Sunday, July 20, 2014

"You Get What You Need"

 Preston walks through the kitchen door smiles at the sight of his grandfather sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. The smell of dinner cooking on the stove the smell of bread heating in the oven this was always his favorite time of the day. He closes the door behind him placing his briefcase in the corner.
"Hey! There he is! How are you Grandson!" Ben folds the the paper placing it on the table as he rises from his chair and comes towards him arms outstretched.
"Hey Grandpop! I'm good!" He says grasping his grandfather to him and patting him back on the back.
"How are you?" He says taking a step back and taking a look at him. He'd adged a little more his hair a little less and what was left was a little grayer but he was still the strong spry man he'd remembered.
"Not too bad I can't complain. Sorry I missed you yesterday! If I had known you were  coming Don and could have postponed our trip!" His say clasping him playful on the back of the neck as they walk.
"That's okay Grand pop. How's Uncle Don? How was fishing?" He says walking to the kitchen sink and washing his hands as he talks.
 "Your uncles good and fishing was great!" He chuckles
"Mom told you I'm staying right?" He says shutting off the water and shaking his hands off.
"Yeah! She told me you, Well and Chase are doing something with the old mill making some kind of computer something." Preston laughs reaching for the towel and drying his hands.
"Circuit boards." His grandfather looks at him mildly confused and nods and chuckles.
" I told your mother some day you taking everything in the house apart and "Modifying it" as you called it would pay off!" He laughs.
"Hey, there's my baby!" Emma smiles coming into the kitchen and walking to the stove.
"Desi! come set the table!" She calls back over her shoulder.
"Hey Mom!" Preston leans in kisses her cheek as he hangs up the towel on the hook.
"I got it" Preston walks to the utensil drawer and pulls out the knives and forks as Desiree comes in and clears the table.
"Hey Desi!" He says over his shoulder as he counts out the utensils.
"Hey!" She smiles placing the paper on the stool then spreading the table cloth.
"How was your day?" Emma says lifting the lid off a pot and stirring it then placing the lid back on top.
Preston smiles waiting for Desiree to finish smoothing the table cloth.
"Pretty good we have the cubicles set up tomorrow they deliver the computer and get all of those setup." He says following behind Desiree as she places the plates down. Ben reaches for the glasses handing them to Preston who places one at each setting.
"Sounds like a lot of work."
"Smells good in here" Bill grins rubbing his hands together as he walks in the kitchen.
"Hey baby" He says walking to Emma and kissing her.
"Desi please put the rolls on the table?" She says handing her daughter the bread basket.
"Everybody sit down!" Emma calls as she places the steaming platters on the table walking back to the counter to retrieve another dish sticking the serving spoon in the bowl then places it on the table as she sits.
"It shouldn't be too bad Grandpop Mike's going to be working with us. He stated this morning. So, it's not like I'll be by myself" He says passing him the bowl of spinach to his father.
"Who's "Mike"?" He asks passing the bowl to his granddaughter with one hand and reaching for the bowl of white rice with the other.
"Mike Van Dorn, Chase's brother he's got a masters degree in computer engineering and looking at his resume he did really well too. He'll be a lot of help especially once we get up and running." Bill nods in approval as Desiree's eyes open wide with surprise.
" Huh, and all this time I just thought he was just another rowdy slacker."
 as Desiree's eyes open wide with surprise.
"Wow, He said he'd be working for his brother he never said it would be with computers" She says regretting having said them as soon as they were out.
"Yeah, when did you see Mike?" Preston asks making Desiree's heart race and mind stumble for an for answer.
"Excuse me, Bill say Grace before the food gets cold." Emma smiles placing the meat platter down on the table. Desiree silently breathes a sigh of relief as she bows her head for the brief reprieve. She had to admit he was a lot less shallow than he had been moments ago. Then smiles to herself thinking back to their encounter in the closet as her father prays.
"Are you okay?" She asks as they walk.
"I'm okay I've had worse" He shrugs and smiles then groans in pain.
"Here let me take a look" She stops looking up at him examining his jaw.
"Follow my finger." She says holding up her finger and moving it side to side making him laugh.
"Why?" Desire sighs stopping in mid motion.
"Because I'm a nurse so just do it!" She chides holding up her finger again.
"Fine." He shrugs following her finger as it moves.
"I don't think you have a concussion" Mike mouth twist into a teasing smile as he grasps her hand holding it in his.
"Why Ms. Davidson I didn't think you cared." He smirks loving the expression on her face when she became flustered as she snatches her hand from his grasp.
"Come on!" She huffs turning and walking through kitchen Mike following behind smothering a laugh.
"So what the heck was that all about?" She says over her shoulder as she leads Michael to the maintenance closet. Mike smiles then winces in pain and rubs his jaw.
" You known, hot headed Jake just being hotheaded Jake." He shrugs stepping into the closet behind her.
"I've known my cousin my entire life and he's a hothead but, usually something sets him off first." She says pushing the empty bucket aside and reaching for the broom.
"Well maybe I did shoot my mouth off a little but he deserved it." He laughs reaching for the broom she was handing him and placing it outside the door.
"But in my defense he was talking about my sister. You have a brother you get it." He smiles down at her leaning his shoulder against the door frame his head cocked to the side.
"So you'll forgive me right?" He asks his tone taking on a more flirtatious quality.
Desiree looks up at him and smiles momentarily lost in his gaze as a sudden odd shyness runs through her. She turns away feigning a search for the dust pan as she regains her composure by reminding herself once again that he was a nothing more than rowdy slacker in High School and he hadn't changed much since. Mike cocks his head to the other side thoroughly enjoying her stooped over search for the dust pan.
"Yeah" she says clearing her throat I get it but, let me ask you something?" She says turning back towards him and handing him the pan trying to avoid the teasing, knowing grin on his face.
"Are you going to spend the rest of your life working temp jobs and getting into bar fights?" She says sharply trying to shatter the stupid grin playing on his lips. He steps closer making her step back. She looks past him trying to see away out which didn't involve close contact with him only makes him chuckle harder enjoying the affect he was having on her.
"As a matter of fact no, I have a job starting tomorrow working at my brother new company." Desiree throws her head back and laughs.
"Doing what maintenance? From what my brother's told us it some high tech computer company not a bar!" She laughs again. He laughs with her shaking his head. Michael steps closer leaning so close she could feel the heat coming from and the energy flow between them like lightning through a rod making her feel almost breathless as he whispers.
"I don't think it would matter what I did. You'd still want me if I dug ditches all day and came home covered in mud and you know it." He smiles enjoying the the wide eyed shocked expression on her face. He reaches out and pulls her into his arms and kisses her letting loose all the desire he'd built up thinking about her in that kiss. Desiree body instantly responds even though her mind protested it she had no control on their own her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer as her lips opened to his. His kiss fills her with a sense of longing and urgent need as she yields to his touch. Then he releases her just as abruptly.
"I'll see you later" He smirks picking up the dust pan and broom and walking back to the bar.
"Desi are you okay honey, you look a little flushed?" Her mother's voice pierces through her memory?"
"I'm fine Mom it's just a little warm in here." She says reaching for her glass of water hoping they'd all forgotten what they were discussing before grace and she could avoid the topic of Mike Van Dorn.

"Harbinger Falls" Copyright 2014

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