Saturday, April 30, 2016

Some Time To Catch Up


            " Here you go Pres" Clay says offering Preston a can of beer then opening his own. Preston reaches for it rubbing the cold can across his forehead then opening it and taking a sip. 
            " Thanks man! These are done." He says placing the burgers on the platter then handing it to Clay who places them on the table. 
             "Thank you for helping me with all of this. I couldn't have done any of this without you." Preston grins then tosses more hamburgers on the grill.
          "I'm glad to help. Gave us some time to catch up" He says chugging down the remainder of the contents then crushing the can and throwing it into the waste can. 
           "I think this is a big success. Everyone seems to be getting along for a  change. It's nice to see." He turns back toward the grill flipping the sizzling burgers over. 
           "Yes it is!" Peggy smiles giving each a quick hug. 
           " I want to thank you boys for putting this all together. I never thought I would live to see this day." True happiness showing on her face as she looks around at all the laughing and smiling faces. Clay wraps his arm around his grandmother shoulder.
            "I never thought I'd ever see my mother and mother in law ever have a pleasant moment" He chuckles making Peggy laugh. 
             "Me either! You and Preston worked a miracle today." She says wrapping her arm around Preston waist and giving him a squeeze.
              "Nahh Aunt Peg this was all Clay all I did  was flip a few burgers." 
              "You did more than flipping a few burgers and I'm very proud of both of you." She says kissing Preston's cheek and then Clay's.
               "Listen I'm going to go back over to the table and spend some more time with my great grandson and I want you boys to finish up here and have some fun yourselves understand?" 
              "Yes ma'am" They both say in unison. Peggy pats them both on the shoulders then walks back to the crowded table as Jake walks out of the house carrying a case of beer and begins to stick them inside the tub of ice on the ground next to the table.   
"You may want to turn that one Bro oh, and you might want to take that one off." Jake teases a playful smirk playing on his lips.  
           "Since you know so much I'd be more than happy to let you take over." Clay laughs flipping the steak over and shifting the other one then offers him the tongs.
             "Nah, you're better at this than I am. Especially since you spent the most time in Grandma's kitchen." Jake laughs giving his brother a playful nudge in the ribs. Then looks across the lawn his eye spotting a unfamiliar face and frowns as he turns back towards his brother.
             "You know that guy?" He asks pointing behind Jake with the tongs.
             "Yeah, that's Gavin Blackwood the guy we just signed the contract with. I'll be right back." He says slapping Clay on the back then jogging across the lawn to greet him. 
             "Hey! You made it!" Coming towards him hand extended grinning from ear to ear. Gavin takes it shaking it quickly.
             "Thanks for inviting me. This is quiet a place you have here." He says looking out at the breathtaking view. Jake smiles.
             "Thanks but, this is my soon to be sister in laws place. I live closer to town this is way too quiet for me." He says with a chuckle.
             "Come on I'll introduce you to everyone." He says walking him into the party.
             "I have a gift for the little one." Gavin says holding up the gift bag in his hand. Jake smile broadens.
              "Just follow me the man of the hour is right over here!" He says leading him toward the crowd of tables laughing and talking as they go.
               "Who is THAT?" Victoria whispers sliding her sunglasses down her nose and watching Gavin intently as he walks across the yard. Toni looks up and laughs at her sister practically drooling.
               "You need to get your face out of your textbooks more. That little sister is Gavin Blackwood but I didn't think you were into the older guy crowd." She teases handing her a can of beer as she sit down beside her.
               "I'm not but you have to admit he's pretty hot for an old guy. " She giggles      
                "I have to go along with Vicky he's hot." Felicia laughs along with her cousins.
                "And I thought you were all about Clay?" Toni teases nudging Felicia playfully enjoying the sudden blush on her cheeks. 
                "You know I'm always about my Clay but right now I'm all about the bathroom." She jokes rising from the table and walking towards the house. Vicky's eyes following after her, her curiosity peaked.  
                "Is she okay?" This is like the third time she's gone to the bathroom." Toni smiles and shakes her head thinking up a quick lie not wanting to ruin her cousin's surprise. 
                "Yeah, she's fine. She told me earlier she had little urinary infection." She says whispering the last part finishing with a dismissive wave of her hand. She looks around quickly for another topic spotting Desi and Michael standing off to the side laughing flirtatiously.
                "What's going on over there?" She asks nodding her head toward the two. Vicky smile fills with mischief as she takes a covert look at a brooding Stephanie.  
                 " Not sure but I think a lot more than they will admit since they've been playing that cat and mouse game for a couple of weeks now." Stephanie glances over at the two her brow drawn together a pang of jealousy shooting through her. She'd always imagined it would be her and Michael by now, not her cousin! As per usual things just always fell into place for Desi. A thing she both loved and hated about her. 
                 " Earth to Steph?" Erin chants again.
                 "Could you hand me the diaper bag please?" Stephanie glares back at her reaching for the bag on the bench next to her and shoving it at her.
                 "Here!" Stephanie rises unable to watch them any longer.
                 "Anyone else want a beer?"  She walks toward the serving table not waiting for a response from anyone making Vicky smother a laugh. 
                 "Wonder what the heck that was all about?" Erin mutters watching after her sister a moment then walks to the other end of the table and hands the bag to Lesley. Vicky smothers another giggle knowing full well what was annoying Stephanie. She was still crushing on Michael and had been since high school. Michael on the other hand had never taken her out of the friend box because he was too busy crushing on Desi. For Desi's part his bad boy image and persona had always gotten in the way of Desi's "Good Girl" ethics. They were like a weird Betty and Veronica triangle which was fine back in high school and she thought Stephanie was finally over it.  For that matter she thought they all had moved on. That all changed when Michael started working with Chase. Michael had matured had an excellent job. From Wellington and Preston's account he was really good at. As well as Desi having loosened up since then and everything wasn't just black or white any longer. Unfortunately for Stephanie she chose to ride her high school fame and popularity for as long as it took her. Granted four years of college isn't for everyone but three years of party girl had not benefited her much. Even though she'd gotten her Business Administration degree matured some and had her new job it was too little too late. Now she was kind of playing catch up with the rest of them. 
                 Sadly it looked as if she missed the Michael bus and it had splashed her with mud as it passed. Since the party at the falls when Michael had driven Desi home the two had begun to see each other in a new light. None of that was shining on Steph, who was annoyed and now jealous. What was starting to worry Vicky was to what extent Stephanie's jealousy would go? She remembered some of her antics from high school when she thought some girl crossed her and wondered if she would be willing and able to pull them on her cousin and best friend? 
                   Terry watches her daugher stomp off knowing exactly why she'd done it and hoping they'd all survive another one of her temper tantrums. Especially since she knew Desi could go with her blow for blow. Well anyway it would be interesting and Stephanie was going to be Stephanie. She was a lot like her Aunt in that way tantrums was also Alex's specialty. Of all the traits she could have inherited that was one she could live without. She could have, definitely would have benefited from her father's influence when it came to that. Unfortunately life with their father had been too short although, Erin did have more time with him than Steph and Steph barely remembered him. She wondered what he would say if he could see them both? Would he be proud of the way they'd turned out?  She'd been wondering a lot about him the past few weeks. It was as if somehow she could feel his presences like the other night at the restaurant or on the way home last night more so today. Why? She asked herself still unsure of the reason.
                   "Aunt Terry this is Gavin Blackwood Gavin this is my Aunt, Theresa Stuart" Jake says from above her She turns her head then stands smoothing the front of her skirt before extending her hand.
                   "The two women you met before my cousins Erin and Stephanie are her daughters." Jake continues noticing an undercurrent of something stirring between them.
                   "Very nice to meet you. Jake, why don't you get our guest something cool to drink?" She smiles as he holds her cool dry hand in his surprising her as an odd quiver shoots through her.
                   "Sure, we have beer or iced tea?" Jake asked feeling suddenly awkward around the two of them.
                   "A cold beer would be fine" His voice distracted Jake nods his head then walks over to the tables happy to separate himself from the two of them.     
                   "Your daughters are beautiful." Gavin smiles letting go of her hand and sliding into the empty seat beside her. Theresa looks at the the unfamiliar yet familiar stranger beside her. 
                    "Thank you Mr...umm I'm sorry?" She says knowing full well his name. She'd been watching him behind the darkness of her sunglasses as Jake walked him around. She couldn't help herself she'd felt drawn to him and from what she could tell so was he. She'd caught him a couple times looking at her. Emma had seen it too and remarked on it making her blush. She'd been hoping to speak with him without the crowd and now was her moment.
                   "Gavin Blackwood, Gavin is fine Ms ahh..." He smiles pleasantly.
                   "Theresa Stuart, you can call me Terry." She smiles back. 
                    " So are you enjoying yourself?" Gavin turns towards her a reminiscent smile playing on his lips. 
                     "Nicest afternoon I've spent in a very long time." Terry takes note of his smile deciding now would be the time to ask the question she'd been burning to know.
                      " Do you have a big family? Brothers, sisters, cousins children?"   Gavin shakes his head the reminiscent smile still on his lips. 
                       "I had a wife and children but I lost them a long time ago." He says his voice taking on a sad far away quality.
                       "I'm sorry" She says recognizing the emotions flowing across his face that mirrored her own. Gavin clears his throat his smile back.
                       "Now I spend my time working mostly. This is the first time I've done something like this in a very long time What about you?" He asks diverting the conversation back to her before the melancholy that threatened took hold of him. 
                       "Pretty much the same but I was lucky enough to have my girls." Gavin looks from Stephanie to Erin hiding his admiration.
                       "You did a wonderful job. They are both lovely young women." Theresa watches her daughters talking and laughing together Stephanie's anger having disapitated and sighs in relief. 
                      "Sometimes I worry about my youngest. She got a temper like her father and a temperament like her Aunt sometimes that makes for a bad combination." She says with a laugh then blushes.
                       "And I don't know why I'm telling you all this." Gavin laughs.
                       " I'm just easy to talk to I guess?" He chuckles making her laughs. 
                       "From what I've seen she's strong willed but sensible perhaps a little more sensitive than she lets on. But, she's also a realist and eventually comes to a logical conclusion." His accurate description of her daughter surprising and intriguing her. She reflects a second not sure what to make of his statement. How would he know something so personal about her child? Gavin continues taking his cue from her surprised expression 
                        "She reminds me of one of my brothers girls." He shrugs deciding to change the topic which was becoming a little too close to home and increasingly painful. 
                       "So besides work and worrying about your children what do you do for fun?" Terry turns towards him deciding to take a really close look at him, there was something so familiar yet so strange about him. 
                        " I keep busy with charity work. I spend time with friends and family. I have a couple of hobbies and I like to travel when I can." Gavin smiles happy for some neutral ground.
                          "My work has sent me around the world at least twice. Theses days I prefer to stay closer to home." Terry nods her head in agreement. 
                          "Where's home?" She asks hoping it wasn't some far off place and not sure why the thought saddened her. 
                          " I own some property in Pine Valley. I moved there last spring when I bought the TV Station and it was close enough for my work with Jake but I still call Scotland home. If you're ever in either place let me know. I'd love to show you what we hide from tourists." He smiles seductively making Terry blush.
                           "I actually get to Pine Valley quite often one of my favorite places to shop." She smiles back enjoying the direction their conversation had taken. It had been a long time since she'd found anyone one remotely interesting and this Mr. Blackwood was absolutely fascinating.   
                          " Let me know the next time you're coming I would love to take you out for dinner, show you a bit of Pine Valley's nightlife." He says standing as Jake comes back towards them carrying two dripping bottles of beer in his hand. Terry smiles sweetly standing and extending her hand to him again.
                           "I'll be sure to do that." She says shaking his hand as Jake rejoins them handing one of the bottles to Gavin.
                           "If you can excuse us Aunt Terry I want to introduce Gavin to Grandpa and Uncle Ben." He says looking from one to the other wondering what exactly transpired in his absence.
                        "Sure, I'll see you both later. It was a pleasure meeting you Gavin." She smiles as he lifts her hand to his lips and kisses. it.
                          "I look forward to it" He says with a wink then follows beside Jake who leads him towards the horseshoe pits. Terry watches as the two walk off thinking to herself that she really had to get to Pine Valley more often. In fact she really needed to stop in Toni's store and tighten up her spring wardrobe and definitely take Gavin Blackwood up on that dinner invitation.                    

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2016

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