Saturday, September 27, 2014

Indian Summer

 Vicki comes out of the water and reaches for the towel on the chair wiping it across her skin. Then looks down at Desiree sitting on the blanket reading a textbook and rolls her eyes.
"Oh my God come on Desi! It's beautiful Indian Summer Day everyones here! We finally get a day off from School and the hospital and you spend it studying?"
"We have a test in three days!" She scowls back at her. Vicky sighs and rolls her eyes again.
"Yeah in THREE days!" Stephanie looks up at Vickie and winks. She stand grabbing the book from  Desiree hand and walks towards the lake.
"Come and get it!" She laugh Desiree jumps to her feet and chase her towards the edge.
"Stephanie you wouldn't! Please!" Stephanie dangles the book over the edge. Acting as if she would drop it grinning devilishly.
"We came all the way out here to have fun! Not so you could study!" She say acting as if she was throwing the book into the lake. Desiree runs towards her falling off the edge into the water. She looks up at Stephanie and Vickie leaning over the edge laughing and waving the book at her.
"Well at least it's still dry!" She laughs then swims towards the shore. The two laugh harder as they walk toward the blanket glancing up as a car pulls into the parking lot.
"Who's that?" Stephanie asks shading her eyes from the sun the expense of the car model getting her immediate interest. Vicky looks at the car and shrugs tossing the book into Desiree's bag then sits on the blanket to wait for her. Stephanie watches and waits for the driver to exit the vehicle her eyes wide with surprise when she see it's Michael Van Dorn stepping out of it.
 Michael climbs out of his new car locking it as he walks smiling like a cheshire cat as he walks down the slope toward the lake definitely a step up from his old car. If you had told him a week ago that he'd have a new job a new car. He'd have said you were lying. Of course he had to sell his old car get an advance from his brother and borrow a little money from his parents. Which they were very happy do just to have what his father referred to as the "rolling oil slick" out of their driveway. Look at him now! The expression on Stephanie's face when he'd driven in said it all. It was perfect! He loved seeing her standing there her mouth agape practically drooling. Yep things were looking up for Mike yes they were.
"Hey Vick," He says hugging his cousin then grinning impishly at Stephanie.
"Are you trying to catch flies Steph?" Stephanie's mouth snaps shut then she laughs.
"Nice ride VanDorn!" She says nodding in approval as she walks towards him.
"Thanks got it yesterday." He smiles proudly looking towards his car shimmering in the sunlight.
"So what did you do rob a bank?" She teases giving him the once over nodding in approval. Seemed he'd treated himself to more than just a new car. Looked as if he'd given himself the royal treatment his hair was neatly clipped and styled his beard and mustache neatly trimmed. All and all he was a cleaner sharper image of his former self and she was liking it.
"Nope, got a job working with my brother." He smiles proudly.
"That's great Mike!" Vicky throws her arms around him and hugs him.
"I'm so happy for you!" Stephanie grins needing a little bit more so she had the entire picture without being obvious.
"So what are you chief building maintenance?" She smirks Michael smiles back knowing exactly what she wanted. Nothing had changed since high school probably never would. Stephanie was looking for easy street. Even back then  she only dated the guys with the fancy cars or money or popularity all three if possible. Looked like she was getting bored with Liam or at least she should be since those two had been together on and off since Junior year. She was going to learn fast he wasn't that guy. She could be a lot of fun but she didn't really do it for him.
"I'm the Lan Administrator. If you don't know what that is. I'm responsible for all the companies computer networks and communications." Stephanie frowns at him her mouth twisted to the side annoyed by his obnoxious arrogance.
"I know what a Lan Administrator is!" She snaps making him laugh.
"That's great Mike! I'm so proud of you!" Vicky say hugging him again.
"Thanks Vick." He laugh picking her up and twirling her in a circle.
"What's great?" Desiree asks coming up behind him. Michael turns at the sound of her voice and grins broadly his eyes wandering her curves loving the blush staining her cheeks. Desiree looks back at him his look making her feel strangely warm all over and suddenly shy her mind flashing back to the kiss they'd shared. She noticed too a sudden change about him not that he needed confidence if anything he was overconfident but there was something.
"Michaels the new, what's it called again?" Vicky looks up at him.
"Lan Administrator not bad for a what did you call me?" He pauses crossing his arms over his chest tapping his temple pretending to think.
"Bar brawling, rowdy slacker?" He smiles that teasing little half grin she was beginning to hate so much yet found irresistible.
"I never said "Slacker"." She huffs walking away from him to the blanket she leans down and pulls out her towel from her bag wrapping it around her shielding herself from his hungry stare.
"Preston told us last night. Good for you has to be way better than temp work" She unwraps her towel and sits down on the blanket and pats the beads of water off her skin.
"It has it's perks." He says stretching out next to her. His closeness making her feel more uncomfortable than his stare. She looks around her for her bag spotting it behind him.
"Do you mind?" She huffs Michael reaches back and hands her, her beach bag plopping it down in front of her.
"Not at all." He grins back at her she rolls her eyes and half smiles finding it hard not too. She reaches into her bag and pulls out her sun dress and slips it over her head. As Michael chatters on to his cousin and Desiree,
 Stephanie watches the interaction of the three not sure if she liked the chemistry brewing between the two or not. Mike was never really her type but after all it seemed like Mike Van Dorn was moving up in the world and maybe she could find away to move up with him and if not with, maybe in his new circle. There would be a lot of new people in town as soon as they officially opened and Mikey could be her ticket to getting her foot in the door.
"So I guess I won't be seeing you around the bar. I'm going to miss not having you around." Michael laughs then looks at Desiree.
"Oh, I'll be around." Stephanie looks at the two again this was obviously going to get her no where a least not now time for plan b.
"Do you think maybe you can get me a job?" Desiree looks from Michael to Stephanie then to Vicky. Vicky looks back at her and shrugs.
"Since when have you been looking for a job?" Desiree blurts out trying not to sound jealous or suspicious and sounding both. Stephanie gives Desiree a cold stare and snaps back .
"Since my mother told me this morning if I don't she's cutting me off!" Michael looks at her and laughs.
" Work by fire!" He laughs harder rolling back on the blanket. Stephanie stares at him itching to slap the grin right off his face as Vicky and Desiree smother a smirk.
"What is it that you do?" He sits up staring at her smothering another laugh annoying her further.
"For your information I have an associates degree in Business and I can carry twelve beer steins!" She laughs flexing her muscles while Vicky and Desiree smile and nod in agreement.
"She can, we've seen her!" Before they all burst out laughing, .
"I don't think we can use your beer stein talents but come down tomorrow bring your resume and talk to Chase. I'm sure he can find something for you." Stephanie squeals in delight she runs over and jumps on top of him knocking him back on the blanket and kisses him lingering a bit too long for Desiree liking. Desiree glares at her, her anger flaring quickly. She'd seen Stephanie do this move a million times before to get a guy. Why was she surprised and why did it completely tick her off.
"We'll have to hangout next time you stop by the bar or maybe around the water cooler." She says with a wink then rolls away and stands. Michael smiles back at her thoroughly enjoying the look of murder on Desiree's face as she looks at Stephanie.
"Maybe" His voice noncommittal.
"Yo Steph!" Liam bellows across the clearing then beckons here with his hand.
"I'm taking out the boat! You guys coming?"
"Yeah! How about you guys? Ya coming?" She looks from Vicky to Desiree. Vicky stands then looks down at Mike and Desiree.
"Yeah I'm coming!" Vicky stands dusting the sand from her clothes.
"Okay." She waves then runs down the path jumping on Liam's back as he walks.
"Tell Mark I'll be right there." Vicky calls after her. Desiree frowns and stuffs her towel in her bag then stands. Michael stands beside her dusting the sand from his pants.
"I have to get back home and change I still have a shift at the restaurant." She says tossing her bag over her shoulder. Vicky's mouths twist in disappointment.
"Okay let me tell Mark and I'll drive you back." She walks back towards the blanket snatching it up then her purse and keys.
"I'll be right back I just want to tell Mark." She said sounding as disappointed as she looked. Desiree looks at Vicky and sighs.
"Don't worry about it I can walk." Michael looks from Vicky to Desiree smiles slyly.
"I can drive you back to town I have to be getting home anyway." Desiree looks at him and laughs.
"I think it would be faster if I walked" Vicky smiles as she backs away.
"That would be great Mike thanks! I owe you one! See you later Des!" She giggles as she runs down the path after the crowd. Desiree sighs and walks towards the parking lot Michael beside her.
"Seriously, I can walk back it's okay" She turns towards him trying to shut out the image of Stephanie rolling all over him. She begins to walk quickly trying to outpace him and failing miserably. Michael looks at her and laughs at the determined expression on her face and the spark of jealousy in her eyes.
"I'm not going to let you walk all the way back to town." He smiles stopping as they reaches the parking lot
"I'm perfectly capable of walking home by myself." She retorts sounding more insulted than she looked. They continue to walk and he guides her towards his car.
"You'll never get home and get to work on time."
"I can walk pretty fast." Michael twist his lips into a thin line and shakes his head.
"Come on you can be the first one on your block to get a ride in my fancy new car." He smirks enjoying the shocked expression on her face.
"You got a new car?" She looks up at him eyes wide with surprise.
"Yep, all part of the new me" He twirls in a circle arms stretched out.
"Come on." He says grasping her elbow gently and leading her to the passenger side thoroughly enjoying her wide eyed stare as she inspects the vehicle.
"This is..." She says still in awe her voice trailing off.
"Nice? Yeah I know." He smirks reaching over and opening the door for her.
"Come on get in. I promise I won't bite." He says holding the door. Desiree hesitates a moment looking around and spots Stephanie on the boat pulling away from the dock and her mind flashes back to she and Mike rolling in the sand and she gets in. Michael closes the door then runs around the other side mentally congratulating himself as he climbs behind the wheel, snaps on his seatbelt and starts the car.
"You ready?" He asks turning towards her and reaching for the gear shift. Desiree nods her head.
"So you were going home right?" He says backing out of the space and and heading out of the parking lot.
"So what time do you have to be at work?" He asks zipping down the back roads to her house.
"In about an hour." Michael smiles turning to face her when he stops for the stop sign.
"I could wait and drop you at work I don't mind at all" He looks back at the road sliding into the flow of traffic.
"No that's okay I can manage." She chides half laughing. Michael laughs slowing down to turn on to her street.
"I guess you're working the dinner shift?" He asks slowing down at the stop sign.
"You'd guess right." She shoots back looking out the window trying to ignore his nearness.
"What time do you finish tonight I mean?" He asks rolling the car to a stop in front of her house.
"Around nine thirty then I have to come home and study." Michael looks at her and scowls.
"When do you have fun? Even when you're supposed to be having fun you're working." He smiles looking down at the book in the bag and back. Desiree looks away feeling a little guilty he was right even when she was supposed to be having fun she was doing something completely unfun.
"What if I meet you in the bar after work we hang out for a little while have some fun?" Desiree half smiles shaking her head I don't know I have a test in three days and..." Michael breaks in before she can finish the sentence.
"Have to study yeah I get that but knowing you, you studied all day. So why not give your brain a rest hang out with me. I promise I'll get you home before you turn into pumpkin." He laughs making her chuckle.
"Okay, okay one drink and then I have to go." Michael smiles triumphant I'll be at your Uncle Rowdy's bar at nine thirty sharp." Desiree smiles and opens the door stepping out of the car then turning back.
"Thanks for the ride" She smiles.
"You're welcome. Way faster than walking." He laughs making her laugh.
"I'll see you later." She laughs slamming the door and walking up the walk. Michael watches her till she gets to the door then waves pulls it open and walks in. Mike honks the horn twice then pulls off smiling to his self. Yes things were looking up for Mike Van Dorn! Yes they were!

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


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