Saturday, January 30, 2016

"Just Yesterday"


           Felicia stares down at the test in her hand. Exactly what she had expected she was pregnant. Clay would be over the moon when she told him she wasn't quiet so sure how she felt. A part of her loved the idea it was something she and Clay had always talked about in their future but she wasn't sure if this was the right time for them. They hadn't really lived together that long. Sure, Clay spent more nights here than home before he officially moved in but, it wasn't the same as living together. They were just really starting to know each other and be comfortable actually living with each other. Despite the fact she had come home one day and he had just moved in she had never been happier but, something about his sudden change of heart still bothered her. Yes he hated living in Jay's house and could have moved out whenever he wanted . He'd fought with his father many times. She knew he loved her and wanted to live with her he'd said as much and she had been asking him for years so why that day? What had Jay said that day that had pushed him out the door? He had refused to tell her and his refusal had only made her more curious. It wasn't just Jay it was also with everything going on with their families, the abruptness that Clay had moved in with her there seemed to be more they needed to address and a baby could complicate things. A baby would complicate things.
          God! Just yesterday they were talking about getting married now they had skipped an entire step and were going to be parents, but were they ready to be parents ? Was she ready for it to be more than just she and Clay? She was enjoying the time it was just the two of them free to come and go as they pleased when they pleased was she ready to give that all up? The question seemed more than a moot point she was pregnant so any of her questions were pointless if they weren't ready they would have to be when the time came.
          Felicia walks to the window and looks out scanning the empty street for Clay's truck. He would be home any minute now and she debated whether to tell him as soon as he came in or wait. Wait for what? No matter when she told it wouldn't change the facts she was pregnant and Clay would be jumping off the ceiling or would he be angry and feel she'd set out to trap him? No, Clay knew better than that and so did she the problem wasn't Clay it was her. She was the one that wasn't ready ,she was the one being selfish. She enjoyed this time together. She loved it finally being just the two of them. Clay and Felicia against the world and she wasn't ready to give that up just yet. She wanted more time.
          They needed more time to lie in each others arms at dawn and dream about the future more time to walk the woods behind the house in the twilight , more time for early morning fishing, more time to be just Clay and Felicia. She wasn't ready for them to be Mom and Dad. She wasn't ready ! Her mind screamed again only to be answered by her heart saying it didn't matter what she thought or how she felt it was too late that time was gone forever just another thread in the tapestry of their life. She was going to be someones Mom and Clay a Dad even though she wasn't ready for it to end and she also wasn't ready to tell Clay. She needed more time to rectify it in her own mind before telling him. She needed them to be just Clay and Felicia for a little bit longer.
          She moves away from the window and walks back into the bathroom picking up the test stares at it a moment then wraps all the contents up in the paper bag walks quickly out to the living room and shoves it to the bottom of her purse. She'd dispose of it when she got to work. She walks back into the kitchen lifting the heavy lid off the pot and absently stirs her thoughts still on the packaging in her purse as Clay walks in the backdoor.
          "Hey beautiful" He smiles setting his lunch pail on the counter before taking her in his arms and kissing her.
          "Hi ya handsome. Want a taste?" She smiles holding the spoon up to his lips.
          "That's really, really good!" He licks his lips and smiles as he walks to the sink and washes his hands and face.
          "Thank you" Felicia smiles back her heart fluttering at the look of pure happiness on his face. She hands him a towel eyeing suspiciously as she returns to the stove.
          " You're in a good mood." She says tapping the spoon on the side of the pot then placing the lid back and turning towards him his smile broadening at the curious arch of her brow.
          "Well I officially became an uncle today!." He laughs at her wide eyed startled expression.
          "Oh my God! Toni's pregnant?" She squeals jumping in place clapping her hands. Clay laughs shaking his head.
          "Nope." He grins shaking his head chuckling harder at her confused expression. Felicia's eyes open wider her her jaw dropping lower as she gasps.
          "Chase and Erin?" She squeals her hands in prayer eyes pleading making Clay laugh harder.
          "Not even close." He coughs out between bouts of laughter while Felicia does a frustrated dance her fists curled in the air her eyes pinched together. Felicia swats at him playfully then whines.
          "Clay! It's not funny just tell me! You know I hate when you play guessing games!" Clay takes a moment to catch his breath from the bout of laughter and wraps his arms around her.
          "Okay, okay, but you look so cute when you throw a hissy-fit." He laughs again kissing her forehead.

          "My sister and Wellington had a son who my sister hid from everyone including Wellington up until four days ago when the little guy got really sick and she had to tell him." He says shrugging his shoulders sounding matter of fact as Felicia struggles to digest his words.
         "Is the baby okay?" She stammers her voice filled with concern. Clay smiles kisses the top of her head then releases her reaching for his phone as he speaks. 
          "He's great from what I'm told back to his old self here's I have picture." He teases waving the phone in front of her.
            " Pictures!" she yelps snatching the phone from his grasp and slowly flipping through them. Cooing and "Ahhing" over each photo.
            "Ooo he's adorable Clay! Nawww!" She sighs coming to the picture of Clay and his nephew. 
             "Look at the two of you! He looks like you." She says turning to Clay and examines his face. 
              " You think so?" He asks preening proudly making Felicia giggle.
              "Yeah, I do. So what did Jay have to say when they told him? she says handing him back his phone and walking back to her pot and stirring watching him over her shoulder. 
             "Nothing we haven't told him yet and we all agreed to wait till after tomorrow." He says reaching into the refrigerator and pulling out a bottle of beer and opening it flipping the cap into the sink. Felicia turns away from the stove and reaches for the plates in the cabinet and lays them out on the table as she talks.
            "What's happening tomorrow?" Clay smirks as sets his bottle on the counter and reaches for the tableware in the drawer following behind her setting a set at each plate. 
             "Tomorrow's the big vote and contact signing nobody wanted everything Jake's been working on to blow up in his face." Felicia glance up at him surprised as she scoops food on to the plates.
             "That was nice of them I guess. I'm just surprised he doesn't know already." Clay shrugs as he takes the pot from her and places it back on the stove.
             " You know Lesley when she want's something she doesn't play around she was able to keep her son a secret for a couple of years I think she can keep it going for a few more hours. Besides I don't think my brother is going to get in the way of his semi shinning moment knowing my father. Anyway Jake wants us to meet them at the bar later if you're up to it." Felicia sits down at the table shaking out her napkin and placing it on her lap trying to think quickly for an excuse not to go and finding none.
           "Sure, if were not out too late I still have school tomorrow." Clay smiles taking the seat across from her as his face fills with surprise.
           "Oh and I invited everyone here Saturday for a barbecue." He says speaking quickly at Felicia's wide eyed stare and swift intake of breath. 
           "I thought it would be a nice way to welcome the little guy home. Oh and don't worry my grandmother says she'll take care of the food and the tables as long as Preston and I handle the grill because she's going to be way too busy with her Great Grandson." He says with a wink then laughs. 

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016

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