Saturday, February 13, 2016

"Past Any Feelings"


            Alex looks around the conference room waiting for the announcement to be made and for the end of the most tortuous weeks she'd had in a long time. She'd made it through without a drink she congratulated herself. At least not since that first night after she'd seen the video. She'd cried the entire way home. She'd watched it over and over till the image was burned in her memory until she was past any feelings of forgiveness or remorse. She'd watched it again for good measure when she found out about her grandson then went into action. She'd gone all the way to Pine Valley to secure the best divorce attorney she could find who'd referred her to one of the top financial attorneys he'd secured her accounts and her children's and had taken great pains to sew up any other monetary or legal issues. She'd done it all without Jay or anyone else knowing all the while maintaining the facade of loving and dutiful wife with Jay none the wiser.
         Jay! He thought he had her stated and placated. The bastard strutted around like the last rooster in the hen house running from the dinner table straight to his slut! He was so busy being ring master at Abigail's three ring circus he hadn't even paid any attention to what she was doing and it suited her just fine! It gave her time to get her act together. She'd found her self a place and had her lawyers agent rent it for her and had managed with Terry's help to get it livable quickly. The last thing she needed when this day was over was Jay finding her and the first place he'd look was the home they had shared together for more than thirty-five years. He would assume she'd just change the locks as she always did and just open the door if he yelled loud enough and pounded the frame hard enough but not this time. This time the only thing he would find were the few wire hangers she'd left behind and a couple of old magazines on the night stand. 
            He'd be alone in that house and he'd assume that Jake and Toni's moving out was all a part of some great plot against him. He'd be right but not on Jake's part she didn't want her son anywhere near Jay after today. Jake had no idea about her land till today she'd had that updated late yesterday so there would be no time for Jake to read them before the meeting and the announcement. She'd done it intentionally so he wouldn't. Besides he had absolutely no reason to think she had made any changes to the standard renewal contracts. He had no idea what she was doing none of her children did. She'd simply given Jake and Toni their own home as an early anniversary gift saying she and Jay were thinking of selling the house now that the children were gone all grown up feigning it was just too much house for them now. The bastard would have known had he bothered to show up to the dinner she'd planned for them all. She'd be sure to remind him of that when the subject came up. Then show him the receipt as well as the photos the private detective had taken of he and his whore all beautifully dated and timed stamped she chuckles to herself. 
            She felt better than she had in years finding her grandson and knowing she was working toward her's and her families future and in the process secured her freedom had renewed her confidence in herself. It had bolstered her faith that she could make it on her own. Now she could sit here happily smiling like the proverbial Cheshire cat perfectly situated with her camera ready so she could capture Abigail's face when Jay came out and made his announcement. Although she would have loved for her to see it when they had voted him out as CEO and voted her son in! She would have loved to have a picture of the look on his face when he realized he wasn't the all power full Jay anymore. She literally had to pinch herself and bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing out loud. She had to remain just as shocked and outraged as he was when it was all said and done. After all she was the loyal and dutiful wife. Ha, and she had played it to the hilt with all the "why's" and "what happened" along with the recriminations to her other board members. Now she just had to wait for the contract signing. Where he received blow number two.
      The contract for the land leases of her trees as well as Marjorie's had been agreed on and signed just not the way Jay had expected. Stockton lumber had the rites to harvest the land but both had been contracted under Jake as the land manager unlike before where it had been Jay. Jay would have expected that from Marjorie there was no secret as to how she felt about Jay but her's that would have knocked him right into left field. The best part was he couldn't react he had to maintain that cool calm demeanor and right now she was sure he was ready to explode. He was probably in there now almost tapping dancing itching for this all to be over and he could confront her and figure out what was happening but there wouldn't be time for that either. As soon as he stepped down from that podium her lawyer would have him served with divorce papers. When that happened she planned on just waving to him from the back of the room as she left. Besides she was more than sure Jay would have his hands full with Abigail now that her cash-cow had run dry she'd understandably have some deep concerns.  She smiles to herself then checks her phone one more time to make sure it was ready.
        Gavin steps aside as the door to the large conference room opened allowing the new CEO of Stockton Lumber and his father pass on their way to the podium. Jay was about to make his announcement to the press and trying to wipe the anger and desperation from his face as he spoke to the crowd. It was all he could do to keep from laughing aloud as he struggled through each step of the morning trying to hide the affect each blow had to his ego. He gloried in seeing the slight slump of his shoulders as he walked through the door. It wasn't obvious but to the keen eye it was, as was the tinge of fear in his voice to the sharp ear. He loved watching the kaleidoscope of color that had washed over his face when he realized he was no longer the power monger he once was.       He looks out over the crowd spotting Alex's jubilant face as Jay steps down from the podium and a man hands him an envelope then walks away. Alex looks over at Jay her smile lighting her entire face blows him a kiss then hastily makes her way to the exist. Gavin chuckles as Jay is stopped from his pursuit of her by a frantic looking Abigail whom he pushes to the side then pushes past some reporters as he tries to make his way through the throng trying to catch up to Alex with poor scared Abigail bringing up the rear. Alex made it through the doors and he was sure long gone while Jay had become trapped by the news castor from WRCW. There she was he smiles looking out the window and watching her jog quickly to her car. Enjoy your new found happiness while it lasts my pet. He smiles to himself when the final truth came out she would need those few happy memories living in that little cottage she'd rented for herself. It seemed like a perfectly lovely place to be alone in.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016


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