pettigrew how nice to see you!" The woman gives him a sidelong glance.
"Hmph" She snorts then stands turning her attention back to Ed.
"I'll catch up with you next week Ed." She glares back at Jay then move toward the door he held open for  her. He smiles as she passes.
"Always a pleasure! Say hello to your husband for me." He say closing the door behind her then wielding back toward Ed.
"What the hell are you going to do about this thing your son is building? He growls leaning his knuckles on the desk. Ed stares back at him unfeathered.
"What do you want me to do about it?" Jay glares at him annoyed with his casual attitude and growls,
"I want you to put a stop to it!" He shouts. Ed face turns white with rage as he stand then shouts back.
"I can't! It's already been approved!" Jay glares at him in disgust then grunts.
"What they did was illegal! They misrepresented themselves to the board and this town!
"No they didn't!" Ed laughs and shakes his head.
"They are a subsidiary of a larger corporation! Everything they did was perfectly legal! If we try to stop it now you're talking a huge lawsuit this town can't afford!  Hell!, you voted for it!
"That was before!" He bellows slamming his fist on the desk.
"Before what Jay?" Ed snaps his own anger peaked.
"Go a head and say it! We both know the reason behind it all. I just want to hear you say it" He growls
"Before I found out your son and nephew tricked us into it! Now, I want you to decline the variances!" He grinds out his eyes glittering with rage as Ed laughs bitterly.
"It's too late it's already been approved by the state!" His voice filled with frustration as Jay rages.
"Because you and your son tricked this town into approving this disaster!" He accuses his eyes bright his jaw clenched. Ed's eye narrow his voice cold
"Are you saying I jeopardized integrity of this office for my own personal gain?"
"It wouldn't be the first time and you and I both know it!" Jay voice lowers to almost a whisper as he meets Ed's stares his jaw clenching and his eyes growing dark.
"And I have enough on you to take you down right with me!" His voice a deadly whisper.
"There's nothing you can do about it so get used to it! Now get the hell out of my office!" Jay eyes become slits as his fist clench and unclench at his sides.
"This isn't over Ed!" He growls. Ed shrugs walking back around his desk and picking up a folder and thumbs through it.
"It never is with you is it!" Jay walks up behind him his voice low.
"You had better be careful Ed you don't want to find yourself on the wrong side! You might want to take a good hard look at some of those skeletons hanging in your closet. Especially with this years upcoming election!" Jay throws open the door slamming out of the office. Ed pushes the door closed sits on the edge of his desk and sighs. The feeling of freedom he'd felt yesterday when his son had given him the news was once again replaced with anxiety and fear of being trapped.    

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


Sunday, June 22, 2014

"The Past Is The Past"

Lesley hangs up the phone with one of the companies distributors. Asshole Adamson! The man was a total idiot! Every month it was something with that guy! She hesitated saying anything to her father about it since he'd just freak out on the man and he was already nervous hence the monthly drama. Lord knew there was already enough drama going on already.
 Clay finally grew a pair and moved out. Good for him! She was really proud of him. He'd called on his way to work to tell her. He'd asked her to throw a couple of thing in a box for him and if she could drop them off at Felicia's. Funny thing was he didn't sound angry he sounded relieved and happy. Happier than she'd heard him in a long time and she was happy for him. At least someone in their family was she knew she wasn't and seeing Wellington last night reminded her just how unhappy she was. She sits back in her chair turning it so it faced the window going over in her mind what happened between them last night and how much seeing him had shaken her. She was still so angry with him. It had been three years and seeing him last night it was as fresh as if it all happened yesterday. She'd wanted to pummel him till he was black and blue all over and the other part of her wanted to take him in her arms and kiss them all away. That was the part of her that frightened her the most. The part of her that still ached for him and as hard as she tried she couldn't shut it off. She'd spent most of the night fighting the urge to call him the other half crying. The memories just wouldn't stop. They haunted her dreams all night, when she'd finally been able to find sleep and had distracted her all morning. What she needed was to get out of there! She reaches into the bottom drawer of her desk and retrieves her purse then walks out the door and straight to the elevator without a word to anyone. She hurries through the lobby ignoring the annoying receptionist calling her name and out the doors before Jay or Jake see's her or can ask questions. She jumps into the drivers seat guns the engine and speeds from the parking not sure where she was headed. She just knew anyplace was better than here winding up at the falls as always. They were always her favorite place. She'd always come here whenever she'd needed to think or clear her head as long as she could remember. She shuts off the engine and climbs out walks around the back and pulls a blanket from her trunk. She spreads it out a few feet from the waters edge and sits down watching the water pound the rocks below wondering what she should do. What was there to do? No matter what she did she would have to tell him the truth and that meant telling everyone and she wasn't sure she was ready to do that. She knew she didn't want Jay or her mother involved that was for sure. That's why she had taken all the precautions she had. The only one who knew was Erin and she knew she could always trust her. She'd always been more like a sister than a cousin and had been her best friend for as long as she could remember. She'd stuck by her every step of the way if it hadn't been for her she didn't know how she would have gotten through any of it. Especially the day after when Wellington hadn't gotten off of that plane.
 She'd just gotten in from work when her phone had rung she'd been so excited when she'd seen it was him.
"Hey Baby!" She says curling up on the sofa feeling happier than she'd felt all day at the sound of his voice.
"Hey honey how are you?"
"I'm doing better now that you called"
"Me too!" He sighs trying to keep his tone upbeat.
"How's everything at home?" Lesley grins happy this would be the last phone call and she could talk to him and tell him everything in person finally.
"Same as always you haven't missed anything trust me." She laughs.
"I really miss you" He says sounding earnest but something else in his voice immediately made her suspicious.
"Aha me too! But, I'll see you tomorrow when I pick you up at the airport. I can't wait! There's so much I need to tell you!" She says giving him no wriggle room and waits for the other shoe to drop.
"About that....I've umm run into a problem here and I'm going to have to stay for a while longer."
"What do you mean "Stay for a while"? You've already been gone for months! And in that time I have barely seen you!" Her anger starting to mount.
"I know, I know and I'm sorry, really sorry honey." Lesley sighs and clears her throat fighting back her tears.
"What the hell is going on this time?" She shrieks into the phone unable to contain her anger and frustration.
'Well Lola..." He stutters over her name further fueling her anger.
"Oh my God! Not this Bitch again!" She laughs bitterly  "How is she your responsibility? That's why they call them ex's!"
"She's in..." He starts and is cut off by Lesley's screaming.
"Whatever it is Wellington she can take care of herself!
"That's the problem she..." He starts again.
"That's always the problem Wellington! She ALWAYS needs you! What about me Wellington? What about us? What about everything we wanted for us, before this all happened?"    
"That's not fair Lesley! After everything  I've been through! My God! My daughter just died!" His voice filled with pain and frustration cutting away at her heart softening it a little.
" I know, I loved her too and my heart goes out to all of you, you know that! But, your daughter died four weeks ago! It's past time for you to come home!" She chokes out wiping the tears from her cheeks with the back of her hand.
"Lesley, you don't understand! Lola needs..." The sound of her name unleashing her anger full force as she rages into the phone.
"Lola! Lola! I'm sick to death of hearing about your ex-wife! Or is she more than that now? Is that what you're really trying to tell me?" Her voice dripping with anger and sarcasm.
"No!" He screams back "Of course not! She's really bad off and needs..." He starts again and is cut of by the bitter coldness of Lesley's voice.
"I don't care! I don't care what's wrong with her Wellington! I don't care what she needs! I'm telling you if you're not on that plane tomorrow, that will tell me all I need to know! If you're not on that flight don't bother coming back!"
 She could still hear Wellington screaming her name as she hung up the phone and the pain in her heart fresh as if it were happening right now. She'd sat in that airport for four hours before going back home and calling Erin. She hadn't spoken to Wellington since that night and would have been happy to never speak to him again if a bad wind hadn't blown through town bringing him back to her door step.
 Maybe a part of her wanted him to come back and had stayed here waiting for him. She could have started a new life anywhere she thought then thought again that leaving here would have only complicated things more and she'd have always had to be leary of  unexpected drop in visits. She reaches for her purse rummaging through till she found a tissue then dabs her eyes and wipes her nose. She shoves it back into the corner of her purse then pulls out her wallet flips through the pictures smiling to herself feeling instantly cheered at the sight of them. She should drive out and see them rather than sitting around here moping about the past maybe take a few days from work. Her parents would get it especially with Wellington back. Part of her promise not to speak to him she laughs. It also wasn't like she didn't disappear most every weekend saying she was going to New York to hang with Erin it had just gotten harder to come up with excuses since Erin moved back to town. Still all she'd have to say is she needed some time alone or play time. That always seemed to work and being thought of as a wilful spoiled brat had it's advantages. That, and as long as she acted normal and fell in line at work Jay stayed out of her face. Now, with Clay out of the house his focus would be even less on her and more on winning his darling son back.
 Yeah, that's exactly what she was going to do and she didn't have to stop at home to do it either. Everything she needed was already there anyway. She throws her wallet back in her purse then stands and folds the blanket. She grabs both tossing them into the back of the car then climbs in starting the engine and driving back to the highway feeling better than she had all day. She'd go spend a few days with her little man. Maybe figure out a way to tell Wellington but it wouldn't be this weekend. This weekend it would be just the two of them maybe one of the last times before she'd have to ultimately share him.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Saturday, June 21, 2014

"Somethings Brewing"

Teresa kneels behind the bar holding a clipboard taking inventory when she hears the bell above the door ring. She rolls her eyes and sighs muttering under her breath.
"Geeze o flip! It's ten o'clock in the freaking morning!" As she scurries to stand.
"We're closed!"
"Good then you have a moment to talk to me." Alex says sauntering to the bar and sitting on the stool in front of her. Teresa opens her eyes wide with mock surprise.
"Huh! What brings you out this time of the morning? I thought your days don't normally start till after ten?" Alex smiles at her teasing but it doesn't reach her eyes Teresa notes.
"Normally they don't that's why I'm here." Teresa looks at her a moment noting the pain in her eyes and hurt in her voice and softens.
"Why don't you pick a table and I'll bring us some coffee." Alex smiles weakly as she slides off the stool and walks towards a table. Teresa following with cups in hand place one in front of Alex then slides in the booth across from her.
"Black right?" Alex smiles at her.
"Right." She says taking a sip.
"Hmm just what I needed thanks." Teresa looks at her then reaches for the sugar shaker.
"So whats going on?" Alex puts her cup down and laughs.
"Why does something have to be wrong? Can't I just come by to say "Hi"?" Teresa grins.
"Please, I'm your sister when you feel lonely and want to chat you call me. When somethings really wrong you come by. So what's up?" Searching her face,
"Clay left this morning." Teresa looks at her confused.
"Left for where?" Alex cocks her head to the side her mouth twisted in a frown sounding more annoyed than she'd meant.
"Left as in moved out!"  She moans tears running down her cheeks.
"He and Jay had a huge fight I mean huge! Clay screamed he was never coming back." She sobs. Teresa reaches out takes her hand in hers squeezes it.
"He and Jay just had another one of their fights he'll be back once he's cooled down he always does." Alex fights back a tear her voice becoming a hoarse whisper.
"No this was bad Tree, real bad he's not coming back this time." She says choking back a sob.
"You should have heard him and the look on his face. The things he said to Jay! He's never coming back" Her voice drops as she weeps in earnest. Teresa pats her hand  then gives it a squeeze.
" Come on honey you had to see that coming a mile away. Clay's been trying to pull away for years. Jay just wouldn't let him go. And, if you're honest with yourself neither did you."
"I know, but it still hurts." She snuffs reaching for a napkin from the dispenser and wiping her eyes. Teresa pulls a few more from the dispenser and hands them to her as she continues to chide her.
"He's a grown man he had to leave the nest sometime long before now if you ask me." Alex gives her a half smile of agreement then adds still feeling sadden by the circumstances behind it.
"But not like this! Not when he's so angry." She sniffs. Teresa chortles.
"Please you wouldn't be happy about his leaving under good circumstances." Making them both chuckle.
"I know you're right. It all just scares the hell out of me!" She whispers eyes wide with fear.
"Why the hell would you be afraid? Clay is a grown man he moved out, not the best circumstances," She shrugs.
"but so what? He moved out and moved in with Felicia Van Dorn!" Teresa rolls her eyes throwing her hands in the air her fingers splayed.
"Surprise! What the hell Alex?" Her voice dripping wit sarcasm.
"You knew that was going to happen!" Alex looks around then leans in closer.
"It's not just that he moved in with her! It's the timing! With Jay, and everything going on..." Teresa nods in agreement filling in the rest of her sentence.
"You're afraid that little secret you've been holding on to is going to rear it's ugly head." She leans back against the seat absently stirring her cup
"Exactly! Then all hell is going to break loose! Then what am I going to do?" She pouts staring down into her cup. Teresa leans forward her patients with her sisters pity party at an end.
"Deal with it!" Shouts slapping her hand on the table startling her sister out of her reserve.
"Like you should have from the beginning!" Alex's eyes narrow.
"I did deal with it!" She shouts back annoyed by Teresa's lack of empathy. Teresa shakes her head smiling at her historical revision.
"No, you hid the truth and tried to make it go away and now you're afraid it's come back to bite you in the ass." Her voice half mocking. Alex sighs closes her eyes and leans her head against the back of the booth.
"This can't be happening!" Teresa leans in closer her voice chastising.
"I'm going to tell you the same thing I told you then, tell him the truth. Before this all blows up!" She says firmly.
Before what all blows up?" Alex feels a sudden burst of panic as Teresa rises from her chair and hugs her father.
"Hey Dad!
"Hi ya honey!" He says kissing her cheek then turns to Alex.
"Alex come here give your Dad a hug!
"Hey Dad! How are you?" She says rising from her seat hugging and kissing him.
Good, good What's going on with you?!" Alex looks at her sister who jumps in before Alex can answer.
"How was Fishing?
"Fishing was great! I got about six trout in the cooler cleaned and ready to freeze. Where's your mother? He looks around. Teresa steps hoping to keep him talking and off track.
"She and Emma went to the Farm Market. Where's Uncle Ben?"
"I dropped him off on the way back and I got a chance to see Preston! He looks great! He was telling me all about what he, Chase and Wellington are up to with the old mill! Sounds really promising I'm really proud of him!
"So am I. I'm hoping the're very successful so are a lot of people. Times have hit this town hard we're way past due for something good" Teresa raises one eyebrow and looks at her sister. Her father cheers along with her.
"Amen to that! Now, what's blowing up?" He grins slapping his hands together and looking directly at Alex. Alex composes her emotions putting the past back on it's shelf and dealing with the present.
"Clay moved out this morning." She sighs her face wane. Donovan smiles broadly looking as if someone handed him a winning lottery ticket.
"Good for him tell my grandson I'm proud of him! Now if the rest of your children would stand on their own two feet the world would be a beautiful place. Did he finally get the good sense and go be with that pretty little Van Dorn girl?" His face filled with anticipation as Alex frowns and becomes more annoyed.
"Yes!" She snaps watching as her father beam with pride.
"Good for him! I'll have to give him a call let him know how happy I am for him!" Alex stares at him a moment appalled by his response to her news.
"Tell me you don't see a problem with this?" She folds her arms over her chest her voice terse. Donovan looks at her a moment puzzled then laughs at his realization.
"Oh! You mean Jay and his nonsense?" He laughs again the frustration and annoyance on Alex's face making him laugh harder while Teresa stifles a laugh of her own.
"Of course Jay!" She throws her hands up in exasperation. Donovan shrugs.
"You tell Jay I said piss on him and you should tell him the same thing!" He says wagging a finger at her the turns toward the kitchen.
"I'm going in the kitchen see if one of the kids will help me with my cooler. Always good to see you Alex." He walks into the kitchen calling the name of one of the kitchen staff. Teresa smothers a laugh waits a moment for the door to close.
" I think Dad's got the perfect solution! I think you should tell him and if he doesn't like it, tell him piss off!
"Great! Just Great! I don't even know why I come here!" Alex huffs reaching for her purse.
"So you'll know exactly what common sense is and maybe choose it for a change and tell him. After the years of crap you've put up with from him he should be kissing your ass!" She finishes picking up the cups and placing them on the bar then turns back to Alex her voice and body language tender and supportive.   "Seriously if you need me give me call and I really am sorry Clay left the way he did." She reaches out and hugs her tight.
"Thanks I love you." Alex smiles hugging her back.
"I love you too." She gives her an extra squeeze then turns and walks towards the door calling over her shoulder.
"Tell Dad I said bye!" She says pushing through the door.
" Will do bye. Call me!" Teresa yells after her watching her leave and shakes her head knowing she would do the exact opposite of what she told her. Also knowing there wasn't a damn thing she could do but wait for the fireworks and fallout.
" I will! Bye"
Alex walks out the door into the bright spring sunlight putting on her sunglasses as she walks to her car. She loved Tree she really did. She was her best friend and confident, always there when she needed her. On most things she was right but on this one, she thought climbing into her car and starting the engine. She was wrong! She'd gone this far with it. There was no turning back now. She'd have to put her fear on the self with the rest of the baggage. If and when Jay learned the truth it wouldn't be from her lips.  

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


Saturday, June 14, 2014

"When Push Comes To Shove"

Clay pulls into the driveway shuts off his truck engine sits back in the seat and sighs heavily. The last place he wanted to be was back at his parents house. He hoped he could run in and get his tools without being seen he could kick himself for not leaving them in the truck. Felicia was right he should have stayed for reason number two he laughs to his self. He loved waking up in the morning and finding her there like this morning when he'd walked out of the bedroom into the kitchen and saw her standing by the sink with her back to him he couldn't help but smile. He'd walked behind her wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.
"Good morning!"  Felicia smiles and turns in his arms.
"Good morning. Breakfast is on the table." Clay smiles and kisses her again then walks to the coffee pot and fills two mugs.
"Thank you but, you know you don't have to wait on me I can make my own breakfast."  She laughs setting a plate down on the table for him then one for herself.
"I was hungry! I just figured since I was cooking for myself I'd make some for you too." She smirks enjoying the surprise on his face as he sets the mug in front of her.
"Besides I like cooking for you." She laughs leaning over and kissing his cheek.
"You know if you lived here you and I could take advantage of the delayed opening this morning." Clay smiles then reaches for the butter dish.
"I'd still have to go to work." He says ignoring her nodding her head towards the bedroom and wriggling her eyebrow as he slathered butter on his toast.
"True," She grins slyly "but you wouldn't have to go back to your parents and get your tools and," She says running her hand up his thigh.
"Reason number two I could make you late with one of the best excuses you could give your boss."
"Very true!" He leans in and kisses her. "But I really don't need to make excuses to myself just Bill." They laugh.  
" You spend ninety percent of your time here besides, you hate living there." She reaches out laying her hand on his. He looks down at the table and sighs then picks up his cup and walks to the coffee pot.
"Staying there is the only way I can think of to keep the peace, but I'm afraid if I leave now he going to think I'm choosing sides. It would just make things worse."  He finishes setting his cup down on the counter and leaning his palms against it. Felicia watches him a moment then goes to him wrapping her arms around his waist and laying her cheek against his back.
"I just want you to be happy and being there makes you miserable and I'm afraid if you stay some how it's going to eventually hurt us more." He turns around and holds her close smoothing her hair and kisses the top of her head..
"I'm never going to let that happen I promise you."
She was right being here made him miserable. He could feel the joy drain from him as soon as he pulled in the driveway. Jay's constant barge to be like him was suffocating! He would never be like him or Jake and he didn't want too. The constant pressure from his father only made him angry and more resolute that staying on the mountain was the best choice for his life.
He climbs out of the truck and closes the door walking across the lawn wishing he'd parked on the street and walked up the driveway it would have been less noisy. Hopefully knowing the direction things were going when he'd left last night, his mother would be in a wine induced coma till ten or so. Jay was another story. He slips through the front door closing it quietly. Stops a moment hearing Jay talking to someone if you could call it that in his office. Good. He runs up the steps taking care not to step on the ones that squeaked into his room retrieves his tools then back down hoping he can get out the door before anyone see's him. He stops again to listen for Jay then more intently when he hears who he's talking to.
"So what do you have for me boy and it had better be good!" Jay sits on the edge of his desk sipping his coffee staring down at his son sitting in the chair in front of him.
I think we might be able to stop him before he begins I just need you to call your friend in the state building and loose Van Dorns filing documents." Jay looks at him a moment and nods his head.
"That just might work at that. I can call Joe Jordan he could put just the monkey wrench we need. Ha!" He yelps leaning forward and slapping his son on the shoulder.
"Now you're thinking!" He chuckles.
"I knew you'd like it. It came to me last night.While I was talking to Toni." Jay nods his head in approval. "She likes my own little secret weapon." They laugh sounding pleased with their machinations. Clay shakes his head in disgust.
"See if you can get Ed Swift on the phone see what he knows." Jay say looking at his cup. "I'm getting some more coffee."
"Shit!" Clay mutters darting for the door. He needed to get out of here before he got caught. He reaches for the door knob just as Jay walks from his office and spots him halfway out the door.
"Where the hell have you been?" Clay grits his teeth silent wording "Dammit" wishing he'd hadn't stopped to eavesdrop.
"I told you last night I was going out. The only reason I'm here now is I forgot my tools." He turns around and closes the door.
"You missed our meeting this morning." His eyes drilling into Clays who glares back at him unwavering.
"I left you two voice message and one of those Goddamn text message!" Clay smirks shifting his tool belt to the other hand.
"I got them." The muscle in Jay's jaw tightens his his lips disappear.
"Then you knew how important this was and you ignored it?" Clay shrugs keeping his demeanor cool. Jay swallows hard trying to keep his temper from exploding.  
"From here on in you're going to have to become more involved in the business side of things. Especially now that we've found a way to stop that son of a bitch right dead in his tracks!" Jay eye gleam with malevolence and pride his feet practically tapping. Clay shakes his head smiling in disbelief.
"Told you last night and the night before that, and everyday for as long as I can remember! I'm not interested in this office stuff you keep pushing. I like where I am and what I do. I don't want any part of whatever it is you and Jake are cooking up. You know what I'm done! I'm not doing this anymore. I've made up my mind. Take a good look Dad because this is the last time I'm coming here!  " Jay's jaw tightens his eye narrow as he steps closer to his son. Clay stands steadfast his nostrils flared his his spine ramrod straight.
"You were with that Van Dorn girl" He snarls scrutinizing him closely.
"Of course Dad! Clay shouts watching Jay face go white with rage too flustered to speak.
"Don't look so surprised!  I'm a grown man you can't control me!  I don't have to answer to you I can be with whomever I want, do whatever I want and there's not a damm thing you can do about it."
"She's turning you!" Jay sneers. Clays eyes open wide then narrow at the utter ridiculousness of his statement
"She not doing anything! She doesn't care about your feud and neither do I! The only thing she has ever cared about is me! I love her Dad! I've always loved her!" Jay shakes his head his laugh mocking.
"Oh, she cares! You better believe she cares! She's nothing more than the Van Dorns Delilah!"
"I told you leave her out of this! It's between you and me!" His fist clenching and unclenching as Jay bellows back.
"She's in this up to her pretty little neck!" Clay laughs bitterly shaking his head and finally lets go of all his pent up frustrations.
"It has nothing to do with Felicia, Chase or anyone else! I've never wanted this "Business" crap! ! Ever! Get it through your thick skull I don't want any part of your "business!" I'm leaving, I'm not coming back and you had better understand this." He says stepping closer to him filling the space between them his emotions at the break point he growls.
"You go anywhere near Felicia you hurt her in anyway and you won't have to worry about the Van Dorns you're going to deal with me!" He turns and walks toward the door. Jay lets out a bitter laugh calling after him.
"What the hell do you think you can do to me boy?" Clay spins back to face him. His lips curled back into a snarl the cold look in his eyes silencing whatever Jay had been about to say. When he spoke his words were succinct his tone deadly.
"I'm your worst nightmare, because you know deep down I'm not lying and if you keep pushing me or hurt her, I'll be just as much of a cold, cruel, heartless, bastard as you. Felicia is the best thing that ever happened to me and I'm not going to let you or anyone else come between us understand? If I see you anywhere near us or you get it into your head to screw with us with one of your schemes, I'll be coming for you."  Clay stares at him a moment his jaw set his eyes unwavering then throws open the door letting it slam back against the wall. Jay slams the door shut behind him rattling the windows in their frames with the force door then turns back towards his office.
"Bravo Jay!"  His head snaps to the sound of Alex clapping and laughing from the top of the stair.
"Brilliant just, brilliant!"  

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014

"A Beautiful Night"

Jay walks out on the patio letting his eyes adjust to the darkness. He search till he spots her sitting on a lounge chair in the far corner. He walks to her contemplating what he would say. He knew she was going to be in a foul mood judging by the half empty bottle of wine on the table.
"I thought I'd find you out here." He looks up at the newly risen moon the scent of roses and pine on the warm breeze.
"Beautiful night" He says sitting on the chair next to her. She glances at him then turns her head and looks up at the sky the peace shattered. She was in no mood for this she'd hoped he'd have enough sense and just let her have some wine and let it go for now, but this was Jay.
"What do you want Jay?" She says closing her eyes. She knew the speech by heart now.
"Alex, honey I'm sorry" She says with him "Yes I know Jay you're always sorry." Jay looks down at the ground then back at his wife her eyes still closed.
"I mean it I'm trully" He starts again and she finishes.
"Sorry, yes you said that already. You know if I and a hundred dollar for everytime you were sorry I could leave here buy my own island and live like a queen." She chuckles. "I don't know why I expect anything more from you it's always business first and foremost.Crush spirits pass out blame."
"Not this time you can't blame me for this one. Jake just couldn't let it go! He goaded me into it! This ones on him!" Defends sounding childish and ridiculous to his own ears.
"I hope you're not serious!" She snorts. He looks at her then at the ground and shakes his head.
"I... you're right and I apologize." Alex opens her eyes and sits up her anger still intact.
"Do you even know what you're apologizing for or it's just something you say to placate me!"
"No of course not. I truly am sorry. I promised you I wouldn't discuss business at the table and I lost control of my temper." Alex glares at him.
"You think that's all you need to apologize for?" Jay glares back at her the muscles in his jaw tightening nostrils flared.
"What the hell else do I have to be sorry about?" He jumps up from his seat and walks to the edge of the patio annoyed with direction this was taking.
"How about the fact that you berate our son at every opportunity, for things you didn't even know! I heard you on the phone when I came to your office earlier." Jay spins back on her his temper barely in check.
"That's the point! He should've known! Hell, if he was really serious about his job he would have known before I did! I'm not going to just sit back and let him ruin us with his incompetence!" Alex stands her chin tilted defiantly.
"Incompetence? He just landed a multi million dollar contract! What else does he have to do to prove himself to you?"
"He could have done what I told him and fully vetted who bought that mill before Chase Van Dorn got a foothold back in this town!" He barks his voice filled with contempt his lips a thin line."Now that son of a bitch is here to stay!" Alex stares at him then shakes her head her smile mocking.
"My God Jay! Can't you ever let this go? The kids built a little company so what" She scoffs Jay steps closer his face white with rage.
" So what? Are you serious? As soon as he has enough money and power he's coming after us and we had better be ready. Jake better start paying attention! to the big picture! Cause they're coming!" Alex laughs and shakes her head.
"You are such a paranoid narcissist! You think Chase is after retribution for what you did to his family! It will be years before Chase or any of them would be able to challenge you in any effective way. That's if they even bother! So what, you're scared Jay and so you're going to push until he does"
 "Neither he nor his father have ever scared me! This is about protecting my family! Jake and I have worked to hard to let them take what's ours!"
"Does "What's ours" include Clay and Lesley where do they fit in your little fiefdom?" Her voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Lesley and Clay are a big part of this! Lesley does her job very well I have no complaints. And if Clay would just knuckle down and take some responsibility. Maybe show a little interest in the actual running of the company nothing could stop us!" Alex stares at him incredulous arms folded over her chest unable to control her laughter.
"You don't know your son at all!" She snarls "Clay could care less about running the company! Never has! He loves being out there on the mountain the way you used too! You've alienated and belittled him to the point he can't wait to get away from you! He hates this house so much he's barely here and when he is here he doesn't say more than two words!" Jay looks at her and let out a bitter laughs growing more weary of the conversation the longer it went on.    .
"He's barely here because he's too busy chasing after that Van Dorn slut!"
"Well, like father like son!"  She snaps her voice a deadly whisper head high. She grabs what's left in the wine bottle and walks back into the house.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

"Do A Little Dance"

Lesley walks in "Rowdy's" and looks around quickly spots an empty stool at the far end of the bar and slides into it. She leans forward looking up and down for a bartender, catches Teresa's attention and waves her over.
"How are you doing honey?" Teresa says coming to her end of the bar.
"Hey Aunt Tree let me have a shot and a beer." Teresa reaches for the bottle of bourbon and pours her a shot then draws her a beer from the tap and places it in front of her.
"That bad huh?" She says giving her a half smile.
"I guess it could have been worse" Lesley salutes her with the shot then downs it and reaches for her beer gulping it.
"Whew!" She whistles. "Do you think I could get a cheeseburger and some potato-skins? " She says placing the half empty mug down on the bar then turns facing the room and looks around.
"Sure. Oh, and he's at a table up top in the corner to your right with his sister and Steph." Teresa states a sly grin playing on her lips.
"I wasn't looking for him!" Lesley scowls picks up her beer and sips it.
"Ha!" Teresa laughs and shakes her head then walks to the other end of the bar.
"I'm getting ready to leave Tree. Everything is redup for tonight. Sean's running the dining room and Alice didn't come in." Emma says coming out from the back and laying her jacket and purse on the empty bar.
"How's the weather out? I haven't been outside all day." Teresa leans on the bar and smiles.
"Beautiful! I told you, you should have come out to lunch with me."
"Nope, I told myself I was going to close the books on this month today and I did!" She slaps the top of the bar and laughs. Teresa chuckles reaching over and patting her on the back
" You are the woman!
"Yes, I am!" Emma bows at the waist making them both laugh.
"So where you off to?"
"I'm going home and making dinner then put my feet up and watch an old movie as soon as Bill gets here"  She flips the the latch opens the gate and steps out then turns to picks up her coat and purse.
"I'm gonna go stand on the porch get some fresh air and wait for Bill, night" She yawns then stretches.
"How about I buy us all dinner?" Preston says from behind her. Emma shakes her head her face lighting up with joy
"I know that's not who I think it is!" She laughs turning around and embracing her son.
" Oh Preston!" She begins to weep hugging him to her "What are you doing here" She laughs hugging him again.
"I thought I lived here" He laughs
"I thought so too but, its been so long since I've seen you I was beginning to have my doubt" She teases.
"Hey Aunt Teresa!" He walks around behind the bar and hugs her.
"Hi honey!" She says hugging him tight. "It's really good to see you! We missed you!"
"I missed all of you too!" He smiles "Are Erin and Steph here?"
Erin is at the hospital and Steph is up there on the right with Wellington and Vicky." She says walking back behind the bar.
"Cool I'll catch up to them later. Where's Dad and Gran Pop? I can't wait to see them!"
" Grand Pop and Uncle Don went fishing they'll be back tomorrow and your Dad should be here any minute. Speak of the devil." She says watching him come up the porch steps through the glass door.
"Preston?" He yelps spotting his son standing at the end of the bar. He walks quickly to him embracing him in a bear hug.
"How you are you son? You look good" He says standing back and inspecting him from head to toe.
"I'm doing really well Dad, really well. Why don't I take you and Mom to the other side I'll buy you dinner and tell you all about it." Bill narrows his eyes and smirks Preston looks at him and laughs.
"My treat whatever you want on the menu." Emma nods her head in agreement.
"I don't have to cook and you're paying you don't have to ask me twice." She says picking up her coat.
"Sorry it's the family restaurant but it's a little late to go driving around." Preston apologizes guiding them towards the door.
"Hey, it's fine besides I'd rather spend the time catching up with you." Bill says walking toward the door Preston held open for them. He steps to the side allowing Emma to exist then walks out behind her. Teresa smiles watches them leave then walks to the end of the bar where her niece was sitting stopping by the server window and gets her meal. Lesly looks up at her not liking the devilish grin on her aunt's face.
"Here you go" She says placing the plate in front of her."Why don't you stop watching him in the mirror and go over and talk to him?" Lesley looks at her and laughs.
"Cause that worked out so well for us in the past." She says taking a bite of her burger. Teresa shakes her head.
"Well it's up to you you can either go talk to him or spend the evening staring at him." She says walking down the counter to help a customer. Lesley takes another bite of her burger and looks up at the mirror again. She couldn't help herself. Just like she couldn't stop herself from thinking about the last time they were together. The the feel of his touch the taste of his lips on hers. The phone call in the middle of the night, waking up to an empty bed.
Erin waves to her mother as she walks in the later nods her head toward the end of the bar. Erin looks down the bar spots her cousin and walks towards her.
"Hey Lesley how are you" She says reaching out and hugging her.
"Hey! It's been awhile good to see you!" Lesley hugs her back happy for the distraction.
" How's work?"
"Work is work I can't complain. How are things with you?" Erin asks taking the stool next to her. Lesley swallows the potato skin and smiles .
"Let's see my day couldn't be better. Work sucked, I had bourbon with a beer chaser for an appetizer and the last person I want to see in the world is here."  She takes a bite of her burger and glances in the mirror again. Erin follows her line of sight then turns her head and see's Wellington sitting in the booth with Vicky and Steph.
"So I guess you two haven't talked?" She asks stealing a potato skin from her plate.
"No and I don't plan to. I'm going to finish my burger and then I'm out." She says popping a potato skin in her mouth.
"I was kind of hoping you'd patch things up so we could all hang out like old times." She mock pouts. Lesley rolls her eyes and smiles weakly. Erin laughs then give her cousins shoulders a hug.
"No matter what I want, this is about you and I know how hurt you were so whatever you want to do I support you."
"Thank Erin." She smiles wiping her hands on the napkin
"Right now," She says sliding off the stool. "I'm going to go change. Stick around we can hang out." Lesley looks at her rolls her eyes.
"If you're down by the time I finish I'll be here." She winks taking the last potato skin from the plate and popping it in her mouth. Erin laughs and heads out the door Lesley watches her a moment then turns back to the mirror. Her head was telling her to get out of there before it was too late but, her heart was telling her to confront him. Listening to heart had gotten her into this mess in the first place. She reaches in her purse takes out a fifty crumples it into a ball and tosses it at the register behind the bar. She looks at the mirror one more time not sure if he was still there or not. She stands picks up her purse and turns to leave coming face to face with the object of her distraction.
"What?" Her eyes wide one eyebrow raised. Wellington stares a moment unable to find the right words and laughs nervously.
"You know I've practiced this moment in my head like a million times and now I'm..."
"At a loss for words? You should have that checked that seems to happen to you a lot" She says walking around him towards the door.He watches her a minute then walks quickly stepping around in front of her.
"Get out of my way." Her voice flat and cold.
"Please Lesley?" His eyes pleading filled with hurt. Good! She thought.
 "Please what? Please they need me? Please understand I have to be there, or please I'm not coming back?" She says in the same cold tone walking around him and out the door.
"Can't you just give me a minute?" Reaching out and grabbing her elbow forcing her to turn and look at him. Her eyes narrow to slits as she pulls her arm from his grasp.
"You had three years! I'm not giving you another second!" She hisses then stomps toward her car Wellington trailing behind her.
"Lesley I'm sorry I don't know what else to say" He pleads stopping short as she swings open the car door. She turns back her voice tight her unshed tears stinging the back of her eyes.
"Again you should really have that checked." She croaks turning to get in the car Wellington reaches out and pushes the door slamming it closed.
"Can't we just talk? Just give me five minutes please?" He pleads running his hand through his hair just like she remembered. She pushes the thought to the back of her mind and glares at him. She leans against the car arms crossed over her chest her head cocked to one side her mouth twisted in disdain.
"Okay lets talk." Wellington searches her eyes and see the hurt the pain and doubt behind the armor of anger and venom. Her pain wrenched at his heart he fought the urge to reach out and hold her leaving him with only one thing to say.
"I love you Lesley." She stands frozen for a moment then a wicked smile curves her lips.
"You love me?" She snorts shaking back the hair from her face her chin tilted defiantly making him feel weak and inadequate.  
"I never stopped." He says stepping closer. Lesley eyes open wide pulling back as if he repulsed her then slaps him with all the anger she'd stored .
"If you loved me you would have let me come with you when I asked and kept asking, If you loved me you would have come back to me when it was all over." She grinds.
"I was so lost in my grief!" His anger and frustrations beginning to show only serving to make her more angry.
"If you loved me you would have let me grieve with you not pushed me away and you wouldn't have stayed with her!"
" By the time it was all over she was a mess! I couldn't just leave her she needed me!" He defends wishing he could make her understand and knowing he was failing miserably from the look on her face.
" I need you!" She shouts tears of anger streaming down her cheeks.
"I needed you Wellington!" She wipes the tears from her cheeks shoving him out of the way and reaching for the door handle.
"You didn't need me!" Wellington stands his mouth agape for a moment as she climbs into the car.
"I needed you then and I need you now Lesley, I love you! You're the reason I came back" He shout over the revving of the engine.
"If you loved me you would have stayed wherever the hell you were!" She shouts before gunning the engine and screeching away.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


Sunday, June 1, 2014

"To Sleep Perchance"

Toni stops at the door of the bedroom she shared with Jake. She listened for a moment to see if he was on the phone as a way of trying to determine his mood but, all she could hear was the click clack of his fingers hitting the keys on the computers keyboard. She takes a deep breath plastering a smile on her face then opens the door.
"Hey how are you" She comes in the room walking to the bed leaning down to kiss him. Jake pulls his face away and continues type on the laptop.
"Fine where the hell you been?" Stopping his typing for a moment and looking up at her his brow drawn together in a "V". Toni ignores the attitude and walks to the closet hangs up her outfit and changes in to her night clothes.
"I told you I was going to dinner at my parents tonight, you were supposed to come. Remember?" She says walking from the closet to the bathroom.
" Oh yeah I forgot. How was it?" He asks as she passes by only half listening he should have gone with her at least he would have eaten he laughs to his self.
"What did your Mother have?" Toni's Mom made a mean pot roast if she'd made Pot roast he'd really be pissed.
"Pot roast." She calls from the bathroom snickering when she hears him mutter an explicative.
"Oh and Wellington is home." She calls pulling her toothbrush from the stand and reaching for the toothpaste.
"Must be freaking old home week cause Chase Van Dorns home too!" He snarls pushing the laptop off his lap and rubs his eyes. He'd wasted half the evening on the phone the other half on the computer looking for a way to stop Chase. He had a couple of things maybe but none of them would be good enough for Jay. Nothing other than total annihilation would satisfy his father.
"Did you know he bought the old mill and turned into some kind of silicone valley?" He calls into the bathroom shouting over the water.
"Yeah, Wellington was telling us all about it at dinner." She comes out of the bathroom shutting off the light and walking to her side of the bed. Watching the expression on Jakes face go from shocked to confused to angry.
"So Wellington is in on this too and I suppose Preston?" He growls when she nods her head in agreement jumps up and paces the floor.
"What the hell is going on? Exactly what are they up to?" He stops his pacing rubbing the back of his neck."Did your brother say anything during dinner?" He says turning towards her. Toni shrugs and reaches for her hand lotion.
"Not really." She looks up at him massaging her hands. Jake stops his pacing and stares at her in disbelief.
"He comes back here all of a sudden opens up a business and spends an entire evening in the bosom of his family and he doesn't talk about it?" His voice dripping with sarcasm. Toni rolls her eyes desperately trying to comprehend what it was he wanted her to say.
"He talked about opening a business how it was an opportunity of a lifetime how it would be good for the town and would create jobs. Blah! Blah! Blah!." She says sounding bored she picks up he sketchpad and begins working on the sketch she started last night.
"I don't understand what the big deal is really. It's not like he's opening a logging company!"
"If it were just your brother I don't think it would be but he had to add Chase Van Dorn to the mix!" He throws his hands up in frustration and plops down on the bed. Toni sighs kneels behind him and massage his shoulders.
"Come on it can't be that bad." She leans in kissing his neck.
"Baby, you didn't hear him tonight." Toni wraps her arm around his shoulders and hugs him.
"Jay was just being Jay he's not going to fire you no matter what he says. You're his pride and joy. He's spent your whole life grooming you to take over he's not going to just give up now." She kisses his temple and smiles. Jake sighs looking up at her.
"I don't know why I even bother!" He groans and pulls away. "Everything I do is wrong! I bring in a multimillion dollar account! I do all the research I make the contact! I wine and dine this guy for months! I'm working my ass off. He treats it like nothing the entire time. Then comes to the closing meeting and he struts around like he did it! It took everything in me to keep from..." He growls. Toni moves to sit next to him on the bed letting her feet dangle off the side.
"Baby don't let him get to you. I know he doesn't say it but I can see he is proud of you in his own bizarre Jay way." She rolls her eyes making him laugh. "And, I know you'll figure out a way go to do whatever it is he wants, you always do. Besides there isn't much you or anyone else can do they already filed with the state house this afternoon and you have me! Whatever happens we'll get through it together" She says putting her arms around him and kissing his temple trailing them behind his ear making him tuck his neck and shiver. Jake looks at her and smiles as an idea forms in his head. He reaches for her pushing her back on the bed. Toni kisses him glad he was off the "Jay wheel" and found whatever answer he needed to quickly sex always had that effect on him. Maybe a little too quickly this time a little voice whispered to her.
" Yeah, I have you." He kisses her feeling better than he had all evening his incredible sexy wife had given him the solution and she didn't even know it. He leans down kisses her sliding his hand under the lace top of her panties swallowing her moans.
"Jake," She purrs beneath him gently pulling his hand away before she lost herself. "Just one more thing lover," She says unbuttoning his shirt and running her hands across the corded muscles beneath then kisses him.
"I'm telling you the same thing I told my family."
"What's that?" He moans as her hand slides slowly down his thigh and across his manhood as she fumbles for the drawstring on his sweatpants.
"Don't make me have to chose" She rolls on top of him tugging at his sweatpants freeing him.
"Promise me you won't do anything to make me have to choose between you and them"
"I promise." He groans as she straddles him taking him beyond the gnawing voice, past sudden pang of foreboding.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014