Saturday, December 6, 2014

Sometimes The Tide Rolls Your Way

 Marjorie sits at her table with Ed enjoying her lunch and watching the silent drama playing out around her. It was absolutely fascinating watching this ballet of intrigue between Jay Stockton his wife Alex and his mistress Abigail Colgate. She'd made sure when they'd arrived to have their table situated so she could have a birds eye view of both their tables but far from prying ears. From where she was sitting Abigail didn't just have a bee in her bonnet she had the whole darn hive! She couldn't take her eyes off of Alex and Jay and the way Alex was fawning in all over Jay they'd must have made up from whatever had blown up between and Alex was working overtime to make up for it. What seemed to be the most irksome to Abbey was the way Jay was responding to it. Ha! Good! That's what happens when you sleep with another womans husband! What she had planned for Jay was going blow her world sky high! She smiles to herself and turns her attention back to her husband.
" I thought I saw Jay Stockton leaving as I was coming in? What did he want?" She asks pleasantly She'd only come in on what she thought was the tail end of the conversation maybe Ed could give her more information before she went through with her plan. Ed looks up from his steak laying his fork down on the side of his plate shrugging his shoulders while he chews and swallows the food in his mouth.
"You know Jay being Jay throwing his weight around." Marjorie smiles and nods her head.
"Let me guess shutting down our son, he's going to make you pay if you don't blah, blah, blah." Ed smiles back nodding his head as he wipes his mouth on the napkin.
"As I said the usual." Marjorie nods in agreement.
"Well I hope you told him where he can go with all that?" She frowns pushing her salad plate from her.
" Exactly!" He says sawing off a piece of his steak and eating it. Marjorie glances over at Jay and Alex then to Abigail then lowers her voice.
"Was he threatening know?" Ed grins and waves his hand before wiping his mouth on the napkin.
"Jay Stockton has nothing to threaten me with that wouldn't also implicate himself." He says dismissively then reaches for his glass as Marjorie watches Abigail seeth over hers then leave the table abruptly making Marjorie curious.
"Besides he's lost his mind if he thinks I'd choose him or anything else over my family. I have a few tricks up my sleeve if ever the time comes. You have nothing to worry about." Marjorie smiles and nods her head.
"Oh, I was never worried I know exactly who I'm married too." She smiles pleasantly. Ed smiles back then looks down at ringing pocket and back.
"That's the office, mind if I take this?" He says reaching in his pocket. Marjorie wipes her mouth on her napkin and shakes her head.
"No, not at all all I'm going to go to the ladies room and I'll meet you by the exist." She places her napkin on the table as Ed stands and holds the chair for her as she rises.
"Thanks." He says kissing her forehead lightly.
"Edward Swift." He bellows into the phone as he moves toward the exist.
 Marjorie smiles after him then walks towards the hall to the ladies room smiling to herself nodding and greeting other member as she walks. Peering down the hall she see's Alex chatting with Elizabeth Martin and decides to use the bathroom in the executive office suites to avoid the crowd. Being on the board did have it's perks her smile broadening. She turns down the hall toward the bathroom slowing her pace as she riffles through her purse for her key. She stops and pulls back as she catches a flash of Abigail's voice as the door to the Executive office swings open. Marjorie steps back concealing herself on the corners edge at the turn in the hall just behind the palm giving her the advantage of anonymity. She reaches into her purse and pulls out her phone presses the video record and holds it between the fronds of the plant and presses record.
Jay reaches for Abigail's extended arm pulling her into his embrace and kisses her deeply his hand stroking her buttocks then pulls her into him as he grinds his pelvis against her. His other hand cupping her breast and gently squeezing till he feel her give a slight quiver.
"Not here Jay!" Abigail scolds pushing away from him looking around quickly trying to catch her breath.
"Then where?" He groans kissing her again. Abigail grimaces pushing against his chest breaking his hold on her then steps away.
"Nowhere!" She almost shouts then lowers her voice
"Not until you finally hand Alex the divorce paper like you promised!" Jay sighs moving towards her pinning her between himself and the wall his arm extended trapping her.
"Look baby you and I have been over this. There are certain things I have to do first." Abigail stares back at him and laughs bitterly.
"Yes, so you've told me. But how can I be really sure you're going to do what you say? Especially having had to watch that disgusting display between the two of you today? With her hands all over you and you loving every minute of it! What am I supposed to think Jay?" She whines.
"That I'm doing everything in my power to make sure you and I have the life we want." He says softly placing his finger under her chin and tilting her head up so their eyes meet then leans in to kiss her pulling his head away quickly to avoid being smacked by hers as she turns away.
"What am I supposed to do in the mean time why you live the best of both worlds?" She sniff then grabs at his collar a sudden panic coming over her.
"Tell me you're not sleeping with her Jay?" She sobs looking truly hurt and anxious as she searches his face for the truth. Jay shakes his head not breaking her stare. She'd find no lie in them. It wasn't that he didn't want to Alex was still sexy as hell. Many a night had found him standing outside her door. There were times when he literally ached for her. Those were those times when he had had to fight the demon inside him and not just take her as the lust wrapped him in it's folds squeezing him breathless. He'd be with her in a second and do all the things that haunted his memories, all the things his mind had been dreaming of for so long if she'd let him. She was his heart always was. Abigail could fill the place in his bed only Alex could fill the place in his heart. At this moment he didn't need to lie if he was lucky maybe after tonight he'd have too.
"Alex and I haven't been together in months you already know that. I've shown you the papers." He chuckles dismissing her.
 Abigail glares back at him fighting to stand her ground and losing slowly because of his nearness. She wanted this man as long as she could remember she'd wanted Jay Stockton he was like a fever in her blood always had been always would. She'd waited and bided her time always in his peripheral vision knowing someday she'd have him totally. She'd waited through high school when all he could see was everyone's "Darling" Alex Graves-Stockton through every fight and breakup. She'd waited for him to come to her when he hadn't she'd married William Carey that lasted about a year and the only good thing that came out of it had been Lola.They'd divorced and she'd done well in the settlement she was financially comfortable she was free and she waited. He'd come to her a couple of times like in High school when they were fighting then he'd disappeared and she'd found out about him and Sharron Swift. She was sure after Alex found out about the affair he'd had with Sharron Swift, Alex would throw him out. She'd taken the opportunity and had practically thrown herself at him. It had taken the bait a couple of times and come to her as he always did but he hadn't stayed. She had been so sure then that things would go her way. Alex would call off the wedding and he'd come to her like he did back then but he hadn't. Instead Alex and Jay had emerged like a phoenix from the flames stronger than ever and married to boot. Four weeks later she had married Dr. Brandon Colgate. A very lovely man head over heels the man William Carey ever was, wonderful father to Lola, fantastic doctor and he loved her but, he was no Jay Stockton.
 Then her luck had finally changed with Brandon's death, that night was the beginning of everything. Someday she'd have to thank Sharon for choosing that day to return. Her coming back had put a wedge between he and Alex and Jay firmly in her grasp. Now, after all the years of waiting she was finally going to have everything she wanted. She could almost taste it. She was just so tired of waiting. She'd pushed harder this time and it seemed to be paying off  but she also had to be careful to play it all just right she couldn't risk letting him slip away from her not this time.    
"Stop showing them to me and just give them to her damit! How much longer do I have to wait?" She hissed softly sounding babyish and pouty. Jay rolls his eyes his mouth drawn into a thin white line. Abigail could be tiresome but she'd been a lot fun over the years. She knew how to keep her mouth shut at least and she was wild in the sack. Lately though she was a lot more fun in it than out. Once this deal with Japan went through and if everything went as he hoped with Alex tonight he wouldn't have to put up with her much longer and if they didn't. He didn't have time to deal with the drama that would be if he broke it off with her now.
 Not that she would get any of the town sympathy should she decided to make it public. It wasn't like she'd be the scorned woman everyone would think she got what she deserved. He on the other hand well all of the good townsfolk, being from good puritan christian stock that they were. He'd be forgiven and redeemed for learning the error of his ways and cleaving unto his wife. While she may as well sew a scarlet "A" on her chest. Abbey knew this as well so he was pretty confident no matter how angry she got she wasn't going to kiss and tell not if she wanted to maintain her already tenuous position in the community but, still. Abigail would do for now besides he knew exactly how to placate her how to keep her quiet and he benefited greatly in the bargain. He reaches out and strokes her cheek running it down the curve of her jaw trailing slowly down towards her breast circling her nipple through the fabric enjoying how she desperately tried to ignore the call of her body as he spoke and continued his assault on it.  
"It's not much longer my lawyers are working on the contracts right now. As soon as the rights renewals are done and this deal goes through and I'm going to give them to her I promise." He says grinning like a chesire cat and reaching for her again trailing kisses down her her throat. He loosen the button on her blouse quickly freeing her breast and teases her nipple with his tongue grinning to hiself as she pulls his head tighter to her then releases it and kisses her again. He slides his hand under her skirt enjoying the swift intake of her breath as he slips his finger inside her.
"I promise you as soon as this is all over I'm going to give them to her. You believe me don't you?" He coo's running his thumb along the curve of her lip then brushes his lips gently against hers stroking her fasters with the other till she shutters against him.
"Yeeess..." She stutters and moans as Jay brings her to ecstasy leaving her panting listless against his shoulder. Jay smiles knowingly he had her right back where he wanted her in his complete control. He pulls away and reaches for his handkerchief wiping his mouth and face then his hands as Abigail pulls down her skirt then fastens her blouse.
"Here's the keys to the washroom drop them off on my desk when you come out.I'll see you tonight around eight." Abigail nods still unable to speak. Jay leans in kissing her again then goes into the office and closes the door.
 Marjorie quietly pulls the phone away from the scene leaving it recording as she steps silently back down the hall nonchalantly pretending to get a signal as she pans the the other end of the hall making sure to get Alex in the frame still chatting with Elizabeth then stops the recording slipping the phone back in her purse.
"That should be the icing on the cake." She smiles feeling almost giddy as she walks to the exist passing Alex and Elizabeth and nodding in greeting. She could go when she got home then she had errands to run and a phone call to make. She needed to pull this all together today. She could kill two birds with one stone and she would barely have to lift a finger that slut had given her everything she needed to accomplish exactly what she wanted.
"Thank you Abigail!" She grin coming to a halt in front of Ed standing by the exist.
"You ready?" He says impatiently looking at his watch and holding the door open for her.
"Yes I am" She smiles passing in front of him and out into the parking lot walking the short distance to their front spot.
"Do you mind if I drop you back at the house on my way back to the office" He say walking a few paces ahead and opening the car door for her.
"That would be perfect I have some things to take care of at home anyway." Whatever he had going she hoped it kept him busy the rest of the afternoon she had work of her own to finish she smiles. Just a few loose ends and Jay Stockton was done. She cheers silently.

 "Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


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