Saturday, January 23, 2016

"Come Out Screaming"

  Lesley throws the car in park grabs her things quickly as she exists and walks toward the entrance hoping she could get a fresh cup of coffee before going up stairs to the Atrium to wait for her brothers.  What she was really hoping was they had made a fresh pot. She stops as she enters the lobby and sniffs the air. No smell of burning coffee drippings maybe today wasn't going to be so bad after all. She walks to the empty counter gets her coffees before the herd. She thought smiling as she walks toward the elevators and reaches for her ringing phone. She checks the number first then smiles and clicks the receiver.
 "Hey Clay-Clay, " She teases using her childhood pet name and laughs "what's going on?"
 He laugh's on the other end happy to hear her voice.
  "You tell me? I haven't heard from you in four days. Then you call last night and tell me to meet you in the hospital Atrium right?"
  Lesley smiles she could always depend on her little brother. Sometimes the line of who was the older were blurred and had been for as long as she could remember. Clay had just always been there he was her confident and playmate when they were small as they got older a protector. A steadfast soldier shielding them from their mother's half drunken indifferent neediness and their father's neglectful control. He became especially vigilant after Jake had gone off to college and mother had realized the passing of time and the inevitability of her own mortality or another gray hair. Back then it didn't take much. The cherry on her cake was when she found out about yet another of her father's affairs. Before then it had been Jake protecting both of them when things got really rough the way big brothers do. Jake would always do what he called "Re-con" which really meant spy on their parents argument or what ever was going on that worried or frightened them. First he would assess the situation then come up with a plan of action or made sure he bore the brunt of what ever it was for all of them. Clay and Jake were the best brothers any girl could ask for. Both of them watching out for her keeping her safe giving her a shoulder to cry on and the only people she could ever really talk to about her parents that could truly understand. Those were the very reasons that she'd had kept it secrets from both of them. Why they would be so hurt that she had but, it wouldn't have been fair to make them lie for her too it was bad enough that she'd involved Erin.
  "Yeah, that's perfect. I'll see you in about five minutes?" She said hoping she sounded more carefree than she felt.
  "I'll be there. So you wanna tell me what's going on?" He asks knowing by the tone of her voice something was off.  Lesley smiles.
  "It's fine Clay nothing horrible at all I, just need to talk to you guys. Okay?" Clay shoves down his retort knowing there was more to it but remains silent.
  "Okay I'll see you in five." He grumbles slightly annoyed he'd be walking into a situation blind. Lesley smiles knowing by his tone his was annoyed.
    "I love you Clay." She says tentatively the little girl suddenly needing to hear them back from him.
    "I'll be right there. I love you too Laylee." He smiles knowing she was smiling on the other end without even seeing it.
   "See you soon." She laughs ending the call and putting the phone back in her purse as she walks in to her son's room. She looks up half way through the door and stops at the entrance and smiles at the sight of  Wellington asleep on the bed his arm out stretched holding Jamie's hand while he slept. It was amazing how quickly the two of them had bonded. It was as if there had been no time between them.
  Of course there had, too much and Well was trying to make up for every moment of it. He had only left the hospital to shower and change he hadn't even stopped to eat most days. If she hadn't made him take a break each day and  forced him to eat the food  her grandmother bought them he wouldn't have remembered to eat at all. She walks to the crib and smiles down at her sleeping son then walks over to Wellington and gently taps his shoulder.
  "Hey." She says softly. Wellington lifts his head then carefully lets got of his sons hand and rubs his eye with his other hand.
  "Hey," He whispers and stretches "What time is it?" Lesley smiles and hands him the coffee she'd bought him.
  "Thanks." He whispers taking in from her and standing.
  "It's still early. They won't be here for another few minutes." She whispers back.
 "Okay" he yawns looking quickly down at his sleeping son then walks into the hall Lesley in tow then closes the door behind them.
  "Can you wait here for my Mom? I'm going to go splash some water on my face and wake up." He says his voice still having the dead emotionless tone he'd adopted whenever they spoke. She couldn't say that she liked it but at least it was no longer accompanied with that soul searing look which she guessed was progress.
  "Sure," She says then watches as he turns and walks down the hall as Marjorie steps from the elevator.
  "Hi honey!" Smiling as she walks to her then kisses her cheek in greeting.
  "How's my handsome Grandson this morning?" Lesley smiles back.
  "Beautiful as ever and sleeping like an angel." She says proudly.
   "You'd never know just a few days ago we were afraid..." Her voice trails off  as her throat tightens at the memory. Marjorie shakes her head.
  "Don't even think about that! You just keep looking toward the future and all the good memories you and your family will have together." She smiles back hope and determination glistening in her eyes. Lesley stifles back her tears and nods her head.
  "From your lips to Gods ears." Marjorie nods her head in agreement her eyes reassuring.
  "Sweetheart I know my son and I know he loves you and that little boy with all his heart.  he's angry right now but he'll get over it as soon as you get that little one home he'll forget all about this you'll see." She finishes with a smile giving Lesley a hug.
  "Thank you Marjorie." Lesley says giving Marjorie a squeeze before letting go.
  "You know I've always been a big fan of you two." She smiles and gives her shoulder a reassuring pat then turns a bright smile towards her son.
    "Hey Honey!" She says leaning her cheek towards him in greeting. Wellington kisses it quickly looking down at his watch as he speaks.
  "Hey Mom, You ready? He says turning towards Lesley.
  "Ready as I'll ever be." She sighs looking from Wellington to Marjorie.
  "We shouldn't be too long hopefully." Marjorie looks from one to the other squaring her shoulders and taking on her usual commanding presences.
  " You two listen to me. I want you to stick together have patients with them and yourselves and watch your tempers." She finishes looking from one to the other both nodding in agreement.
  " You two get going or you're going to be late and remember what I said. I'm going to go in here and spend some time with my grandson." She winks then pushes the door open and walks in the room. Lesley and Wellington smile at each other both on the verge of laughter.
  "She still has a way of making you feel ten years old." Wellington jokes making Lesley laugh and breaking some of the tension between them.
  "Come on lets get this over with." He says cocking his head toward the elevator smiling that impish smile she loved and missed. Lesley nods then takes a deep breath and follows behind him.
Marjorie listens for a moment then tips away from the door over to her grandson's crib.
 "Hey sweet pea so far so good." She says smiling down at her grandson and picking him up snuggling him against her cheek.
  "Everything is going exactly the way we want and in a few days every lie that has every been told will be all out in the open. One nice thing I won't have to make due with just pictures anymore. No sir! Do you know how hard that was for Grandma? No you don't but, Grandma had to be patient and now here you are! " She smiles kissing Jamie's cheek then reaches for the nurses call button and presses it.
  " Everyone that should be together will be together. And best of all," She says hugging him to her as she sits in the large chair in front of the window.
  "Jay Stockton will finally pay for everything's he's done." She grins kissing the top of the child's head.
  "Lets hope this part goes with out any blood shed."
   Toni watches Jake pass in front of her for the forth time and shuts the magazine she'd been flipping through then tosses it back on the table.
  "Would you stop your making me sea sick" Jake spins back towards her a scowl twisting his features.
  "What the hell do you think this is all about?" Toni looks at him and shrugs.
  "How should I know?" Jake glares back at her his growing inpatient further darkening his expression.
  "I was sure your idiot brother would have told you something! I swear if he's done anything to hurt my sister again I'll break him in half!"
  "Why do you always assume the worst? Besides do you even know your sister? I think she's more than capable of handling my brother." She says her voice dripping with sarcasm as she picks up the discarded magazine and flips through it again.
  "Do You remember what she was like the last time? I'm telling you if he's done something to my sister they will be carrying him out of here! " He spits back annoyed by his wife's flippant attitude.
  "Geeze! Jake she's not six she doesn't need her big brother fighting her battles anymore! She's s grown woman she can handle her own business! And you, need to grow up!" Toni says standing toe to toe with her husband meeting his cold stare with one of her own almost amused by the disgusted twist of his lips.
   " I need to grow up? What the hell Toni? Where standing in the middle of the dam hospital! Whatever it is, it can't be good and all you can tell me is grow up?" He bellows back at her. Toni looks back at him completely unmoved by his blustering.
  "Exactly Jake! All you're doing is jumping to conclusions and making assumptions and you don't really know a dam thing! Whatever it is they have to tell us all your blustering isn't going to help JAY!" She finishes purposely using his fathers name to emphasize her point knowing it was sure to get his attention and break his tirade.
  "Now are going to calm down and act like a big boy or am I going to have to spank you?" She teases one eyebrow raised her mouth set firm her stare unwavering. Jake looks at her sighs heavily and then pulls her into his arms.
  "You're right I'm sorry. I promise I'll listen to whatever they have to say and then punch him in the face." He says feeling her stiffen for a moment then chuckles.
  "No I promise I'll be on my best behavior."
  "Good glad to hear it." Clay says coming into the room his expression devoid of emotion.
  "Clay, how you doing little brother?"  He says turning to Clay and giving him a quick hug.
  "Do you have any idea what this about?"
  "No but when i talked to her earlier it seemed pretty important that we all be here. Hey Toni how are you?"He says reaching for her hand and kissing her cheek. Toni give Clay a quick look over. There were no more bags under his eyes or pain behind them or a grimacing twist to his smile. He even looked like he'd gained a couple of pounds and it looked good on him. He looked happy.
  "Good Clay. How's Felicia?" Clay smiles that whimsical smile he always got when you mentioned Felicia reminding her why her cousin loved him so much and how long it had been since she'd seen that look on Jake's face.
  "She's great. You guys should come by for dinner one night. Why don't you give Felicia a call." He grins looking happier than she'd seen him in years. Getting out from Jays roof had worked miracles for him. She wished she knew his secret and she could Jake to leave. She didn't know how much longer she could stand living there or the affect it was having on her husband or their marriage. Maybe some time with Clay and Flei away from the mansion would do them both some good.
  "I'll do that." She smiles.
  Lesley grasps Wellington's hand stopping just outside the atrium door.
  "Just give me a second will you?" Wellington stops looking down at her weary face.
  "Are you okay?" He asks taking her other hand in his.
  "Yeah I just need a moment before we go in there." She says leaning back against the wall.
  "You know once we go in there everything is going to change?" She says with a sigh. Wellington leans back against the wall beside her.
   "Look it's your call. It's been a long few days for all of us and if you're not ready I get it." He says looking over at her and really seeing her for the first time in days. She looked tired her eyes were sunken and there were dark circles under them that couldn't be hidden with make up and she looked as if she'd lost weight.
  "We don't have to do this today." Lesley shakes her head.
 "No, we called them here we should just get it over with so we can move on with our lives." Wellington smiles reaching for he hand and holding it in his.
   " Come on. We can do this and I'll be right there with you." He says giving her hand a little squeeze and leading her in to the room.
   "Hey, Jake" She turns toward her sister in-law then gives her a quick hug.
   "Hey Toni!" Toni releases her then hugs her brother releasing him just as quickly anxious to get to the point of this meeting.
   "Hey Well!" Toni's voice dripping with sarcasm as she tips up to kiss her brother.
   " So what's up?" Toni says folding her arms over her chest looking from one to the other. Lesley subconsciously reaches for Wellington's hand needing to feel it's warmth and strength. Wellington feels her cool hand in his then looks at her pale face and decides to take the lead.
  "There's no other way of saying this so I'm just going to say it. Wellington and I have a a son his name is Jamie." Jake stares at the two of them a moment his eyes wide with shock then narrow with anger as both Clay and Toni look on their mouths agape with shock. Jake glares from Lesley to Wellington his voice a low growl.
  "What the hell Swift? What kind of bullshit do you have my sister mixed up with now? A son? Where the hell did you two get a child?" He bellows pointing  an accusatory finger towards Wellington. Wellington draws his shoulders back taking in a deep calming breath. He had expected this from him and knew how to handle it, at least he thought he did.
  "I didn't get your sister involved in anything. We did what we had to do to protect our son." Lesley looks at Wellington watching the muscle twitch in his jaw knowing he was trying desperately to hold on to his temper and says a small prayer that he could. Jake glares at Wellington his fist itching to knock his pompous face off his arrogant shoulders.
  "My sister wouldn't have to hide her child from his family if it weren't for you! Your the one that was all hot for the phyco bitch! You're the reason!" Lesley glares at her brother then back to Wellington the muscle in his jaw tightening his eyes flashing. Clay looks at Toni who's eye look panicked he reaches out for his brother's sleeve pulling him back.
   "Just let him finish." He says placing a calming hand on his brothers shoulder. Wellington takes a quick glance at Lesley who nods reassuringly.
 "A few days ago Jamie came down with meningitis and we thought we were going to loose him."
  "Oh this just gets better and better!" Jake grinds out running his hand through his hair as he paces away then turns back his jaw tight as he grinds out.
   "Not only do I find out I have a nephew out there I knew nothing about, I find out he almost died! That's just great! Were you going to tell us if God forbid he did die or was that going to be be a big secret too?" He  growls. Wellington grinds his jaw together barley keeping his temper in check.
  "Of course not!" He yells back the situation becoming more frustrating by the moment. He sighs heavily then continues.
  "We just did what we thought we had to do to keep our son safe. We had no intention of hurting anyone! Especially not our families!" He finishes looking from Jake to his sister who only stares back at him her expression as angry as her husbands as he turns back towards him his nostrils flaring as he growls.
   "Well you did a bang up job we knew absolutely nothing about him. Oh and congratulations you did a much better job protecting him than you did his mother!" He finishes stepping closer his breath fanning Wellington's cheek. Lesley looks at Wellington's jaw tighten his elbows rise as his fists clench and jumps between them she wasn't going to let Wellington sacrifice himself any longer.
  "Stop it Jake! Wellington didn't even know he had a son until four days ago when Jamie got sick!" She shouts glaring at him arms folded across her chest grinning a wicked smile and nods as his expression shifts from anger to shock.
  "Yeah that's right! Me I did it all! I was afraid and it wasn't just Lola either it was this! I Didn't want my son to have to live with the hate, the anger and the constant threat of impending violence! Not just from Lola but from you and Jay and everyone else! I didn't want my son to grow up like we did! Like we all did! Caught in the middle of our parents battles and having the next generation fight them all over again!" She says looking at Clay her eyes pleading. He flashes an understanding smile although his brow still creased with anger.Then to Toni who still looks hurt but nods in agreement having had that same battle herself about children. Then looks back at Jake who's fist are still clenched at his sides his eyes still storming with rage as he looks past her to Wellington. Lesley follows his glance then steps in front of him pulling his gaze to her.
   " If you want to blame someone blame me! I'm the one that decided what was best for my son, For Wellington for me! I decided to hide my son from everyone including him! ME! Not him! So if you want to yell and scream, blame and punch someone? Well you're looking right at her buddy! And, if you don't believe me ask Erin! She'll tell you everything I just said is the truth!" Lesley stops a moment letting the sting of her words sink in and dissolve some of his anger before continuing.
   "Jake, I love you so much. You were the best big brother any kid could ever ask for. But, I'm not a kid anymore. I'm a big girl I can't protect and make decisions for my self and our son. I can also take responsibility for what I've done. You don't have to try and protect me or bare the brunt of my action anymore."  Lesley steps closer to her brother her anger gone her eyes pleading as Clay comes to step beside them.
  " Look Jake she's right. We can't change the past we can only deal with what is, the here and now. We can either keep going around and around getting no where fast or we can go on from here?" He says looking from his brother to Wellington then Toni and back to Jake. The latter looking defeated and petulant grunts.
   "Fine, I'll play nice nice with the ambulance chasing pyhco-loving, pecker-head  for you and my nephew but, don't think I'm still not pissed or all of a sudden I'm going to be calling this asshole or his equally assine cousin and going out for drinks!" Clay looks at him and smirks knowing it was the best they were going to get out of him.
   "Fine Jake no one is asking you too all were asking is that you don't try to kill each other whenever you see each other okay?"  He finishes looking from Wellington who nods in agreement then back to Jake.
   "I said fine what the hell else do you want!" He grunts in frustration. Lesley lets out and audible sigh then looks back at Wellington who looked as relieved as she was at least this first hurtle was over. Toni watches the look pass between her brother and sister in-law noting the tension that still existed between the two.
   "So when do I get to meet my nephew?" She says with a smile breaking some of the tension that still hung in the room.
   "We can go down right now if you" Lesley says with a laugh as Clay rubs his hands hands together in anticipation.
    " I can't wait to spoil him rotten!" Making them all laugh.
     "That is exactly what Well's mom said" Lesley says with a laugh immediately cutting short everyone elses. Clay looks at the worried faces then blurts out what they were all thinking.
  "Have you told our Mom and Dad yet?" Lesley looks at her brothers her face a little panicked.
   "I told Mom but I haven't told Dad. She said we should wait until after you know everything was finished. We didn't want to ruin anything for you." Jake looks at her relieved the last thing he need was Jay going ballistic or any media attention till after tomorrow. He reaches over and hugs his sister tight.
    "Thank you so much." He says letting go and giving Wellington a begrudging nod of thanks
    "I told you before she was more than capable of taking care of herself." Toni says with a wink grinning up at her husband flashing him her best I told you so smile making Jake blush slightly remembering their earlier conversation making her brother laugh in the process.
    " I say was all go downstairs and get acquainted with your nephew."
    "Sounds like a plan!" Toni nods in agreement.
    "And....." Clay continues his voice sounding excited his eyes glittering with mischief.
    "If the little guy is well enough that you well enough by Saturday we have a barbecue at my house and give him a proper welcome home? What do you say?" Lesley smiles as the group stops in front of the elevator.
   "Don't you think you should ask Felicia?" Clay laugh's.
   "Are you kidding when I tell her that's the first thing she's going to want to do." Jake smiles as the doors open.
    "Sounds good to me!" Jake choruses his wife then adds as the doors close.
     " If you don't mind my saying. If it were me, I'd tell the bastard tomorrow after the meeting. For a change he should be in a good mood. After this deal closes and he gets his big fat check, gets his picture taken for the paper, takes credit for all my work he'll be nothing but smiles and platitudes. And I'm going to need a day of good food a cold tapped keg and some fun as a reward for not bitch slapping him."


"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016

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