Saturday, September 27, 2014

Rainy Days and Monday's

 Lesley stands in front of the window of her sons room watching the squirrels playing among the tree branches outside and smiles. She loved being here in the quiet away from her family, away from everyone just the two of them. In their little house safe and warm fire burning in the fireplace the smell of bread filling the house. It reminded her of her Grandmother's house where her happiest childhood memories lied. A small pang of sorrow shoot through her at not being able to share James with his Great Grandmother. She'd adore him and he her.
That was the hardest part about all of this. By keeping him away from Jay, her mother, Wellington, his mother she was keeping him away from his uncles, aunts, great grandparents, cousins and everyone else. The only one in his family he knew was Erin and the time was coming when he'd want to know more. Who he was where he came from and especially who his father was. She'd be lying if she pretended the facts didn't hurt but she needed to protect them from the devastation Wellington and Jay would reap.
 Jay worried her most not because he would intentionally hurt her son but all her son would be to him was tool and a way to hurt Well. All the while he'd try to mold Jamie into something he wasn't. Just like he tried with everyone in his life. She wasn't going to let that happen he wasn't going to do to him what she watched him try to do to her brothers.
 Wellington was a different story his baggage was the problem. She wasn't going to put her son through what she went through with Lola. She didn't want that woman anywhere near her son and where there was Wellington there was Lola. She wasn't putting her son or her heart through that again. Although protecting them both meant keeping Wellington from his son and she still wrestled with the fairness in that and if she was really protecting them or punishing Well. She'd asked herself that question many times and still didn't have an answer. All she knew she was happier without the complication she kept reminding herself even though her heart lurched every time she saw him.
"Miss I'm leaving now. Your lunch is in the refrigerator." Milly says coming into the bedroom searching through her purse as she talks. Lesley turns from the window smiling back at her.
"Thanks Milly." Milly stuffs her keys in her jacket pocket then closes her purse smiling back at her.
"You are welcome." She says reaching down into the crib and and pulling James' blanket up around him as he sleeps.
"Bye sweetheart I'll see you tomorrow. Listen, " She whispers
"He was a little fussy when we came back from Preschool this morning. You may want to keep an eye on him."
"Okay, thanks Milly I will." She smiles walking with her to the front door and opening it for her.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow. Bye!" Milly says turning and walking down the sidewalk. Lesley waves then closes and locks the door behind her. Lunch could wait maybe she could get a little work done while Jamie slept. She walks back to his room reaching down and pulling the blanket up he'd kicked down and pulls it up over him stroking his hair from his forehead her hand stopping mid stroke his skin hot to the touch his little body trembling. She picks him up quickly wrapping the blanket around him and runs with him into the living room for her phone.
 Chase rolls over propping his head on his palm looking down on a sleeping Erin. He'd missed these moment while they'd been apart. He hadn't realized how much till now. His hand itched to move the strand of hair across her nose that puffed out every time she breathed but he knew if he did he'd wake her.
"What are you doing?" She murmured sleepily her one eye open. Chase smiles down at her his face covered in a blush.
"Watching you sleep." She props her head on her palm smiling back at him.
"You know that just a little creepy" She teases squeezing her fingers together and pursing her lips laughing when he blushes crimson.
" I was just thinking how I missed you forgetting how much I didn't miss this!" She laughs harder pulling him to her.
"Come here." She says holding him close enjoying the feel and smell of him.
"I missed you too! And I'm really glad you got us this room." she says pulling him to her and kissing him.
"I love you Chase VanDorn don't ever forget that." She smiles kissing him again.
"So what are we doing today?" She pulls away and stands walking to the mirror and picking up her hairbrush. Chase sits up pushing the pillow behind him enjoying the view of Erin standing naked in front of the mirror. She was beautiful her alabaster skin glistening in the sunlight streaming through the curtained window. There was power and grace in her movement which always fascinated him. He smiles to himself debating whether to pull her back into the bed or take a shower and get going. They could do both put he wanted to catch the plumber before he left the barn he was renovating for them.
They had been walking around the property peeking around and opening doors when they had come across the old barn they all used to play in when they were kids. Erin started talking about when she was little she'd pretend it was her house and mapped where she'd have put all the rooms so he had and surprised her with it last night. He'd hoped it would have been finished by the time he got to town so they could spend the night there but the plumber wasn't done.
"I wanted to get over to the house and meet the plumber but after that we can do whatever you want."  Erin smiles and heads toward the bathroom.
"Cool! I wanted to see it again in the daylight! I'm going to take a shower!" She leans over the bed kisses the top of his head then flounces into the bathroom. Chase smiles after her then reaches for the hotel phone and orders breakfast for them. He climbed out of bed and searched around it for the remote control. Finding it beside the nightstand next to Erin's ringing phone. He reaches for it and see's Lesley's number flashing on the screen and answers it.
"Hey Les it's..."
"Chase!" Lesley's squeals sounding scared and panicked to his ears.
"Lesley what's wrong?" He says instinctively putting on his underwear as she talks then his pants.
"I need Erin there's something wrong with Jamie!"
"What? Who's Jamie?" He stops mid step stares back at the phone sounding as confused as he looked at the sound of a baby crying in the background.
"I don't know what's wrong with him he feels really hot he seems lethargic and he's trembling! I need Erin to come to my place now!"
"Okay! Okay hold on! Your place?" He mutters running into the bathroom.
"Erin! Lesley's on the phone she says Jamie's sick and she needs you to come to her place?" Erin looks at him eyes wide. He stares back at her his expression a mixture of shock and confusion.
"Oh my God!" she says shutting off the water with one hand and reaching for the towel on the hook with the other then grabs her phone from Chase.
"Lesley?" She says wrapping the towel around her.
"What's his temperature?" Lesley takes the thermometer from his ear and reads it trying to stamp down her rising fear.
"He's at One hundred and one point seven, he was shivering and holding his neck." She cries into the phone as Erin runs from the bathroom Chase behind her. She tosses the towel on the bed and dresses hurriedly as she speaks.
"Lesley I want you to meet me at the hospital. We have to go!" She says turning towards Chase who is already dressed his keys in his hand. Lesley holds her son wrapping the afghan from the back of the sofa around him  her face etched with worry her voice filled with fear.
"What's wrong with him Erin?" Erin Looks at Chase who looks back at her confused but silent as she rushes past him out the door.
"I don't know honey but to be on the safe side I want him in the hospital where I can treat him properly. Besides coming to you would take up too much time if there is."
"Okay." Her voice sounding less panicked.
"Try not to worry it could be just a virus okay?" Erin tries to keep the concern from her voice and sound reassuring.
"Okay I'll meet you there!" Lesley picks up her son swiping the keys from the hook as she walks out the door.
"Okay I'll be waiting. Bye." Erin hangs up looking over at Chase as they exit the Inn and head for the car unable to gauge his thoughts from his expression. Chase reaches in his pocket pops the door locks and starts the car just as they reach it both climbing in simultaneously.
"Are you going to tell me who Jamie is?" He asks his voice devoid of emotion as he throws the car in gear and races from the parking lot stopping at the entrance to the street.
"Or do I already know?" His eyes probe hers then he nods already knowing the truth that had been hidden there all along. She couldn't turn away and she couldn't hide This was the moment she'd been dreading. The moment when she couldn't lie any longer.
"Jamie is Lesley's son"  

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


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