Saturday, August 16, 2014

Hazy Shade of Winter

 Sharron pulls up the hill parking her car on the back side of the old grist mill hidden from the street. She shuts off the engine and waits. Being here had an odd and unpleasant familiarity taking her back to the last time she met her here so many years ago. She'd hoped never to have to meet or speak to her again but, with Chase being home things were changing and changing fast she needed to get a rein on it before it all got out of control. That meant she would need some kind of strategy if her family were to survive. It was all she'd thought about all night waiting for this morning. She knew that Alex was going to try and get her to get Chase to leave town that seemed to be her resolution to everything get rid of it, throw money at it or both. But, this time there would be no leaving on her family's part.  Chase was not going to give up his dream and she wasn't going to let anyone force him to.
"Not this time!" She says aloud cementing her resolve. This time it was going to be different. She wasn't some scared kid anymore. Everything she and her family had been through had made her stronger and this time she was holding most of the cards. Only Alex didn't know it but she'd soon find out. She'd saved them just incase she ever needed to secure her childrens futures and had been tempted to play them many times. Now, she was glad she'd saved them because now was the time to play them. If Alex thought she was going to be the one to dance to her tune she had another think coming. This time Alex was going to play this her way. Granted, she didn't want their little secret to come out either but Alex had a lot more to lose than she did if and when it did and she was going to realize that fact today.
 Sharron gets out the car and walks around the side of the building then into it's cooling shadow catching a whiff of tobacco as she does and slows her pace.
"Right on time. One thing I have to say about you, you are punctual." Alex says coming out of the shadows and crushing the cigarette under her foot. Sharron jumps startled by her sudden appearance.
"I ...I didn't see your car." She says walking towards her turning her head toward the parking lot then back waving the cloud of smoke away as she draws closer.
"I walked in from the other side I didn't want to take a chance of anyone spotting us together." She says walking towards the window and looking out not that anyone came here anymore especially not in the middle of the week that's why she chose it.
"What do you want Alex?" She says a little more sharply than she had intended. Alex smiles slyly.
"Well looks like the kitten has grown some claws!" Sharron's jaw tightens her voice becoming terse.
"Yeah, I'm not that scared little girl you blackmailed all those years ago." Alex chuckles.
"Blackmail is such an ugly word that was nothing more than a simple business transaction. We made a deal back then we've both stuck by it for the most part. I don't see the point in rehashing old history. Besides that's not why I called you." Sharron glares back at her arms folded over the chest.
"Then why did you call me?" Alex sighs then sits down on the small bench patting the spot next to her.
"Sit down, " Sharron hesitates a moment then sits.
"That's better. We've had a tentative truce over the past few years since Chase has been gone. So, how much is it going to take to get your son and nephew to stop this foolhardy venture?" Sharron chuckles and shakes her head. The woman was nothing if not predictable.
"Honey, there isn't enough money in the world that would make me steal their dream from them." Alex stares at her eyes wide with shock.
"Don't tell me you're going to go along with this little foley?" Sharron smiles knowingly.
"Please, if you thought his venture was "foley" as you say we wouldn't be here. From where I'm sitting you're scared. In fact you are absolutely petrified!" She says leaning in and taking a closer look at Alex's face. A smug smile playing on her lips as Alex draws back. Her arrogance making it more and more difficult for Alex to contain her anger.
"Of course I'm scared! And you should be too! Do you really think Jay is going to let your son waltz in here willy-nilly and just take over?"  She scoffs. Sharron laughs again.
"My, you people are so paranoid! My son isn't trying to take over all he's doing is trying to build a life for himself and his family. Bring some much needed jobs to the people of this town!" Alex mouth twist into a mocking smile.
"Do you really think Jay see's it that way?" Sharron stands quickly her eyes like ice as she stares down at her.
"I don't give a dam what Jay thinks!" Alex rises meeting her cold stare with one of her own.
"Well you'd better care. With Jay he doesn't see him trying to build a life as you say he sees him as a threat to not just his business but to his family! Especially now that Clay's moved! And, you know what happens when Jay feels threatened"
"Yes I do, you come running to play interference!" A mocking smile playing on Sharron's lips.
"As far as Clay's moving out that had nothing to do with me or Chase. Besides he's a grown man and a way better man than his father ever was or will be." She scoffs making Alex's patients wear thin.
"It has everything to do with it!" She screams then moves back toward the window and looks out. Sharron follows behind her talking as she walks.
"Again your son moving out has nothing to do with my family and what the hell do you expect me to do about it?" Alex turns back to face her eyes pleading.
"Couldn't you convince Chase to build his company someplace else anyplace but here? If it's money..." Sharron spine stiffens her offer leaving her frozen for a moment. She stares at her in incredulous.
"You're actually serious? Unbelievable!" She throws her hands up letting them slap down at her sides. She walks a few steps away from her shaking her head then spins back to face her.
"You expect me to convince my son to leave town just to appease Jay Stockton? You want us to run again or Big Bad Jay Stockton is going to blow our house down? NO! Not again! I'm not sacrificing my son or our happiness for your family ever again!" She shouts back then laughs bitterly. Alex stares at her a moment then reaches in her purse for a cigarette and lights it.
"You all didn't do so badly for yourselves the last time. From what I see you've gotten along quite nicely" She says coolly blowing a ferrule of smoke up at her.
"That job I arranged for him in Scotland worked out very well for you and your family for quite sometime until your husband got it in his head to come back here." She says taking another draw from her cigarette.
"You're a real piece of work lady! We came back here to help his father! But Jay couldn't even let him have that! When he couldn't get Hank he had to destroy his father!" Alex takes another drag from her cigarette letting out a long cloud of smoke.
"There you go you go! What makes you think it will be any different this time around?" Her smile placating as if she were scolding some petulant child then crushes out the cigarette beneath her foot. Sharron's eyes narrow to slits her lips drawn tight.  
"Because this time around you're going to play the game my way!" A satisfied grin playing on her lips. Alex looks at her her own heart pounding. She was too smug too confident she was up to something her instinct told her.
"What do mean?" She says tentatively watching Sharron closely looking for the chink in the armor she wore. Sharron watches a quick look of panic pass over Alex's face reassuring her and boosting her confidence.
"This time you're going to get control of your husband!" Sharron demands.
"Or what?" Alex laugh sounding more fearful than amused to Sharron. Telling her she was definitely on the right path making her feel more bold by the moment.
"Lets just put it this way, this time around you have a lot more to lose than I do. What do you think Jay will do when he finds out you've kept this secret all theses years? Through everything you never opened your mouth once, not once. How do you think he'll react to that one? My instincts tell me none too kindly! So we are going to play this my way you understand?" Sharron finishes Alex looks at her her stare unwavering.
"I really don't think You grasp the severity of this situation!" Sharron flashes a sardonic smile enjoying her moment.
"Oh, I understand exactly what's at stake and I'm telling you I'm not sacrificing my family and especially not my son or his happiness ever again! So, if that's what you had in mind you can forget it." She laughs bitterly. Alex looks on calmly trying not to betray the racing of her heart as Sharron continues to speak.
"You are going to give me the information I need so that my son and nephew can keep one step ahead of Jay." Alex squares her shoulders and calms her racing heart keeping her voice even.
"And if I don't? What are you going to do? You're just as guilty as I am! If this comes out it will destroy your family too!" Sharron laugh's then hardens her voice as she plays her trump card. She walks a few paces away then turns back to face her smiling sweetly.
"You know what the difference between you and me is?"
"No, but I'm sure you're going to tell me." She says with a roll of her eyes Sharron smiles knowingly ignoring her sarcasm.
"I don't have any secrets from my husband. Never have, he has always known the truth and chose to walk the path with me. So, if and when this all comes out I will have my husband standing right there by my side every step of the way. Are you sure you can say that about Jay?" She states flately enjoying the look of utter shock.
"So you are going to do whatever you have to do but, you will get me any information that I need to protect my son from Jay. You are going to tell me exactly what Jay is up to." Alex stands her face filled with rage.
"Or you'll what you arrogant bitch?" Sharron sighs then smiles knowing she had her exactly where she wanted her.
 "If you don't I'll take every bit of evidence I have against you. Including the tape I have of our first meeting. You remember that conversation?" Sharron smiles at the quick intake of air from Alex as her face goes white visibly shaken.
"Then give it all to Jay wrapped up in a pretty pink ribbon with all my love." Alex stares at her shocked and bewildered. Sharron watches the emotion run the gambit across her face till the look of complete surrender etches its mask upon it.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

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