Saturday, December 20, 2014

Just Rip It Off

 Marjorie walks into the empty house shedding her coat and purse on the chair and walks straight into the office smiling all the way. She finally had him exactly where she wanted him and he had no wriggle room. She places her phone on the desk then decides to check the house just to make sure she was alone before she started her work. She quickly goes up stairs checking and locking the front door on her way down then through to the kitchen locking the cellar and back door on her way back to the office. Then locking that door firmly behind her. This was way too important to blow now that she was this close. She wasn't going to get tripped up by being sloppy. She need to get every duck in a row perfectly before bringing it all to Alex.
 She sits down on the desk chair and pulls her laptop from the drawer along with the cable and attaches it to the computer then the phone. She looks around the empty room then launches the video on her phone uploading directly to her computer she wanted to avoid the "Stratosphere" this was too sensitive to have on social media. She waits a moment as the video starts the the odd shot of the floor then Jay and Abigail in all their glory perfectly aligned on the screen completely oblivious and smiles then immediately curls her lips in disgust. She had only looked once to line up the angle then held the phone around the corners edge making sure to keep it steady and herself out of sight. She hadn't seen the actual goings on till now and neither one seemed to have any shame! Anyone could have seen them luckily she'd been the one but still. What she was watching could make porn stars blush. She fast forwards through most of it then slows when she gets to the hall there was Alex still talking to Elizabeth. Alex would find it horrifying when she saw it and if she knew her like she thought she did she'd also be vengeful. Especially if they had already kissed and made up even worse if they were on their way to finish off what it looked like she was trying to start at lunch.
She takes the video and downloads it to her laptop burying it inside of couple of other files then pulls up her renewal contracts for her families mountain and reaches for her phone smiling happily as the phone rings on the other end.
"Chase Van Dorn." Comes the cool official voice on the other end.
"Hi ya Chase honey! This is Aunt Margie." She purrs into the phone sugar dripping from every word. Chase rolls his eyes with everything going on this was the last thing he need.
"Aunt Margie hi. What's going on?" He says loosening his collar button knowing exactly what she wanted.
"Did you get a chance to look over those files I sent you?" She asks sounding her normal pleasant self inside desperately trying to keep the anxiety from her voice.
"Yes ma'am I just got them back and was looking them over." Marjorie's excitement mounts with each word she was just one step closer. She takes a moment to wrestle the excitement from her voice before continuing.
"So what do you think?" Chase clears his throat turning towards the ER doors checking for Wellington.
"I ahh ...I had the legal office go over them with a fine tooth comb you've protected your interest on all sides." He shrugs having gone over them again himself.
"I don't see any problem with them you're good to go." He says pushing the little voice nagging at the back of his thoughts. Marjorie smiles slyly already planning her next step.
"Thank you honey." Chase rubs the back of his neck staring back at the ER doors hoping neither Well or Lesley came through while he was still on the phone.
"Aunt Margie you're sure you want to go through with this? Once it's done you can't go back" He warns.
"Sweetheart I have never been more sure of anything in my life. You don't worry about a thing I know exactly what I have to do. You just concentrate on getting your company up and running." She smiles satisfied. He pushes the last of his own doubts to the side and steals his resolve. This was the moment he'd worked for the last piece of the puzzle. Once this domino was tipped it was going to start a chain reaction that would be unstoppable. His family had worked too hard and waited too long for this he wasn't going to turn back now. Especially considering what had happened today Wellington was going to need all the power behind him he could get.
"Thanks Aunt Margie. I really appreciate everything you've done for me." He smiles sounding bashful.  Marjorie smiles suddenly remembering that little boy he used to be.
"Happy to do it. You get back to whatever you  were..." She starts her voice fading off as Mary's can be heard yelling in the background getting louder as she walks.
"There you are!  Where are Lesley and Wellington? Have the doctors told you anything?" Marjorie's ear perk up at the sound of Mary's voice and her son's name as Chase fumbles with the phone scrambling for the mute button.
"Chase!" She calls out.
"One second Aunt Margie." He's says looking pointedly at Mary who slaps her hand over her mouth as Marjorie voice shrieks through the phone.
"What the heck is going on? What is Mary talking about? What about Wellington?" Chase's face looks panicked he'd hoped she hadn't heard that but of course she had it was just that kind of day.
"Wellington is fine" He lies as as Marjorie continues to drill him.
"Then what is Mary's talking about doctors?"
Chase fumbles in his brain trying desperately to respond to Mary who was now miming her questions and his Aunt who was screaming through the phone.
"Nothing Aunt Margie." At the same moment Wellington and Lesley enter the waiting room. Lesley in Wellingtons arms still sobbing as Wellington begins to explain to Mary.
"They've taken the baby up for more tests...." His voice trailing off as Chase clenches his face and waves them away.
"Chase! Was that Wellington? What baby? Testing? I want to know what's going on and I want to know right now youngman!" She chides making Chase feel as he did when he was twelve.
"Nothing Aunt Margie! One of Mary's workers kid got hurt and he was just helping out." He fills in smoothly stepping further away from the cluster. Marjorie looks at the phone knowing her nephew was lying.
"If Mary's worker was hurt what does she need with Wellington?" Chase looks out the window and says a silent prayer as tries to maneuver his way through the sudden crap storm.
"We were having lunch Mary was alone and we drove him." Marjorie taps the table top with her finger weighing his words then decides to cut to the point.
"What's really going on Chase?" Chase rolls his eyes to the ceiling wishing he'd been quicker with his phone. Wellington looks at Lesley nodding his head toward Chase. Mary and Lesley look at each other and Mary shrugs.
"You may as well tell her besides I don't think it's fair to put Chase in this any deeper than he already is." Lesley nods in agreement turning her attention back to Wellington.
"Grandma's right. Besides I can deal better with your Mom right now than mine." Wellington nods in agreement then walks towards his cousin who's beginning to look as flustered as he sounded.
"It's exactly what I told you..." Chase starts again but is cut off again by Marjorie's relentless barrage of questions. He closes his eyes and breathes deeply waiting for a moment to interrupt her monologue. Wellington grins a little half smile remembering the days when they were kids and his mother would just talk them into confession. He taps Chase's shoulder and waves to him to to give him the phone nodding his head in the affirmative.
"Hold on please?"
Chase looks at him brow raised while Wellington nods waving to him again. Chase shrugs and hands him the phone and walks toward Lesley leaving his cousin to his mother and thankful for it.
"Hey Mom it's me." Marjorie's finger stops tapping out it's rhythm the tone of Wellington's voice getting her full attention.
"What's going on Welly? Are you hurt?" Her emotion quickly shifting into mother mode. Wellington takes a deep breath looking back towards Lesley and rushes on.
"I'm fine. Do you think you could meet me right now? I need to talk to you." Marjorie's stomach lurches as a feelings of pure fear and dread crept through the phone.
"Sure honey. You just tell me where you are and I'll be right there." She says closing her files then shutting down her computer as she talks.
"I'm at the hospital in the ER waiting room, and just you Ma. No one else please." He pleads. Marjorie stops mid motion her heart skipping a beat.
"I'm on my way." She closes her laptop sliding it back in the drawer then hurries towards the door. Wellington ends the call and walks back towards the small group handing the phone back to Chase. Lesley looks up at him her eyes swollen from her tears and reaches out for his hand as he slides in the chair beside her.
"She's on her way." He sighs leaning his head against the back of the chair.
"Are you sure you want to do this now?"
Mary reaches over and pats his knee then gives it a little squeeze.
"Honey, it has to be done. You may as well just rip the band aid off and get it over with it's going to hurt either way." Lesley sighs sitting upright in the chair dabbing her eyes with a tissue.
"You sure you want to do this Grandma?" She reaches out taking both her hand in hers.
"Don't worry about me. I know how to handle my own daughter and your father. It's fine honey I promise you, Margie and I can handle the family. When the time comes you and Wellington go upstairs and fight for your son okay. She and I can take care of the rest." She says reaching over and kissing her check then hugging her.
"And congratulation Daddy." She says patting his knee and smiling.
"Thank Ms.Graves" He smiles sheepishly his cheeks blushing slightly.
"So what's my Great-Grandsons name?" She laughs. Lesley smiles reaching in her purse and pulling out her wallet.
"I named him Jamie well, actually James after Great-grand Dad." making Mary's smile from ear to ear and melting her heart.
"Your Grandfather will be so happy when I you tell him" She says leaning over giving her a quick hug. Lesley smiles back reaching for her purse in the chair next to her and rummaging through its contents.
"I have tons of pictures you want to see?" She says pulling out a small photo album from her purse. Wellington drops her hand from his glares at her a moment then stands and walks to the window. Case stares after him then looks to Lesley.
"I'll talk to him." He rises from the chair following after him. Lesley looks over to Wellington who's visibly angry then back to her Grandmother.
"In between the fear and the hurt he's just so angry." Mary looks at her granddaughter shakes her head and sighs.
"Can you blame him? You stole years of time he could have had with his child and all you can offer him are pictures. Then when you do finally tell him he finds out there's a possibility the first time he see's him could be his last. Of course he's angry. I'm angry!" She half shouts.
"If you weren't a grown woman Id take you over my knee! I still might!"  She chastises then sighs.
"Honey, what would make you do such a thing?"
" I was afraid Grandma."
"Why would you be so afraid that you would hide your child from your family? Are we all so terrible?" She looks at her, her eyes pleading and confused.
"Not all of you. Especially not you and Grandpa. It wasn't just about our family. I had..." She stops looking up at Wellington.
"Other things to consider too. I just wanted to keep my son safe."  She mumbles looking over at Wellington again. Mary follows the direction of her glance and pats her leg.
"I know you did honey." She puts her arms around Lesley's shoulders and pulls her to her.
"Now, tell me everything and start from the beginning and don't leave anything out. Lesley nods in agreement laying her head on her Grandmothers shoulder and letting her tale unravel freely.
Wellington glances over at Lesley and Mary with Lesley curled up on her shoulder and sighs heavily. He turns away then slumps into the chair behind him holding his chin on his palm staring mindlessly out the window.
"I need to pull it together I can't think about all this right now!" He pushes off the chair and paces the space between the row of chairs and the window then stops infront of Chase.
"Two years Chase! She took out that little photo album and I realized all I'll ever have of that time are pictures! Just a reflection of someone else's memory." He looks down at Chase his face etched in pain almost in tears.
"How could she do that to me Chase? How could she hide my child from me? Just not tell me. Like it never happened." He snaps his fingers spinning back toward the window and peering out. Chase pushes up from the chair and walks behind him laying his hand gently on his back.
"I'm not making excuses for her believe me but Lola did try to kill you!" Wellington closes his eyes and hangs his head remembering the weeks that followed after the night he'd left Lola.
"Of course I remember! Lola was a mess after Juliet died"
"A mess?" Chase laugh bitterly and shakes his head.
"She tried to run you over with her car! I can't blame Lesley for being afraid. Lola was always crazy jealous of Les. Lesley was going to have your child why wouldn't she think Lola would be coming after her next?" Wellington turns to face him then leans back against the radiator arms folded across his chest.
"Okay that explains part of it? What about after when Lola was gone what about then?" Chase shakes his head unable to answer his question.
"I don't know." He shrugs.
"That's a discussion you two are going have to have. I'm just saying it was a scary time cut her a little slack okay?" Wellington nods in agreement putting his anger back in check for now.
"Besides you have a little guy up stairs that's going to need his Dad." He says making his cousin smile with pride.  "Secondly, your Mom is going to be here any minute I really don't think this is the time to get into it. Right now you and Lesley need to be a united front."  Wellington nods again pushing himself off the radiator and walking back towards Lesley and Mary just as Marjorie comes through the entrance calling his name. He looks at Chase then squares his shoulders.
"Here we go" He sighs heavily before crossing the room to greet her just as Erin comes into the waiting room.
"Hey Mom, one second." He says diverting his attention to Lesley, Erin and Mary leaving Marjorie bewildered and staring after him.
"Chase, what going on?" She whispers turning towards him as Chase strains to hear what Erin was saying.
 "We've got him in his room and you guys can come with me." She beckons Lesley and Wellington towards the exist. They both hesitate a moment looking back at her Grandmother.
"It's okay you go. Chase and I will explain." She says with a wave of her hand. Lesley smiles mouthing "thank you" and follows Erin, Wellington behind her. Marjorie looks from one to the other feeling frightened and confused by what was happening she reaches out grasping Wellington's sleeve as he passes and pulling him to her.
"Explain what? Wellington?" She says her eyes searching his pleading. Wellington holds her hand a moment kisses her cheek then moves down the hall.
"I have to go Mom but Mary and Chase will explain everything and I'll be back as soon as I can." He calls over his shoulder as he hastens to catch up to Lesley and Erin leaving Marjorie staring after them mouth agape.

Harbinger Falls Copyright 2014


Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sometimes The Tide Rolls Your Way

 Marjorie sits at her table with Ed enjoying her lunch and watching the silent drama playing out around her. It was absolutely fascinating watching this ballet of intrigue between Jay Stockton his wife Alex and his mistress Abigail Colgate. She'd made sure when they'd arrived to have their table situated so she could have a birds eye view of both their tables but far from prying ears. From where she was sitting Abigail didn't just have a bee in her bonnet she had the whole darn hive! She couldn't take her eyes off of Alex and Jay and the way Alex was fawning in all over Jay they'd must have made up from whatever had blown up between and Alex was working overtime to make up for it. What seemed to be the most irksome to Abbey was the way Jay was responding to it. Ha! Good! That's what happens when you sleep with another womans husband! What she had planned for Jay was going blow her world sky high! She smiles to herself and turns her attention back to her husband.
" I thought I saw Jay Stockton leaving as I was coming in? What did he want?" She asks pleasantly She'd only come in on what she thought was the tail end of the conversation maybe Ed could give her more information before she went through with her plan. Ed looks up from his steak laying his fork down on the side of his plate shrugging his shoulders while he chews and swallows the food in his mouth.
"You know Jay being Jay throwing his weight around." Marjorie smiles and nods her head.
"Let me guess shutting down our son, he's going to make you pay if you don't blah, blah, blah." Ed smiles back nodding his head as he wipes his mouth on the napkin.
"As I said the usual." Marjorie nods in agreement.
"Well I hope you told him where he can go with all that?" She frowns pushing her salad plate from her.
" Exactly!" He says sawing off a piece of his steak and eating it. Marjorie glances over at Jay and Alex then to Abigail then lowers her voice.
"Was he threatening know?" Ed grins and waves his hand before wiping his mouth on the napkin.
"Jay Stockton has nothing to threaten me with that wouldn't also implicate himself." He says dismissively then reaches for his glass as Marjorie watches Abigail seeth over hers then leave the table abruptly making Marjorie curious.
"Besides he's lost his mind if he thinks I'd choose him or anything else over my family. I have a few tricks up my sleeve if ever the time comes. You have nothing to worry about." Marjorie smiles and nods her head.
"Oh, I was never worried I know exactly who I'm married too." She smiles pleasantly. Ed smiles back then looks down at ringing pocket and back.
"That's the office, mind if I take this?" He says reaching in his pocket. Marjorie wipes her mouth on her napkin and shakes her head.
"No, not at all all I'm going to go to the ladies room and I'll meet you by the exist." She places her napkin on the table as Ed stands and holds the chair for her as she rises.
"Thanks." He says kissing her forehead lightly.
"Edward Swift." He bellows into the phone as he moves toward the exist.
 Marjorie smiles after him then walks towards the hall to the ladies room smiling to herself nodding and greeting other member as she walks. Peering down the hall she see's Alex chatting with Elizabeth Martin and decides to use the bathroom in the executive office suites to avoid the crowd. Being on the board did have it's perks her smile broadening. She turns down the hall toward the bathroom slowing her pace as she riffles through her purse for her key. She stops and pulls back as she catches a flash of Abigail's voice as the door to the Executive office swings open. Marjorie steps back concealing herself on the corners edge at the turn in the hall just behind the palm giving her the advantage of anonymity. She reaches into her purse and pulls out her phone presses the video record and holds it between the fronds of the plant and presses record.
Jay reaches for Abigail's extended arm pulling her into his embrace and kisses her deeply his hand stroking her buttocks then pulls her into him as he grinds his pelvis against her. His other hand cupping her breast and gently squeezing till he feel her give a slight quiver.
"Not here Jay!" Abigail scolds pushing away from him looking around quickly trying to catch her breath.
"Then where?" He groans kissing her again. Abigail grimaces pushing against his chest breaking his hold on her then steps away.
"Nowhere!" She almost shouts then lowers her voice
"Not until you finally hand Alex the divorce paper like you promised!" Jay sighs moving towards her pinning her between himself and the wall his arm extended trapping her.
"Look baby you and I have been over this. There are certain things I have to do first." Abigail stares back at him and laughs bitterly.
"Yes, so you've told me. But how can I be really sure you're going to do what you say? Especially having had to watch that disgusting display between the two of you today? With her hands all over you and you loving every minute of it! What am I supposed to think Jay?" She whines.
"That I'm doing everything in my power to make sure you and I have the life we want." He says softly placing his finger under her chin and tilting her head up so their eyes meet then leans in to kiss her pulling his head away quickly to avoid being smacked by hers as she turns away.
"What am I supposed to do in the mean time why you live the best of both worlds?" She sniff then grabs at his collar a sudden panic coming over her.
"Tell me you're not sleeping with her Jay?" She sobs looking truly hurt and anxious as she searches his face for the truth. Jay shakes his head not breaking her stare. She'd find no lie in them. It wasn't that he didn't want to Alex was still sexy as hell. Many a night had found him standing outside her door. There were times when he literally ached for her. Those were those times when he had had to fight the demon inside him and not just take her as the lust wrapped him in it's folds squeezing him breathless. He'd be with her in a second and do all the things that haunted his memories, all the things his mind had been dreaming of for so long if she'd let him. She was his heart always was. Abigail could fill the place in his bed only Alex could fill the place in his heart. At this moment he didn't need to lie if he was lucky maybe after tonight he'd have too.
"Alex and I haven't been together in months you already know that. I've shown you the papers." He chuckles dismissing her.
 Abigail glares back at him fighting to stand her ground and losing slowly because of his nearness. She wanted this man as long as she could remember she'd wanted Jay Stockton he was like a fever in her blood always had been always would. She'd waited and bided her time always in his peripheral vision knowing someday she'd have him totally. She'd waited through high school when all he could see was everyone's "Darling" Alex Graves-Stockton through every fight and breakup. She'd waited for him to come to her when he hadn't she'd married William Carey that lasted about a year and the only good thing that came out of it had been Lola.They'd divorced and she'd done well in the settlement she was financially comfortable she was free and she waited. He'd come to her a couple of times like in High school when they were fighting then he'd disappeared and she'd found out about him and Sharron Swift. She was sure after Alex found out about the affair he'd had with Sharron Swift, Alex would throw him out. She'd taken the opportunity and had practically thrown herself at him. It had taken the bait a couple of times and come to her as he always did but he hadn't stayed. She had been so sure then that things would go her way. Alex would call off the wedding and he'd come to her like he did back then but he hadn't. Instead Alex and Jay had emerged like a phoenix from the flames stronger than ever and married to boot. Four weeks later she had married Dr. Brandon Colgate. A very lovely man head over heels the man William Carey ever was, wonderful father to Lola, fantastic doctor and he loved her but, he was no Jay Stockton.
 Then her luck had finally changed with Brandon's death, that night was the beginning of everything. Someday she'd have to thank Sharon for choosing that day to return. Her coming back had put a wedge between he and Alex and Jay firmly in her grasp. Now, after all the years of waiting she was finally going to have everything she wanted. She could almost taste it. She was just so tired of waiting. She'd pushed harder this time and it seemed to be paying off  but she also had to be careful to play it all just right she couldn't risk letting him slip away from her not this time.    
"Stop showing them to me and just give them to her damit! How much longer do I have to wait?" She hissed softly sounding babyish and pouty. Jay rolls his eyes his mouth drawn into a thin white line. Abigail could be tiresome but she'd been a lot fun over the years. She knew how to keep her mouth shut at least and she was wild in the sack. Lately though she was a lot more fun in it than out. Once this deal with Japan went through and if everything went as he hoped with Alex tonight he wouldn't have to put up with her much longer and if they didn't. He didn't have time to deal with the drama that would be if he broke it off with her now.
 Not that she would get any of the town sympathy should she decided to make it public. It wasn't like she'd be the scorned woman everyone would think she got what she deserved. He on the other hand well all of the good townsfolk, being from good puritan christian stock that they were. He'd be forgiven and redeemed for learning the error of his ways and cleaving unto his wife. While she may as well sew a scarlet "A" on her chest. Abbey knew this as well so he was pretty confident no matter how angry she got she wasn't going to kiss and tell not if she wanted to maintain her already tenuous position in the community but, still. Abigail would do for now besides he knew exactly how to placate her how to keep her quiet and he benefited greatly in the bargain. He reaches out and strokes her cheek running it down the curve of her jaw trailing slowly down towards her breast circling her nipple through the fabric enjoying how she desperately tried to ignore the call of her body as he spoke and continued his assault on it.  
"It's not much longer my lawyers are working on the contracts right now. As soon as the rights renewals are done and this deal goes through and I'm going to give them to her I promise." He says grinning like a chesire cat and reaching for her again trailing kisses down her her throat. He loosen the button on her blouse quickly freeing her breast and teases her nipple with his tongue grinning to hiself as she pulls his head tighter to her then releases it and kisses her again. He slides his hand under her skirt enjoying the swift intake of her breath as he slips his finger inside her.
"I promise you as soon as this is all over I'm going to give them to her. You believe me don't you?" He coo's running his thumb along the curve of her lip then brushes his lips gently against hers stroking her fasters with the other till she shutters against him.
"Yeeess..." She stutters and moans as Jay brings her to ecstasy leaving her panting listless against his shoulder. Jay smiles knowingly he had her right back where he wanted her in his complete control. He pulls away and reaches for his handkerchief wiping his mouth and face then his hands as Abigail pulls down her skirt then fastens her blouse.
"Here's the keys to the washroom drop them off on my desk when you come out.I'll see you tonight around eight." Abigail nods still unable to speak. Jay leans in kissing her again then goes into the office and closes the door.
 Marjorie quietly pulls the phone away from the scene leaving it recording as she steps silently back down the hall nonchalantly pretending to get a signal as she pans the the other end of the hall making sure to get Alex in the frame still chatting with Elizabeth then stops the recording slipping the phone back in her purse.
"That should be the icing on the cake." She smiles feeling almost giddy as she walks to the exist passing Alex and Elizabeth and nodding in greeting. She could go when she got home then she had errands to run and a phone call to make. She needed to pull this all together today. She could kill two birds with one stone and she would barely have to lift a finger that slut had given her everything she needed to accomplish exactly what she wanted.
"Thank you Abigail!" She grin coming to a halt in front of Ed standing by the exist.
"You ready?" He says impatiently looking at his watch and holding the door open for her.
"Yes I am" She smiles passing in front of him and out into the parking lot walking the short distance to their front spot.
"Do you mind if I drop you back at the house on my way back to the office" He say walking a few paces ahead and opening the car door for her.
"That would be perfect I have some things to take care of at home anyway." Whatever he had going she hoped it kept him busy the rest of the afternoon she had work of her own to finish she smiles. Just a few loose ends and Jay Stockton was done. She cheers silently.

 "Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Brush With The Truth

 Chase watches the ER doors open and and close again then turns back toward the window absently watching the cars coming and going from the parking lot. His thoughts still occupied by what was going on in the room across the hall. His mind still whirling from everything that had happened in the last eight hours and what the hell hadn't happened? One minute he couldn't be happier enjoying the morning with the woman he loved the next he's wondering who it was he was in love with? The Erin he thought he knew wasn't the person he found out about today. She'd been lying to him for almost three years if you count the time Lesley was pregnant.
Part of him understood Lesley was her cousin and like him with Well her best friend but that understanding didn't make him less furious or feel less hurt. He was hurt that she'd keep this from him for so long and hadn't trusted him enough to tell him the truth especially knowing he would have told her. Never a sign or hint of what was going on right in front of him just business as usual. Was he so involved with creating his company that he was just happily oblivious or was it something else?  Chase's head snaps around as the door of the ER open and Erin walks through coming straight for him.
"Hey." She looked tired and drained as she stopped in front of him searching his face for some telltale sign of what he was feeling and thinking.
"Hey, how's it going back there?" He says genuinely concerned.
"Okay I guess." She croaks out then clears her throat.
"We have him on antibiotics. We're still waiting for his tests to come back. I thought I'd give them some time alone." Chase nods his head not sure what to say.
"He's a tough little guy" She smiles glancing back at the ER.
"Yeah, I guess I wouldn't know." He snipes walking a few steps away from her then turning back.
"We're you ever going to tell me?" His voice calm his expression filled with hurt. Erin looks up at him a moment unable to bear the pain she felt at seeing it.
"I tried to tell you like a million times I just couldn't." Chase looks down at the floor knowing the answer to his next question before asking it.
"Why not?"
"You already know why!" She half laugh at the irony.
"Come on can you honestly tell me if the roles were reversed you wouldn't have done the same thing?" He glares at her a moment his temper barely controlled.
"No, you and I both know I would have told you." Erin laughs again and shakes her head.
"I know you would but I also know you would have felt compelled to tell Wellington." Chase shakes his head in disbelief.
"So what you're saying is you couldn't trust me." He walks back towards the widow and look out Erin trailing behind him.
"Come on Chase truth, you would have told Wellington same as I would have told Lesley! You would have never let her tell him herself in her own way." Chase turns back to her laughing bitterly.
"You never gave me the chance!" Erin brow draws into a frown as she folds her arms across her chest her her chin set her anger edging her voice.
"Look what happened as soon as you found out! You went right into white knight mode to make sure Wellington knew! I wasn't even here and I bet the first thing you told Lesley when you had a chance was she had to tell Wellington or you would!" She hisses trying not to attract the attention of the others in the room. Chase looks around at the sprinkling of people in the room staring at them then leans in lowering his voice but not diminishing the anger he felt.
"You're dam right! He's the kid's father he has right to know if the son he never met is going to live or die! You bet your ass I was going to tell him the truth!" Erin sighs in frustration.
"That's the point Chase it wasn't your truth to tell and it wasn't mine!" Chase stares back at her his jaw clenched but silent. Erin takes a reassuring breath before continuing.
"And I promised Lesley I wouldn't tell anyone. I couldn't break that promise not even to you. I'm sorry if that hurts you I truly am but as her friend and her doctor I was bound by my oath as a doctor and as her friend." She stares up at him his face a mask of confusion waiting for his response.Chase hesitates a moment not sure what to say he wasn't done sorting through his emotions. A part of him was still battling with the betrayal he felt the other part still hurt and not wanting to concede she was right. He looks away from her spotting the nurse coming behind them thankful for the interruption.
"Dr. Stuart your results are back." The nurse calls from the door.
"Thank you Jan. Can we talk about this later? I need to get back." She turns back to him her concern for the baby carving it's way across her face.
"Sure, yeah I'm not going anywhere." He smiles weakly giving Erin the first sign of hope she'd seen from him since she came out to see him.
"Good." She says turning and walking to the exist then stops and turns back.
"Could you send a nurse to get me when my Grandmother gets here?" Chase's jaw drops his eyes open wide he runs his hand through his hair and sighs.
"Your Grandmother is coming?" He wasn't ready to explain this all to Mary.
"Yeah, don't worry she already knows I talked to her. Besides Lesley is going to need her and it's way better than Alex right now." She shrugs. Chase gives her  a little half grin rubbing the back of his neck then sighs.
"Very true. I'll make sure someone tells you."
"Thanks." She says her shoulders stiffening worry twitching at her lower lip as she turns for the door. Chase watches her a moment then crosses the distance between them in three easy strides.
"Erin!" He says wrapping his arms around her and holding her a moment.
"You're a great doctor baby he's going to be okay, we'll talk later okay." He kisses the top of her head then releases her.
"I'll be right here I'm not go going anywhere." He smiles down at her. Erin smiles back him some of the worry that had been etching her face gone.
"I'll see you later." She turns and walks quickly back through the doors into the ER. Chase smiles after her a moment then reaches in his pocket for his ringing phone.
"Chase Van Dorn." He says smoothly into the phone all traces of what had transpired in the last few hours gone from his voice.
"Mr. Van Dorn I'm so glad I reached you! I've been trying to reach Mr. Swift for an hour!" Dax says sounding mildly relieved.
"Yeah, he's here with me we're kind of in the middle of some family stuff what's up?'
" I sent all the revisions to the state and the EPA and you have your approval. Mr. Van Dorn senior put in for the certificate of occupancy this afternoon. And I have the other bit of information about Stockton you asked for.I'm sending it to you right now." Chase waits a moment while Dax hums to the audible rhythm of his fingers click clacking on the keyboard.
"Viola!" He says clapping his hands together.
"You should get that momentarily. Is everything with you and Mr. Swift alright?"
"Juuuust peachy." He draws out distractedly as he skims through the information he just received.
"Dax thanks a lot. I appreciate all the help you've given us."
"As always it's my pleasure. Is there anything else I can help you with?" He asks his fingers still clicking keys.
"Umm, yeah my family is going through something right now so Well won't be available and I'll be in and out for the rest of the day. Could you keep an eye on things for us please? If you need anything you can reach out to Preston then me."
"Not a problem don't worry about a thing. You just take care of your family and I'll be in touch. Bye."
"Thanks again, bye."  He says sitting down on the window sill and reading the information Dax had just sent him trying to distract himself from what was going on between Well and Lesley across the hall.
Wellington stares from the pale sleepy child in Lesley's arms back to Lesley.
"My child?" He stares back at her still dumbfounded. Lesley clears her throat continuing on before she lost her nerve.
"Why don't you hold him?" Wellington's eyes open wide his arms coming up tentatively. As Lesley lifts the half sleeping child from her and hands him to Wellington's outstretched arms. He looks at her his expression happily panicked, furious and scared all at the same time. Then it all seemed to disappear from his face and replaced by joy as he held his son for the first time.
"He's beautiful." He says smiling down at him as holds him close his head bowed against his chest their heads touching silently weeping unable to speak as he cradles his son. Lesley watches them a quietly holding back her own tears at the image they made one she had only imagined for so long.
"He's so smart and funny. He is such a good little boy. You should have seen him the other day when we went to feed the the ducks he was so excited..." She snuffs wiping a stray tear from her cheek as her voice trails off. Her smile fading as she thinks of all the moments she'd taken from him.
"Hey little man. It's your Dad." He says looking down at him smiling proudly Jamie whimpers a little smile then snuggles close to him. Lesley watches the two of them together the scene wrenches at her heart.
"I'm sorry Wellington." She says her voice almost a whisper.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He looks up from his son his eyes piercing hers.
"I did what I had to do," Her voice firm her chin tilted defiantly she rushes on before she lost her nerve.
"I found out I was pregnant the same night you called to tell me you weren't coming back you were staying with Lola I finally realized you were never coming back. She'd sunk her fangs into you again and had some weird sick hold on you. That woman is toxic and wherever you are she is. No matter what happened or how much time passed she would be apart of our lives forever. Especially if she found out we were going to have a baby. I couldn't have that physco around my child. So I cut you out of our lives. I'm sorry that you missed so much time with our son but I won't apologize for protecting us from that lunatic. Considering what happened afterwards you and I both know I was right to do it."
"Are you finished?" He says staring at her a moment his anger barley in check.
"Yeah, I'm done." She says evenly her stare unwavering.
"Good we can talk about all that later right now lets just concentrate on our son." Lesley stares at him a moment then sighs.
"Fine. Just so you know Chase found out today the only one that knew was Erin. I swore her to secrecy and you know me she really didn't have a choice."
"Nobody did!" He snaps his eyes glittering with rage. Lesley glares at him her anger equal to his her retort on the tip of her tongue as Erin walks back into the room stopping their anger mid stream as both of their attention snap to her. Erin squares her shoulders as she approaches and guards her expression as Wellington places Jamie back inside the crib then turns towards Erin.
"Hey, we got Jamie's test back and it was what I suspected he has Bacterial Meningitis." Erin ignores the audible gasp from her cousin only pausing for a moment before continuing.
"We're having him admitted. We have to take him up for CT scan." Lesley watches as the nurses bundle up her sons bed and equipment and instinctively reaches for Wellington's hand the later instead wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her close. Erin watches the reaction of the two as their child is wheel from the room.
"Try not to worry we caught this early he's going to be okay" She reaches out and hugs her cousin and then Wellington.
"I'm going to go with him okay, and then we'll bring him to his room a nurse will come get you when he's ready. I promise I will stay with him the entire time."
"Thanks Erin" Lesley sniffs looking as if she would crack any minute.
"I have to go you two try not to worry too much." She smiles then turns and jogs from the room. Wellington watches her leave her tearing off her gown quickly tossing it in the bin then chase after the medical crew. He turns back to Lesley who stands frozen to the spot tears slowing rolling down her cheeks her lip quivering.
"Jamie" She whispers before collapsing sobbing in his arms.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Saturday, November 8, 2014

"Time Will Tell"

 Hank walks down the steps of town hall stopping at the bottom for a moment to enjoy the warm fall sunshine smiling to his self as he continues his walk. He wasn't sure exactly whom all his sons friends were but they were efficient. They had already delivered the revisions to the state, the report to the EPA and he'd made the appointment for the inspection for the certificate occupancy. It felt good to be one step ahead of Jay Stockton for a change. He'd been looking forward to this day for years. The day when Jay's strangle hold on him, his family and this town would come to an end.
He glances up at a passing "Stockton Lumber" truck reminding him of his childhood. When he Ed and Jay would hitch a ride on the back of Jay's Dad's truck on their way up to the lake. Hard to believe at one point they had all been best friends, then everything had changed the morning Sharron Swift had walked into his office.
 He'd been working in his father's Mill's legal department for a few years longer than he had planned and he was starting to get that closed in restless feeling. He wasn't sure whether to stay or pursue his own dreams. His father needed him but he wasn't sure this was what he wanted for the rest of his life.
She'd walked in that spring morning and it was like a burst of sunshine in his life. It had taken him a moment to remember she was the same pretty little girl that used to chase after them when they were kids. Sometimes he'd look back and see her tau head down her shoulders slumped standing on the edge of the lawn looking forlorn and convince the other to take her with them. Now there she was standing on the threshold of his office door. She was young, vibrant, funny cheerful and she had grown into a beautiful young woman. Nothing left of the child he used to know not the the way his breath caught in his throat at the sight of her.
"Sharron?" He says turning towards her smiling broadly.
"Hank!" She squeals running to him and throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him.
"I was hoping I'd see you!" She lets go standing back smiling from ear to ear.
"I'm so happy I caught up with you!" Hank grins fighting back a blush.
"Wow you are absolutely stunning." He mutters his thoughts spilling out before he could filter the words. She blushes slightly smiling happily.
"You don't look so bad yourself." She says admiring what she was seeing tall lean, muscular frame sun bleached hair sun kissed skin still gorgeous. Hank always was a handsome devil even as a kid but he'd never acted or treated people with that arrogant conceit some kids get. Out of all her brother's friends he'd always had been thoughtful of her feelings and had even stuck up for her and forced them to take her along on more than a few occasions. Which also made him the object of her childhood crush for years.
"So this is where you've been hiding yourself." She says walking around his office looking at his niknaks and plaques. Hank chuckles leaning back against his desk.
"Me? I haven't seen you since you were in braces and pigtails." Making them both laugh.
 "How was your first year at school?" He says watching her pace around the room enjoying how much she'd grown in all the right places.
"Great, a lot of work but great. What about you what have you been up to?" She asks stopping her pacing and coming to stand in front of him. Hank smiles waving his arm around the room like a presenter.
"Keeping my Dad's business afloat. What brings you here?"
"I applied for the temporary secretarial job for the summer."
"Did you get it?" He says trying not to sound too hopeful not sure why he did.
"I start tomorrow" She smiles enjoying the tell tale grin on his face.
"Thank you, and I was able to find a place to do my volunteer PT hours." She smiles proudly. Hank lets out a small whistle then nods in approval.
"Wow! You're going to be a very busy girl." Sharron nods in agreement.
"It's not so bad" She shrugs.
"I only have the PT a couple of  nights a week. I'll still have some free time thankfully. What about you? What do you do for fun or are you still all nose to the grindstone?" She teases making Hank blush again.
"I get out! I still play on the baseball league on Sunday's. Why don't come down and watch us play sometime. I'm sure the guys won't mind anymore." He says with a wink making her blush this time.
"Maybe I will!" She laughs nervously feeling suddenly shy.
"I'd like that." He smiles back feeling suddenly awkward as silence falls between them. Hanks stares at her a moment longer then pushes off the desk and walks around it stalling for something to say. Sharron's mind races quickly searching for something to say afraid to say what was on the tip of her tongue.
"Well I'd better get going. She says instead chiding herself mentally for taking the coward's way out.
"What if I picked you up on Sunday around ten we could go to the game maybe stop at Mr.Gerber's hot dog stand?" He says nervously not even sure what had possessed him to do so or what he was saying. The expression on her face making him even more unsure as he rambles on. .
"You know for old time sake?" He chuckles nervously trying to hide the odd sensation of hope he had mixed with the dread he felt at the prospect of her saying "No". Sharron smothers a giggle and stomps down the giddy feeling that was about to overwhelm her.
"I'll see you Sunday." She says coolly then sauntered out the door.
Hank stops at the intersection smiling broader as he hears the familiar sound of a car horn and Sharron rolls to a stop.
"Hi ya handsome you need a ride?" She teases from the open car window.
"Anywhere you're going hot stuff!" He laughs walking around the car and climbing into the passenger seat.
Marjorie spots Hank standing at the corner calls his name and waves just as Sharron's car pulls up alongside him. She shakes her head at her luck then proceeds into the town hall building and up to Ed's office. She opens the door closing it behind her noting that Georgia's desk was empty then stopping when she hears the sound of Jay's voice coming from Ed's office.
"I just saw him leaving the Zoning office! Now what the Hell are you doing about it?" He snarls stepping closer. Ed glares back at him his temper barely in control.
"You keep forgetting the people you're talking about are my family! My son and my nephew! What makes you think I'm going to betray them? Secondly, he's been given the go ahead by the state and the EPA by this town and might I add by YOU! There is nothing standing in their way! Just face facts its over!" Jay's eyes narrow his voice animalistic.
"You had better find something and find it fast! You're up for re-election aren't you Ed? It would be ashame if someone found out about you and an evening... " His voice trails off as he smiles slyly Ed's head snaps up his eyes bulging at his words his anger turns to rage.
"Now get this through your thick head I'm not helping you!" He grinds out.
"You had better be careful Stockton I wasn't the only one there that night and if I go down I'm taking you with me you can bank on that!"  Jay glares at him a moment then smirks.
"True but I'm not up for re-election." Ed grins back  knowing he had his checkmate move.
"I'm not the one trying to fulfil your obligation to that Japanese outfit. What do you think they'd do if they found out? Weren't they a little twitchy to begin with?" Jay's anger tweaks he was right he couldn't afford that kind of a scandal right now not if he was going to seal that next order.
"You know this deal with the Japanese affects you too!" Ed stares at him him his look cold and determined.
"Not as much as it will hurt you. Now unless you have some town business to discuss you'll have to excuse me I have work to do."  He say sitting down in his chair and pulling out his computer keyboard. Jay's jaw clenches tight his lips a thin white line his eyes ice cold.
"Don't get too comfortable in that chair Ed. This election year you're going to have some competition, some very tough, very winnable competition." Ed looks up at him his expression unmoved.
"Do whatever you want Jay. I don't give a dam!" Jay stares back at him his smile menacing.
"You will Ed, believe me you will!" Jay snatches up his briefcase as he turns to leave slamming out of the office door then storming to the exist never noticing Marjorie tucked away in the corner of the sofa behind it. He slams the outer door then stops in the hall to answer his phone.
"Yes, I'm on my way I'll meet you at the club!" He says before moving further down the hall. Marjorie sits another moment as a plan formulates in her head then stands and walks into her husbands office smiling pleasantly as she walks to his desk.
" Hi honey! Are you ready for our lunch?" Ed smiles happy for the distraction after the last ten minutes. He stands walks to his wife and kisses her cheek.
"Been looking forward to it all morning!" He says walking to the coat rack pulling off his jacket and shrugging into it.
"Where would you like to go?" He says opening the door for her.
"Thank you, I thought maybe we could go to the club?" She smiles pleasantly passing through and stopping as Ed locks his office door.
"That's fine! The chef there makes the best steak in town!" He says walking to the outer door and holding it open.
"Perfect!" She smiles to herself as she walks ahead and presses the elevator button.
"You're sure looking chipper this morning." Ed says coming to stand beside her as the elevator doors open. Marjorie smiles back laying her hand in the crux of his arm.
"I was just thinking that Abigail Colgate and the Ladies Auxiliary have their luncheon today I may be able to kill two birds with one stone." She smiles to herself.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hoping Beyond Hope

 Chase walks back from the cafeteria into the waiting room carrying two cups of coffee hands Lesley one then takes the seat beside her.
"Thanks" She mutters taking the cup from him and sipping it. Chase looks at her worried expression as Lesley head swivels towards the entrance to the ER when the doors open for the hundredth time without Erin between them. She places the cup down on the table stands pacing worriedly around it.
"I wish Erin would tell us something!' She says wiping the tears from her cheek. Chase stand wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"Come on Les he's going to be okay" Lesley takes a deep breath stifling back her tears.
"He's just so little you know?" She snuffs as Chase leads her back towards the couch.
"She'll be out soon hon it's only been about fifteen minutes." Lesley turns her wain face towards him smiling weakly.
"Thanks Chase and thanks for everything" Chase smiles back at her then reaches for their cups handing her one.
"For what I didn't do anything really" Lesley holds the cup in her hand staring down into it's contents blindly.
 "Yeah you did. You should be furious with me. If it were me I'd be ripping me up one side and down the other." Chase mouth twists in a half smile.
"So Wellington is his father?" Asking the question that had been burning his lips since they'd walked in.
"Boy, you don't waste any punches do you?" Lesley turns to towards him with a smirk then sips her coffee. Chase looks back at her trying to sort through his confusion, keeping his temper in check and showing compassion. He also had to wonder exactly how Erin fit into all of this. It was obvious she knew from the start but since they had driven in silence all the way to the hospital he really didn't understand how she could keep this all to herself but it wasn't the time to argue with her she didn't need that distraction right now but maybe Lesley did. Besides Lesley knew him well enough to know that now that he knew the truth he wasn't joining the reindeer games.
"Never did." He smiles nudging her side playfully making her smile in earnest.
"I guess Erin told you huh?" She sighs sipping her coffee and looking toward the ER doors.
"Can I ask you a question?" Lesley puts down her cup and braces herself for the inevitable question she had been dreading since Erin took Jamie in the back.
"Why didn't you just tell him?"  He looks over at her his eyes searching hers.
"I was angry, I was hurt.You remember what happened when Juliet was sick and everything that happened after she...." She stops unable to say the words.
"I was grieving too! He left me to grieve alone! He had to take care of "Lola"! She mocks
"I loved that little girl too! And I was scared!" She stops looking up at the ER doors as they open and close without Erin coming through again and sighs heavily.
"I don't know Chase I had all these reasons that just seem so ridiculous now. " Her voice trails off her throat tight as she fights back the tears praying to God that the same fate didn't await her son. She sighs slumping back against the cushions sounding defeated.
"I thought I was protecting my son." Chase shakes his head his gaze burrowing into hers.
"But he's not just your son." He says trying hard to keep the disgust from his voice his mind still unable to to digest it all. He sighs loudly as he stands and paces around the row of chairs in front of him stopping when he comes full turn.
"What are you going to do now? Are you going to tell him?" Lesley looks at him and then back to her cup tipping it to her lips and taking a sip stalling for time. Chase waits not sure what his response would be if she didn't tell him. Wellington wasn't just his cousin he was his best friend and he wasn't going to become a part of this secret society. This needed to end now especially now. Lesley looks up at him knowing by the expression on his face he wasn't going to accept any other answer than telling Wellington the truth. In her heart she knew this was the end of the line for the lie she knew it this afternoon even before Jaime got sick even though she tried to convince herself otherwise.
"As soon as..." Her voice trails off a moment as her phone rings she quickly reaches for her purse clicking the receiver before the first ring stops.
"Hello?" Wellington's heart stops for a moment not expecting her to answer his throat suddenly goes dry momentarily constricting his voice then suddenly booms through the receiver.
"Lesley please don't hang up! Please! I just want to to talk to you for one..." Lesley interrupts him before he can continue.
"It's okay Wellington." She says looking up at Chase who stares back at her eyes wide. Then says a silent prayer thanking God for his cousins timing. He walks back to the table picking up his cup then walks a few steps further away. Lesley watches him a moment only half listening to Wellington's prattle then breaks in.
"Listen Wellington there is something really important I need to talk to you about and I don't want to do it over the phone. Do you think you could meet me here?" Wellington swallows hard not believing his ears. She actually wanted to meet! He didn't care about what as long as he got his shot face to face.
"Sure just tell me where and when?" Lesley looks up at the nurse station as the door opens and she hears the sound of her son crying echo through then chokes back her tears.
"Ahh could you meet me now...?" Her voice fading off as another cry slips through the crack in the door. Chase walks back towards her the expression on her face showing she was ready to crack. He sit next to her wrapping his arm around her shoulder and holding her close.
"I'm at the hospital" she croaks out. Welling stops in his steps her words filtering down through his excitement.
"At the hospital? Are you okay?" Lesley looks at Chase who smiles back at her reassuringly.
"I'm fine just get here as soon as you can okay...It's important?" Wellington grabs his jacket off the chair as he talks slamming his office door behind him.
"I'll be right there!"
"Thanks bye." She says clicking the phone off not waiting for a response and slides it back in her purse.
"Well there's your answer." She smiles weakly glancing at the ER doors opening and closing then back to Chase.
"Now you have to do me a favor?" She says taking his hand in hers.
"You can't be angry or blame Erin for any of this. Believe me she wanted to tell you she wanted to tell everyone I forced her to keep Jamie a secret. So please don't be mad at her?" She pleads watching the anger float across his face and his jaw tighten. He pulls his hand from hers walks towards the window and looks out.
"I can promises I'll listen to whatever she has to say that's the best I can do right now." He says turning back towards her his eyes dark with anger his eyebrows creased into a "v".
"That's good enough for now. Could you do one more thing for me? Could you stick around till Wellington gets here? Once he hears what I have to tell him he's going to need you." She says stuffing up again as her sons wails can be heard through the opening door.
"Yeah sure not a problem" Chase looks over Lesley's shoulder and spots Erin coming through the ER doors.
"Hey Les," She says reaching out and hugging her which starts Lesley's tears anew.
"How is he?... What's wrong with him?" She stammers her eyes pleading.
"He's doing okay, Why don't we sit down." Erin says motioning towards the couch. Lesley stands motionless starring at her in disbelief.
"I don't want to sit down I want to know what's wrong with my son!" She shrieks burgeoning on hysteria.
"He's stable honey were giving him fluids and a general antibiotic we'll know more once we run some more test." She says calmly.
"Tests? What kind of test what do you think is wrong with him?" Lesley looks from Erin to Chase fear etching her face.  Erin looks to Chase for strength the later averting his gaze. Finding none she takes a deep breath and continues.
"We think he has Bacterial Meningitis." Lesley's falls against Chase her strength seemingly to drain from her limbs.
"Oh no! Oh my God no!" She wails letting loose the torrent of tears that she'd been holding back for so long making Chase's heart ache for her. As angry as he was with her a few moments ago he could find none of it now. Whatever was going on between all of them Lesley didn't deserve this kind of torment, no mother did. Erin fights her instinct to drop her professional facade and go to her cousin. She reminded herself again that the best way to help Jamie was to cure him. She couldn't fall apart now when he needed her to be strong. She musters all the professional strength she has and continues.
"We have Jamie on a broad spectrum antibiotic for now we'll know more once we get his test's back"
"Lesley?" Wellington calls as he comes in to the room. Lesley head snaps towards the sound of Wellington's voice as he comes in to the room looking from one dire expression to the next.
"What's going on? Lesley looks at Erin's confused and startled expression and nods her head.
"Wellington I'm really glad you're here?" Wellington looks at Lesley confused then to Chase who head snaps to some imaginary goings on out the window.
"Give me a second and I'll explain everything okay?" She rests her hand on Wellington's sleeve holding back her tears as she turns to Erin.
"Can we see him?" She asks looking to Erin hopefully. Erin smiles nodding her head in agreement. Hoping secretly that Wellington's being here signaled that at last she'd be free of the shackles of Lesley's secret.
"Sure I'll take you." Lesley turns back to Chase.
"Can you do me a favor and stick around?" Chase nods in agreement then looks to Erin for the first time since they'd gotten here. She looked tired, awkward and behind it all worried and scarred.
"Yeah definitely I'll be right here." He says pulling his gaze from Erin and back to Lesley and Well still unable to meet his eyes.
"Thanks, Wellington I need you to come with me okay?" She asks her voice scarred and pleading yet demanding. Whatever it was he knew better than to speak and just nodded his head and follow along.
"Come on guys" Erin says from the entrances of the waiting room nodding towards the entrance to the ER. Lesley holds Wellington's arm leading him towards the hall not ready to speak just yet.
Wellington looks from one to the other a million thoughts running through his head not sure what to expect or what the hell was going on. He looks back at Chase whose expression was blank and pained all at the same time. What the hell was going on who was "Him"? He walks through the hub of whispering curtained off vestibules their occupants in different states of distress or relief. He looks at Lesley who averts her eyes as soon as they meet then tugs on his arm forcing him to move faster till they come to the end of the vestibules to a glassed off room with the curtains partially closed.
"Lesley stop!" He says coming to an immediate halt forcing him to catch her before she fell to the floor.
"What the hell is going on, who are you talking about?" Lesley looks at him a moment then turns her gaze to Erin who hastily reaches in the cabinet and pulls two gowns out and hands one to each.
"I need you both to put these on."
"Why?" He looks from one to the other the gown crushed in his fist waiting. Lesley looks up at him her eyes pleading her voice trembling.
"I need you to come in with me and I'll explain everything I promise."
"Look, I'm not going any further till one of you tells me what were doing here?"  Lesley looks up at him a stubborn twist to her mouth.
"Just put it on and I'll tell you!" She says sternly trying desperately to hold on to what was left of her composure as she hastily slips on the gown grimacing at him and nodding her head at him to do the same. Wellington hesitates a moment then un-crumples his fist and slides the gown on. Erin watches the the two of them then quickly opens the door signaling them to follow she points to the crib then walks directly to the monitors trying to ignore what was going on behind her.
"Can I hold him?" Lesley asks the nurse who nods her head then walks over to the small computer and types in her notes. Lesley takes Wellington's hand leading him over to the small crib ignoring Wellington's stunned expression. She looks down at her drowsy son holding back the tears that burned her eyes. She reaches down in the crib and picks up her son cradling him in her arms. She takes a deep breath and turns to a shocked and confused Wellington. He looks from her to the pale sleepy child in her arms and back unable to speak.
"This is James Stockton Swift he's your son."

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Saturday, October 11, 2014

"All You Could See"

 Jay paces his office he picks up the email he'd received from Joe Jordan and half smiles
"Bastard!" He grumbles. What the hell was he going to have to do to this kid to get him the hell off his back? He was there at every turn no matter what he did he was one, two steps ahead of him! What the hell was going on? And where the hell was Jake? He should have been here an hour ago!
He looks at the email again. Van Dorn had submitted his revisions to the to the state and the report to the EPA! Joe Jordan was furious! He looked like a complete fool in front of the committee when he'd read his objection to issues that correction had already been submitted for! The entire thing passed with nary a ruffle! Van dorn was going to open and he was running out of options!
 How? How the hell did he do it? How did Chase Van Dorn know the exact objections Jordan was going to make? The only ones that knew anything about it was him. The only other person that even had an inkling  was Jake and he knew he could trust him. Hell, he hated Van Dorn more than he did. But, he could have inadvertently blabbed to his wife and then she to her brother. It was possible but not probable. He and Toni had been married a long time and they had worked on things a lot more sensitive than this and there was never a debacle like this one. From beginning to now he just seemed to have an inside track. Either this kid was a business genius which he doubted. He was smart he'd give him credit for that but not this smart. Besides he was too young to have this kind of knowledge or that many connection for that matter. Perhaps the life he and his family had lead had taught him well, great parenting? Ha! Not with those two! All you had to do was take a look at their other son to see that and that girl! A better answer would be he had some very powerful friends working behind the scenes, as powerful as his own. How else would he have been able to sneak the entire thing in right under his nose.
"What's up Dad?" Jake huffs practically coming to a running halt as he comes into his office. He lays his brief case on the edge of the desk.
"What the hell took you so long?" Jay snaps tossing the email down on the desk again.
"I was getting all the stuff you asked me for together!" He snaps back crossing his arms over his chest a surly smile playing on his lips.
"You know the very least you could do is let me know which thing you're yelling at me for at the beginning of the conversation." He glares back at his father. Jay snatches up the email from the desk and shoves it at him.
"I got that from Joe Jordan today! Go ahead and read!" He growls shaking the paper at him. Jake snatches it from his hand reading it quickly. His eyes opening wide he stares at Jay a moment mouth agape then snap shut his brow drawn into a scowl and hands it back to him the later shoves it in the shredder.
"Every day this son of a bitch gets a stronger foothold in my town!' He turns back towards Jake his voice exploding through the room.
"If you had just done what I had told you to from the beginning this wouldn't be happening! Now we're just running around like chickens with our heads cut off and that son is on you!" Jay finishes his tirade glaring at his son daring him to say one word to the contrary. Jake bellows back at him tired of playing Jay's whipping boy. Maybe it was about time he ripped a page out of Clay's playbook.
"I remember not so long ago you wanted to sell the mill property because you were tired of paying taxes on that rust pile. Your words not mine, is it coming back to you now? All you could see were dollar signs you didn't care who or how you unloaded it, as long as you unloaded it and made a profit! What was it you told me? "Selling that property would be the final nail in Hank Van Dorn's coffin." or did you conveniently forget that part again?" He finishes enjoying the look of shock on Jay's face and continues before he can speak pacing the room as he talks.
"You didn't give a rats as about who bought that place or what they did with it! Some lawyer gave you a big fat check and you couldn't have been happier. You strutted around here like you were king of the world till you got wind it Chase Van Dorn was opening a business! Then it was all. "Jake you didn't vet them! Jake you should have dug deeper! You should have seen it was Chase Van Dorn!" He stops his pacing coming to stand in front of him his back ramrod straight his eyes and tone mocking.
"I was with you every step of the way when you sold that property remember? We both read and saw the exact same things. All your high paid private investigators didn't see it and neither did you! Some how I'm supposed to see what you didn't?" Jay's face turns white with rage his nostrils flared he steps closer to his son his hands itching to knock that sarcastic grin right off his smug little face.
"You sure as hell are! That's exactly what I fucking pay you to do! You're supposed to have my back! You screwed up!" Jake steps closer their face just inches from each other his jaw taunt.
 " You want to blame somebody? Blame yourself! Stop blaming me because one of your machinations finally blew up in your face! I'm not going to shoulder it all anymore you understand me?" Jake finishes his tone defiant his stance firm. Jay glares at him his voice a low growl.
"I sure as hell didn't hear any protest from you about accepting it or see you turning your nose up at the money. Infact if I remember correctly you and that wife of yours spent a month in Italy! So you listen and you listen good! You'll take whatever I give you, and do whatever it is I tell!" He snarls taking a step forward forcing Jake to take a step backwards his back pressed against the desk his fist flexing his jaw tight as he fights the almost overwhelming urge to knock his father on his condescending ass. Jay leans in his eyes glittering with rage his words succinct.
 "You still don't get it! We are in a fight for our lives! We can't afford any more slip ups! You understand? I want you to dig and dig deep until you you find something we can use to stop him! I want to know everything about Chase VanDorn and Wellington Swift from the moment they left this town. I want to know where they went who they talked to who they worked for who their friends are. I want to know who his enemies are. I want every moment from the day he left this town and came back chronicalized. You understand? This time around I want you to be thorough take your time go through everything with a fine tooth comb." Jay steps back then turns and walks behind his desk and sits. Jake swallows hard takes a deep breath fighting the urge to punch him squarely in his pompous face then turns to face him keeping the same stoic resolve he leans his fists on the desk and leans forward. His voice clear his words sharp and mocking.
"Then you find them! If you want to keep on with this witch hunt you go right ahead. Not me, not this time old man I'm done with this. You want to keep chasing VanDorn you chase him! I'm not playing lackey to your paranoid delusions! I have actual work to do for our company! You know the one we own? Our business! Or have you forgotten the Japanese?" Jay eyes open wide and then narrow. He hadn't forgotten but he had to admit to his self it was the furthest thing from his mind. Jake glares down at him knowing exactly what had gone through his mind.
"Yeah, what I thought! I'm going to concentrate on Stockton Lumber! You worry about your ridiculous revenge." He' turns opening his briefcase and pulling out a thick file.
"Here you can start with this!" He says plopping it down on the desk in front of him.
"I have actual work to do!" He says snapping his briefcase closed and storming from the office missing the flash of his mother as she darts behind the pillar as he passes.
Alex waits for Jake to go up the stairs before letting out the breath she'd been holding. He had no clue she'd stolen his email and there was no way for him to find out it was her. Perhaps just to be on the safe side she should plan a little dinner just the two of them sort of a reconciliation after the brawl they'd had. She walks to his office stopping at the door just as his phone rings.
"Hellooo" He drawls out relaxing back in his chair loosening the tie around his neck his voice lowering taking on a seductive quality she hadn't heard in sometime.
"I was just thinking about you...Yeah I was going to call you later right now I'm a little busy...Sure! Sure! I really I will...Looking forward to it too...Bye!" Alex pauses a moment watching him sitting there with that whimsical smile on his face she pushes down her anger as she comes into the room.
"Hey" She calls smiling pleasantly as she walks to his desk as if she hadn't heard what she'd heard.
"Hi honey what's up?" He says erasing the call before snapping the phone shut and slipping it in his pocket.
"Who was that? I hope it's not more business?" She smiles knowing by the low husky tone in his voice during the call and the look of guilt on his face it wasn't. Jay shrugs relieved she hadn't heard much maybe suspected possibly.
"Yeah Joe Jordan we need to get together go over some business why what did have in mind?" Smiling as he walks around the desk to meet her. Alex wraps her arm around his waist leading him toward the hall.
"I was thinking maybe there was some way we could talk. We haven't said much to each other since.." Her voice trails off. Jay's mouth curves into a little half smile. He reaches over and holds her hand in his.
"Yeah I umm don't..." His voice trails off Alex looks up at him and gives his hand a gentle squeeze.
"I thought maybe you and I could get out of this stuffy house have dinner at the Inn see where it goes from there." She says seductively. She was going to get to the bottom of what was going on if it was what she thought there would be hell to pay and he knew it. Who ever it was as going have to wait. Tonight he was hers who ever she was would have to find another playmate tonight. She holds tighter to his arm laying her head on his shoulder.
"How does that sound?" She looks up at him smiling sweetly waiting for his response. Jay smiles down at her satisfied that she hadn't heard his conversation or not enough to piece anything together other than what he'd already told her or she wouldn't be offering this olive branch.
"I think it would be a wonderful idea. Give me a chance to shower and change I'll be right down." He leans in kissing her cheek then turns and jogs up the steps.
 Alex smiles watching him go up the steps. God! He was so transparent! Why else would he be willing to spend the evening with her? Right now she couldn't prove it but it felt all too familiar and time didn't heal those instincts or wounds. If anything it had only helped to hone them. If he was cheating this would be the last time! He'd humiliated her once she wasn't about to let it happen again.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rainy Days and Monday's

 Lesley stands in front of the window of her sons room watching the squirrels playing among the tree branches outside and smiles. She loved being here in the quiet away from her family, away from everyone just the two of them. In their little house safe and warm fire burning in the fireplace the smell of bread filling the house. It reminded her of her Grandmother's house where her happiest childhood memories lied. A small pang of sorrow shoot through her at not being able to share James with his Great Grandmother. She'd adore him and he her.
That was the hardest part about all of this. By keeping him away from Jay, her mother, Wellington, his mother she was keeping him away from his uncles, aunts, great grandparents, cousins and everyone else. The only one in his family he knew was Erin and the time was coming when he'd want to know more. Who he was where he came from and especially who his father was. She'd be lying if she pretended the facts didn't hurt but she needed to protect them from the devastation Wellington and Jay would reap.
 Jay worried her most not because he would intentionally hurt her son but all her son would be to him was tool and a way to hurt Well. All the while he'd try to mold Jamie into something he wasn't. Just like he tried with everyone in his life. She wasn't going to let that happen he wasn't going to do to him what she watched him try to do to her brothers.
 Wellington was a different story his baggage was the problem. She wasn't going to put her son through what she went through with Lola. She didn't want that woman anywhere near her son and where there was Wellington there was Lola. She wasn't putting her son or her heart through that again. Although protecting them both meant keeping Wellington from his son and she still wrestled with the fairness in that and if she was really protecting them or punishing Well. She'd asked herself that question many times and still didn't have an answer. All she knew she was happier without the complication she kept reminding herself even though her heart lurched every time she saw him.
"Miss I'm leaving now. Your lunch is in the refrigerator." Milly says coming into the bedroom searching through her purse as she talks. Lesley turns from the window smiling back at her.
"Thanks Milly." Milly stuffs her keys in her jacket pocket then closes her purse smiling back at her.
"You are welcome." She says reaching down into the crib and and pulling James' blanket up around him as he sleeps.
"Bye sweetheart I'll see you tomorrow. Listen, " She whispers
"He was a little fussy when we came back from Preschool this morning. You may want to keep an eye on him."
"Okay, thanks Milly I will." She smiles walking with her to the front door and opening it for her.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow. Bye!" Milly says turning and walking down the sidewalk. Lesley waves then closes and locks the door behind her. Lunch could wait maybe she could get a little work done while Jamie slept. She walks back to his room reaching down and pulling the blanket up he'd kicked down and pulls it up over him stroking his hair from his forehead her hand stopping mid stroke his skin hot to the touch his little body trembling. She picks him up quickly wrapping the blanket around him and runs with him into the living room for her phone.
 Chase rolls over propping his head on his palm looking down on a sleeping Erin. He'd missed these moment while they'd been apart. He hadn't realized how much till now. His hand itched to move the strand of hair across her nose that puffed out every time she breathed but he knew if he did he'd wake her.
"What are you doing?" She murmured sleepily her one eye open. Chase smiles down at her his face covered in a blush.
"Watching you sleep." She props her head on her palm smiling back at him.
"You know that just a little creepy" She teases squeezing her fingers together and pursing her lips laughing when he blushes crimson.
" I was just thinking how I missed you forgetting how much I didn't miss this!" She laughs harder pulling him to her.
"Come here." She says holding him close enjoying the feel and smell of him.
"I missed you too! And I'm really glad you got us this room." she says pulling him to her and kissing him.
"I love you Chase VanDorn don't ever forget that." She smiles kissing him again.
"So what are we doing today?" She pulls away and stands walking to the mirror and picking up her hairbrush. Chase sits up pushing the pillow behind him enjoying the view of Erin standing naked in front of the mirror. She was beautiful her alabaster skin glistening in the sunlight streaming through the curtained window. There was power and grace in her movement which always fascinated him. He smiles to himself debating whether to pull her back into the bed or take a shower and get going. They could do both put he wanted to catch the plumber before he left the barn he was renovating for them.
They had been walking around the property peeking around and opening doors when they had come across the old barn they all used to play in when they were kids. Erin started talking about when she was little she'd pretend it was her house and mapped where she'd have put all the rooms so he had and surprised her with it last night. He'd hoped it would have been finished by the time he got to town so they could spend the night there but the plumber wasn't done.
"I wanted to get over to the house and meet the plumber but after that we can do whatever you want."  Erin smiles and heads toward the bathroom.
"Cool! I wanted to see it again in the daylight! I'm going to take a shower!" She leans over the bed kisses the top of his head then flounces into the bathroom. Chase smiles after her then reaches for the hotel phone and orders breakfast for them. He climbed out of bed and searched around it for the remote control. Finding it beside the nightstand next to Erin's ringing phone. He reaches for it and see's Lesley's number flashing on the screen and answers it.
"Hey Les it's..."
"Chase!" Lesley's squeals sounding scared and panicked to his ears.
"Lesley what's wrong?" He says instinctively putting on his underwear as she talks then his pants.
"I need Erin there's something wrong with Jamie!"
"What? Who's Jamie?" He stops mid step stares back at the phone sounding as confused as he looked at the sound of a baby crying in the background.
"I don't know what's wrong with him he feels really hot he seems lethargic and he's trembling! I need Erin to come to my place now!"
"Okay! Okay hold on! Your place?" He mutters running into the bathroom.
"Erin! Lesley's on the phone she says Jamie's sick and she needs you to come to her place?" Erin looks at him eyes wide. He stares back at her his expression a mixture of shock and confusion.
"Oh my God!" she says shutting off the water with one hand and reaching for the towel on the hook with the other then grabs her phone from Chase.
"Lesley?" She says wrapping the towel around her.
"What's his temperature?" Lesley takes the thermometer from his ear and reads it trying to stamp down her rising fear.
"He's at One hundred and one point seven, he was shivering and holding his neck." She cries into the phone as Erin runs from the bathroom Chase behind her. She tosses the towel on the bed and dresses hurriedly as she speaks.
"Lesley I want you to meet me at the hospital. We have to go!" She says turning towards Chase who is already dressed his keys in his hand. Lesley holds her son wrapping the afghan from the back of the sofa around him  her face etched with worry her voice filled with fear.
"What's wrong with him Erin?" Erin Looks at Chase who looks back at her confused but silent as she rushes past him out the door.
"I don't know honey but to be on the safe side I want him in the hospital where I can treat him properly. Besides coming to you would take up too much time if there is."
"Okay." Her voice sounding less panicked.
"Try not to worry it could be just a virus okay?" Erin tries to keep the concern from her voice and sound reassuring.
"Okay I'll meet you there!" Lesley picks up her son swiping the keys from the hook as she walks out the door.
"Okay I'll be waiting. Bye." Erin hangs up looking over at Chase as they exit the Inn and head for the car unable to gauge his thoughts from his expression. Chase reaches in his pocket pops the door locks and starts the car just as they reach it both climbing in simultaneously.
"Are you going to tell me who Jamie is?" He asks his voice devoid of emotion as he throws the car in gear and races from the parking lot stopping at the entrance to the street.
"Or do I already know?" His eyes probe hers then he nods already knowing the truth that had been hidden there all along. She couldn't turn away and she couldn't hide This was the moment she'd been dreading. The moment when she couldn't lie any longer.
"Jamie is Lesley's son"  

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


Indian Summer

 Vicki comes out of the water and reaches for the towel on the chair wiping it across her skin. Then looks down at Desiree sitting on the blanket reading a textbook and rolls her eyes.
"Oh my God come on Desi! It's beautiful Indian Summer Day everyones here! We finally get a day off from School and the hospital and you spend it studying?"
"We have a test in three days!" She scowls back at her. Vicky sighs and rolls her eyes again.
"Yeah in THREE days!" Stephanie looks up at Vickie and winks. She stand grabbing the book from  Desiree hand and walks towards the lake.
"Come and get it!" She laugh Desiree jumps to her feet and chase her towards the edge.
"Stephanie you wouldn't! Please!" Stephanie dangles the book over the edge. Acting as if she would drop it grinning devilishly.
"We came all the way out here to have fun! Not so you could study!" She say acting as if she was throwing the book into the lake. Desiree runs towards her falling off the edge into the water. She looks up at Stephanie and Vickie leaning over the edge laughing and waving the book at her.
"Well at least it's still dry!" She laughs then swims towards the shore. The two laugh harder as they walk toward the blanket glancing up as a car pulls into the parking lot.
"Who's that?" Stephanie asks shading her eyes from the sun the expense of the car model getting her immediate interest. Vicky looks at the car and shrugs tossing the book into Desiree's bag then sits on the blanket to wait for her. Stephanie watches and waits for the driver to exit the vehicle her eyes wide with surprise when she see it's Michael Van Dorn stepping out of it.
 Michael climbs out of his new car locking it as he walks smiling like a cheshire cat as he walks down the slope toward the lake definitely a step up from his old car. If you had told him a week ago that he'd have a new job a new car. He'd have said you were lying. Of course he had to sell his old car get an advance from his brother and borrow a little money from his parents. Which they were very happy do just to have what his father referred to as the "rolling oil slick" out of their driveway. Look at him now! The expression on Stephanie's face when he'd driven in said it all. It was perfect! He loved seeing her standing there her mouth agape practically drooling. Yep things were looking up for Mike yes they were.
"Hey Vick," He says hugging his cousin then grinning impishly at Stephanie.
"Are you trying to catch flies Steph?" Stephanie's mouth snaps shut then she laughs.
"Nice ride VanDorn!" She says nodding in approval as she walks towards him.
"Thanks got it yesterday." He smiles proudly looking towards his car shimmering in the sunlight.
"So what did you do rob a bank?" She teases giving him the once over nodding in approval. Seemed he'd treated himself to more than just a new car. Looked as if he'd given himself the royal treatment his hair was neatly clipped and styled his beard and mustache neatly trimmed. All and all he was a cleaner sharper image of his former self and she was liking it.
"Nope, got a job working with my brother." He smiles proudly.
"That's great Mike!" Vicky throws her arms around him and hugs him.
"I'm so happy for you!" Stephanie grins needing a little bit more so she had the entire picture without being obvious.
"So what are you chief building maintenance?" She smirks Michael smiles back knowing exactly what she wanted. Nothing had changed since high school probably never would. Stephanie was looking for easy street. Even back then  she only dated the guys with the fancy cars or money or popularity all three if possible. Looked like she was getting bored with Liam or at least she should be since those two had been together on and off since Junior year. She was going to learn fast he wasn't that guy. She could be a lot of fun but she didn't really do it for him.
"I'm the Lan Administrator. If you don't know what that is. I'm responsible for all the companies computer networks and communications." Stephanie frowns at him her mouth twisted to the side annoyed by his obnoxious arrogance.
"I know what a Lan Administrator is!" She snaps making him laugh.
"That's great Mike! I'm so proud of you!" Vicky say hugging him again.
"Thanks Vick." He laugh picking her up and twirling her in a circle.
"What's great?" Desiree asks coming up behind him. Michael turns at the sound of her voice and grins broadly his eyes wandering her curves loving the blush staining her cheeks. Desiree looks back at him his look making her feel strangely warm all over and suddenly shy her mind flashing back to the kiss they'd shared. She noticed too a sudden change about him not that he needed confidence if anything he was overconfident but there was something.
"Michaels the new, what's it called again?" Vicky looks up at him.
"Lan Administrator not bad for a what did you call me?" He pauses crossing his arms over his chest tapping his temple pretending to think.
"Bar brawling, rowdy slacker?" He smiles that teasing little half grin she was beginning to hate so much yet found irresistible.
"I never said "Slacker"." She huffs walking away from him to the blanket she leans down and pulls out her towel from her bag wrapping it around her shielding herself from his hungry stare.
"Preston told us last night. Good for you has to be way better than temp work" She unwraps her towel and sits down on the blanket and pats the beads of water off her skin.
"It has it's perks." He says stretching out next to her. His closeness making her feel more uncomfortable than his stare. She looks around her for her bag spotting it behind him.
"Do you mind?" She huffs Michael reaches back and hands her, her beach bag plopping it down in front of her.
"Not at all." He grins back at her she rolls her eyes and half smiles finding it hard not too. She reaches into her bag and pulls out her sun dress and slips it over her head. As Michael chatters on to his cousin and Desiree,
 Stephanie watches the interaction of the three not sure if she liked the chemistry brewing between the two or not. Mike was never really her type but after all it seemed like Mike Van Dorn was moving up in the world and maybe she could find away to move up with him and if not with, maybe in his new circle. There would be a lot of new people in town as soon as they officially opened and Mikey could be her ticket to getting her foot in the door.
"So I guess I won't be seeing you around the bar. I'm going to miss not having you around." Michael laughs then looks at Desiree.
"Oh, I'll be around." Stephanie looks at the two again this was obviously going to get her no where a least not now time for plan b.
"Do you think maybe you can get me a job?" Desiree looks from Michael to Stephanie then to Vicky. Vicky looks back at her and shrugs.
"Since when have you been looking for a job?" Desiree blurts out trying not to sound jealous or suspicious and sounding both. Stephanie gives Desiree a cold stare and snaps back .
"Since my mother told me this morning if I don't she's cutting me off!" Michael looks at her and laughs.
" Work by fire!" He laughs harder rolling back on the blanket. Stephanie stares at him itching to slap the grin right off his face as Vicky and Desiree smother a smirk.
"What is it that you do?" He sits up staring at her smothering another laugh annoying her further.
"For your information I have an associates degree in Business and I can carry twelve beer steins!" She laughs flexing her muscles while Vicky and Desiree smile and nod in agreement.
"She can, we've seen her!" Before they all burst out laughing, .
"I don't think we can use your beer stein talents but come down tomorrow bring your resume and talk to Chase. I'm sure he can find something for you." Stephanie squeals in delight she runs over and jumps on top of him knocking him back on the blanket and kisses him lingering a bit too long for Desiree liking. Desiree glares at her, her anger flaring quickly. She'd seen Stephanie do this move a million times before to get a guy. Why was she surprised and why did it completely tick her off.
"We'll have to hangout next time you stop by the bar or maybe around the water cooler." She says with a wink then rolls away and stands. Michael smiles back at her thoroughly enjoying the look of murder on Desiree's face as she looks at Stephanie.
"Maybe" His voice noncommittal.
"Yo Steph!" Liam bellows across the clearing then beckons here with his hand.
"I'm taking out the boat! You guys coming?"
"Yeah! How about you guys? Ya coming?" She looks from Vicky to Desiree. Vicky stands then looks down at Mike and Desiree.
"Yeah I'm coming!" Vicky stands dusting the sand from her clothes.
"Okay." She waves then runs down the path jumping on Liam's back as he walks.
"Tell Mark I'll be right there." Vicky calls after her. Desiree frowns and stuffs her towel in her bag then stands. Michael stands beside her dusting the sand from his pants.
"I have to get back home and change I still have a shift at the restaurant." She says tossing her bag over her shoulder. Vicky's mouths twist in disappointment.
"Okay let me tell Mark and I'll drive you back." She walks back towards the blanket snatching it up then her purse and keys.
"I'll be right back I just want to tell Mark." She said sounding as disappointed as she looked. Desiree looks at Vicky and sighs.
"Don't worry about it I can walk." Michael looks from Vicky to Desiree smiles slyly.
"I can drive you back to town I have to be getting home anyway." Desiree looks at him and laughs.
"I think it would be faster if I walked" Vicky smiles as she backs away.
"That would be great Mike thanks! I owe you one! See you later Des!" She giggles as she runs down the path after the crowd. Desiree sighs and walks towards the parking lot Michael beside her.
"Seriously, I can walk back it's okay" She turns towards him trying to shut out the image of Stephanie rolling all over him. She begins to walk quickly trying to outpace him and failing miserably. Michael looks at her and laughs at the determined expression on her face and the spark of jealousy in her eyes.
"I'm not going to let you walk all the way back to town." He smiles stopping as they reaches the parking lot
"I'm perfectly capable of walking home by myself." She retorts sounding more insulted than she looked. They continue to walk and he guides her towards his car.
"You'll never get home and get to work on time."
"I can walk pretty fast." Michael twist his lips into a thin line and shakes his head.
"Come on you can be the first one on your block to get a ride in my fancy new car." He smirks enjoying the shocked expression on her face.
"You got a new car?" She looks up at him eyes wide with surprise.
"Yep, all part of the new me" He twirls in a circle arms stretched out.
"Come on." He says grasping her elbow gently and leading her to the passenger side thoroughly enjoying her wide eyed stare as she inspects the vehicle.
"This is..." She says still in awe her voice trailing off.
"Nice? Yeah I know." He smirks reaching over and opening the door for her.
"Come on get in. I promise I won't bite." He says holding the door. Desiree hesitates a moment looking around and spots Stephanie on the boat pulling away from the dock and her mind flashes back to she and Mike rolling in the sand and she gets in. Michael closes the door then runs around the other side mentally congratulating himself as he climbs behind the wheel, snaps on his seatbelt and starts the car.
"You ready?" He asks turning towards her and reaching for the gear shift. Desiree nods her head.
"So you were going home right?" He says backing out of the space and and heading out of the parking lot.
"So what time do you have to be at work?" He asks zipping down the back roads to her house.
"In about an hour." Michael smiles turning to face her when he stops for the stop sign.
"I could wait and drop you at work I don't mind at all" He looks back at the road sliding into the flow of traffic.
"No that's okay I can manage." She chides half laughing. Michael laughs slowing down to turn on to her street.
"I guess you're working the dinner shift?" He asks slowing down at the stop sign.
"You'd guess right." She shoots back looking out the window trying to ignore his nearness.
"What time do you finish tonight I mean?" He asks rolling the car to a stop in front of her house.
"Around nine thirty then I have to come home and study." Michael looks at her and scowls.
"When do you have fun? Even when you're supposed to be having fun you're working." He smiles looking down at the book in the bag and back. Desiree looks away feeling a little guilty he was right even when she was supposed to be having fun she was doing something completely unfun.
"What if I meet you in the bar after work we hang out for a little while have some fun?" Desiree half smiles shaking her head I don't know I have a test in three days and..." Michael breaks in before she can finish the sentence.
"Have to study yeah I get that but knowing you, you studied all day. So why not give your brain a rest hang out with me. I promise I'll get you home before you turn into pumpkin." He laughs making her chuckle.
"Okay, okay one drink and then I have to go." Michael smiles triumphant I'll be at your Uncle Rowdy's bar at nine thirty sharp." Desiree smiles and opens the door stepping out of the car then turning back.
"Thanks for the ride" She smiles.
"You're welcome. Way faster than walking." He laughs making her laugh.
"I'll see you later." She laughs slamming the door and walking up the walk. Michael watches her till she gets to the door then waves pulls it open and walks in. Mike honks the horn twice then pulls off smiling to his self. Yes things were looking up for Mike Van Dorn! Yes they were!

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014