Sunday, May 25, 2014

"Slipping Away"

Clay walks quietly up the steps and around the side of the porch knowing exactly where Felecia would be. This had become his favorite part of his day. When he'd finally escape come here and find her waiting for him. He stops and leans against the wooden frame of the house watching Felicia paint in the setting sun. The light cast across her face gave it a surrealistic glow as the setting sun shone through her hair. She was absolutely stunning. Men stopped to watch her walk by and she was completely oblivious. Making her all the more beautiful. He takes out his cell phone snapping two pictures of her before she noticed him standing there.
     "Heyyyy," She smiles laying down her paint brush on the easel and coming to him smiling that wistful smile he loved.  She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him revealing in the taste of him and that feeling that made her hunger for more every time he did. He pulls her closer feeling all the tension he'd had built up inside him drain replaced with the feel of her in his arms the taste of her on his lips and the longing he'd been fighting all day..
     "God, I missed you." He buries his head in her hair the smell of jasmine tingling his nose.
     " I missed you too."
      She says laying her head on his chest. He pulls her closer to him laying his cheek against the top of her head. "I thought I'd never get out of there. I didn't even eat as soon as I got my shot I ran."
He pulls away from brushing the tendril from her face she kisses his chin then turns and walks to her easel taking a rag and wipes her brush then lay it on the table and looks up at him.
     "You hungry?" She asks then giggles at the mocking expression on his face.
     "Are you kidding? We never actually eat the food at my house we just use it to decorate the table."
He laughs.
     "Come on" She smiles taking his hand and leading him inside.
     "Sit down I'll get you a plate!" She kisses his cheek then walks hastily into the kitchen. Clay walks to the table and sits watching her move gracefully around it. He loved this cabin it was comfortable and inviting making it harder and harder to leave before morning.  As soon as you walked through the door you felt at home, as if you been there for years. Unlike his own home which was stylized and as sterile as a magazine picture. She set a plate of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans in front of him then walks to the refrigerator opening the door and leaning in.
    "What do you want to drink? I have Iced tea, water or beer?" She calls over her shoulder.
    "Iced tea" He mumbles around a mouth full of food. She pours two glasses setting one in front of him then takes the seat next to his.
    "Thanks honey this is great" He smiles. "This is really good. Where'd you learn to cook like this?"
    "Hey!" She smacks at his hand playfully
    "I can cook! and you're welcome." He smiles around his food and swallows.
    "I just thought... you know" He stutters blushing slightly.
    "You grew up like I did I just assumed you had a cook like, we do." He states finishing the chicken leg in his hand then tossing the bone on the plate and licking his fingers.
    "No my Mom was always cooking something I'm amazed we aren't all huge." She rolls her eyes and laughs he chuckles along with her.
    "I don't think my Mom or Bree have ever boiled more than water on our stove." They both laugh. She loved it when he smiled he had one of those smiles that could melt her heart.
     "How was your day?"
      "My day was great out there on the mountain with Bill doing what we do, then I got home." He says between mouthfuls. Felicia smiles reaching out and taking his hand in hers.
      "I'm sorry." She give his hand a gentle squeeze her lower lip poked out in a pout. He leans in kissing her cheek then nuzzles her neck making her giggle.
      "Thank you darling but, you didn't do anything" She hands him the plate with bread smiling as he he mops up the gravy from the plate with a slice then stuffs it in his mouth and smacks his lips.
      "That was good!" he wipes his face then his hands on the napkin discarding it on the table when he was through.
      "I just feel bad that your father always on you for one thing or another never his golden boy" She picks up his plate then stands taking it to the sink and turns on the water. He walks behind reaching around her and rinsing his hands under the spigot nuzzling the nape of her neck as he does.
     "For a change he was all over Jake and I have your brother to thank." Felicia place the plate in the rack then turns off the tap drying her hands as she walks back towards the table then hands the towel to him her mouth twisted in worry as he hands it back then sits in the chair. .
     "What about my brother?" She looks down at the towel not sure she wanted to hear the answer or see the expression on his face. Clay reaches out takes her hand and pulls her on to his lap kissing her gently.
     " Nothing bad really. Ol 'Jay just found out your brother bought that old mill of your Dad's and turned it into some thecno whatever." He laughs. Felicia pulls away from him looking down into his face searching for any signs of anger or resentment.
     "You're not mad I didn't tell you are you? It's just that Chase is my brother and..." Jake holds a finger to her lips silencing her excuse.
     "Honey I'm not mad that's your family I get it, people have a right to make a living despite what my Dad thinks" He shrugs
     "Besides we said a long time ago this about you and me. The rest of them be damned! Heck I'm kind of glad" He grins devilishly making her smile.
    "Why?" She giggles as his hand slides under her blouse unsnapping the hooks of her bra.
    "Cause Jake," He says kissing her as his hand deftly undoes the button of her blouse.
    "My Dad" He says kissing the hollow of her throat following the path of her buttons. "and your brother" He kisses the hollow between her breast pulling the sleeve down off her shoulder and kisses her neck sending an instant shiver through her core. "are going to be so focused on each other" He stands lifting her up with him and laying her down on the couch.
      "I have a bedroom you know" She laughs. He kisses her pulling at the buttons of his jeans at the same time
      "I can't wait that long," He kneels above her shouldering out of his shirt exposing his lean muscular chest. He reaches down pulling the edges of her blouse away exposing her breast to his hungry lips. "They're not going to have time to worry about you and me." He says his mouth coming down to take hers in a all consuming kiss blocking out any thoughts of anyone else but the two of them.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

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