Saturday, May 31, 2014

"I'm Coming Home"

Chase pulls his BMW into the drive and sits a moment staring up at the house. For the exception of the trees being bigger than he'd remembered nothing had changed. He get's out leaving his jacket and luggage for later and walks around the side of the house to the kitchen door knowing that's where he'd find his mother. He watches her through the screen humming to herself as she presses the lid down on a container and walks to the frig her bare feet slapping on the linoleum. She looked exactly as she did the last time he saw her still the prettiest "Mom" in town. He pulls open the door quietly tipping in and sneaking up behind her.
"Michael! I want to know when you're going to rake those leaves I told you about this morning!" She calls over her shoulder rearranging the item in the frig to fit the container in her hand.
"Ahhh Ma!" He whines laughing as she spins around stares at him dumbstruck and wide eyed.
"Chase!" She shouts jumping into his arms and squeezing him tight.
"Oh my God Chase!" She squeals happily squeezing him again.
"Hey beautiful!" He says kissing her cheek before letting go.
"Let me take a look at you!"
She Grasp his hands holding his arms out at his sides nodding in approval.
"You look real good come here!" She says hugging him again.
"It's so good to see you!" She giggles reaching up and caressing his cheek.
"It's really good to see you too Mom!" He steps back looking around the kitchen other than a fresh coat of paint it was still the same. He turns back towards her sniffing the air grinning from ear to ear.
"You baked a peach cobbler." He grins his mouth watering at the thought. Sharon smiles knowing that look since he was a little boy.
"Sit down I'll cut you a slice"
She turns and reaches into the cabinet for a plate talking as she works.
"Your father and I took a drive the other day and we stopped at the Amish Market." She says placing the slice of pie and a fork in front of him.
"You want ice cream?" She winks and smiles making him smile too.
"No, the pies fine." He says putting a forkful of cobbler in his mouth.
"Ummm!" He groans rolling his eyes in culinary ecstasy. "No one makes a peach cobbler like you! I've searched all over New York!" Sharon laughs reaching over and tousling his hair like she did when he was little making him laugh then places a fork full of pie in his mouth savoring the taste.
"And I'm sure you tried!" She gets up walks to the cabinet and pulls down a glass.
"There was this one place in Harlem that came close, even Preston said so!"
"How is Preston." She says returning to the table and setting a glass of milk in front of him then sits her leg crossed under her elbow on the table leaning her chin against her palm
 "Preston's great he'll be by later you can say hello.
"Good, been a long time since I've seen him too. This house gets so quiet,sometimes I miss you boys running through the house. grazing your way through my pantry!" They laugh.
"Speaking of eating those peaches wouldn't last for long."
"Still! Come to find out your father was the real culprit!" Chase laughs pushing the empty plate from him.
"No kidding, and he let us take the fall for that all these years wait till I see him!" He laughs and reaches for the glass in front of him. Sharron picks up the empty plate walks to the sink and turns on the spigot.
 "I meant to drop those off at your sisters this afternoon before he finishes them all." She rinses off the dish and places it in the rack then turns and leans against the counter.
"She still living out at Grand Pop's cabin?" He places the glass on the table and sits back in the chair.
"Yeah, your Dad and I were worried at first. Her being out there all by herself but then we find out Clay with her most nights and we felt a little better" She chuckles.
"She and Clay still together?" He smiles knowing the question was rhetorical. Sharron sighs and shrugs
 "Those two are just meant to be together. He's been in her heart as long as I can remember. Your Dad and I reconciled ourselves to that a long time ago."
"So I guess they're still hiding from Jay?" He looks at her and shakes his head. "The man still thinks he can control everything and everyone." Sharron nods her head in agreement.
"You know what they say about old dogs"  
"Where's Dad? I thought he'd be home by now?" He glances up at the clock on the wall.
"He drove to Harrisburg this morning he should be back pretty soon. He's been hold up in his office for the past month working on some project then last night he said he had to dive in to Harrisburg to file some papers." She shrugs picking up the empty glass and carrying to the sink. Chase looks down at his shirt unable to look at her directly. He promised his Dad they would tell her together he hadn't expected him not to be here yet.He turns his head as an engine pulls into the driveway hoping it was his father or anyone before the conversation turned back to the eventual topic the reason for his homecoming. He turns his head at the sound of footsteps coming up the porch steps smiling broadly as his brother comes through the door.
"Mom, who's ca...Chase?" He stops mid sentence catching sight of his brother and grinning from ear to ear he throws his arms around him slapping him hard on the back.
"Wow! You got big!" He steps back smiling at as he examines him head to toe.
"You too man! But in a good way!" He teases slapping him on the back then ducking away and laughing.
"Yeah I can still take you!" He says reaching out and pulling his brother's arm pinning it behind his back then letting go making them both laugh.
"So how are you doing?" Chase asks then smirks at the sly grin on his brothers face signaling he wasn't doing much of anything.
"I'm okay! That your car outside?" He says hitching his thumb towards the window.
"Yeah, I drove here from New York." He smiles proudly.
"Sweet!" Michael walks to the window and looks out admiring the car then turns to his mother.
"Mom, do we have any cobbler left?" Sharron looks at him and swats him with the dish towel.
"Hi Mom how was your day? Fine how was yours? Good! Is there any cobbler left?" She chastises making him him laugh at himself.
"Hi Mom! How was your day?" He mocks playfully making her laugh,
"Yeah in the frig help yourself just leave your father a piece." She walks to the sink filling the urn for the coffee pot.
"Your Dad should be home any second I was going to make some coffee you boys want some?" She say turning off the water and waiting a second. Michael shakes his head no.
"I'm going to shower and change going over to "Rowdy's" for a little while" He says slicing off a hunk of cobbler and putting it on a plate.
"I'll take some." Chase walks to the island and stand next his brother waiting for his mother to turn back toward the sink to fill the pot before breaking off a piece of the cobbler and popping it in his mouth. Sharon smiles to herself and shakes her head.
"I saw that get a plate! Oh, and your father just pulled in the driveway!" Michael turns to his brother looks at him his expression quizzical.
"How does she do that?" They both laugh turning their heads as their father comes through the door.
"Hey Dad!" Chase says coming around the island to hug his father.
"Oh great! You made it!" He says hugging him back then reaching for his wife.
"Hey honey" He leans down kissing and hugging her.
"Hey" She says kissing him quickly looking from her husband to her son confused.
"You knew he was coming?" Hank gives her a sheepish grin then looks to his son the later answering before he can speak.
"I wanted it to be a surprise"
"Well I was surprised alright! I'm just hoping it's not for just a couple of days." Chase grins looks to his father who nods in agreement.
"No, Mom it's for more than a couple of days, I'm back to stay." Sharron's eyes open wide her hands flying to her mouth. She runs to him hugging him tight.
"That is the best news I've had in like forever!"
"Wait there's more." He says pulling away from her.
"You know Grand Pop's old mill" Michael's eyes open wide.
"You're the one that bought the mill? Holy shhh" He trails off getting a quelling look from his mother.
"Preston, Wellington and I. Dad went to Harrisburg this morning and filed the final papers and Flee did the artwork for us although she thought it was for some project I was working on, but I'm sure she figured it out by now since they hung the sign this morning." Sharon's mouth drops open her eyes wide with shock.
"I heard that somebody bought the mill I had no idea... how did you?" She turns toward Hank's grinning face.
"Was this what you been working on for the past month?" She looks at her husband her expression a mixture of pride, fear and hope.
"I asked him not to tell anybody not even you. We wanted to make sure that Stockton didn't get wind of it before we could make sure it would happen. We'll be fully operational within a week and there's nothing Stockton or anyone else can do to stop us!" He says with pride he and his father pat each other on back joined by Michael who jumps up and down cheering. Chase rattles on about what he would be doing with the mill. Sharron watches them a smile plastered on her face only half listening all with a mixture of pride and horror as her mind runs wild. When Jay found out about this there would be holy hell, but she was also proud of her son and what'd he'd managed to accomplish. Maybe it was time the Van Dorns stopped living in the shadows and took their rightful place in this town again. Yet a voice gnawed at her. Being in the light meant exposing their lives to the bright light of inspection and perhaps exposing things that were better off buried in the darkness of the past.
"What do you think Mom? You ready for this new chapter in the Van Dorn family history?" He turns to her all of them grinning like they'd all swallowed the proverbial canary. She smiles earnestly deciding to shove her worries and doubts to the back of her mind and enjoy her sons moment.
"I'm really happy and proud of you baby" She says kissing and hugging him tight. Hank catches the eye of his wife over his son's shoulder and see the dull light of worry there. He worried too but whether or not it was time for that secret to come out only time could tell. He did know however, it was time for them to stop living in fear of it.

  "Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

"Wine and Wayward Children"

Marjorie walks from the kitchen to the hall on her way to the living room as Toni walks through the door.
"Oh good you made it. Your father should be right back he stepped out to get a bottle of wine to have with dinner!"
"Hi Mother how are you?" She saunters toward her taking off her sunglasses and putting them in her purse as she walks. Her mother smiles kissing her on both cheeks then looks past her towards the door for her husband.
"Where's Jake I thought he'd be with you?" Toni rolls her eyes following behind her mother towards the living room stopping at the mirror to check her hair and lipstick.
"He sends his best something came up at work so he's having dinner with his parents. Besides with the mood he's been in lately it would probably be more pleasant without him" Marjorie smiles to herself thinking it definitely would when she saw who the dinner guest was. Toni walks into the room stops in her tracks staring at a brother she hadn't seen in three years.
"Wellington!" She says running to him and throwing her arms around him.
"I can't believe you're here!"
"Wow! It is really good to see you! Stunning as ever" He says kissing and hugging her.
"Thank you I designed it myself it's part of my new spring collection." She says turning in a circle then laughing.
"It's beautiful but I think all the things you create are beautiful." He says smiling at the expression of surprise on her face.
"You've seen my work?" Looking and sounding both pleased and excited she takes the seat opposite him on the sofa.
"Yeah this girl I was dating loved your clothes she dragged me to every boutique on the Upper West Side till she found a blouse you designed last spring."
"Girl has good taste" She nods in approval. Wellington rubs the back of his neck smiling sheepishly.
"That's why I never told her we were related. I figured I'd see where it went first before I let her start hawking you." He laughs.
"Thanks I appreciate that, really! I don't want to lose customers because of your wayward heart!" They all chuckle.
"Your sister made me the most beautiful outfit for church on Easter Sunday! I wish you had been there! I was the envy of every woman in church! You should have seen the look on Alex Stockton's face!" She laughs sounding thoroughly amused.
"She's maybe my mother in law but you're my Mom!" She giggles. Marjorie nods her head in agreement hoping her daughter would keep that attitude when she found out what was about to happen.
"I just finished designing a dress for Lesley something Jay is throwing." She says nonchalantly then catches the expression on his face and instantly regrets mentioning her name. Marjorie jumps in trying to relieve the sudden awkwardness that settle over the three. She looks out the window and see's her youngest daughter pull into the driveway then turns back to her other two children grinning from ear to ear.
"Shhh here comes your sister wait till she sees you!" Vicky trots up the steps slings open the door talking as she walks and pulling off the top of her scrubs down to the tank top underneath.
"Hey Mom! I'm home! What time is dinner I want to take a shower before Stephanie and Desi get here.." She prattles folding her top as she walks in the room then runs and jumps on her brother screaming his name in delight.
 "Welly! Oh my God!Oh my God! Oh my God! You're home! I've missed you so much!" She hugs him tight giggling the entire time. Wellington holds her close then pushes her away holding her by the shoulders and laughing.
" Look at you! All grown up! What happened to the little girl in pigtails and overall's that followed me everywhere?" They laugh.
"I traded them in for scrubs and a stethoscope!" Making them all laugh. "When did you get back?"
"About an hour or so ago."
"How long are you staying?" Wellington grins looking from Toni to Vicky.
"I'm home for good." Vicky squeals in delight hugging him again. As Toni looks on grinning on the outside hugging and welcoming her brother. Inside wondering what Wellington's being home really meant on all their lives and how would her husband and Jay take the news. Then again how did they take any news. She laughs to herself making her smile genuine.
"I'm going to run up stairs and take a shower don't go anywhere I'll be back in fifteen minutes!" Vicky says leaving the room and running up the steps.
"I'll be right here!" He shouts after her then turns to his mother.
"I don't know why but a part of me still thought she'd be that little girl I remembered" He laughs shaking his head and sitting on the sofa next to Toni.
"A lots changed since you left" The later says watching Wellington and her mother exchange glances.
"And a lots going to change too!" Edward's voice booms across the room as he enters carrying a bottle of wine and placing it on the coffee table. He walks to the sofa giving his daughter a kiss on the cheek.
" Hello Princes!"
"Hi Dad! You're looking like you just conquered the world" She looks from one to the other her suspicions aroused.
"What's going on why do you all look as if you just stole a pie from a windowsill?" Edward takes the chair next to Marjorie leaning forward his demeanor conspiratorial.
"Your brother and cousin are the ones that bought the old mill" He slaps his hands together rubbing them like a miser  looking as if he was about to burst with excitement. Toni glares at them then turns on her brother like a viper.
"You're the ones that bought the Mill?" She gasps looking from her brother to her father.
"And you helped him?"  Edward looks at her grinning proudly.
"Lets just say I didn't do anything to stop him! Heck I didn't even know it was them till your brother told us it was his company that bought it a little while ago. I thought I was just getting rid of the town eyesore!" He guffaws glancing around, her brother and mother laughing in agreement annoying her further.
"While you're all slapping each other on the back did you think about what going to happen when Jacob Stockton figures out what you've done? God! She groans rising and pacing the room.
"You peopel are unbelievably! Things have finally settled down and you blow back into town with this?" She groans and rolls her eyes.
"If all you're going to do is come home with drama then maybe you should have stayed..."
"Antonia!" Marjorie bellows shocking her daughter into silence her teeth drawn in to a snarl her voice tight.
"I know life has been really good for you living up on the hill as a Stockton. The rest of us, we don't have that luxury. What your brother, Preston and your cousin are doing isn't just good for this family  it's good for this town and if that makes Jay Stockton mad and your life in their mansion a little uncomfortable for a little while then so be it!" She shrugs "He can scratch his mad place and get glad! But don't you ever let me hear you take sides against your family again do you understand?" She finishes her piercing grey eyes boring through her.
"Jake is my family too Mother don't force me to choose"Toni glares back at her determined not to give her ground.
 "Jacob Stockton the third may not always be your husband but we will always be your family we're your blood don't you ever forget that!" She grinds out meeting her daughter defiance with her own.
Wellington stands unwilling to see his family become divided or say something they regret.
"Look you two I...we didn't come back to cause trouble." He starts and is immediately interrupted.
"Then why are you back?" Toni stares at him waiting for his response her eyes searching his expression for the truth in his answer. Wellington sighs heavily looking at his sister his expression honest his eyes pleading.
"I'm back because I love my family and I missed you. Believe it or not I love this town and I want to see it grow. What we're doing will bring jobs and prosperity to this community. If that makes some people angry I can't help that. But if this town is going to survive it has to diversify and look towards the future." He finishes hoping he was able to get through to her. Toni sighs backing down a little knowing by the look on his face and the tone of his  voice he was telling the truth and it still didn't make her happy.
"I believe you and I'm glad your home Welly, really I've missed you." She smiles "But my gut is telling me that all this, is a powder keg just waiting to go off. I just hope it doesn't all blow up in your face."

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

"Slipping Away"

Clay walks quietly up the steps and around the side of the porch knowing exactly where Felecia would be. This had become his favorite part of his day. When he'd finally escape come here and find her waiting for him. He stops and leans against the wooden frame of the house watching Felicia paint in the setting sun. The light cast across her face gave it a surrealistic glow as the setting sun shone through her hair. She was absolutely stunning. Men stopped to watch her walk by and she was completely oblivious. Making her all the more beautiful. He takes out his cell phone snapping two pictures of her before she noticed him standing there.
     "Heyyyy," She smiles laying down her paint brush on the easel and coming to him smiling that wistful smile he loved.  She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him revealing in the taste of him and that feeling that made her hunger for more every time he did. He pulls her closer feeling all the tension he'd had built up inside him drain replaced with the feel of her in his arms the taste of her on his lips and the longing he'd been fighting all day..
     "God, I missed you." He buries his head in her hair the smell of jasmine tingling his nose.
     " I missed you too."
      She says laying her head on his chest. He pulls her closer to him laying his cheek against the top of her head. "I thought I'd never get out of there. I didn't even eat as soon as I got my shot I ran."
He pulls away from brushing the tendril from her face she kisses his chin then turns and walks to her easel taking a rag and wipes her brush then lay it on the table and looks up at him.
     "You hungry?" She asks then giggles at the mocking expression on his face.
     "Are you kidding? We never actually eat the food at my house we just use it to decorate the table."
He laughs.
     "Come on" She smiles taking his hand and leading him inside.
     "Sit down I'll get you a plate!" She kisses his cheek then walks hastily into the kitchen. Clay walks to the table and sits watching her move gracefully around it. He loved this cabin it was comfortable and inviting making it harder and harder to leave before morning.  As soon as you walked through the door you felt at home, as if you been there for years. Unlike his own home which was stylized and as sterile as a magazine picture. She set a plate of roasted chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans in front of him then walks to the refrigerator opening the door and leaning in.
    "What do you want to drink? I have Iced tea, water or beer?" She calls over her shoulder.
    "Iced tea" He mumbles around a mouth full of food. She pours two glasses setting one in front of him then takes the seat next to his.
    "Thanks honey this is great" He smiles. "This is really good. Where'd you learn to cook like this?"
    "Hey!" She smacks at his hand playfully
    "I can cook! and you're welcome." He smiles around his food and swallows.
    "I just thought... you know" He stutters blushing slightly.
    "You grew up like I did I just assumed you had a cook like, we do." He states finishing the chicken leg in his hand then tossing the bone on the plate and licking his fingers.
    "No my Mom was always cooking something I'm amazed we aren't all huge." She rolls her eyes and laughs he chuckles along with her.
    "I don't think my Mom or Bree have ever boiled more than water on our stove." They both laugh. She loved it when he smiled he had one of those smiles that could melt her heart.
     "How was your day?"
      "My day was great out there on the mountain with Bill doing what we do, then I got home." He says between mouthfuls. Felicia smiles reaching out and taking his hand in hers.
      "I'm sorry." She give his hand a gentle squeeze her lower lip poked out in a pout. He leans in kissing her cheek then nuzzles her neck making her giggle.
      "Thank you darling but, you didn't do anything" She hands him the plate with bread smiling as he he mops up the gravy from the plate with a slice then stuffs it in his mouth and smacks his lips.
      "That was good!" he wipes his face then his hands on the napkin discarding it on the table when he was through.
      "I just feel bad that your father always on you for one thing or another never his golden boy" She picks up his plate then stands taking it to the sink and turns on the water. He walks behind reaching around her and rinsing his hands under the spigot nuzzling the nape of her neck as he does.
     "For a change he was all over Jake and I have your brother to thank." Felicia place the plate in the rack then turns off the tap drying her hands as she walks back towards the table then hands the towel to him her mouth twisted in worry as he hands it back then sits in the chair. .
     "What about my brother?" She looks down at the towel not sure she wanted to hear the answer or see the expression on his face. Clay reaches out takes her hand and pulls her on to his lap kissing her gently.
     " Nothing bad really. Ol 'Jay just found out your brother bought that old mill of your Dad's and turned it into some thecno whatever." He laughs. Felicia pulls away from him looking down into his face searching for any signs of anger or resentment.
     "You're not mad I didn't tell you are you? It's just that Chase is my brother and..." Jake holds a finger to her lips silencing her excuse.
     "Honey I'm not mad that's your family I get it, people have a right to make a living despite what my Dad thinks" He shrugs
     "Besides we said a long time ago this about you and me. The rest of them be damned! Heck I'm kind of glad" He grins devilishly making her smile.
    "Why?" She giggles as his hand slides under her blouse unsnapping the hooks of her bra.
    "Cause Jake," He says kissing her as his hand deftly undoes the button of her blouse.
    "My Dad" He says kissing the hollow of her throat following the path of her buttons. "and your brother" He kisses the hollow between her breast pulling the sleeve down off her shoulder and kisses her neck sending an instant shiver through her core. "are going to be so focused on each other" He stands lifting her up with him and laying her down on the couch.
      "I have a bedroom you know" She laughs. He kisses her pulling at the buttons of his jeans at the same time
      "I can't wait that long," He kneels above her shouldering out of his shirt exposing his lean muscular chest. He reaches down pulling the edges of her blouse away exposing her breast to his hungry lips. "They're not going to have time to worry about you and me." He says his mouth coming down to take hers in a all consuming kiss blocking out any thoughts of anyone else but the two of them.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

"Dinner at Eight"

        Jacob Stockton paces the space behind his large cherrywood desk growling into the phone.
"So he's the one that owns it now?....Why am I just finding out today?....I should have known about this months ago! Months! Before he laid the first God dam brick!...From what I've heard that son of a bitch will be fully operational in weeks!.....I'm not in the mood for you pitiful excuses... Yeah you get on it....I don't care if you don't sleep for the rest of your life! You had better have figured out a way to stop him or you're out of a job you understand me?" He barks slamming the phone onto the cradle.            He stops his pacing and stands in front of the open window in his home office breathing deeply to calm himself  the smell of fresh cut pine on the breeze relaxing him instantly. He'd always loved that smell there was nothing like it in the world. It reminded him of his grandfather and his childhood the stories of the work, sweat and blood that went into building this place. Days spent wandering the woods learning each and every inch of the land every facet of the business till at fifteen he could run it all and had. This was his land for as far as the eye could see an empire his family had built from the ground up. This was his town his family built it he was going to keep it. He wasn't about to allow Case Van Dorn to change that! He'd put his father down and he'd put this young pup down too. No one, not Chase Van Dorn not anyone in this town was going to take that power from him.
       "Hmmm, I love that smell" Alex purrs coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist.
      "Me too, " He agrees wrapping his free arm around her pulling her close. "Kid's home?
      "Yes, Jake got in a few minutes ago he should be down for dinner in a minute."
      "Good! I need to talk to him he and Clay both" Alex lets go sighing heavily and walks a few paces away shaking her head.
       "God Jay can't whatever it is wait till later? Can't we get through one meal in this house without it erupting in anarchy?" She snaps turning around to face him. He stares at her a moment then sighs and smiles.
     "You're right. I'm sorry" He goes to her taking her hand in his. " I promise you I'll be on my best behavior"
      "Thank you, now lets go" She says pulling him out the door toward the dining-room. "I had the cook make all your favorites!" She smiles watching him out he corner of her eye as they walk.
      "Why what's the occasion? He looks over at her smiling holding back a laugh.
      "Does there has to be a reason?" She squeezes his arm playfully.
      "When you have "Cook" make all my favorites there's always a reason" He laughs.
      "I just wanted to show you how much I love you" She hesitates worry edging her voice. " and tell you Wellington Swift is back in town." Jay stops in his tracks and leans closer lowering his voice.
     "Does Lesley know?" Alex hesitates a moment biting the inside of her lip.
     "That's how I found out" She confesses surprised by his calm response.
     "How longs he been home?" He asks as they enter the dining-room.
     "He got back this afternoon Lesley saw him getting out of the car in front of his father's" She replies taking the chair he held out for her.
     "Guess I'll be giving Ol' Ed a call later." He says taking his chair as Lesley comes in and takes her seat at the the table.
     "Talk to Ol' Ed about what?" She looks from her father to her mother then back their worried looks giving them away instantly.
     "Just some town business I need to clear up." Jay remarks trying to sound casual as he heaps food onto his plate. Lesley smirks knowing exactly what that call would pertain to.
     "That business wouldn't have to do with Wellington being back in town would it?" Her mother eyes fly to her father's the two looking panic stricken making her laugh.
      "Oh and you made all Daddy's favorites to soften the blow." She laughs. "You two look like deer in the headlights! You don't have to worry about me I have no intention of seeing him" Taking the plate being handed to her by her father who nods in approval.
      "Good glad to hear. With everything else going on that's the last thing I need!" Glaring at Jake as he comes in the room followed by his brother and sits down.
      "All what going on?" He says shaking out his napkin and placing it in his lap. Jay glares for one son to the other then stabs at his food.
      "I promised your mother we would have a pleasant dinner" Grumbling as he shoves a forkful of food in his mouth. Jake glares at him. He had enough going on without this BS.
      "You brought up Dad say what's on your mind! You know If you're going to let me run company then let me run it! This checking behind me all the time is ridiculous!" He snarls throwing his napkin on the table." What were you checking on today Dad?" He growls. Jacobs glares back as he methodically wipes his mouth. Lesley looks from her brother to her father knowing exactly where they were headed and pushes back from the table tossing her napkin on top.
     "I'm out! I'll see you all later maybe. A pleasure as always mother." She smirks, laughing as she glides out the room. Alex glares at her remaining family her mouth twisted in anger and beyond words as she pushes from the table grabs the bottle of wine and storms from the room. Jay watches her leave knowing there would be hell to pay later. He lets out a heavy sigh then stands reaches for the bottle of bourbon on the server and fills his water glass. Jake sits up in his chair his eyes challenging.
     "Are you going to spit it out or what?" He slouches back in his chair arm looped around the back. The furrows in Jay's brow deepen his voice a deadly whisper.
     " You two listen to me and you listen good. While you were asleep at the the wheel Chase Van Dorn bought the old steel mill and has converted it into a semiconductor and printed circuit board manufacturing plant!" Jake stares at him wide eyed. "I thought some big New York Company bought that property." Jay eyes narrow his lips turning into slits.
      "He is the big New York Company dumb ass! Had you done what I told you this wouldn't have happened!" He bellows causing the crystal on the table vibrate. Clay smirks at both of them enjoying his brother being the one in the hot seat for change then rises from his seat.
     "If you'll excuse me I have some place to be." Jay stands slamming his fist on the table.
     "Where the hell are you going? Sit down!" He barks. Clay turns back to face them unperturbed.
     "This has nothing to do with me. My job is to get the lumber from the mountain to the mill! All this corporate crap is between you two." He states flatly ignoring his father's yelling as he turns to leave.
          "There won't be any lumber if Chase Van Dorn has his way!" Jay grinds out then takes a big gulp of his drink.
         "And I'm positive between the two of you you'll make sure that doesn't happen"Clay turns and walks out the door leaving his father and brother staring after him as Jake finally finds his voice.
        "Forget him! He's useless anyway! I don't understand why you're so hot and bothered? What he's doing on no level competes with us." Jay just stares at him his face white with rage.
       "Get this through your thick head! What he's doing will puts him in a position of power! That weakens the power we have! Get it now?" He says slamming his glass down on the table. "Now you get on that phone call that little flunky of yours and you figure out a way to stop him you hear me! Cause if I have to do it,"  He pauses and drains his glass then leans down towards his son their noses almost touching. "you're out on your ass!" He he grinds out before stomping from the room leaving Jake alone both angry and frightened.
"Harbinger Falls' Copyright 2014