Saturday, February 27, 2016

At the End Of The Day


          Chase looks up from the sawhorse at the sound of his name mopping the beads of perspiration from his forehead across his sleeve.
         "Hey Dad! Over here!" He reaches down inside the cooler for a bottle of water splashing some in his mouth then hands his Dad one. Hank takes it from him twisting off the cap as he talks.
        "I went by the office looking for you and your assistant Dax I think, said you were here. Interesting assistant I have to say." Hank chuckles. Wasn't exactly what I was expecting." Chase laughs as he wipes his forehead across his sleeve.
         "Yeah what did you picture?" He says picking up the sander and rubs it across the wooden doors edge. Hank chuckles.
          " To be honest I'm not sure just not him." They both laugh again.
           "Dax is from our parent company he's my bosses number one go to guy. He's just here working with Preston and Mike checking all the computers making sure all the setup are correct and all the latest security updates are complete and such. But I'm real sure you didn't come all the way here to talk about my assistant." Hank sigh and shakes his head.
             "No, you're right about that son. Did you hear what happened with Stockton this morning?" His tone becoming serious as he watches his son go about his work. Chase shrugs.
              "Yeah. I was it on my newsfeed earlier. Sucks to be him I guess." He shrugs again then squats down and inspects the doors edge as he talks.
               "But, that has nothing to do with me. Maybe it's the universe's way of coming full circle." Hank sighs as he props his foot on top of a log then leans forward crossing his arms on his knee.
               "Doesn't matter he's going to blame you for all of it." Chase looks at his father squinting one eye against the sun then reaches for his sander working as he talks.
             "He can blame me all he wants I honestly don't give a shit what he does, whines or bitches about. I have my own problems." He says lifting the door off the saw horse and leaning it against the fence.
            "Problems at work?" Hank asks knowing full well that was the least of his son's problems. Marjorie had filled him in on Lesley and Wellington which was why he'd walked over. He wished he had known about Wellington and Lesley before they had started all this but as Marjorie said they couldn't plan for every event. Chase shakes his head.
           "  Nah ah, but you already know that." He smirks. Hank chuckles.
           "Yeah your Aunt Marjorie filled us in. So what about you and Erin?" Chase shrugs.
            "We'll be okay, I wouldn't be out here if I didn't. I mean I get it and all."
             "But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." Hank says with a sigh. Chase shakes his head then moves back to the door.
              "No it doesn't. Hey you want to give me a hand here grab the other end please?"
               "Sure" Hank moves from his spot by the log and grabs the other end of the door and the two walk it back towards the house.
               "I mean Dad, I understand why she had to keep it all a secret but a part of me still resents the fact she didn't tell me. And, as hard as I try not to let it, it bothers me sometimes it does.I can't help it and I feel bad."
              "You wouldn't be human if it didn't, Why don't you cut yourself a little slack." Hank says placing his end on the ground then helping Chase move the into the door frame.
              "And while you're at it cut her some." He grins mischievously holding it in place while Chase drops in the pins.
               "I'm trying Dad it's just that I always thought Erin and I were always completely honest with each other. It's just hard having that image destroyed." He says placing the last pin in the hinge. He steps back swinging the door into the latch and opens it again checking the edge.
               " I understand why and I know in my heart I would have done the same thing for Well so I should just get over it but you know?" He shrugs. Hank nods his head and sighs.
                " Yeah, I understand  what you're saying maybe you should just keep reminding yourself of that fact and the fact that Erin does love you. She only did what she did to protect her cousin and her baby. I mean after what happened with your cousin and his ex-wife I don't blame her. When your family is threatened sometimes you have to do what you have to, to protect them. At the end of the day son, the love of your family and protecting them that's the most important thing. Sometimes the only thing that matters." He finishes hoping he hadn't said too much. Chase pauses a moment and reflects on his father's tone. It left the impression he was leaving something unsaid. He looks at his father a moment and starts to probe deeper but is interrupted by Clay calling to them both as he walks up the driveway.
               " Hey Mr. Van Dorn! How are you?" He says extending his hand and shaking it then turning to Chase.
                "Chase, nice to have you back. Looks good man!" He says looking around at the renovations that had been done to the barn.
                 " Thanks come on in! Good to see you. What brings you around this side of town?" Chase asks waving them both inside and walks towards the kitchen. Clay walks in behind his father in-law his head whirling about as he talks.
                "I had to drop your sister off at your Mom's house so she could pick some stuff up and they asked me if I could pick up some boxes. Then Felicia said on the way back I should stop by here and invite you and Erin to our place on Saturday. I think they just wanted me out of the way while she and your wife pile up half of your basement by the front door" " He grins turning toward Hank and laughs.
                "You want a beer Dad, Clay?" Chase calls from the kitchen.
                "No, I'm good I still have to go back pick up Flei, load up my truck and drive back home."
                 " Good man! None for me either I better start walking back soon. I'll take another bottle of water if you have it?"  Hank calls back then turns towards Clay,
                 "What's going on Saturday?" He ask as Chase comes back in the room handing his father a bottle of water. Clay smiles happily.
                 "Felicia and I decide to throw a little family barbeque to welcome my new nephew your second cousin and I think your grand nephew?" Looking perplexed for a moment chuckling as he continues.
                  "To the family and Felicia said I can't leave here until you promise to come. So please, don't keep me too long man I have to wake the birds up in the morning." Chase smiles as he sits on the arm of the sofa.
                  "Who's coming?" He asks knowing the answer without asking. Clay clears his throat.
                  " You know family your side my side everyone. With Jamie being born we thought maybe it was time we all learned to at least tolerate each other. Hopefully some day Felicia will have a kid and it would be nice for them to have a family that's at least civil." Hank nods in agreement as Chase's mind flashes to the events of the morning Clay's voice cuts into his thoughts.
                  " Besides you'll never catch my brother in a better mood." Clay smirks making Chase chuckle.
                 After spending a lifetime butting heads with Jake he also had a modicum of respect for him. He was a good brother to his siblings. He was hard working and didn't get all the credit he deserved from his father. So, he couldn't blame him if he wanted to strut a little but he was positive he felt none of that for their father or their mother for that matter. Neither one had ever liked him and the same could be said for him he couldn't stand either of them. He'd always thought Alex Stockton was a manipulative, vindictive bitch. Her husband was arrogant ass and a complete douche bag with a mean streak a mile wide. Jay Stockton had made his family's life hell. He particularly enjoyed focusing on him. Jay had always been quick to drop his name in it. A couple of times he hadn't even been in town. Growing up anything that happened in town was his fault. From throwing rocks through the glass at the abandoned greenhouse to spray painting the water tower to the time his son had thrown food coloring in the town pool. The last one in particular had always angered him. He'd spent the night in jail until it was proven by the surveillance camera it had been Jake and not him.
                  " What about your father?" Hank asked knowing where his son's mind had wandered.
                  " I doubt it. No one's heard from him since Jake took over and my Mom moved out. It's still a couple of days maybe he'll have cooled off by then? As long as he behaves himself he's welcome. Jamie's is his grandson." Clay says honestly watching Chase's emotions flash across his face.
                  "Oh and your sister said if you and Erin don't come she'll get you! Remember Gregor whatever that means?" He finishes cocking his head a curious smirk playing on his lips. Chase laughs and shakes his head then laughs again.
                 "Tell her I'll be there." He laughs again.
                 "Good" He says looking down at his watch.
                 "Listen I'd better get back I want to unpack the truck before it gets too dark and Felicia and I have to meet up with my brother. You want a ride back to your house?"  He says turning towards Hank.
                  "Yeah, yeah that'd be great." He smiles walking toward the door behind Clay happy to avoid the conversation was afraid might come.
                  "The place looks great by the way. If you need any help let me know."  Hank says scurrying through the door and down the walk.
                  "Thanks Dad!" He calls after him.
                  "See you Saturday around one o'clock? You know your sister you have to be there man." Clay says turning back towards him.
                 "We'll see you Saturday!" Chase chuckles and waves back as Clay closes the door behind them. Chase slowly sips his beer and tries to ignore the rock forming in the pit of his stomach.

      "Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016       

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