Saturday, May 21, 2016

It All Comes To This


                Jay throws the car into park then reaches into jacket pocket pulling the fifth of bourbon out holding it up to the light measuring how many swallows were left then unscrews the cap drinking half.  He looks out the car window and scowls then drinks the remains of the bottle tossing it to the floor of the car. They were all there laughing clinking glasses celebrating his destruction. Enjoy it now because it wasn't going to last. "Stockton Lumber" was his! He'd built it from from a local lumber mill into a international company. He did that no one else! He is "Stockton Lumber" If they thought he was ever going to be satisfied being a bystander think again assholes!
               They were all in on it! Every single one of them in one way or another and that VanDorn bastard was the ringleader. He'd known it as soon as he'd shown back up in town. He hadn't put all the pieces together but it was clear as new glass to him. Van Dorn was behind it all! He'd told Jake over and over and if he'd done what he told him to do from the very beginning he'd still have his company. Then again, why would he when doing what he had, made him king! Maybe Jake and that son of a bitch had plotted this every step of the way?  He'd figured out why but he still hadn't figured out all the hows. How had he gotten Jake to work with him? How had he gotten them all to side with him? How had he convinced Alex of all people to go along with him? She hated him and his mother maybe he hadn't figured out all the why's but today he was going to get his answers he smiles to himself patting the gun in his pocket then existing the car.
               Gavin looks around the party enjoying the festivities and remembering happy times of long ago then tosses the horseshoe toward the pit making the stake ring. Donovan and Ben laugh uproariously their team now leading.
               "For a guy who says he never played before you're pretty good at this!" Donovan boast slapping Gavin on the back as they retrieve the horseshoes. Gavin laughs as he bends to pick up the shoes.
               "No, I said it had been a long time since I've played." He laughs as Donvan grins and shakes his head.
               "Well I don't see where you let any dust collect on you. Okay it's your turn Jake!" Donovan calls out across the lawn to Jake and the Van Dorn's laughing and joking with Bill and Ben. Gavin follows Donovan's glance feeling a quiver of guilt knowing he'd be the cause of the next round of fireworks to rock his family. If nothing else they had this one day.
                " So are you having a good time?" Gavin nods his head.
                  "Nicest afternoon I've had in a very long time. Thank you for having me." He laughs picking the horseshoes and walking back toward the crowd of men.
                Alex watches Gavin talking to her father unable to not watch him on and off since he arrived. There was just something about him the inflection of his voice when he said her name the glimmer of something she couldn't yet put her finger on in his eyes. It was just something about him reminded her of someone. Something about his eyes.
                "Who does he remind you of?" She turns towards Emma asking the question that had been gnawing at her for hours. Emma turns her head looking over at the men playing horseshoes and shakes her head.
                " I don't know I've been trying to think of it all day." Theresa stares across the field smiling whimsically  her voice far away.
                " Reminds me of Rowdy." The words slipping from her lips sending a cold shiver through Alex. That's who it was! That explained the uneasiness she felt about him. The haunting sound of his voice the nightmares ever since she'd met him. Now it made sense he'd reminded her of a dark past she'd tried for years to forget. This Gavin had bought it all back today putting a cloud of foreboding on it with his arrival. She kept feeling like another bomb was waiting to drop and she didn't know why.
                Theresa watches her sister from the corner of her eye as the emotion played out across her face as they always did whenever Rowdy's name was mentioned. She'd always thought it was because she had shared her pain at his loss but today she noticed something else there and it started when Gavin arrived something she hadn't seen for a long time guilt. She could never figure out what she would have to feel guilty about. She'd asked her a couple of times over the years when the subject had come up and she'd gotten that "look" what was it was all about? Alex had told her "she'd just wished things had turned out differently was all" and she had always let it go at that. Somehow though in the back of her mind she knew there was more. She just never wanted to know how much more. Sometimes she'd even thought she had some secret affair with Rowdy. Then had laughed at the absurdity of the thought. Maybe today was a good day to find out.
                "Alex, I've been meaning to..." Theresa's voice trails off as indiscernible shouts can be heard coming from the road attracting everyone's attention.
                "Surprise! Surprise did you really think you could have a party without Ol Jay did you?" Jay shouts drunkenly swaying slightly as he crisscrosses a path toward the tables.
                "Just isn't a party without me!" He shouts again stopping his jagged stroll and looking around at all the faces staring back at him. Jake looks to Clay as they both move closer to their father blocking his path.
                "And look everyone is here! Everyone but me was invited! Including a complete stranger! Everyone celebrating the fall of Jay Stockton." Jay glares over at Gavin standing next to his father in law. Clay stares back a Jay annoyed and disgusted by his father and his comment.
                " Did you check your voicemail Dad? I left you at least three messages. Did you bother to listen to any of them?"
                " Nahh, been too busy son. Putting all the pieces together." He winks tapping his forehead.  Clay looks from Jake who shrugs back to his father looking confused.
                "What pieces?" Jake asks the crowd growing quite as Jay smiles his eyes growing wide.
                "You didn't think I'd figure it all out did you? But I did! I sure did!" Donovan and Ben move closer and stand next to Jay's sons both unsure of the peculiar flow the conversation was taking.
                "You're drunk Jay! Why don't you go home and sleep it off?" Donovan says waving his hand dismissively and turning towards his grandson's.
                "Come on boys let's get back to our game." He says turning his back to Jay and heading back toward the horseshoe pits. Turning back as Jay shouts again.
                "Games over old man and I hold all the cards!" He growls pointing from Jake then to Clay.                  "Theses two and that bitch they call a mother all worked with Van Dorn to take my company! So this ungrateful little bastard could take my place." His eyes narrowing.
                  "What I can't figure out is the why?" He looks from Clay to Jake his expression pained almost to tears.
                "Why would you side with that bastard against your own flesh and blood?" Jake edges a little closer nodding to Clay.
                "Dad what are you talking about?" Jay stares at him a moment then pulls himself erect his focus back.
                "You all know damned well what I'm talking about! You, that piece of shit over there, his Daddy! You were all in on it! It was payback Jay time!" Clay steps to the right of Jay hoping to tackle him to the ground as Jake speaks to him trying to calm him.
                "Dad, none of that had anything to do with them! Everything that happens isn't some Van Dorn conspiracy." He pleads looking from his frightened mother to a visibly shaken Clay back to his father.
                "You have all of them here and you expect me to believe this isn't all of you finally triumphing over big bad Jay Stockton? Come out here Van Dorn! Come out where I can see you!" He yells visually checking the onlookers as he speaks.
                " Still hiding behind your woman?" He laughs bitterly his eyes boring through Sharron searching behind her for Hank and her son.
                "I'm right here Stockton and we have nothing to hide!" Hank yells back across the lawn Chase by his side. Jay grunts out a laugh looking from one to the other.
                "Not anymore you don't! I've turned over all the rocks you have nothing left to hide!" Hank shakes his head trying not to let his anger feed the moment.
                "Maybe you should have left the rocks and looked at was right in front of you! Get it through your thick skull! Everything that happened to you was because of you! We had nothing to do with it!" Jay laughs again his focus unchanged.
                "I'm going to do what I should have done a long time ago!" He says pulling the gun from his pocket and pointing it at Chase. Gavin watches for a moment and steps out from the crowd. Pulling Jay's focus to him as he speaks walking between the gun barrel and Chase.
                " Put the gun down Stockton!" Jay's attetion snap to Gavin his voice a deep growl.
                "Stay out of this Blackwood! It's none of your business! This is between me and Van Dorn it always has been." Gavin's lips twist into into an evil grin.
                "That's only half true laddy. This is my business you and Alex made it my business. It started twenty five years ago." Jay stares at Gavin confused his mind instantly going over the last twenty five years his memory coming back empty.
                " What the hell are you talking about I met you a few months ago." Gavin's grin broadens looking more menacing by the moment sending another quiver of fear down Alex's spine.
                " Oh yes you have and you knew me well. Think back to a night when you came home found a man in your wife's bedroom. One of the few friends you had. He pleaded with you he was begging you to take five seconds to just hear him out. Instead you believed your woman's lies and tore a man away from his family! You stole his life. You let your childish jealousy blind you to the truth then and you're doing the same thing now! This boy and his father had nothing to do with what happened to you. They aren't the people to blame. If you want to blame someone blame your wife! It was her petty jealousy and need for revenge. It was her hatred and need to protect her lie that caused all of this!" Gavin glares at Alex her face white with fear as all his hidden anger and contempt in full display. He looks back at a confused Jay his eyes starting to brighten with recollection.
                " Why don't you ask her now why he was really there Jay? Why she so easily went along with disposing of him? Why did she make sure the two of you would never speak again? Ask yourself in all the time you knew him why would he choose that night to rape your wife knowing full well what time you got home? Did you ever wonder what it was he was trying to tell you? What he was begging her to tell you? Why don't you ask her now boy'o?" He finishes all eyes turning toward Alex who stands gripped with fear unable to utter a word.
                "Who the hell are you?" Jay turns toward Gavin his gun now drawn.
                "You're not going to get your answers that way!" Gavin laughs.
                "Who the hell are you?" Jay demands again pointing the gun at Gavin's chest.
                "Put the gun down and I'll tell you everything you want to know and then some."
                "Tell me now or I'm going to blow this son of a bitches head off!" Jay growls pointing the gun back at Chase. Gavin calmly turns his demonic grin toward Alex who stares at the scene unfolding before her frozen in panic not sure where to turn.
                " My God woman! You would let him shoot this man rather than have anyone learn the truth? Tell him" He shouts making her wince in terror.
                 "Jay I...I was..." Her voice trailing off leaving only her whimper. Gavin shakes his head in disgust and turns his attention back to Jay.
                 "If you're not I'm going to finally tell him what you kept me from saying all those years ago. I'm going to tell them the whole of it and this time you're not going to stop me." Jay stares at Alex who silently moves her mouth but unable to form the words. Jay's arm drops down at his side the gun dangling in his hand.
                "I came to you and begged you to listen to me and you! You nearly beat me to death!" Jay's eyes open wide his mouth agape.
                 "No, it can't be" Gavin nods his head.
                 "That's right now it's starting to make sense." Gavin laughs stealing a look at a nearly hysterical Alex.
                 "It's your old pal. The one you tried to silence by throwing me in some Asian dung heap. You took me from my wife and my children! You let them think I was dead! All to protect your wife's virtue. What a joke! There was never any attempted rape! It was just another one of your woman's lies to keep you from knowing the truth!" He grinds out turning back to Alex.
                 "So desperate to stay on your throne. She destroyed her sister's life and the lives of our children! To keep your secret! You left them without a father!" Alex grasps the back of the chair struggling to maintain her balance as Gavin turns back to Jay.
                  "And she did it all just to hold on to you! The egotistical philandering piece of shit that you are! So desperate is she to still hold on to you, without batting an eye your wife was going to let you kill your own son! And she always known it! She was always afraid if you knew you'd leave. Just like she knew the night before your wedding you were planning to leave her! Just like a moment ago, twenty five years ago I tried to get her to tell you. When she wouldn't I tried to tell you. You remember now! Do you remember your old friend Rowdy now brother?" Gavin laughs triumphantly as the rest stand in shocked silence. Alex turns to look at her sister behind her, her face a mask of stone her eyes held the cold look of death. One by one as comprehension of what she and Jay had done comes to each they turn their death wielding gaze on her it's deadly blade of rejection and scorn slicing through her. She turns and looks at Jay who stares at her expectantly waiting for her response and receiving none. She looks around her again at the shocked and disgusted faces all glaring at her then back to Gavin mocking grin.  He did this! He was destroying her life like he'd tried to do all those years ago. What life? She'd have no life after today. She stares at the gun dangling from Jay's hand and forgotten at his side. She sprints to Jay and grabs at his gun causing him to jerk his hand firing off a single shot as he tosses her to the ground the gun falling a few feet away from the two. Donovan grabs the gun empties the bullets and hands them both to Ben.
                 "My... son? You knew and you..." Jay stutters staring down at Alex prone and sobbing.
                 "Clay?" Felicia calls weakly as he turns to see her palm smeared with blood before collapsing to the grass.      

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Some Time To Catch Up


            " Here you go Pres" Clay says offering Preston a can of beer then opening his own. Preston reaches for it rubbing the cold can across his forehead then opening it and taking a sip. 
            " Thanks man! These are done." He says placing the burgers on the platter then handing it to Clay who places them on the table. 
             "Thank you for helping me with all of this. I couldn't have done any of this without you." Preston grins then tosses more hamburgers on the grill.
          "I'm glad to help. Gave us some time to catch up" He says chugging down the remainder of the contents then crushing the can and throwing it into the waste can. 
           "I think this is a big success. Everyone seems to be getting along for a  change. It's nice to see." He turns back toward the grill flipping the sizzling burgers over. 
           "Yes it is!" Peggy smiles giving each a quick hug. 
           " I want to thank you boys for putting this all together. I never thought I would live to see this day." True happiness showing on her face as she looks around at all the laughing and smiling faces. Clay wraps his arm around his grandmother shoulder.
            "I never thought I'd ever see my mother and mother in law ever have a pleasant moment" He chuckles making Peggy laugh. 
             "Me either! You and Preston worked a miracle today." She says wrapping her arm around Preston waist and giving him a squeeze.
              "Nahh Aunt Peg this was all Clay all I did  was flip a few burgers." 
              "You did more than flipping a few burgers and I'm very proud of both of you." She says kissing Preston's cheek and then Clay's.
               "Listen I'm going to go back over to the table and spend some more time with my great grandson and I want you boys to finish up here and have some fun yourselves understand?" 
              "Yes ma'am" They both say in unison. Peggy pats them both on the shoulders then walks back to the crowded table as Jake walks out of the house carrying a case of beer and begins to stick them inside the tub of ice on the ground next to the table.   
"You may want to turn that one Bro oh, and you might want to take that one off." Jake teases a playful smirk playing on his lips.  
           "Since you know so much I'd be more than happy to let you take over." Clay laughs flipping the steak over and shifting the other one then offers him the tongs.
             "Nah, you're better at this than I am. Especially since you spent the most time in Grandma's kitchen." Jake laughs giving his brother a playful nudge in the ribs. Then looks across the lawn his eye spotting a unfamiliar face and frowns as he turns back towards his brother.
             "You know that guy?" He asks pointing behind Jake with the tongs.
             "Yeah, that's Gavin Blackwood the guy we just signed the contract with. I'll be right back." He says slapping Clay on the back then jogging across the lawn to greet him. 
             "Hey! You made it!" Coming towards him hand extended grinning from ear to ear. Gavin takes it shaking it quickly.
             "Thanks for inviting me. This is quiet a place you have here." He says looking out at the breathtaking view. Jake smiles.
             "Thanks but, this is my soon to be sister in laws place. I live closer to town this is way too quiet for me." He says with a chuckle.
             "Come on I'll introduce you to everyone." He says walking him into the party.
             "I have a gift for the little one." Gavin says holding up the gift bag in his hand. Jake smile broadens.
              "Just follow me the man of the hour is right over here!" He says leading him toward the crowd of tables laughing and talking as they go.
               "Who is THAT?" Victoria whispers sliding her sunglasses down her nose and watching Gavin intently as he walks across the yard. Toni looks up and laughs at her sister practically drooling.
               "You need to get your face out of your textbooks more. That little sister is Gavin Blackwood but I didn't think you were into the older guy crowd." She teases handing her a can of beer as she sit down beside her.
               "I'm not but you have to admit he's pretty hot for an old guy. " She giggles      
                "I have to go along with Vicky he's hot." Felicia laughs along with her cousins.
                "And I thought you were all about Clay?" Toni teases nudging Felicia playfully enjoying the sudden blush on her cheeks. 
                "You know I'm always about my Clay but right now I'm all about the bathroom." She jokes rising from the table and walking towards the house. Vicky's eyes following after her, her curiosity peaked.  
                "Is she okay?" This is like the third time she's gone to the bathroom." Toni smiles and shakes her head thinking up a quick lie not wanting to ruin her cousin's surprise. 
                "Yeah, she's fine. She told me earlier she had little urinary infection." She says whispering the last part finishing with a dismissive wave of her hand. She looks around quickly for another topic spotting Desi and Michael standing off to the side laughing flirtatiously.
                "What's going on over there?" She asks nodding her head toward the two. Vicky smile fills with mischief as she takes a covert look at a brooding Stephanie.  
                 " Not sure but I think a lot more than they will admit since they've been playing that cat and mouse game for a couple of weeks now." Stephanie glances over at the two her brow drawn together a pang of jealousy shooting through her. She'd always imagined it would be her and Michael by now, not her cousin! As per usual things just always fell into place for Desi. A thing she both loved and hated about her. 
                 " Earth to Steph?" Erin chants again.
                 "Could you hand me the diaper bag please?" Stephanie glares back at her reaching for the bag on the bench next to her and shoving it at her.
                 "Here!" Stephanie rises unable to watch them any longer.
                 "Anyone else want a beer?"  She walks toward the serving table not waiting for a response from anyone making Vicky smother a laugh. 
                 "Wonder what the heck that was all about?" Erin mutters watching after her sister a moment then walks to the other end of the table and hands the bag to Lesley. Vicky smothers another giggle knowing full well what was annoying Stephanie. She was still crushing on Michael and had been since high school. Michael on the other hand had never taken her out of the friend box because he was too busy crushing on Desi. For Desi's part his bad boy image and persona had always gotten in the way of Desi's "Good Girl" ethics. They were like a weird Betty and Veronica triangle which was fine back in high school and she thought Stephanie was finally over it.  For that matter she thought they all had moved on. That all changed when Michael started working with Chase. Michael had matured had an excellent job. From Wellington and Preston's account he was really good at. As well as Desi having loosened up since then and everything wasn't just black or white any longer. Unfortunately for Stephanie she chose to ride her high school fame and popularity for as long as it took her. Granted four years of college isn't for everyone but three years of party girl had not benefited her much. Even though she'd gotten her Business Administration degree matured some and had her new job it was too little too late. Now she was kind of playing catch up with the rest of them. 
                 Sadly it looked as if she missed the Michael bus and it had splashed her with mud as it passed. Since the party at the falls when Michael had driven Desi home the two had begun to see each other in a new light. None of that was shining on Steph, who was annoyed and now jealous. What was starting to worry Vicky was to what extent Stephanie's jealousy would go? She remembered some of her antics from high school when she thought some girl crossed her and wondered if she would be willing and able to pull them on her cousin and best friend? 
                   Terry watches her daugher stomp off knowing exactly why she'd done it and hoping they'd all survive another one of her temper tantrums. Especially since she knew Desi could go with her blow for blow. Well anyway it would be interesting and Stephanie was going to be Stephanie. She was a lot like her Aunt in that way tantrums was also Alex's specialty. Of all the traits she could have inherited that was one she could live without. She could have, definitely would have benefited from her father's influence when it came to that. Unfortunately life with their father had been too short although, Erin did have more time with him than Steph and Steph barely remembered him. She wondered what he would say if he could see them both? Would he be proud of the way they'd turned out?  She'd been wondering a lot about him the past few weeks. It was as if somehow she could feel his presences like the other night at the restaurant or on the way home last night more so today. Why? She asked herself still unsure of the reason.
                   "Aunt Terry this is Gavin Blackwood Gavin this is my Aunt, Theresa Stuart" Jake says from above her She turns her head then stands smoothing the front of her skirt before extending her hand.
                   "The two women you met before my cousins Erin and Stephanie are her daughters." Jake continues noticing an undercurrent of something stirring between them.
                   "Very nice to meet you. Jake, why don't you get our guest something cool to drink?" She smiles as he holds her cool dry hand in his surprising her as an odd quiver shoots through her.
                   "Sure, we have beer or iced tea?" Jake asked feeling suddenly awkward around the two of them.
                   "A cold beer would be fine" His voice distracted Jake nods his head then walks over to the tables happy to separate himself from the two of them.     
                   "Your daughters are beautiful." Gavin smiles letting go of her hand and sliding into the empty seat beside her. Theresa looks at the the unfamiliar yet familiar stranger beside her. 
                    "Thank you Mr...umm I'm sorry?" She says knowing full well his name. She'd been watching him behind the darkness of her sunglasses as Jake walked him around. She couldn't help herself she'd felt drawn to him and from what she could tell so was he. She'd caught him a couple times looking at her. Emma had seen it too and remarked on it making her blush. She'd been hoping to speak with him without the crowd and now was her moment.
                   "Gavin Blackwood, Gavin is fine Ms ahh..." He smiles pleasantly.
                   "Theresa Stuart, you can call me Terry." She smiles back. 
                    " So are you enjoying yourself?" Gavin turns towards her a reminiscent smile playing on his lips. 
                     "Nicest afternoon I've spent in a very long time." Terry takes note of his smile deciding now would be the time to ask the question she'd been burning to know.
                      " Do you have a big family? Brothers, sisters, cousins children?"   Gavin shakes his head the reminiscent smile still on his lips. 
                       "I had a wife and children but I lost them a long time ago." He says his voice taking on a sad far away quality.
                       "I'm sorry" She says recognizing the emotions flowing across his face that mirrored her own. Gavin clears his throat his smile back.
                       "Now I spend my time working mostly. This is the first time I've done something like this in a very long time What about you?" He asks diverting the conversation back to her before the melancholy that threatened took hold of him. 
                       "Pretty much the same but I was lucky enough to have my girls." Gavin looks from Stephanie to Erin hiding his admiration.
                       "You did a wonderful job. They are both lovely young women." Theresa watches her daughters talking and laughing together Stephanie's anger having disapitated and sighs in relief. 
                      "Sometimes I worry about my youngest. She got a temper like her father and a temperament like her Aunt sometimes that makes for a bad combination." She says with a laugh then blushes.
                       "And I don't know why I'm telling you all this." Gavin laughs.
                       " I'm just easy to talk to I guess?" He chuckles making her laughs. 
                       "From what I've seen she's strong willed but sensible perhaps a little more sensitive than she lets on. But, she's also a realist and eventually comes to a logical conclusion." His accurate description of her daughter surprising and intriguing her. She reflects a second not sure what to make of his statement. How would he know something so personal about her child? Gavin continues taking his cue from her surprised expression 
                        "She reminds me of one of my brothers girls." He shrugs deciding to change the topic which was becoming a little too close to home and increasingly painful. 
                       "So besides work and worrying about your children what do you do for fun?" Terry turns towards him deciding to take a really close look at him, there was something so familiar yet so strange about him. 
                        " I keep busy with charity work. I spend time with friends and family. I have a couple of hobbies and I like to travel when I can." Gavin smiles happy for some neutral ground.
                          "My work has sent me around the world at least twice. Theses days I prefer to stay closer to home." Terry nods her head in agreement. 
                          "Where's home?" She asks hoping it wasn't some far off place and not sure why the thought saddened her. 
                          " I own some property in Pine Valley. I moved there last spring when I bought the TV Station and it was close enough for my work with Jake but I still call Scotland home. If you're ever in either place let me know. I'd love to show you what we hide from tourists." He smiles seductively making Terry blush.
                           "I actually get to Pine Valley quite often one of my favorite places to shop." She smiles back enjoying the direction their conversation had taken. It had been a long time since she'd found anyone one remotely interesting and this Mr. Blackwood was absolutely fascinating.   
                          " Let me know the next time you're coming I would love to take you out for dinner, show you a bit of Pine Valley's nightlife." He says standing as Jake comes back towards them carrying two dripping bottles of beer in his hand. Terry smiles sweetly standing and extending her hand to him again.
                           "I'll be sure to do that." She says shaking his hand as Jake rejoins them handing one of the bottles to Gavin.
                           "If you can excuse us Aunt Terry I want to introduce Gavin to Grandpa and Uncle Ben." He says looking from one to the other wondering what exactly transpired in his absence.
                        "Sure, I'll see you both later. It was a pleasure meeting you Gavin." She smiles as he lifts her hand to his lips and kisses. it.
                          "I look forward to it" He says with a wink then follows beside Jake who leads him towards the horseshoe pits. Terry watches as the two walk off thinking to herself that she really had to get to Pine Valley more often. In fact she really needed to stop in Toni's store and tighten up her spring wardrobe and definitely take Gavin Blackwood up on that dinner invitation.                    

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016

Saturday, March 26, 2016

"We'll Deal With That Too"


                     Sharron places the last of her pies on the cooling rack and hangs her ovenmits back on the hook next to the oven. She walks to her pad checking off the last one on her list. She'd made eight pies including a special strawberry-rhubarb one for Ben Davidson.
                     "Smells good in here" Hank calls entering the kitchen and sniffing at the air making his wife laugh. He encircles her waist giving her cheek a quick kiss then inspects the pies on the counter.
                      "Yeah I just finished the last one. I ahh put your favorite in the cake dish over there." She points with her pencil toward the glass dish on the counter.
                       "Ahh I knew there was a reason I loved you!" He walks to the cabinet pulls down a plate chatting as he serves himself.
                     " From the look of things I guess you've been baking all morning?" Sharron reaches for the box gingerly placing a pie inside.
                     "I promised Felicia and Clay I'd bake them for today. Did you finish up the rest of your work with Chase and his company?"
                      "Yes ma'am he's all on his own from this day forward."  Hank places a glass next his plate then sits at the table.
                      "So we're really going to this thing?" He sighs no longer ignoring the the unspoken subject hanging between them. He still wished he could be anywhere else today. The thought of spending any amount of time with Jay or his wife gnawed in the pit of his stomach. He wasn't sure if he could be cordial with either one no matter what his daughter and Clay wanted. Especially if he was up to his usual antics in which case he couldn't guarantee what he would do. He had to keep reminding himself this was supposed to be a peaceful family event. He had to stop looking for demons behind every corner. There wasn't anything that Jay or Alex could do to them now. Especially not without incriminating themselves.  Maybe Felicia and Clay were right they all deserved a moment to unwind.
                     " I know what you're thinking Hank and it's going to be fine. Jay's off somewhere licking his wounds. And, aren't you the one that's been telling me Jay Stockton couldn't hurt us anymore?" She smirkes  shifting the box to the dining room table.  
                     "Old habits die hard" He mumbles around a mouthful of pie making her smile.
                     "I know what you mean. You keep waiting for the encore. Look honey we did what we had to do. We have a right to live our lives. All we did was make sure our family is protected. We had nothing to do with what happened with Jay. That's all Marjorie's business and that's all it was business." She shrugs finishing boxing the last of the cooled pies and sits down at the table across from him. Hank nods in agreement. Whatever, and however Marjorie finally took down Jay was her business. He knew she was working with someone but he wasn't sure whom and he didn't want to know. He'd stayed out of that part of it and his sons business had nothing to do with Jay's problems.                        He also knew Jay and he could feel the danger the stench of him was palatable. For now he was off licking his wounds like a feral dog. He knew he'd be back more cautious and deadlier than ever. Sharron watches the worry cross his face she reaches out holding his hand in hers.
                     "Stop worrying Hank. We can't live our lives in fear and we can't worry every single moment of the day anymore. Whatever happens will happen no matter what we do. I can't sit around worrying about Jay or Alex Stockton anymore. And maybe just maybe today will be the start of something new and maybe we can all just build on that. I for one plan to enjoy my life and I'm going to try and enjoy today and you should at least try too."
                       "What if in all this love festival Alex decides to unburden herself?" Sharron looks at him and shrugs.
                     "Then we'll deal with that too. Come on we both knew eventually it would and like we've always said we'd deal with it when it happens. Just let it go for one day?" She asked giving his hand a squeeze then moves back to the counter.   Leaving Hank deep in thought for a moment as she went about her chore.        
                     "I didn't see Michael's car in the driveway when I came in." Hank says rising from the table and walking to the sink.
                      "You know Micheal these days. When he's not at work he over at "Rowdy's" She smiles to herself leaving out Desiree Davidson being his main focal point knowing the intrigue would push thoughts of Jay from his mind. Hank finishes washing the plate placing it in the rack looking confused.
                       "What is it about "Rowdy's" all of a sudden?" Sharron giggles.
                       "Felicia needed him to pick some stuff up from Peggy and run it over to her. But I don't think it's so much as a what as it is a whom."
                       Stephanie stops to adjust the crate of canisters leaning them against the step for a moment. She looks up when she hears an engine immediately tucking herself behind the hygendra where she could have a good view as she hears Michael's car come to a stop along the curb in front of Desi's house.
                       " Here you are Madame." He laughs putting the car in park and turning towards her. Desi smiles shyly not sure what to do next. Trying not to feel his closeness as she rifles through her bag checking her books and trying to ignore the devilish grin on his face and her growing attraction.
                       "Thanks for helping out I really appreciate it." Michael grins devilishly knowing exactly what she was doing.
                        " No problem besides when my sister asks you to do something you really don't have a choice." He winks and laughs.
                        "So I guess you're going to run in and study now "Nerd Girl"? He teases making her blush. Her eyes wide.
                        "Hey! I'm not a nerd I'm just responsible and conscientious!" She says shoving his arm playfully making him laugh.
                         " Nerd girl can't you give me just five minutes before you run off to nerdome. " He teases again.
                        "Five minutes to do what?" Her voice tentative not sure if what was on her mind was the same as his.
                       "I don't know maybe talk? I just spent the morning playing caterer and then drove you home. The least you could do is talk to me for five minutes. Five minutes that's all I want. Then I let you go get your word fix." He asks.
                       "Okay what do you want to talk about?"
                       " Nothing really just a couple of minutes to chat a little get to know you when you aren't barking orders at me." He smirks making her laugh.
                        " You mean like what's my favorite color. Purple or my favorite animal?" She mocks and rolls her eyes.
                        "Wolves, yeah I already know that stuff." He chuckles enjoying her look of surprise. He leans his head back against the headrest.                      
                        "Okay if you could go back to high school what would you change?" Desi thinks a minute focusing on her semi nerd existence. They'd all hung out with the same people back then. Mainly because of Steph and Vicky otherwise she probably would have spent the entire time studying. When she did go out she never drank or smoked with them but she was cool if they did Everyone seemed to accept that. She wasn't a rat or anything but with her parents it was never a consideration they always seemed to know. Especially with Steph doing enough damage for the both of them. Maybe she should have been less uptight maybe she wouldn't feel sometimes like she'd missed out. Lord knew there were enough times when everything was going on she had been tempted.
                        "I wouldn't have been such a nerd. Maybe I would have been more dangerous maybe drank at a couple of parties, tagged that spot under the bridge that night with you guys, broke into the town pool after graduation with everyone you know, that kind of thing. Michael smiles shaking his head chuckling deeply.
                         " No, I'm glad you were the way you were still are basically straight edge focused. You knew exactly what you wanted and you went for it. You never let anyone pressure you into doing anything you didn't want to. I always admired that about you. You kept me from doing lots of damage a few times you just don't know. Don't ever change." His tone surprisingly earnest making her heart flutter and her cheeks flush leaving her with an odd feeling of vulnerability.
                         "Do you mean that?" She asks unsure she wanted an answer.
                         " I don't say things I don't mean." Desi chuckles crossing her arms across her chest.
                         " Yeah, like nerd girl." She accuses with a laugh making him blush and chuckle.
                          "Yep, oh and you just admitted you're a nerd" He laughs again
                         " I like you Desi. I've liked you just the way you are for a while now." Taking her hand in his and moving closer. Sending a shiver through her.
                           " Even though you won't admit it you've always liked me too." He says leaning in and kissing her gently. Then again his body responding instantly when her lips become more demanding taking him off guard tempting him almost beyond his willingness to control himself.
                            Desi felt wanton and desperate for more which both excited her and made her afraid. She pushes gently against his chest then reaches quickly for her bag.
                            "I have to go. I'll umm see you later." She reaches for the door handle opening it quickly and climbing out the car. Michael smiles knowingly rolling down the car window.
                            " I'll definitely see you later." She smiles and nods her head then waves before closing the door behind her. Michael waits a moment making sure she was safely inside then pulls away.
                             Stephanie waits till Desi is in the house then walks down the lawn to her car. She needed to get the iced tea canisters back to "Rowdy's" for her Grandmother and she definitely didn't feel like listening to Desi go back and forth about Michael. Least of all hear her details of the kiss they just shared. Watching it had been hard enough and she still wasn't sure why. Something was definitely happening between the two of them and the closer they got the angrier it made her. Forcing the same question she'd had for as long as she remembered why was it always Desi?  

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016

Saturday, March 19, 2016



                    Lesley sits on the bed checking everything she needed for the last time before putting in Jaime's diaper bag. She looks around the room for the bag then remembering it was probably in the room Wellington was using. She gets up from the bed and walks down the hall to his room knocking on the door then opening it not waiting for him to answer.
                    "Hey, do you have Jaime's diaper bag in here?"  Wellington sits up on the bed cuddling his son in his arms.
                     " Yeah, look next to my desk. " He says placing Jamie on his knee . "I meant to put it back in his room sorry.
                      " No problem I was just sorting through his stuff so we could get ready to go. Right Mr. Man." She teases her son making him giggle.
                      "We're going to see all the Grandma and Grandpa's Aunts and Uncle's and great Aunt's and Uncles and cousins." Her voice high pitched and sing song making her son laugh harder and his father roll his eyes.
                      "What time are you planning to leave?" He grumbles making Lesley roll her eyes. She wasn't all revved up for the day but Clay was right it was time for it all to just end they had their son's future and the future of the entire next generation. She didn't want her son or any of the kids coming behind him to have to deal with ultimate Family Feud. The best part was everyone else felt the same including her mother! That revelation came as a shock to her and everyone else. Maybe being away from her father was the best thing for everyone.
                      They all seemed so much happier especially Jake. Leaving their father's house had freed him. Clay had been right about that too. He was like the Jake she remembered when Dad would go away on a trip for a few weeks and it would feel normal and relaxed like everyone elses home. Then he'd come back and that pressure, like right before a storm. That anticipation of  bad things to come weighing down on them suffocating all the joy. Only for now no one knew the exact day he'd come thundering back into their lives so they were just enjoying whatever time was left.
                      "As soon as He wakes up from his nap so he won't be cranky all afternoon." She kisses the tip of her son's nose making him scrunch his face and laugh. Wellington smiles and hands the baby to her. Their hands brush each other sending that familiar spark that always happened between them. He clears his throat and pull them away as soon as humanly possible looking only at their son.
                      "I'll see you when you get up" He brushes back his hair kissing him on the forehead then walks to his desk barely looking at her. Lesley sighs walking out of the room and into her son's kissing him goodnight and places him in his crib. She walks back to her room and place the pile of things into the diaper bag her thoughts weaving in and out.
                    Wellington had been living with them for weeks. Ever since Jamie had gotten out of the hospital and they were still really no further than they had been when he first moved in. He still barely spoke to her unless it concerned their son and basic household things any roommate would. It described their living arrangement perfectly roommates! She didn't need a roommate she wanted her life mate! She wanted him! Whether he would admit it or not he wanted her. She could see it and she could feel it and so could he. He'd felt when he handed her the baby and their hands had touched. Then suddenly he had important business on his desk and couldn't look at her.  She was tired of the distance between them she was tired of the silence. Today it was going to stop. She wasn't going to some reconciliation picnic if things weren't settled for them. She takes a deep breath and walks from her room down the hall to his and leans against the open door frame wording her sentence carefully.
                      "How much longer are you going to punish me Wellington?" He turns towards her startled by her candor but he knew it was coming. He was punishing her but it wasn't for the reasons she thought. He was more punishing himself for still wanting her. That's why he'd been keeping his distance. At first it had been easy he had all his anger at what she'd done to keep her at bey. But, over time watching her and his son going about their daily routine had only made him love her more. He understood exactly why she done everything she'd done to protect their son. She'd done what he would have done he couldn't love her more for it. What he really was, he was still leery of trusting her and trusting her with his heart.
                     "I'm not not punishing you I'm just trying to keep our focus on what's important." He's says turning back towards his lap top. Lesley ignores his dismissal and steps into the room closing the door behind her. She walks behind him leaving just enough room for him to stand but no where to run.
                     "We both know what's important our son. You have made that more than abundantly clear and, as you know that has been my only focus for a long time now. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about you and me. When are going to stop punishing us Well?" Wellington stands and looks at her then averts her eyes quickly searching the room for somewhere to move something to retrieve and finding none anything to avoided this moment.
                      " There's no place to run you're going to have to face me and we are going to have to talk about this." Wellington leans back against the chair pushing it into the desk as he speaks.
                       " Why can't you just leave things the way they are Lesley?" He looks up at her not sure how he felt and not ready to talk about it.
                        " Come on Well you and I both know you want to. Or, is it just more fun to keep punishing me then to admit you would have done the exact same thing!"
                        " It's not that!" He shouts then lowers his voice. Lesley looks back at him a satisfied smile twisting her lips.
                         " Then what is it Well? What is it that makes you leave a room or search for a book? Run out to your car or your room? What is it that makes you pull away from me every time we touch?" She blurts out unable to hold back any longer.
                          " I don't know" He lies. Lesley moves closer laying her hand on his chest.
                         " I know exactly what it is Wellington and it's not that you can't get passed what I did. You can't get passed the fact that you still want me and you still love me despite everything." Wellington glares at her his heart skipping a beat as she drives her point straight to the center of his heart. She knew his darkest secret and it was out in the open and exposed for examination.  He felt panicked and vulnerable not sure what to do as she came closer.
                         " I love you Well. I've always loved you I've never stopped loving you. I did everything I did to protect our son not just because I love him but also because I love you." She says reaching up and kissing him. He tries not to kiss her but is unable to stop himself as he pulls her into his arms letting loose the yearning he felt for her in every kiss as he moves her towards the bed. His instinct and longing taking him over as he strips her of her blouse running his hand down the length of her as she pulls at the waist of his jeans.
                        This was finally happening she thought finally freeing him of his pants and shedding her own she pushes him back against the bed falling with him afraid to let him go and break the spell as she kisses him.
                       "Oh God." He moans as she mounts him feeling at home for the first time in years. He pulls her to him rolling her with him as pulls her to the mattress incapable of holding himself back any longer as she matched his passion leaving them both euphoric and in exhausted heap.

Copyright "Harbinger Falls" 2016


Saturday, March 12, 2016

"Lame Duck"


              Gavin sits in front seat of his car rolling through the countryside enjoying the late indian summer day, contemplating the last few day's events and formulating his next move. He'd had his men watching both Jay and his soon to be ex-wife and Mr.Stockton senior had been a very busy man. He'd clocked more miles on his car in the last three days than he'd done all year. He'd been from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and every place in between looking for support and finding none. He'd seen lawyers and private investigators back to more lawyers he'd barely had time to sleep. All of it was beginning to show. It showed in the bags under his eyes and the looseness of his suits. He was finding out slowly his was what one would call in politics a "Lame Duck" corporate chair. He was finding that a good many of  his so called friends the people that he once held in his pocket were all suddenly free to live without his boot on their necks. He was also finding that even some of his most powerful allies were keeping him at arm's length. Yes, Jay was beginning to feel like all of his victims had felt alone and isolated. It was too bad Jay and Alex couldn't feel every moment of the pain they had forced him to endure.
              He'd thought about doing to Jay, Alex too for that matter, exactly what they'd done to him. Oddly this was better. To be honest more enjoyable from his point of view. He got to watch the meltdown. He'd taken away the material things that he loved the power he yearned for and now he was going to take away the last thread holding his universe together the love of his family. When he told them the truth about their father it would shatter any illusions they had left about who he really was. Any love or respect his family especially his children had for him would be shattered. Oh and lest he forget the self centered vindictive bitch that started it all their mother.  
              Alexandra Graves-Stockton the belle of Harbinger Falls the all american girl. The Girl everyone wanted to be. He wondered if they would want to be her if they knew her demons? Would they want to be her once her family learned what she'd done to him. Knowing Donovan, Alex wouldn't want to be Alex when he was done. Donovan was old school and all about family. He'd claimed his black cousin long before it was cool or socially acceptable. He'd done it in a time when something like that could get you killed but, that was Donovan. He was a loyal and forthright friend no one could ask for better. He'd gotten through many a lonely night thinking about the fun they'd had around the bar and restaurant. He guessed that's what kept pulling him back time and time again even though he kept chastising himself not too. He couldn't help himself he kept being drawn back. He needed to see it for himself he needed to see them hear their voices see their smiles. Especially her's.
                He'd slipped in after the place filled up and sat in a quiet corner for awhile watching them all going about their business completely oblivious to him. Not that he'd expected them to notice him or know who he was. He'd only wanted to be around them. He wasn't ready for any real interaction with them that day not yet.  He still had some unfinished business to attend to first. He needed them all to know the truth every piece of it and he needed it to be irrefutable and he had that with him now. Stored safely on the flash drive in his pocket and the hard copies in the briefcase behind his seat. What he needed more was for all of them to know his being gone was not by choice that his life was stolen from him, their lives were stolen from them. By a selfish egotistical woman who couldn't stand to face reality or share the spotlight and her lackey. He'd been thinking along the same bien after a while and had decided it had been long time past the time to go when he'd run into Jake in the parking lot looking happier than he'd seen him since he'd met him. He'd introduced him to his wife and the two had invited him to their family celebration. At first he'd declined but now he was glad. It gave him reason to be there and would finally satisfy the nagging desire he'd had. It also gave him an opportunity to talk with Marjorie without suspicion. He'd thought all morning about springing his news on them but had decided it wasn't the time or place. From what Marjorie had told him this was more of a healing event for both sides and they would need every ounce of that when he dropped his bomb. Besides from what Toni said more than likely Jay wouldn't be in attendance and he wanted them both together when they imploded. No, today was about family and friends and that was something he'd been longing for and he had no intention of spoiling that. He pulls his car along the curb and parks it then reaches in the back seat for the bottle of wine and the gift he'd bought. He exits the vehicle and walks toward the crowd of tables searching for Jake.
           Jay lift a bleary eye and pushes his chair back from the desk. He reaches for the decanter of bourbon he had stored in his bottom desk drawer and fills his tumbler rolling the contents against the stream of sunlight shining through the blinds a moment then gulps down half the contents before setting back down on the desk. He looks down at the papers on the desks before shoving them all to floor.  He'd been all over the state trying to rally support and finding none. Even his old ally in Pine Valley had turned his back on him without even rumpling a hair. The only useful information he had gained was how closely tied the Van Dorn bastard was to Slater-Cortlandt.
            Now, it all made sense! He and Palmer Cortlandt had been bitter rivals for years and for years he'd vow to someday destroy him. He'd finally had found a way to do it through the Van Dorn brat but he still couldn't figure out the how of it? How had Courtland and the little shit done it? There was no paper trail or phone records connecting the two other than his company was a subsidiary of  Slater-Cortlandt. His people couldn't find any intelligence linking the two for the exception of their business dealings concerning their company but nothing connecting them to him. Could he be wrong about them? Could what had happened have nothing to do with either one? The coo was extremely well plotted and executed but it didn't feel like Palmer's style. Cortlandt had always been direct with his hatred he would have never been satisfied with leaving his company in tack and his ouster. Cortlandt was a winner takes all type of man.  No, this attack was personal. They had wanted him humbled and broken and looking in from the outside. They wanted him alone and alienated without friends or family that left only the Van Dorn's. Sure, there maybe other men who felt the exact same way about him but none of them had the set that the Van Dorn kid did. An attribute that at times was almost admirable, almost.  He'd taken away his seat of power yet he wasn't satisfied.No that hadn't sedated his need for vengeance. No, a man like him wouldn't be appeased with that. He had to go a step further. He'd been instrumental in severing him from the lives of his wife and children he and his cousin had stolen his family from him! While he sat alone in his empty house they sat nestled among his family receiving the love and respect that belonged to him! His anger mounted into rage reaching its apex as the glass shattered against the wall.
              Jay reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out his revolver then the polishing cloth and begins to wipe it down smiling maniacally. Van Dorn and his equally insufferable cousin were going to pay and pay dearly for what they'd done to him and he knew exactly where to find them both. He wobbles slightly as he stands and tucks the gun into his waistband before heading for his car.  

Copyright "Harbinger Falls" 2016

Saturday, February 27, 2016

At the End Of The Day


          Chase looks up from the sawhorse at the sound of his name mopping the beads of perspiration from his forehead across his sleeve.
         "Hey Dad! Over here!" He reaches down inside the cooler for a bottle of water splashing some in his mouth then hands his Dad one. Hank takes it from him twisting off the cap as he talks.
        "I went by the office looking for you and your assistant Dax I think, said you were here. Interesting assistant I have to say." Hank chuckles. Wasn't exactly what I was expecting." Chase laughs as he wipes his forehead across his sleeve.
         "Yeah what did you picture?" He says picking up the sander and rubs it across the wooden doors edge. Hank chuckles.
          " To be honest I'm not sure just not him." They both laugh again.
           "Dax is from our parent company he's my bosses number one go to guy. He's just here working with Preston and Mike checking all the computers making sure all the setup are correct and all the latest security updates are complete and such. But I'm real sure you didn't come all the way here to talk about my assistant." Hank sigh and shakes his head.
             "No, you're right about that son. Did you hear what happened with Stockton this morning?" His tone becoming serious as he watches his son go about his work. Chase shrugs.
              "Yeah. I was it on my newsfeed earlier. Sucks to be him I guess." He shrugs again then squats down and inspects the doors edge as he talks.
               "But, that has nothing to do with me. Maybe it's the universe's way of coming full circle." Hank sighs as he props his foot on top of a log then leans forward crossing his arms on his knee.
               "Doesn't matter he's going to blame you for all of it." Chase looks at his father squinting one eye against the sun then reaches for his sander working as he talks.
             "He can blame me all he wants I honestly don't give a shit what he does, whines or bitches about. I have my own problems." He says lifting the door off the saw horse and leaning it against the fence.
            "Problems at work?" Hank asks knowing full well that was the least of his son's problems. Marjorie had filled him in on Lesley and Wellington which was why he'd walked over. He wished he had known about Wellington and Lesley before they had started all this but as Marjorie said they couldn't plan for every event. Chase shakes his head.
           "  Nah ah, but you already know that." He smirks. Hank chuckles.
           "Yeah your Aunt Marjorie filled us in. So what about you and Erin?" Chase shrugs.
            "We'll be okay, I wouldn't be out here if I didn't. I mean I get it and all."
             "But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." Hank says with a sigh. Chase shakes his head then moves back to the door.
              "No it doesn't. Hey you want to give me a hand here grab the other end please?"
               "Sure" Hank moves from his spot by the log and grabs the other end of the door and the two walk it back towards the house.
               "I mean Dad, I understand why she had to keep it all a secret but a part of me still resents the fact she didn't tell me. And, as hard as I try not to let it, it bothers me sometimes it does.I can't help it and I feel bad."
              "You wouldn't be human if it didn't, Why don't you cut yourself a little slack." Hank says placing his end on the ground then helping Chase move the into the door frame.
              "And while you're at it cut her some." He grins mischievously holding it in place while Chase drops in the pins.
               "I'm trying Dad it's just that I always thought Erin and I were always completely honest with each other. It's just hard having that image destroyed." He says placing the last pin in the hinge. He steps back swinging the door into the latch and opens it again checking the edge.
               " I understand why and I know in my heart I would have done the same thing for Well so I should just get over it but you know?" He shrugs. Hank nods his head and sighs.
                " Yeah, I understand  what you're saying maybe you should just keep reminding yourself of that fact and the fact that Erin does love you. She only did what she did to protect her cousin and her baby. I mean after what happened with your cousin and his ex-wife I don't blame her. When your family is threatened sometimes you have to do what you have to, to protect them. At the end of the day son, the love of your family and protecting them that's the most important thing. Sometimes the only thing that matters." He finishes hoping he hadn't said too much. Chase pauses a moment and reflects on his father's tone. It left the impression he was leaving something unsaid. He looks at his father a moment and starts to probe deeper but is interrupted by Clay calling to them both as he walks up the driveway.
               " Hey Mr. Van Dorn! How are you?" He says extending his hand and shaking it then turning to Chase.
                "Chase, nice to have you back. Looks good man!" He says looking around at the renovations that had been done to the barn.
                 " Thanks come on in! Good to see you. What brings you around this side of town?" Chase asks waving them both inside and walks towards the kitchen. Clay walks in behind his father in-law his head whirling about as he talks.
                "I had to drop your sister off at your Mom's house so she could pick some stuff up and they asked me if I could pick up some boxes. Then Felicia said on the way back I should stop by here and invite you and Erin to our place on Saturday. I think they just wanted me out of the way while she and your wife pile up half of your basement by the front door" " He grins turning toward Hank and laughs.
                "You want a beer Dad, Clay?" Chase calls from the kitchen.
                "No, I'm good I still have to go back pick up Flei, load up my truck and drive back home."
                 " Good man! None for me either I better start walking back soon. I'll take another bottle of water if you have it?"  Hank calls back then turns towards Clay,
                 "What's going on Saturday?" He ask as Chase comes back in the room handing his father a bottle of water. Clay smiles happily.
                 "Felicia and I decide to throw a little family barbeque to welcome my new nephew your second cousin and I think your grand nephew?" Looking perplexed for a moment chuckling as he continues.
                  "To the family and Felicia said I can't leave here until you promise to come. So please, don't keep me too long man I have to wake the birds up in the morning." Chase smiles as he sits on the arm of the sofa.
                  "Who's coming?" He asks knowing the answer without asking. Clay clears his throat.
                  " You know family your side my side everyone. With Jamie being born we thought maybe it was time we all learned to at least tolerate each other. Hopefully some day Felicia will have a kid and it would be nice for them to have a family that's at least civil." Hank nods in agreement as Chase's mind flashes to the events of the morning Clay's voice cuts into his thoughts.
                  " Besides you'll never catch my brother in a better mood." Clay smirks making Chase chuckle.
                 After spending a lifetime butting heads with Jake he also had a modicum of respect for him. He was a good brother to his siblings. He was hard working and didn't get all the credit he deserved from his father. So, he couldn't blame him if he wanted to strut a little but he was positive he felt none of that for their father or their mother for that matter. Neither one had ever liked him and the same could be said for him he couldn't stand either of them. He'd always thought Alex Stockton was a manipulative, vindictive bitch. Her husband was arrogant ass and a complete douche bag with a mean streak a mile wide. Jay Stockton had made his family's life hell. He particularly enjoyed focusing on him. Jay had always been quick to drop his name in it. A couple of times he hadn't even been in town. Growing up anything that happened in town was his fault. From throwing rocks through the glass at the abandoned greenhouse to spray painting the water tower to the time his son had thrown food coloring in the town pool. The last one in particular had always angered him. He'd spent the night in jail until it was proven by the surveillance camera it had been Jake and not him.
                  " What about your father?" Hank asked knowing where his son's mind had wandered.
                  " I doubt it. No one's heard from him since Jake took over and my Mom moved out. It's still a couple of days maybe he'll have cooled off by then? As long as he behaves himself he's welcome. Jamie's is his grandson." Clay says honestly watching Chase's emotions flash across his face.
                  "Oh and your sister said if you and Erin don't come she'll get you! Remember Gregor whatever that means?" He finishes cocking his head a curious smirk playing on his lips. Chase laughs and shakes his head then laughs again.
                 "Tell her I'll be there." He laughs again.
                 "Good" He says looking down at his watch.
                 "Listen I'd better get back I want to unpack the truck before it gets too dark and Felicia and I have to meet up with my brother. You want a ride back to your house?"  He says turning towards Hank.
                  "Yeah, yeah that'd be great." He smiles walking toward the door behind Clay happy to avoid the conversation was afraid might come.
                  "The place looks great by the way. If you need any help let me know."  Hank says scurrying through the door and down the walk.
                  "Thanks Dad!" He calls after him.
                  "See you Saturday around one o'clock? You know your sister you have to be there man." Clay says turning back towards him.
                 "We'll see you Saturday!" Chase chuckles and waves back as Clay closes the door behind them. Chase slowly sips his beer and tries to ignore the rock forming in the pit of his stomach.

      "Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016       

Saturday, February 20, 2016

She Did It All With A Smile.


            Jay looks around the darkening bedroom the drawers sagging sadly open casting long shadows across the carpet. She'd emptied all her closets and hadn't left a single suitcase behind the only trace of her was the smell of her cologne that still hung in the air. In the past he had always come home to find her here. They'd fight some more sometimes viciously but there had always been reconciliation or at the very least a brooding truce but this time was different. She'd finally carried out the threat she'd made for the past thirty years. She'd left and he'd never seen it coming. This time she'd planned her exit and his demise every step of the way. There wouldn't be a truce or reconciliation he had to admit it she was gone and this time she meant it she wasn't coming back.
           He'd known in his heart she wouldn't be here but as soon as he was able to get away from the throng of reporters. Then shocked and teary Abigail clinging and moaning. Alex had also named Abigail in the divorce  and had her served complete with photo's. He'd promised to call her this evening and she had been calling him ever hour on the hour since. There she was again, he thought looking down at his flashing phone and ignoring it. He'd flown home ignoring all traffic laws not that is mattered the idiot sheriff and his inept deputy Dupree wouldn't do anything to him anyway. He still had power even if he wasn't CEO.  He hadn't needed to hurry when he pulled down the drive he could feel it was empty and devoid of life. His feeling was right there wasn't a whisper or a shuffle she'd even dismissed the servants for the evening! Probably for their own protection he half laughs remembering the mess he'd made of the house in his rage He'd walked from room to room leaving the bedroom for last. He'd raged destroying everything that crossed his path as he looked around futilely then sat down on the edge of the bed and had been sitting there ever since. Unable to move frozen in the spot going over and over in his head the events of the last few day's. Analyzing and dissecting every moment and conversation and seeing the clues he'd missed or had chosen to ignore.
             He should have been suspicious when she had done all that talking of downsizing getting Jake and Toni their own place. He should have known then! Less than two weeks ago she'd been mourning Clay's leaving then suddenly she's helping Jake leave? All the sirens and whistles should have gone off but he was so cock sure of himself. So positive he had everything under control and she blindsided him.  She'd effectively lay to waste in one afternoon what it had taken his life time build. The way she avoided any real physical contact with him. How she'd been sure to be up and dressed before he awoke and asleep before he'd get home. The sudden flurry of activity when before she had never left the house before noon. The fact that they had barley spoken and when they did their conversations had been short and rushed. She was beautiful doing it he hadn't seen that look of determination on her face and the gleam of satisfaction in her eyes for years. That alone should have been his warning but he was too blinded by his own conceit to see it.  
             He looks down at the crumpled notice in his hand and reads it again then tosses it across the room. The calculating bitch had planned every move with that pretty cold calculating smile plastered on her pretty little face. He'd taken every word, every gesture, every smile as if it were a precious gem. He'd adorned himself with them and basked in their glory. Never realising the venom and hate behind each one. She'd planned it from beginning to end and he'd never seen it coming. He'd been too busy wheeling , dealing and placating while she'd quietly blew it all to kingdom come and she'd done it all with a smile.
            She'd smiled that pretty little smile as they voted. She'd raised her hand high and proud. It was even more brilliant when they put his son in his place. She had brilliantly and effectively taken away the moment he'd always dreamed of when he handed the company over to his son! Not as when he had taken the reigns from his father amicably, willfully and with dignity. She'd had the reigns taken from him. She'd smiled that dazzling smile when it came to the contract signing and he'd gotten to the part about the tree contracts and it was absolutely brilliant when she'd winked at him and walked out of the conference room. This was Alex and cool clear headed sober revenge and she'd either manipulated or convinced their children to go along with her.
           What a conceited foolish bastard he was! He'd been strutting around with the thought that the lack of bottles in the trash was because of their new found love and understanding again of each other! What a fucking idiot he was! He'd known her to be vindictive and vengeful when enraged but he'd thought that was only reserved for his mistresses but never with such calculated coldness and detachment and never with him. Although, he thought there was a time when she had been forced to wrap herself in that same blanket the night they had gotten rid of Rowdy. That night they had worked as equals and as one. That night when they had finished their task quickly and efficiently without a trace she'd smiled that same smile at the end of that too.              
              He recognized it now and he should have known the deadly consequences behind it, it was only now sitting alone in this room with his memories flowing like a river that he had recalled seeing it before. It was in this very room on an evening much like this one. He'd come home and found Rowdy with her here in their bedroom. As he'd come through the front door he had heard her pleading and Rowdy yelling. He'd flown up the steps and burst through the door. There was Alex lying on the bed Rowdy standing over her. Her face tear stained her dress ripped all he could do for a moment was stand there his mouth agape. Then  he'd hit him and kept hitting him till he was unconscious then the two had worked together to rid themselves of him.
            Ha! That was his trump card! They were in that together! If Alex thought she had him beat she had another think coming! He'd have back what was rightfully his and he knew exactly how to do it. He was down but he wasn't out not by a long shot. The first thing he needed to do was find her and the second thing he needed to do was find out what she'd really been up to in the past two weeks and the rest of his family for that matter. He looks down at his buzzing phone. No, the first thing he needed to do was get a monkey off his back.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016