Sunday, August 10, 2014

I Missed You

 Chase flies down the road radio blaring enjoying the the warmth of the early spring morning and the sights of home. It had been years since he'd driven through the center of town not much had changed. The Inn in the town square wasn't new but the new owners had done a wonderful job renovating it. They had spared no expense restoring it to it's former elegance. He'd stopped in earlier and made reservation for he and Erin for tonight and he couldn't wait to spring it on her.
 He'd missed her the past two months more so the closer it came to finally seeing her. He thought when she was doing her residency it was bad this was worse. It was as if he'd lost a part of himself. He  missed waking up to her cuddled up next to him her cold feet pressed against his calf, the smell of her ponytail flipped across his face. The smile she always had when she awoke. Even the annoying things like squeezing the toothpaste in the middle or putting the empty container of creamer back in the refrigerator. He just plain missed her.
 He glances over at the huge bouquet of gladiolas he'd bought for her and smiles. He remembered when they'd first asked her to move in with him he'd had them made into a centerpiece for their table and had hung his loft key on them. It had taken her all of fifteen seconds to see it. She'd practically leaped into his arms then snatched up the center piece and head for the exist they hadn't even stayed for dinner.
 He swings into the hospital parking lot following the signs to visitors lot, finds a space not to far from the door and pulls in throwing the car in park. He jumps out of the car jogs toward the entrance tripping the car alarm as he goes. He enters the the elevator pushing the button twice rocking back and forth on his heels watching as the floors click by till it jerks to a stop, waits impatiently for the doors to separate then squeezes out before they can fully open.
 He looks up and down the hall spotting her as she comes from behind the desk and walks towards her at the same moment she spots him and walks quickly to meet him. He opens his arms hugging her tight spinning her in a circle then sets her down kissing her hungerly resisting the overwhelming urge to make love to her right then and there.
"God I missed you!" He smiles down at her then kisses her again.
"I can tell," She giggles. "and I really missed you too." She beams up at him then kisses him this time slower enjoying the taste and feel of him and the completeness she always found in his arms.
"Am I going to have to get you two a room?" Vicky smirks looking from one to the other. Chase pulls away from Erin blushes slightly then gives his cousin a hug.
"Hey Vicky good to see you!" He lets go steps back and gives her a quick look up and down.
"My God! Look at you! You are absolutely beautiful!" Smiling in approval making her blush and smile shyly.
"Good to see you too." Vicky smiles placing the clipboard down on the counter.
"What are you guys up to tonight? If you're not busy why don't you stop by "Rowdy's" later and we can catch up!" She grins looking from one to the other. Chase smiles back shaking his head.
"Maybe tomorrow night tonight we have plans!" He says wrapping his arm around her and nuzzling her neck. Erin looks at him and smiles her eyes twinkling with devilment.
"You made plans? What are these plans?" Chase grins and kisses the top of her head.
"You'll see, come on let's get out of here?" Vicky smiles enjoying watching the two of them happy to have her cousin home again.
"It was really good to see you Chase! And I mean it I want to get together tomorrow night with you guys!" Chase looks at Erin who shrugs and nods her head in agreement.
"I'm off from the hospital for the next couple of days and I don't have office hours so sure." Chase nods in agreement.
"We'll see you there" The two turn and walk towards the elevator
"Bye guys have a good time!" She waves after them as the door of the elevator close. Erin waits for the doors to close fully before turning and kissing him again.
"So what are these plans you have for tonight." She says pulling away arms still wrapped around his neck. Chase smiles down at her.
"I made reservations for us at the Inn." Erin's face lights up with excitement.
"Ooo! It's so beautiful I love that place!" Chase pulls away looking and sounding a little disappointed.
"You've been there already?" Erin smiles running her hand through his hair.
"Not really," She laughs. "Are you kidding? My grandparents would kill me!" They both laugh.
"Then how?" He looks at her confused taking her hand as the elevator doors open and leading her through the lobby.
"The owners little girl is a patient of mine I went over to check on her one afternoon. They are such nice people. She runs the Inn and he is a deputy slash artist and their little girl is absolutely adorable! She reminds me of Lesley when she was little." She laughs immediately regretting mentioning Lesley's name as a pal falls on the mood.
"How is Lesley?" He asks reaching for her car door and opening for her.
"She's okay I saw her last night at the bar. How's Wellington?" She asks as he slides in the car beside her and starts the engine.
"He's doing great, work wise." He says looking over at Erin who stares out the window seemingly lost in thought. He stops the car at the entrance of the parking lot reaching behind the seat and handing her the bouquet grinning from ear to ear.
"These are for you." He say smiling impishly hoping it would lift the mood he'd wrought by asking about Lesley.
"Lets you and I make a deal For the rest of the night I won't mention Wellington and you don't mention Lesley deal?" Erin looks down at the flowers in her lap then back up at him.
"Deal." She leans over kissing his cheek.
"And thank you." Chase smiles back at her then glances down at his ringing phone.
"And no more business after this call." He smiles back clicking his head piece.
"Van Dorn?" Erin smiles to herself for "a" or "b" reason she always laughed when he sounded all official it reminded her when they were kids and played "Star Trek Landing Party". Chase would try to sound all official like Lt. Riker she chuckles turning her head toward the side window. Reminiscing as she watched the countryside flip by. They had all had fun together back in those days Van Dorn, Stockton it didn't matter back then there no grown up stuff to get in the way. Sometimes she missed those days, before they all grew up and learned their parents secrets and some of their own.
 She'd be happy when she no longer had to keep hers and could stop playing cat and mouse with Chase. The lying and sneaking around town to help Lesley through it all took it's toll thank goodness a lot of her absences she could blame on her residency and at least now with Wellington home she had a reason to be jumpy and nervous. Thank God she and Chase would be avoiding that topic for the rest of the night. Maybe she could relax for a change instead of guarding every word she said. She wished she had never made that promise but Lesley hadn't given her a choice and of course she wouldn't let her take it back. She was exhausted that day. She was a first year resident and had only started doing it three days prior to Lesley giving birth she was scared out of her mind.
She'd just come off a ten hours shift in the ER and was hoping to get at least six hours of sleep before she had to go back when Lesley had called her. She'd jumped back in the car driven across town and picked her up then driven her to the hospital. The entire ride there Lesley had been screaming during contractions and alternately yelling at her.
"Promise me whatever happens you won't tell Wellington or anyone else! OH GOD!" She said rubbing her stomach and trying to breath through the contraction. Erin glances at the clock noting the time then flips off the driver honk at her because she hadn't moved as soon as the light changed.
"You have to tell him Lesley he has a right to know!" She says slamming on the break when the the car in front of her makes a sudden stop then turns.
"NO!" Lesley grinds out then rest her head against the headrest and takes a deep breath.
"Promise me you won't tell anyone Erin!" Her head snapping forward her expression etched with fear, determination and pain. Erin steps on the gas as soon as the light changes her mind whirling as she desperately tries to weave her way through traffic and keep track of the time between contraction on the clock.
"Lesley please don't!" Lesley takes a swift intake of breath reaching out and taking a vice like grip hold on Erin's wrist.
"Promise me Lesley you have to promise me!" She groans starting her breathing again as the contraction begins to crescendo. Pain shoots up her wrist as Lesly tightens her grip making Erin wince.
"Okay I promise I won't tell Wellington." Erin moans trying to free her arm as Lesley squeezes harder.
"Or anyone else! Promise me!" She grinds out her nails digging into her flesh making her yelp in pain.
"Okay! Okay or anyone else!" She whines trying to pull her wrist from her iron grasp.
"You swear?" Lesley screams then growls in pain forgetting her breathing completely as she rides out her contraction.
"I Swear! Now let go!" She says pulling her wrist from her grasp as they pull up to the entrance of the hospital.
"Earth to Erin? Come in Erin!" Chase's voice pulls from her ponderings she smiles pushing the past to the back of her mind replacing them with thoughts of an evening of just the two of them at last and her smile broadens.
 "I'm sorry what?"
"Where'd you slip off to?" He says slowing the car to a stop at the light.
" I was just watching the scenery pass and got lost in thought you done?"
"I'm all yours!" He leans in quickly and steals a kiss before shifting the car into gear and turning left into the crowded Inn's parking lot and searches for a spot. Erin glances down at her phone and at the text coming from Lesley who wanted her to stop by her place to talk. Erin quickly types back then shuts off her phone. She loved her to pieces but she'd spent enough time in the past two years at Lesley's beck and call. Not tonight, tonight belonged to her and Chase.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014


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