Saturday, March 19, 2016



                    Lesley sits on the bed checking everything she needed for the last time before putting in Jaime's diaper bag. She looks around the room for the bag then remembering it was probably in the room Wellington was using. She gets up from the bed and walks down the hall to his room knocking on the door then opening it not waiting for him to answer.
                    "Hey, do you have Jaime's diaper bag in here?"  Wellington sits up on the bed cuddling his son in his arms.
                     " Yeah, look next to my desk. " He says placing Jamie on his knee . "I meant to put it back in his room sorry.
                      " No problem I was just sorting through his stuff so we could get ready to go. Right Mr. Man." She teases her son making him giggle.
                      "We're going to see all the Grandma and Grandpa's Aunts and Uncle's and great Aunt's and Uncles and cousins." Her voice high pitched and sing song making her son laugh harder and his father roll his eyes.
                      "What time are you planning to leave?" He grumbles making Lesley roll her eyes. She wasn't all revved up for the day but Clay was right it was time for it all to just end they had their son's future and the future of the entire next generation. She didn't want her son or any of the kids coming behind him to have to deal with ultimate Family Feud. The best part was everyone else felt the same including her mother! That revelation came as a shock to her and everyone else. Maybe being away from her father was the best thing for everyone.
                      They all seemed so much happier especially Jake. Leaving their father's house had freed him. Clay had been right about that too. He was like the Jake she remembered when Dad would go away on a trip for a few weeks and it would feel normal and relaxed like everyone elses home. Then he'd come back and that pressure, like right before a storm. That anticipation of  bad things to come weighing down on them suffocating all the joy. Only for now no one knew the exact day he'd come thundering back into their lives so they were just enjoying whatever time was left.
                      "As soon as He wakes up from his nap so he won't be cranky all afternoon." She kisses the tip of her son's nose making him scrunch his face and laugh. Wellington smiles and hands the baby to her. Their hands brush each other sending that familiar spark that always happened between them. He clears his throat and pull them away as soon as humanly possible looking only at their son.
                      "I'll see you when you get up" He brushes back his hair kissing him on the forehead then walks to his desk barely looking at her. Lesley sighs walking out of the room and into her son's kissing him goodnight and places him in his crib. She walks back to her room and place the pile of things into the diaper bag her thoughts weaving in and out.
                    Wellington had been living with them for weeks. Ever since Jamie had gotten out of the hospital and they were still really no further than they had been when he first moved in. He still barely spoke to her unless it concerned their son and basic household things any roommate would. It described their living arrangement perfectly roommates! She didn't need a roommate she wanted her life mate! She wanted him! Whether he would admit it or not he wanted her. She could see it and she could feel it and so could he. He'd felt when he handed her the baby and their hands had touched. Then suddenly he had important business on his desk and couldn't look at her.  She was tired of the distance between them she was tired of the silence. Today it was going to stop. She wasn't going to some reconciliation picnic if things weren't settled for them. She takes a deep breath and walks from her room down the hall to his and leans against the open door frame wording her sentence carefully.
                      "How much longer are you going to punish me Wellington?" He turns towards her startled by her candor but he knew it was coming. He was punishing her but it wasn't for the reasons she thought. He was more punishing himself for still wanting her. That's why he'd been keeping his distance. At first it had been easy he had all his anger at what she'd done to keep her at bey. But, over time watching her and his son going about their daily routine had only made him love her more. He understood exactly why she done everything she'd done to protect their son. She'd done what he would have done he couldn't love her more for it. What he really was, he was still leery of trusting her and trusting her with his heart.
                     "I'm not not punishing you I'm just trying to keep our focus on what's important." He's says turning back towards his lap top. Lesley ignores his dismissal and steps into the room closing the door behind her. She walks behind him leaving just enough room for him to stand but no where to run.
                     "We both know what's important our son. You have made that more than abundantly clear and, as you know that has been my only focus for a long time now. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about you and me. When are going to stop punishing us Well?" Wellington stands and looks at her then averts her eyes quickly searching the room for somewhere to move something to retrieve and finding none anything to avoided this moment.
                      " There's no place to run you're going to have to face me and we are going to have to talk about this." Wellington leans back against the chair pushing it into the desk as he speaks.
                       " Why can't you just leave things the way they are Lesley?" He looks up at her not sure how he felt and not ready to talk about it.
                        " Come on Well you and I both know you want to. Or, is it just more fun to keep punishing me then to admit you would have done the exact same thing!"
                        " It's not that!" He shouts then lowers his voice. Lesley looks back at him a satisfied smile twisting her lips.
                         " Then what is it Well? What is it that makes you leave a room or search for a book? Run out to your car or your room? What is it that makes you pull away from me every time we touch?" She blurts out unable to hold back any longer.
                          " I don't know" He lies. Lesley moves closer laying her hand on his chest.
                         " I know exactly what it is Wellington and it's not that you can't get passed what I did. You can't get passed the fact that you still want me and you still love me despite everything." Wellington glares at her his heart skipping a beat as she drives her point straight to the center of his heart. She knew his darkest secret and it was out in the open and exposed for examination.  He felt panicked and vulnerable not sure what to do as she came closer.
                         " I love you Well. I've always loved you I've never stopped loving you. I did everything I did to protect our son not just because I love him but also because I love you." She says reaching up and kissing him. He tries not to kiss her but is unable to stop himself as he pulls her into his arms letting loose the yearning he felt for her in every kiss as he moves her towards the bed. His instinct and longing taking him over as he strips her of her blouse running his hand down the length of her as she pulls at the waist of his jeans.
                        This was finally happening she thought finally freeing him of his pants and shedding her own she pushes him back against the bed falling with him afraid to let him go and break the spell as she kisses him.
                       "Oh God." He moans as she mounts him feeling at home for the first time in years. He pulls her to him rolling her with him as pulls her to the mattress incapable of holding himself back any longer as she matched his passion leaving them both euphoric and in exhausted heap.

Copyright "Harbinger Falls" 2016


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